• Breaking News

    Monday, December 7, 2020

    League of Legends Support dives ADC at minute 33, takes 5 turret shots and wins 1v1.

    League of Legends Support dives ADC at minute 33, takes 5 turret shots and wins 1v1.

    Support dives ADC at minute 33, takes 5 turret shots and wins 1v1.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:51 AM PST

    Nemesis insane Aurelion Sol outplay

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Hook mania

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 03:21 AM PST

    A surprising League reference is in Assassin's Creed Valhalla

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:52 AM PST


    I think it's pretty swell that a triple A game and franchise like Assassin's Creed makes a short but sweet reference to League of Legends. Eivor, the protagonist, briefly mentions a strong female warrior who rode a boar in battle and that she named it "Bristle-bold." It's obvious that the protagonist is likely referring to Sejuani. It kinda does make sense since Sejuani's design is heavily inspired by an actual historical figure from the Roman Empire called Sejanus. She wouldn't be out of place in the world of Valhalla if we think about it.

    I've been a fan of the franchise since I've played AC2 so this really puts a smile on my face.

    (PS: The writer and narrative designer actually confirmed this. The link of the writer's tweet is https://twitter.com/smnthawbb/status/1335921384493637633?s=19)

    Edit 2: Clarified Sejuani's correct inspiration of her champion design.

    submitted by /u/dathotdestroyer
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    CoreJJ transcends above human level

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:10 PM PST

    Reviewing Taliyah: Why League's most unpopular champ is just that (and likely to stay that way)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:41 AM PST

    It's been almost impossible to miss, but in case you did, there has recently been a relatively large number of posts about Taliyah being a dead champ or ignored by riot.

    I think that while some of these posts are valid, the whole #JusticeForTaliyah meme going around on her and other subreddits is both counterproductive and factually untrue. Taliyah is unpopular, but, outside the jungle role, not outsizedly weak, and her lack of popularity + the recent drop is due to different factors than champion balance.

    In this post I'd like to look at the following:

    1. Why is Taliyah unpopular?
    2. Current Issues
    3. Should Riot buff Taliyah?
    4. Are there other changes that could improve her playrate?

    I will mostly focus on jungle Taliyah, but some of this is applicable to her in other roles as well. As for me, I'm a Taliyah main that's hovered around Diamond since S4, onetricking her since release, and currently have 850k points on my main account.

    1. First of all, why is Taliyah unpopular?

    Taliyah has been an unpopular champ since release. Even in her heyday, she never broke more than a few percents pickrate, only seeing real popularity in proplay, where she had a 57% presence throughout S8. Generally the lower the elo, the less popular Taliyah is. The reasons for this are, in my opinion:

    • Clunkiness:
      • Taliyah uses vector targetting for arguably her most key spell, her W. For many players, especially in lower elos, this can be an immediate turnoff.
      • Taliyah has no real way of dealing with an enemy inside a minion wave. Without AoE it can take several Q's to tear through a minionwave, and the way W+E works, the minions can absorb a large part of a combo.
      • Part of the above, but a minor point: comboing several people with W+E often only signicantly damages the first enemy, as the E mines are gone when the next person would trigger them.
      • Taliyah has some of the highest mana costs in the game, on par with Xerath's, but lacks a way to regain mana outside runes/items.
    • Worked Ground (WG): Arguably, I could put this under clunkiness but I think it deserves its own point. Worked Ground is (in my personal opinion) great champion design, but suffers from a legacy problem. WG forces Taliyah players to keep moving in order to gain maximum damage output, and allows her to have the ridiculous damage she has on a full Q. In the jungle, WG is generally a minor point outside teamfights, where it can be awkward. In the midlane, this is a major stumbling block for new Taliyah players, as they often over-use WG and end up asphyxiating themselves. Riot has tried to fix this by significantly lowering the cooldown of WG. In order to this however, they had to remove the movement speed buff she gained on WG, which leads into my next point.
    • Susceptibleness:
      • Between her passive only working out of combat, her ult being cancelled by damage and no longer gaining MS on WG, Taliyah is very easily overextended, as her E slow is weak early game, and W is a very delayed skill.
      • Taliyah's cooldowns are long early game (14s on W, 12s on E) and she needs to use her skills to clear waves/camps quickly. This makes it easier for someone invading her/ganking her to catch her "pants down". Not to mention the significant mana investment
      • Aside from Q, Taliyah's skills are midrange at best, and optimal use of W in a combo sees her using her self-peel skill to bring enemies to her. If she misjudges her damage, she's on full cooldowns with the enemy champ right on top of her, and unlike Ryze or Vlad or other midrange mages, she has no healing/MS buffs to help her get out.
      • Taliyah has relatively little agency, as she does not have reliable movement abilities or CC.
      • Taliyah has very low base armor (20) and medium health.
    • Feast or Famine-ness:
      • Between mana issues, big reliance on AP-scaling and oneshot-or-get-oneshot playstyle, Taliyah is very feast or famine. A new player will often pick up Taliyah, fail an early gank, and spend the rest of the game irreparably behind.
      • At the same time, almost everyone has a story of a Taliyah picking up a random triple kill early game and proceeding to oneshot you with her 2s cd Q for the rest of it.
      • W as a skill is slow and telegraphed, and once flashed leaves Taliyah generally at the mercy at the enemy champion. At the same time, if it hits people generally take a large chunk of damage.

