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    Wednesday, January 6, 2021

    LoL Guide How many Hex fragments can Viktor get on enemy's Spirit from Illaoi's E?

    LoL Guide How many Hex fragments can Viktor get on enemy's Spirit from Illaoi's E?

    How many Hex fragments can Viktor get on enemy's Spirit from Illaoi's E?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 05:58 AM PST


    When I played Viktor on Aram with an Illaoi on my team, my Hex fragments counter would increase by a lot whenever I'd deal the last hit on the Spirits she could get from the opposing team. Does killing a spirit count as an enemy kill towards the hex fragment counter, thus giving 25 stacks?

    Does this also work on enemy Leblanc's passive and other clones abilities?

    I tried to look for it but couldn't find my answer.

    submitted by /u/tonton_wundil
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    Is it necessary to build a mythical item early?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 06:13 AM PST

    Not building it first, is rather common on some champs, everyone who rushes Manamun. But I thinking about building it third or fourth. On kaisa, if I prefer ability evolves over item powerspike, not building one earlier could be an option.

    What do you think about mythical items building as third or fourth item?

    submitted by /u/akaBaum
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    Here are the most important things I learned last season in my climb from hardstuck plat to Masters (Helpful for all ranks)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 12:09 PM PST

    Hey everyone! I'm Bonks, I've been playing league since season 5 and up until this season the highest I had ever peaked was plat 1. I was hardstuck plat 4 for 3 months at the beginning of this season, but I decided to become a Zoe one trick, and a couple of weeks ago I hit masters for the first time.

    I decided to make a video talking about which parts of my game I focused on improving, how I improved them, and which concepts I think are the most important. The video is about Zoe, but the concepts I talk about still apply to most midlaners, particularly mages, so you still might find it useful even if you don't play her. It's less of a how to/guide, but more of a video that points you in the right direction if you're looking to improve as a midlaner.

    I think the video will be most useful to people who are looking to get better and either don't know where to start, or are stuck and feel lost on what to do next. Or maybe it will just be useless to everyone. Give it a watch and let me know what you think :D

    Here's the video

    My op.gg

    My tier graph

    This is my first time ever doing something like this, it took a lot of effort and it was pretty fun to make. Any feedback on what I said or the video in general is appreciated, and I would be happy to answer any questions! :)

    submitted by /u/Businesskong
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    Why does G2-Esports beat Korean teams easily, but falls to Chinese teams just as easily in marco.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 06:29 AM PST

    I have found this quite unusual, looking at G2 Esports from 2018 - present. G2 consistently are able to beat Korean teams such as SKT in 2019. They beat SKT in 2 BO5's (3-2 at MSI and 3 - 1 at worlds) whilst having a 2-0 head to head record against them in MSI groups. Also they managed to beat Damwon 3 - 1 in the same worlds and 3 - 0'ed GEN.G in 2020 worlds.

    Despite this G2 got absolutely smashed by Chinese teams like IG, FPX & Suning. G2 lost 3 - 0 IG at worlds 2018, yet Fnatic and KT Rolster were able to take 2 games off them. (FNC won a tie breaker with IG in groups, KT in a BO5). Six months later at MSI 2019, SKT took a game off IG in groups and Team Liquid beat IG in a BO5 (3-1). Yet G2 managed to beat both teams in a BO5, but still got 0-2'ed by IG. The we look at worlds 2019. FPX dropped games to J-Team and Splyce in groups, lost a game to FNC and IG in BO5, but FPX managed to 3-0 G2. G2 were much better than their fellow European teams. Yet they couldn't take a single game off FPX in a BO5.

    What I wanna know is, how is G2 able to consistently out macro the Korean teams, yet they lose to the Chinese teams.

    submitted by /u/SleepyLabrador
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    Irelia Combo Guide [Educational]

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 08:39 AM PST

    Hello Summoners,

    the new ranked season will start soon, today I have a Irelia Combo Guide for you. The Guide is seperated in 4 classes, from easy to intense, so there are combos for everyone, from beginner to main.

    I hope I can help you, to have a great start into the new season.

