LoL Guide You can dodge Lillia's and Zoe's sleeps if you use an unstoppable ability |
- You can dodge Lillia's and Zoe's sleeps if you use an unstoppable ability
- Caitlyn E
- As a supp, what's the best tank to pick when the rest of your team goes all damage?
- Full clear or target buffs with nocturne?
- When should I start worrying about runes
- How can I maximize my farm after 20 minutes?
- Can someone help me with roaming + warding as a support?
- When to take exhaust over ignite on support?
- How can I stop a yi from getting fed
- When should you buy boots?
- How do I play nidalee
- Having trouble fighting in the first few minutes of the game..
- What am I supposed to actually do as an ADC?
- Suitable reaction when laner roams
- How to beat Vayne and Jhin as a support
- Should I Build Manamune with Crit Kai’Sa?
- What are item timings I should look out for?
- Can anyone help me with my evelynn clear
- How to play against Seraphine and an other question [Question]
- How do you kite/stutter step when you have high attack speed/late in the game?
- When is Lich Bane good?
- I’m really good at ARAM... awful in normal, any advice for the transition?
You can dodge Lillia's and Zoe's sleeps if you use an unstoppable ability Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:03 PM PST This may or may not be common knowledge but if you use an ability that makes you unstoppable near the end of the drowsy effect, you will not fall asleep. Examples of abilities that make you unstoppable are Hecarim's R, Malphite's R, Ornn's W, Rek'Sai's R, Warwick's R, Olaf's R, etc. The ones that show "Unstoppable" above the health bar. Most of these are ultimates, so I suggest only using those if you absolutely do not want to take the sleep effect. The full list of immunities can be seen on the wiki page. If you want to see this interaction in-game, click here. Nonetheless, just wanted to let in on some information towards countering Lillia and Zoe. We all know how frustrating it is to play against Zoe. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:17 PM PST For most of the dash abilities(ex Lucian graves e, Leblanc w, etc), if you cast it at about the same time as you got hit by a cc ability that doesn't cause your character to be displaced ( Morgana and Lux binding, yuumi ult), you still complete the dashes. However in the case of cailtlyn 90 caliber net, it has happened so many times that my e dash got cancelled by an Alistar E auto attack, amumu Q, and Brand aflamed Q hit, but none of these abilities specified they stop movement ability in their tooltips. Was this a justified interaction between 90caliber net and cc ability ? [link] [comments] |
As a supp, what's the best tank to pick when the rest of your team goes all damage? Posted: 25 Dec 2020 06:59 AM PST Basically, title. I'm an OTP Sona who reached Gold 2 last season. She works like 90% of the time, but when my team goes all damage and there's no defined front line it's a nightmare, everyone tries to go behind someone else and so I can't play properly that game. I've tried using Leona and Naut when there's no tank, but they don't feel tanky enough, they kind of feel more like an off tank? I'm not sure, I've thought of Alistar because when I've played against him he tanks a creap load of damage even if he's a sup, so maybe he's the answer? Or are there better options? tl;dr: Sona OTP wants to learn a tank he can use when the rest of the team goes all damage. [link] [comments] |
Full clear or target buffs with nocturne? Posted: 25 Dec 2020 01:50 PM PST I watch a lot of nocturne guides in my free time and one common theme I notice is that many streamers choose to full clear one section of the jungle before moving on to the next. I feel like nocturne is extremely powerful with both buffs so I always go red->raptors->blue. Should I full clear or target buffs first when going against another assassin jungler? [link] [comments] |
When should I start worrying about runes Posted: 25 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST I've been playing for a few months I'm and I'm the beginning people told me not to worry about runes but it seems to me that there actually quite important like if you had triumphant you could e lived here or if you had electrocute instead you could've gotten this kill.runes actually seem to make a difference. 1.when should I start worrying about runes? do I know what runes go well with who? 3.are runes more based on your play style then the characther ? [link] [comments] |
How can I maximize my farm after 20 minutes? Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:36 AM PST So I've been trying to pick up mid lane for a bit, and before anything else like trading, I'm trying to focus on wave management and maximizing my last hits. I play AP mages and my last hitting still isn't great, so I usually end with 50-70 CS at the 10-minute mark of the game depending on matchup and how well I've managed the wave while occasionally trading. Around 20 minutes, I usually have between 120 CS in bad lanes to 150 in good lanes and come out even with no kills on either side. However, my average CS ultimately ends up being around 5.5/min as games progress and I'm unsure how to improve it. Most games go into an NARAM around the 20 minute mark, so I'll often split to a side lane if I expect no fighting will occur and no objectives (like drag) are up to be taken. However, more often than not, I miss CS in the time I'm making the decision to do this rotation, and I also often can't safely walk up to farm because the wave is pushing and beyond our vision/a safe position. Adding to this is other laners seeing me rotating and then also rotatig to the same lane to catch farm regardless of my pings. How should I alleviate these issues to farm better? Should I simply be taking jungle camps at that point, or would it put my jungler behind? [link] [comments] |