    2. Current Issues

    Taliyah currently sports the lowest overall pickrate in the game, sitting at a cumulative pickrate across all roles of 0.85% in plat+. In the jungle role, she is one of the game's worst performers, sitting at a 43% winrate and losing a third of her playerbase. Meanwhile, in the midlane she's performing quite well, sitting at 52% winrate (55% winrate according to Riot August). In support she's doing even better, approaching 53% winrate. Both of these numbers are at very low pickrates, but it is clear that Taliyah mainly struggles in the jungle.

    It has to be mentioned that Taliyah is not necessarily a onetrick-champion (which would make these higher mid/support winrates a lesser issue) but is played about equally by onetricks and non-onetricks.

    In response to these numbers, several buffs were put on the PBE earlier, but 2 (increased armor, reduced Worked Ground area) out of these 3 were pulled, leaving only increased damage to monsters. First of all, my thesis is that this a good buff, and that all the others are unnecessary unless jungle Taliyah is still unplayable after this. For now, let's look at what made Taliyah drop in winrate.

    At risk of stating the obvious, item changes hurt Taliyah jungle more than most other champs. Specifically, the removal of Runic Echoes harmed her, and most AP junglers. A great example here is Ekko, who dropped 5% in the jungle as he gained 3-4% winrate in mid, with exactly the same build and items. Once you get in game, you realize that the issues are clearing and mana. Taliyah always struggled to clear camps pre-echoes, and because that one item spike is now further away, she has a longer period where her clears are crippled. At the same time, the one item spike is weaker, at least in terms of mana and clearing. Whichever first item Taliyah goes, she no longer gains mana from hitting jungle camps, and she lacks the 250% bonus damage on ludens proc vs monsters.

    So what does the buff do? The buff is a revert of an old nerf to Taliyah jungle. It removes the damage dropoff of hitting multiple Q stones on a monster. In practice, this moves Taliyah's Q from a 210-510+1.35 to a 350-850+2.25 damage spell to monsters, a very sizeable buff. Improving her damage like this does two things to her clear: It speeds it up, and makes it cheaper. Looking back at what part of her jungling was hit, this seems like a great buff.

    NB: I haven't played her on PBE, so this is speculation. The numbers might be over/undertuned, but the general direction seems good.

    3. Should Riot Buff Taliyah?

    When it comes to jungle Taliyah, yes. Definitely. As I've outlined above, the currently proposed buff is a great way to buff jungle Taliyah specifically.

    As to a more general buff, I would argue against it. If we look back at the reasons why Taliyah is unpopular, the vast majority of them are systemic issues. Neither during S8, when she had a 57% pro presence, or during the patch in S7 where she was busted and had a 65% winrate, she never broke 10% pickrate. And she's become more clunky since, with single target Q (and debatably the WG changes). As such, real numbers buffs would put her in a "I don't want to play her but she's freelo" status, which also comes with weird issues like when Asol was busted but still unpopular.