    To the guide: https://youtu.be/VITNBJhbvUM

    submitted by /u/IloveBass98
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    Wave management in D4+

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 03:05 AM PST

    Hello fellow summoners, I'm a diamond 4 top laner. I picked up top lane in season 10 and I've managed to climb to diamond with it. I've watched plenty of videos on how to improve and streamers to learn from them but I reached a point where youtube videos don't help anymore. I really want to try to improve my wave management more but I can't seem to find a good youtuber or streamer to watch and learn from him. Are there any streamers that are good at wave management and they explain what they are doing? if not , who are some good streamers that I could benefit from watching him?

    submitted by /u/TSM_Raven25
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    Why do I feel I'm 1v2 in botlane when my support picks yuumi?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 10:59 AM PST

    Her kit isn't as impressive, her heals and shield are too weak to support the adc, and everytime she ataches to the adc, I just feel myself with an overloaded kit (my champ kit + yuumi kit), and that when there are 2 enemy champions in bot lane (morg/ezreal or ashe/sona), not to mention that sona does outscale yuumi.

    Btw, I am a samira main, and usually, supports pick the wrong champions that doesn't synergise well with samira (for example mage supports and sustain supports are not effective with agressive adc's like samira and other champions), but theonly viable options are CC tanky supports for her.

    Yuumi barelly has any roots, but only has 1 that is her ultimate, but too weak comparing to Lux's vast abilities that has so many roots.

    Should I dodge or be afk in a game everytime someone picks a very bad support champion?

    submitted by /u/TheKamikazeMonkeys00
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    Doran Shield vs Doran sword

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 07:22 AM PST

    Does anyone have the math for these two items on when one is better than the other? I play top lane and shield just feels so much better than sword. Sustain is great on shield, if I lose a trade, its better than sword for sure and even when I win a trade, the sustain with it is still good but I'd like to see the math if possible.

    submitted by /u/jzhang172
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    Follow these steps for a awesome ranked journey in S11

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 08:17 AM PST

    We are almost ready for season 11 ranked journey. I wanted to help-out summoners in here who are struggling in ranked games. I hope these things will help you guys. So you can end your suffers. I recommend this post for players below diamond. (Don't recommend for completely beginners because some steps in here need experience with the time. But you can get an idea by reading this :D Completely cool if you are a new friendy here :) Go ahead and read...)

    Step 1

    There are so many player types in league. May be you play this game whole day. May be you play few hours or may be you play once in a while. If you are a player who is tired of trying to improve this game just do this step. Completely forget about this game for one day! Don't check your favorite LOL fan page in facebook. Don't check your bookmarked LOL websites. Don't watch any stream, youtube video or anything related to league. Just completely get yourself out from this game for a ONE DAY! Do some other things what make you mentally happy. Relax your mind. Don't even think about League of Legends on that day. Eat well. End of the day get a good sleep around 7-8 hours.

    Step 2

    Now you have relaxed mind and good energy in your body with the help of that good sleep. Sit comfortably. Turn on your computer. Open league client. (Don't look your match history or season stats) Go to the collection of your champs. Role down top to bottom. Now close your eyes and take a deep breath. Now think while close your eyes. Am I good at TOP,JGL,MID,ADC or SUP. Be honest to your self because this is where players misunderstand about themselves a lot. Don't think about your favorite streamer's role. Don't thinks about your high elo friend's role. Don't think about anyone you follow. What are YOU good at? Decide the role. I hope you decided your best role. Now you can select a secondary role as well. Choose it wisely. It must be your second best role. You must be honest to yourself in every single step if you really want to improve.

    Step 3

    Now open your web browser and search for the champion categories available for your main role and learn about them. For example TOP lane have Tanks, Juggernauts, Duelists...etc. Choose 3 champions you are most comfortable from those categories. Those 3 champions are for your main role. Don't choose them just by reading their potential or any other thing. You need to understand what kind of player you are before you choose your champions. I have a friend who played talon for almost a year but he was hard stuck in silver. He was an extremely passive player. He played Talon mid but never used that champion correctly because his play style didn't fit for the champ. He understood it and changed his champ to Veigar. Veigar was the perfect pick for his play style and now he is comfortably climbing the ladder. So, understand what kind of player you are and choose your champions. Don't pick Azir just because your favorite streamer Faker can do crazy things with him ;) You need to be YOU if you want to improve. Don't make decisions comparing your self to others. (Below high gold players, please pick easy champs as you can) choose maximum 2 champs for your secondary role as well and also 1 champ for each role left in case if you get auto filled. (Lot of guides teach players to dodge games. I think dodging games doesn't really matter in low elo because most of the times low elo teams have weird players anyways. Dodging help sometimes. But, I'm not recommending it here)