Can someone help me with roaming + warding as a support? Posted: 25 Dec 2020 02:29 PM PST Basically the title, I am a platinum 3 support main who plays mostly Janna, Leona, Thresh and Lulu, i can say that I'm pretty good but I have only two issues, roaming and warding. I don't roam as much as I think I should, and when I do my adc or I end up dying so I need some help on when should I roam? Where should the wave be in bot lane so I can roam? And stuff like that As for warding, I feel like I just put wards randomly on a map just so I can empty my support item and feel like I'm WaRdINg (they usually end up sweeped), plus I die to ganks often and i don't know when to ward, especially during laning phase (i feel like I'll leave my adc to ward and he'll die) and late game, i also have difficulties warding when my team is losing. So tips and advice would he very helpful, thank you so much. [link] [comments] |
When to take exhaust over ignite on support? Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:36 AM PST As a forever support main, I've been under the impression that you should only take exhaust on enchanters and even then only in lanes where you have very little kill potential, since ignite gives so much more kill pressure and with the abundance of healing in the game right now. So now I'm trying to think of situations outside of that that it may be useful to take exhaust. One scenario I was thinking of was vs Samira where exhausting her when she ults will decrease her damage which also decreases her healing. But even then, not having ignite for kills pre 6 seems bad. Would appreciate any advice or experiences with using exhaust. [link] [comments] |
How can I stop a yi from getting fed Posted: 24 Dec 2020 05:11 PM PST I am a top and mid main who plays mostly akali and something that I've realized a lot is that yi is hard carrying my games.every time the enemy team has a yi he farms the bot lane for like 10 kills and then there's nothing I can the game I was just in a was laning against a Cassiopeia 5-0.but the yi was 11-0-4 from ganking just bot the point it's hard for me to even contest him because one q is my life.why can I do to shut down the yi or just stop the bot lane from feeding him. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Dec 2020 01:33 AM PST So, I'm really new to League, I just started playing this month, and I'm really confused on the discrepancies between high ranked players' guides and suggestions on items. I went and checked builds and guides I could follow to get an idea for all the characters I found interesting and wanted to play. These admittedly ranged from Junglers like Kindred and Eve, to Mids like Akali and Kat, to Tops like Riven and Camille. But I noticed even within the same lane or even across different guides for the same champ, boots were inconsistent. As a general advise I've heard buying boots in between your first power item or right after is the right choice, but then I've seen Challenger Kat OTP players list them as like the 4th or even 5th item. Is that because those champs like Kat have mobility abilities to dodge stuff? But then, if it was, why do I see super high ranked Rivens also always get Lucidity (or whatever boots they get) after their first item, basically. She's super mobile, too, isn't she? Or is there another logic behind these? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:19 AM PST Okay so I'm a total nub and I decided to Learn jungle because I think it will improve my map awareness and just general game understanding, also as top irelia main, I want to understand what they are doing before flaming (lmao not actually). So I chose nidalee, cuz apparently she's good and high skill, I heard the second part my hinder my progress of actually jungling, and it probably will. Still I like high challenge champs, cuz I'm a no life in quarantine, might as well waste my time, I also have basically no experience jungling so... Ok the main issue here is I'm mainly gunna be in either bot games or just a really low Elo (I'm unranked, level 26) so a leash isn't normally gunna be an option, so what's a good path to take, or just general tips, cuz I need help, I died to chickens in a practice room 5x in a row lmao [link] [comments] |
Having trouble fighting in the first few minutes of the game.. Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:11 AM PST Finally settled on playing Tahm Kench and Darius toplane (I know, I'm scum), so I need to be able tobmake things happen early to solidify a lead. However, I run into the same problem in most games within the first few levels. If I let the enemy push, they have more minions and I get a lot of unnecessary damage which puts my hp either lower than it should be or outright kills me. If I get the minion advantage and push, they get away before I can really catch them and I can't do much under turret to them since Darius has no range and kench can't hit through minions. I know on both of those champs, it's important to get ahead early and snowball, but 9 times out of ten, I can't make anything happen. As long as I dont die, it's easy to throw myself at them as kench later when minion damage is less, but I struggle a lot more picking up later with Darius if I dont make plays super early. [link] [comments] |
What am I supposed to actually do as an ADC? Posted: 24 Dec 2020 11:54 PM PST I co wider myself an ADC main, but of recent I'm struggling to see what I'm actually doing. My best example was when I was Ezreal. I was 7/3, Muramana, Divine Sunderer, boots and most of rav hydra. I did a lot of damage I felt but struggled to kill people in teams even if I focused the support. At the end of the game I had the most damage at around 40-45K, far above my teammates. I don't know what my job is in team fights, last season this felt fine but even if I do the most damage I feel so useless in teams. Any and all advice on what a ADC should do would be great. Thank you in advance TL:DR; what is my job as an adc, fed or not fed [link] [comments] |