    Meanwhile, systemic changes would be a whole different ballgame, and I'd rather not have riot rework my main, but I'll take a stab at some suggestions below.

    4. Are there other changes that could improve her playrate?

    In the past, I've suggested smaller buffs. I still agree with most of them, as I think they would lead to improved pickrates, but I concede that most of them would need accompanying nerfs. Changes that could fix some of her player experience without being a significant buff are:

    • Q-Edge: A "recent" bugfix (where you could cast a full Q for 1 mana) was fixed by making the game always cast a single rock when you were moving across the edge of the circle. This feels incredibly shit. I would like to see a change where it then maybe overlaps the circles a little much, but it opts to cast a full Q where possible, as this is generally what people are looking to do.
    • When comboing multiple people with E+W it is an utter crapshoot who gets hit by E and who doesn't, as when one person gets hit by an E mine, it doesn't affect the person behind them (except when they're close enough) and sometimes their position next to each other means the person behind still gets hit by some mines that missed the other guy, but not the full combo. Make it so that mines last ~0.2 seconds after their initial explosion so they hit everyone that gets combo'd.

    Other changes that might positively affect her player experience are W hitbox clarification or the interaction between her ult and dots (it's great when you try to ult 6 seconds after brand hit you, but between his passive and liandries you still get knocked off, and then we're not even talking about those times you accidentally ult past someone rocking a sunfire).

    Closing thoughts

    I don't think any of the changes I have proposed would massively increase her playrate.As I've tried to show, the champ has never been a numbers issue, but instead an amalgamation of factors that make a champion unpopular stacked on a single champ.

    Looking at large changes that would see accompanying nerfs, I would suggest mana changes, some kind of survivability boost after using W+E, returning MS to WG, and a way to deal with enemies inside a minion wave. I am not a game designer however, so I will leave those details to the guys at Riot that get paid.

    I've tried to cite most of the bigger statements, but if you feel there's anything I need to clarify let me know.

    Edit: @Midbeast no ur the nerd. Actually read my post next time.

    submitted by /u/Sagarmatra
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    Best Skin per Champion

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:49 AM PST

    2020 is almost over and after the polls of 2018 and 2019 I tried to list all the skins/champions for this year. Have fun voting for your favorite skins per champion!

    (Let me know if you find any missing skins for any champion, I already inserted the 2020 Elderwood Skinline as well as the Battle Queens and Rell)