    Step 4

    Now you are a reborn summoner with your best role and best champs behind you. Learn everything about the role and champions you chose. Mechanics, combos, trading, warding, wave management, macro decisions,... everything as you can. Then jump into normal games and try all the things you learned. Play the champions you chose until you feel comfortable with them. In any case you don't feel comfortable with the champions you chose no matter how many games you play, just change them. But don't give up after 1,2 or few other games. Try them atleast certain amount of games. Don't mute chat in those normal games. Read all the flames and toxic things in chat but don't get mad. Just read those things and keep them in your mind. If you feel like this training is bullshit watch the LEGENDS NEVER DIE visual :) Your lovely champions showing you how hard it is to improve. But they never give up. Let the feeling run through your brain when those champions finally reaching their best level. That is the journey you are going to experience my friend :) Try! But in normal games :D

    Step 5

    Now you are a summoner with a role and some comfortable champs ready to go for ranked games. I told you to don't mute in your normal games. How was it? Can you control yourself with those toxic chats or can't you? If you can control yourself, keep the chat. If you can't don't think twice just mute it. You are going to improve. Mind burning is the biggest barrier for improve. JUST MUTE IT if you can't control yourself.

    Step 6

    Do your best no matter how hard you lose the lane or your team losing the game. Do your best specially in losing games. Keep a stable mental state. Go into games if you are ready to take defeats as same as victories. What I meant there was don't get mad because you lose 20 lp or something. You are here to improve. Victory gives you some lp. Defeat teaches you how to improve. That is why I told you to do your best specially in losing games. When you lose a game there are so many things come into your mind as reasons for that defeat. But, when you do your best there are only few things come up as reasons for that defeat. So your improving process takes less time if you do your best in every game. Time is the key here. You will learn things match by match. Day by day. Finally you will see you are really doing well in this game. That is the point where your climb begins. After that climb begins you are the driver in this ELO BUS. You should decide when where and how you are going to stop this journey :)

    Happy New Year! and Happy ranked journey summoners! x) <3

    submitted by /u/SirBlack404
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    Any websites that parse accounts for high winrates or onetricks?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 01:24 PM PST

    So before as an example, this site used to exist to find accounts that had a majority of 1 champion.


    I was wondering if there are any websites that parse out accounts similarly for high winrates and sorted by like ranks.

    I can browse for example league of graphs, but then I have to sort by winrate and look for diamond accounts and even then it can be flexq vs solo q ranks etc.

    I was wondering if there was any other websites where it's easier to parse out and find smurfs/ booster accounts for different champions to learn from.

    submitted by /u/MattWolfTV
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    I'm really struggling in the top lane

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 01:15 PM PST

    I'm a new player who has been playing since summer, and I usually play normals or Flex 5v5 with friends.

    It seems like every time I lane against someone I'm behind in CS, sometimes even 40 CS below the enemy. The only exceptions are when I play Garen, or when I play Nasus and manage to get a good freeze just out of tower range. Pantheon has also been pretty enjoyable nowadays.

    When I try to play Aatrox I just get bullied into tower range by guys like Wukong, Darius, Poppy, etc. It's pretty tilting.

    Is this a part of improving or should I just go back to playing support?

    submitted by /u/KhabibTheGreat
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    Train dives?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 09:00 AM PST

    Is there a way to train dives somewhere? I'm a Jungle main and I feel like there are times where I have to go for a dive but it doesn't work out most of the time and doesn't help my laner at all. So I wanted to know what I could do to become better at towerdiving.

    submitted by /u/danja386
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    What are some junglers who have weak 1 v 1 potential early game that a duelist/fighter could go and bother in their jungle?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 12:50 PM PST

    I'm a disgusting Tryndamere mid player, and I want to start being more aggressive in my games when it comes to the enemy jungler. I was given advice that when I shove a wave in and don't back that I should be doing something. Go mess with the enemy jungler, roam, make use of your free time. And one thing that I want to start doing is attacking the enemy jungler early game. Problem is I don't know what junglers are strong in a 1 v 1 and which aren't.