Suitable reaction when laner roams Posted: 25 Dec 2020 04:01 AM PST Example scenario: Akali VS Yone mid, Akali one kill and 10~cs lead, Yone has no kills, both fresh level 6 and backed once, both full HP. Yone roams bot after pushing wave to tower. After the appropriate pings for MIA and Danger, what should be done? Counter roam bot? Roam top instead? Or just push into tower for platings? I know all are suitable options but when should I consider what? My teammates who die from a roam sometimes flame me when I don't counter roam even if I do pings and get 2 platings/roam to opposite lane. Should I always follow my laner everywhere? I understand that the answer differs from champion to champion, from matchup to matchup. But regardless, what is the general rule of reaction when your lane opponent roams TL;DR Laner roam, what do [link] [comments] |
How to beat Vayne and Jhin as a support Posted: 24 Dec 2020 04:58 PM PST They both scale very well and do a ton a ton of damage in laning phase. Vayne specifically is super annoying since she can knock you back and dash making it hard to get a solid engage or catch, while also doing a lot of damage. Then just a few kills can snowball into a fed Vayne. Jhin just does a shit ton of damage while also having an ult that makes it impossible to stay in lane if you get below like 25% health. Usually play Morgana, nami, blitzcrank, or brand, any of those good? [link] [comments] |
Should I Build Manamune with Crit Kai’Sa? Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:52 AM PST I've recently been playing Kai'Sa a lot ( Second Skinned - NA Region ) and I've been getting fed almost all of my games but I've noticed a problem - I love Manamune but I am not sure if it's worth. I start a tear if I plan on going Manamune and building Manamune seems to lower my damage spike off my first item and I don't feel great until Kraken unless I am just ahead of the enemy laner. In a lot of my games I have supports who are really hard to cooperate with and the Manamune build path can feel like it weighs my ability to do damage down. On the other hand, Manamune has great late game power when I get Muramana upgrade and the mana it gives feels really great. I never build full On Hit Kai'Sa because it just... doesn't feel as good as full crit with the optional Manamune. I really am not sure if it's better to get that mana scaling item and was curious to hear others opinions in terms of "look at your support" "look at enemy bot lane" "what lane do you think will have priority" and of course how confident I am into the matchup. In a more confident match up I feel like Manamune would be a good choice but it also seems like a good choice in a farming matchup since it helps my late game carry potential. [link] [comments] |
What are item timings I should look out for? Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:41 PM PST I CS pretty well in lane so I can usually get a major component like quiver at 4:30-5:00, first full item at 11:00, and item+boots at 14:00. In lower elo people CS worse but get more kills, in higher elo people CS better but don't give away kills. Overall, when should I usually be expecting people to be hitting 1/2 item powerspikes? [link] [comments] |
Can anyone help me with my evelynn clear Posted: 25 Dec 2020 03:27 AM PST I cant seem to get it lower than 3:40, I think I lose alot of time and health in the blue jg but I have no idea how to clear and kite thise camps properly if anyone has time to take a look here is a streamable link to the clip of me doing the clear in 3:40 [link] [comments] |
How to play against Seraphine and an other question [Question] Posted: 25 Dec 2020 04:20 AM PST I am an adc main but I always struggle against seraphine. No matter what I end up loosing landing phase against her. As an example i was 30 cs ahead of draven and then they (sera, draven) double killed us (lucian, senna). Any tips? Second question: Farm or stay with team and get kills? That's the whole question should I prio farm or help my team even if that means loosing 20-30 cs? Thanks for the help in advance :) [link] [comments] |
How do you kite/stutter step when you have high attack speed/late in the game? Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:02 AM PST When i'm playing champs like Kai'sa and Miss Fortune late game, they have such a high attack speed and abilities that change it that I find it impossible to stutter step. For melee champs/early on, it's pretty easy since you know your attack speed and just keep that in your head between clicks, but when you attack multiple times a second and there's multiple targets, I find it super hard to do and usually just right click once then use abilities. I know there's an attack move command, but pressing A+left click is super clunky for me, and the option to make it so you only press A doesn't seem to target the nearest thing to the cursor which sucks (Still useful for backing up and auto-attacking though). [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Dec 2020 05:27 PM PST I am learning Viktor and I used to think Lich Bane is always good because you are auto attacking anyway for your Q and you have decent downtime between spells. But I had a game where I built Lich Bane, which delayed my Deathcap and Void Staff and I felt like I wasn't doing enough damage. I was 2nd on my team in damage, but I couldn't do any damage to tanks that built almost no magic resist. My question is, when to build Lich Bane, and are there situations where I should just skip it and go straight Deathcap or Void Staff? [link] [comments] |
I’m really good at ARAM... awful in normal, any advice for the transition? Posted: 25 Dec 2020 12:04 AM PST Really good at ARAM, my MMR is in the top 5% and I like team fighting. However I realized that I'm missing 90% of the skills for a normal game. I know nothing about wave management and somehow the minions take out half my health when I go for a quick trade. I'm pretty decent at CSing but much worse with mages and I've been practicing with the practice tool. Even when I do win lane I don't know what to do for objectives even though I know the "theory" of getting dragon or putting map pressure. Not sure how to learn. My biggest frustration is the level gap. ARAM has a certain level of parity for levels and general gold. I'm always surprised when the mid lane is 3 levels higher and even if I play well I'm just down in stats. [link] [comments] |
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