    Aatrox: Strawpoll

    Ahri: Strawpoll

    Akali: Strawpoll

    Alistar: Strawpoll

    Amumu: Strawpoll

    Anivia: Strawpoll

    Annie: Strawpoll

    Aphelios: Strawpoll

    Ashe: Strawpoll

    Aurelion Sol: Strawpoll

    Azir: Strawpoll

    Bard: Strawpoll

    Blitzcrank: Strawpoll

    Brand: Strawpoll

    Braum: Strawpoll

    Caitlyn: Strawpoll

    Camille: Strawpoll

    Cassiopeia: Strawpoll


    Corki: Strawpoll

    Darius: Strawpoll

    Diana: Strawpoll

    Dr. Mundo: Strawpoll

    Draven: Strawpoll

    Ekko: Strawpoll

    Elise: Strawpoll

    Evelynn: Strawpoll

    Ezreal: Strawpoll

    Fiddlesticks: Strawpoll

    Fiora: Strawpoll

    Fizz: Strawpoll

    Galio: Strawpoll

    Gangplank: Strawpoll

    Garen: Strawpoll

    Gnar: Strawpoll

    Gragas: Strawpoll

    Graves: Strawpoll

    Hecarim: Strawpoll

    Heimerdinger: Strawpoll

    Illaoi: Strawpoll

    Irelia: Strawpoll

    Ivern: Strawpoll

    Janna: Strawpoll

    Jarvan IV: Strawpoll

    Jax: Strawpoll

    Jayce: Strawpoll

    Jhin: Strawpoll

    Jinx: Strawpoll

    Kai'sa: Strawpoll

    Kalista: Strawpoll

    Karma: Strawpoll

    Karthus: Strawpoll

    Kassadin: Strawpoll

    Katarina: Strawpoll

    Kayle: Strawpoll

    Kayn: Strawpoll

    Kennen: Strawpoll

    Kha'Zix: Strawpoll

    Kindred: Strawpoll

    Kled: Strawpoll

    Kog'Maw: Strawpoll

    LeBlanc: Strawpoll

    Lee Sin: Strawpoll

    Leona: Strawpoll

    Lillia: Strawpoll

    Lissandra: Strawpoll

    Lucian: Strawpoll

    Lulu: Strawpoll

    Lux: Strawpoll

    Malphite: Strawpoll

    Malzahar: Strawpoll

    Maokai: Strawpoll

    Master Yi: Strawpoll

    Miss Fortune: Strawpoll

    Mordekaiser: Strawpoll

    Morgana: Strawpoll

    Nami: Strawpoll

    Nasus: Strawpoll

    Nautilus: Strawpoll

    Neeko: Strawpoll

    Nidalee: Strawpoll

    Nocturne: Strawpoll

    Nunu & Willump: Strawpoll

    Olaf: Strawpoll

    Orianna: Strawpoll

    Ornn: Strawpoll

    Pantheon: Strawpoll

    Poppy: Strawpoll

    Pyke: Strawpoll

    Qiyana: Strawpoll

    Quinn: Strawpoll

    Rakan: Strawpoll

    Rammus: Strawpoll

    Rek'Sai: Strawpoll

    Rell: Strwpoll

    Renekton: Strawpoll

    Rengar: Strawpoll

    Riven: Strawpoll

    Rumble: Strawpoll

    Ryze: Strawpoll

    Samira: Strawpoll

    Sejuani: Strawpoll

    Senna: Strawpoll

    Seraphine: Strawpoll

    Sett: Strawpoll

    Shaco: Strawpoll

    Shen: Strawpoll

    Shyvana: Strawpoll

    Singed: Strawpoll

    Sion: Strawpoll

    Sivir: Strawpoll

    Skarner: Strawpoll

    Sona: Strawpoll

    Soraka: Strawpoll

    Swain: Strawpoll

    Sylas: Strawpoll

    Syndra: Strawpoll

    Tahm Kench: Strawpoll

    Taliyah: Strawpoll

    Talon: Strawpoll

    Taric: Strawpoll

    Teemo: Strawpoll

    Thresh: Strawpoll

    Tristana: Strawpoll

    Trundle: Strawpoll

    Tryndamere: Strawpoll

    Twisted Fate: Strawpoll

    Twitch: Strawpoll

    Udyr: Strawpoll

    Urgot: Strawpoll

    Varus: Strawpoll

    Vayne: Strawpoll

    Veigar: Strawpoll

    Vel'Koz: Strawpoll

    Vi: Strawpoll

    Viktor: Strawpoll

    Vladimir: Strawpoll

    Volibear: Strawpoll

    Warwick: Strawpoll

    Wukong: Strawpoll

    Xayah: Strawpoll

    Xerath: Strawpoll

    Xin Zhao: Strawpoll

    Yasuo: Strawpoll

    Yone: Strawpoll

    Yorick: Strawpoll

    Yuumi: Strawpoll

    Zac: Strawpoll

    Zed: Strawpoll

    Ziggs: Strawpoll

    Zilean: Strawpoll

    Zoe: Strawpoll

    Zyra: Strawpoll

    Thanks to Riot Games, Leagueoflegends Fandom and Surrender@20 for the Information

    submitted by /u/esteticss
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    Mark Yetter Tweets Infographic About Mythic Diversity Across Classes (Also more Sunfire nerfs)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Mark Yetter Tweets Infographic About Mythic Diversity Across Classes (Also more Sunfire nerfs)