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    Best Course of Option when Jgler takes Random Fight over Scuttler

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 11:34 AM PST

    I was in a game playing Viktor vs Ekko, which already I've established a decent control of lane by bringing his HP down to 50%. Kindred then takes a random fight against Udyr for scuttle when I told him I'm OOM, and Ekko isn't because of Corrupting Potion. She dies, also because the enemy Rakan joined in river, and I can't do shit because I'm not an assassin that can do lots of burst damage, and I was OOM. Kindred later then tries to steal raptors when the mid lane was pushing towards me slightly, and then doesn't listen to pings and tries to fight, costing both Kindred and my life and Ekko gets a huge lead. I afk farmed and won the game because I was tilted, but this seems to be a general pattern, almost especially with my duo jg friend too (not this Kindred). Jglers taking fights over scuttle when they have no awareness of matchups or the state of the lanes frustrates me, and then ofc I get the blame because midlane is assassin meta, and Ekko starts roaming and all I can do is ping because if I chase, he'll camp a pixel bush and I die.

    So, what do I do other than to ping them off? Should I just shove the wave when I can?

    submitted by /u/collegiateactions
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    The Longer You Play This Game Incorrectly, The Harder It Is To Change.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 05:12 PM PST

    The point of this post is to help motivate you to keep on pushing for improvements in your game despite it sucking sometimes or seeming like you've run into an immovable object (you know those 4 heavy teammates you have, yeah--that immovably heavy).

    I'm not a coach, I'm not selling you anything I just have an interest in improving and this might help some of you realize why it can be so fucking hard to get better at this game sometimes. .

    The video below is about learning how to ride a bike. Not just any bike, but a bike that has a gear on the front fork which reverses whatever steering input you make. You turn the handlebars left, the wheel turns right and vice versa. This doesn't sound like it's anything that difficult to do, most of us have probably ridden a bike before and think that we just adjust how we steer knowing that it has this gear.

    SPOILER ALERT: Your brain doesn't work like that.

    The video is 7.5 minutes long, is interesting in its own right and will lead you to better understand what I'm going to attempt to explain below.


    Break to watch the video.

    Hopefully you actually watched the video but if not here goes nothing.

    Imagine that proper LoL gameplay is a skill like any other. In this instance like riding a bike. You've been performing this skill one way for however long you've played LoL. In my case 8-9 years without a care as to whether I was doing it well, properly, or why I was doing anything. You see I started league back when no one knew what proper League play was let alone what it might look like. Halfway through season 10 I decided I was going to learn how to properly play league. Why does this matter. Well it's years of wiring my brain to play league a certain way.

    Imagine for each and every skill that makes up the entirety of your league play there is a neural pathway that tells your body how to perform that skill. It doesn't necessarily have to be the shortest route or the correct route but it's the easiest way your brain knows how to get from point A to point B is to follow this neural pathway. Now imagine that each of these neural pathways is like a path through the forest. You've spent years building and maintaining these paths in your League Brain. They are pristine paths, not a pebble or leaf on the ground, no branches in your way and they're all somehow downhill paths, it's that easy to use.

    Now it's a lot of work breaking a new trail through the forest (metaphor for forming a new habit). You've got to chop branches out of the way, fell trees off the path, clear the trail, pack the dirt, clear rocks, so on and so forth etc..... All the while you're building this new path, you have to stay off the old path (the bad habit path) so that it can grow over.

    Now you've decided you're trying to improve as fast as possible so you're working on 14 different habits or things you're modifying in your game. In the heat of the moment you forget you're not supposed to go down that path because 14 things is a literal fuck ton try to focus your attention on.

    So what you performed the old skill you're trying to break, no problem you did it properly the entire rest of the game. I'll have that new habit done in no time, you say to yourself.

    What you really did was pack down the dirt on that old trail, cleared the leaves and rocks from the path as you walked by and broke the young branches budding overtop of the trail. You just re-solidified an existing neural pathway of a habit you're trying to break. That's the way your brain works.

    That's why the dude in the video has such a hard time learning how to ride the new bike and then has a very difficult time again when it comes to switching back to riding a conventional bike.

    This is why people tell you to focus on one aspect of your gameplay at a time. This is why coaches say play simple champs until you learn the basics and do them properly. Do yourself a favor and be smart about it. Some of you will be able to focus on more than one thing at a time others not. If you find yourself reverting to a habit you're trying to drop. Have an honest look and see if you're trying to do too much.

    Hopefully this makes sense, it was more for me to get my thoughts out of my head.

    submitted by /u/Czar_Petar
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    Constantly having games snowball, what do I do?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 12:03 AM PST

    I've been playing mid lane a lot recently, most commonly been playing Zoe and the off-meta picks of Quinn ans Soraka. Though for everyone one good game I'll be useless and be nothing but an ATM for the enemy team. A lot of the issues I've had is the enemy being able to all-in me and tower dive as early as level three and as late as level six. What can I do to avoid this happening and causing my opponent to snowball? My biggest problems have been Sylas, Yone, and Katarina.

    What do I do to prevent this and stop causing our team to lose because of a heavy loss in laning phase?

    submitted by /u/AsheTheCunt
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    Is not playing aggressively a mistake?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 05:57 AM PST

    For context, I'm a low elo mid main still trying to get a grasp of the role and who can't win most 1v1's because I am awful. I play mostly Lux/Orianna and I've been getting flamed by friends recently for not playing aggressively and trading/fighting often in lane. I know against champions like Fizz, Akali, Zed, and Annie I should be looking to poke them often in the early stages, which I've been trying to do more recently, but it seems to end with my wave pushing unnecessarily and making prone to ganks or all-ins once they hit level 5-6. I do similar things in fights since I know I'm mechanically deficient, so I try my best to avoid bad fights or places where I think I can get jumped on/flanked. My question is, am I making a mistake by not playing aggressively and fighting often?

    submitted by /u/NotTheTrueKing
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    When is it ok to ban someone in a normal game?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 09:39 AM PST

    Ok, so basically the title.

    I(ADC) just had a normal game with a friend(support) where our jungle logged in aphelios. Considering the Elo(silver/gold) and that he had no mastery points on the champ we both had a bad feeling about it, but decided to give him a chance.

    He got executed twice in the first 4 mins and fed the enemy kindred and also other lane opponents into oblivion. He ruined the game for everyone on our team and was toxic when we asked him to stop trolling.

    He finished the game 2/15/2 and was always writing "I'm trying something out".

    I know that normals are there for people to have a casual game experince and try out stuff they wont try in ranked games. I don't care wether I win or lose but I wanted to have some fun with my friend. He made it impossible to play a normal game even the enemy team said they didn't have any fun with him basically running it down.

    So therefore my question: under which sircumstances exept toxic behaviour is it ok to report someone in a normal game?

    P.s: I reported him because I was mad at him, but am not sure wether it was the right choice hence the post here.

    submitted by /u/J4mixmybutt
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    How do you play tanks in ARAM?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 09:17 AM PST

    I know ARAM isn't the usual fare of this subreddit, but I think it could translate into some good SR tips as well since I've been looking to pick up a few tanky bois toplane to replace my homie Tahm since he's not doing too hot this season. I've been messing around in ARAM trying to get a few chests for skins and I've been getting a lot of tanks: Maokai, Leona, and Galio in particular. It just seems like whenever I try to engage I get instantaneously destroyed even if my team is backing up. To be fair, I don't really play those champions, but whenever I see others playing them, it seems they can take a billion damage and still walk away more or less fine. What's the secret on knowing when to engage and not dying 5 times before you even get the chance to build up some tank stats?

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    Is it ok to doge smufs/lvl 100+ on unraked games?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 08:47 AM PST

    So I am lvl 21 and trying to get to ranked but the main problem is that more and more games just have unbalanced teams. I had a lot of games when on the opposing team had like 2 100+ guys with ranked mains and 1 lvl 5 as "balance" while we were around 20-30 which you guessed how it ends.

    I kinda get bored/frustrated when people just ruin the game for players that just want to level.

    submitted by /u/Comprehensive_Cow440
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    Item haste question

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 04:36 AM PST

    How does item haste work exactly? does it affect only the active items?( mythics, trinkets and a few others like zhonya randuim's), does it affect the charge cooldown on relic shield to give you more gold? does it affect sheen procs? does it affect the cooldown on mobility boots to make them turn on faster out of combat?

    submitted by /u/xaoras
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