    Source: https://twitter.com/MarkYetter/status/1336065324957855745

    Strategic choice is a core preseason goal, so we're evaluating build diversity across classes and champions. The 10.24 landscape looks like this for Mythics:

    -A promising start, more adjustments will make it better

    -Immediate adjustments for tanks with Sunfire so dominant


    Personal thoughts (feel free to skip them over, I'm just adding them for filler and discussion):

    • AP Assassins seem to have their goal well accomplished of having many, new viable mythics to choose from with 4 Mythics being popular. AP Bruisers not being included in this infographic is disappointing though. Nonetheless, this seems like a success for a class that originally had very little to choose from.
    • AD Assassins also seem to have a good diversity of Mythic items with the only outlier being Duskblade, which is unsurprising considering how much of a staple it has been before. I am not exactly sure if it requires nerfs because honestly it doesn't feel too bad to wield or face (if anything it feels like Prowler's needs some tuning). I'm curious as to who runs Trinity though.
    • Enchanters have the 2nd worst mythic diversity out of the lot and require some attention. For the most part, they only have 2 viable mythics with Shurelya not being close to an option (unless you're Rakan). Taking a closer look at Enchanter champions, most champions are hard locked into one mythic option depending on if they have consistent CC or not: Imperial Mandate (e.g. Janna) or Moonstone Renewer (e.g. Sona). There needs to be more effort in making other mythics viable to enchanters, such as gating Mandate with a cooldown for more damage or allowing Moonstone to proc on shielding even if not in combat for a less substantial heal. In a dream, Athene's passive would be added as a new mythic.
    • Fighters unsurprisingly have a large, diverse roster of mythics, noticeably lacking Stridebreaker in its options, meaning it could require some buffs. The inclusion of Immortal Shieldbow is curious and brings up the question of what champions are considered what classes (e.g. is Samira for some reason in Fighter). Additionally, Goredrinker seems to take up a fairly large portion, likely due to Kayn's popularity. This brings up the question if the data is skewed due to some champions being more popular than others (e.g. see Eclipse in Marksman).
    • Mages like their Assassin counterpart also seem to have a good variety of mythics. That being said, Everfrost's pickrate seems abysmal and needs harsher buffs. It fails as a CC setup, is too risky as a CC extender, and is ironically too slow to be a disengage tool. Either its active's range or speed needs to be increased. Having Kindlegem in its recipe would also be helpful.
    • Marksman surprisingly seems Kraken Slayer being more popular than Shieldbow, contrary to popular belief. However, looking at the champions individually, I suspect that has to do more with Kraken Slayer being a must-have on some champions (e.g. Kai'sa and Vayne) while Shieldbow is more of an option. Still, from a purely outsider's glance, the ADC mythic diversity seems okay, again close inspection of diversity within ADC champions individually signal more work. The large portion of the assassin mythic Eclipse (likely to Jhin's overwhelmingly high pickrate) taking up the diversity is concerning, signaling that Crit still needs to be looked at. Galeforce also has a miniscule pickrate, so hopefully that 60s active buff will push it to be a viable option, especially for Jhin.
    • Tanks have the worst mythic diversity hands down with Sunfire Aegis being overwhelmingly popular among solo tanks and Locket of the Iron Solari being pretty much the only viable support Tank mythic (unless you have the extra gold for Sunfire); this requires the most attention. Shurelya again is not even an option because it has no AP for enchanters and no armor for Tanks, being in this weird spot where it provides suboptimal mana regen for enchanters and just health for Support Tanks. Although Sunfire does seem like it requires exceptional tuning, I'd argue that Frostfire Gauntlet and Turbo Chemtank does not require the nerfs they are getting and will push against Tank mythic diversity. As for supports, either Shurelya needs to be more focused on being an item for Tanks or Enchanters. Additionally, a new Support tank mythic, perhaps one that focuses on peeling on champion in particular rather than many, is likely needed, but again in a dream.
    submitted by /u/HS_Cogito_Ergo_Sum
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    Dignitas promote Academy ADC Neo to their starting LCS roster

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:09 PM PST


    He made his mark in Dignitas Academy and now it's time for this young talent to step into the big leagues.

    Welcome @ukpneo (https://twitter.com/ukpneo) as our starting ADC for the #LCS 2021 season!

    submitted by /u/SophisticatedSloth
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    Just another Taliyah main here getting rockblocked by two casterminions...

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 08:05 AM PST

    How to use Teleport to Help you Climb - Why Tele is better than Ignite 90% of the time.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:26 PM PST

    Hey guys! I wasn't able to post my "Sunday Quickie" this week so we are a day behind and just rolling with the Monday Quickie.

    This week I'm going over how Teleport is the far superior summoner spell in comparison to ignite (unless you are an Assassin that heavily relies on early game kills).

    Video Format of first two points:



    1. When in lane against an opponent that has ignite - Being able to pressure the opponent take even trades (both of you doing same damage to eachother) to the point where you both need to back will allow you to be at an advantage. Bonus points if you are able to bait out their ignite. Whenever you do this, you are able to

    - A. Shove wave and back+tele before they are able to back (because they're at risk to losing shoved cs). This will put you at a big item advantage/health advantage and be much stronger than the opponent in lane until they back. If they choose to back then you will be able to shove minions into their tower and deny them the CS/Experience which will increase your lead.

    ---- I usually try to pull this off as you are usually able to smother the enemy laner and keep them from backing causing them to lose substantial cs.

    -B. You both back/grab items - and you are able to tele to lane + shove before the enemy gets back putting you at a CS and experience advantage.

    1. Using teleport more defensively - Say you are just getting wrecked in lane early game and you are forced to back. Having the option to back + grab an item and tele back to lane will put you back in the game against the opponent. What I usually try to do is back + tele to lane and shove a wave and back before the enemy laner gets back. This will allow you to potentially grab another item and deny the enemy laner CS + Experience and put you ahead just with proper macro.

    2. You can also use tele to pressure objectives - Whenever Baron/Dragon is about to come up, you want to be on the opposite side of the map with your teleport. The enemy team is going to want to be close to the upcoming objective and not you. This gives you and your team an advantage. Being able to hard split bot while baron is being prepped will put a lot of pressure on the enemy team. They're going to have to decide whether to send 1 or 2 (2 if you're really fed) people to match you. If they send people to match then you could either tele to baron and give your team an advantage from sheer numbers or you could keep shoving and draw as much pressure as possible so your team can pressure baron.

    I know that there are a TON of different ways to use teleport, but these are just a few that really help me out and have helped friends out in the past. Hopefully it can help you too!

    Let me know if you have any feedback or any additions to my points.

    Much Love


    submitted by /u/ACslunt
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    Bevvies With The Boys | Ep. 10 w/ YamatoCannon and TolkiCasts - Fnatic's 2021 coaching staff

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Executioners calling healing reduction stats should carry over to Chempunk Chainsword

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:44 AM PST

    It's not a big deal but I like seeing how effective my items are being. When I had 2k healing reduction at exe and upgrade to chempunk imo it should carry over instead of start at 0. I don't know if it behaves the same way with morellonomicon and mortal reminder.

    submitted by /u/norwegian_neighbour
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    Here is why Taric should now be considered a top laner. Prove me otherwise

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:08 AM PST

    zilean, dash bomb combo.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:40 PM PST

    Kayn is such a load of chuff right now

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:45 PM PST

    Been trying to get back into drawing, I drew Zac in the style of Dr. Seuss' the Grinch

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 03:30 PM PST

    Haven't really enjoyed drawing in the past 7 or so years but my bf got me an iPad so I can try to get back into it. Decided the best way to practice is to try and draw champs, Zac was the "simplest" champ I could think of. I tried to do it in the style of Dr.Seuss but not sure if that worked out.

    Please enjoy my drawing, he's coming for your camps.

    submitted by /u/Y_E_E_Z_Y
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    I'll draw your favorite champion from memory for you

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 01:06 PM PST

    I dont know what to draw so tell me your favorite champion and i'll draw them from memory with a 3 minute time constraint to make it interesting!

    :edit: I'll be honest the 3 minute thing has kinda gone out the window

    :edit 2: Thank you everyone for the nice words and suggestions this caught more traction than i anticipated so im sorry I couldn't draw every request, But im tired now so thats it folks! I'll have to do this again sometime it was fun!

    submitted by /u/Pandaguypat
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    Watchful Wardstone level requirement should be lowered or reworked

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 04:52 AM PST

    I get that having extra totems early will make ganks and roams harder and probably will have a big effect on pro-play but currently there's no reason to pay 2300 gold for an item that gives 25 haste at that late into the game.

    If the level requirement were lowered to 10 then the support most likely completed their main item, boots and could save up 1100 to buy the wardstone.

    or atleast stirring wardstone should be removed and watchful should evolve into Vigilant Wardstone after the totem numbers met.

    Vigilant Wardstone gives one of the highest ability haste in the game but since it requires putting totems only supports would build it anyway and since you get no defensive or offensive stats currently its only feels useful on zilean and janna if you're really ahead.

    submitted by /u/Pm_Me_lol_Armpits
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    Rell Armor redesign, Now with an helmet!!! (kind of....)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:17 PM PST

    Rell Armor redesign, Now with an helmet!!! (kind of....)

    I love Rells concept and i like her design while mounted, the horse its pretty cool! but i was really unimpressed with the armor design since the fauld looks like a pair of really wide pants from above and she has no helmet. The armor is also of a really weird greenish grey that i don't like.

    So i started looking into the concept art of the characters and i took the "pieces" that matched togheter in the best way possible.

    her colour is more of a warm gray and the spear is made from a twisted piece of metal to show how she can control it at will.

    The helmet is made with the frontal mask of the horse and since it was too big for her face the side parts detach to become levitating pauldrons.

    And finally the fauld is shorter but it still is bulky (maybe i should have made it even bulkier to compensate...)

    Im not as tecnically skilled as the illustrators that painted her concepts but i hope you guys like it, please let me know what you think.

    You can find more of my personal work on instagram under the same name if you are interested.


    submitted by /u/Akantorsuka
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    CaptainFlowers crazy freestyling while casting

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 08:00 PM PST

    Is Jankkles a thing?! | Jankos x Rekkles Stream Highlights

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:13 AM PST

    Let's predict ADCs in S11

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:47 PM PST

    Riot will ignore the fact that crit deals no damage for 80% of the game and continue to buff everything but crit like they're doing now with the price decreases. The crit champs will continue to deal NPS (Nothing per second), while champs that don't rely on crit will just feel even better.

    They'll also keep nerfing strong picks like Jhin or Vayne (when she rises because of the price drops) under the guise that they "crowd out other options", because those "other options" would definitely be hard carrying games if it weren't for OP anomalies like Jhin oppressing them. :)

    As a result, the only viable ADCs will end up sucking too and the bottom feeders winrates will slowly start to squeak upwards towards 50% by default. Riot will see this and dust off their hands and say:

    "Nice work guys, time to rework Ryze!" To the thunderous applause of non ADC players everywhere.

    Now I implore you, crit marksmen of all ranks and sizes that when this happens (Cause it almost certainly will lol), vow to rally together and boycott the hell out of this role and all queue midlane. The influx of players to the already popular mid should be so great that everyone will be auto-filled botlane. Then everyone will complain when they realize just how trash it is.

    And finally, Riot will be forced to sit down for more than 10 minutes and actually fix crit.

    submitted by /u/TrappedInIronVoid
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    Spawn reveals he already planned to join TL before the dissolution of OCE, his conversations with Quickshot about joining LEC, and what he hopes to accomplish developing NA talent

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 11:47 AM PST

    FYI: Snowdown Skins are back in the shop

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 03:50 AM PST

    no announcement, not news on the client hompeage, neither on the frontpage of the store

    guess christmas is officially dead for riot when they drop all the returning christmas skins just like that. Sadge

    submitted by /u/PandaWorgenVulpera
    [link] [comments]

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