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    Tuesday, January 12, 2021

    LoL Guide I interviewed Dumpa, a Challenger Vi main. Here's the conversation that followed.

    LoL Guide I interviewed Dumpa, a Challenger Vi main. Here's the conversation that followed.

    I interviewed Dumpa, a Challenger Vi main. Here's the conversation that followed.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 10:57 AM PST

    I decided that, in order to get better at the game, I wanted to interview the best players I could find.


    The first of these interviews is with Dumpa, who is a Challenger Vi main. The conversation is 50 minutes long. We talked about Vi's objective control and sneaking dragons, how to choose where to gank, what items to build, the mentality it takes to reach Challenger, and much more.


    Listen to our conversation here:


    submitted by /u/Lunariz
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    Laners, cover your jungle entrances pre-laning phase.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 11:08 PM PST

    You potentially set your jungler behind and might even lose yourself the game by just being AFK and standing around your tower. Cover the entrances and ward off potential invades. If you help your jungler you help yourself.


    submitted by /u/NissanGT77
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    Deadly level 1 invade path

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:12 PM PST

    This pathing caught me off guard in a game today. Is there any good defense against this besides warding tribush and leaving beforehand?

    This is what it looked like from my perspective. This is the first moment I saw the enemy, already too late. And this is the sad aftermath.


    Here is the first moment an enemy champ becomes visible when you stand in the very top part of the bush. That's a little better, though it may still cause you to blow summoner spells (or die as Yuumi). Here is where an enemy appears if you stand in the bottom-left, and here is the last moment they'd see you (imagine the dummy is Yuumi) if you ran around the corner to the bottom-left area.

    After additional testing, standing in the bottom tip of the bush seems "fairly" safe. They barely have any time to attack before you disappear from vision around the corner, and you can easily leave a ward behind you over the rock as you go. However, if the enemy places a ward in first and throws a hook/snare from fog, you probably still die.

    There are now a lot of conflicting opinions about ideal options in the comments, which is very interesting. I agree that, with many champs, it may be better to leave base right at 0:15 and run through tribush a bit further out into the river, so as to gain a wider view and negate this invade trick. All of this is from the perspective of solo queue, where frequently only a couple people leave base on time or even try to guard against invades.

    After one last session of practice tool and replay reviews, I believe folks suggesting walking a bit further into the river are most correct. This spot in particular seems safest. It gives you maximum warning, while staying close to the bush to escape. You also definitely arrive in time to see invaders if you auto-path from base at 0:15. Even if Pantheon had immediately Flash-W'd me, unless the rest of his team was right on top of him, I could have then E'd to safety without blowing summoner spells. In my opinion, a big issue with sitting in the bush is it allows them to stack more tightly just outside of vision, drastically decreasing your chance of survival.

    submitted by /u/Runic_Bistro
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    Dont go locket, build imperial mandate?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 09:02 AM PST

    Hey all, I mainly play naut, alistar, and leona. I've heard from some to not build locket and go imperial mandate on these champs instead. Is this what I should be doing? I've found that I end up getting beat out due to raw damage from the enemy support a lot recently. My main question is which engage supports to build locket on and which to build imperial mandate on or any other advice you have on engage supp item builds. Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/Luke6805
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    What is the correct play when a laner can't stay in lane?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 09:18 AM PST

    In a past game playing as Pantheon sup, my Yone mid laner inted a little bit. The enemy ekko had 4 kills, 2 levels ahead, lvl 6 and with combo he kill easily take at least half of the health of my mid laner. My yone can't stay in lane, ekko can kill and dive him whenever he wants.

    So I ping I am going mid and ask in chat to my Caitlyn to go with me. My thought is me and her can contain Ekko, yone can die less in bot (he would be against a Ezreal and Seraphine) and we would have a better map control. Staying in bot, we might win lane, but Ekko would be super fed, mid would be theirs, he could come to bot to kill us too... it would be hell and there would be little we could do, in my opinion

    So I go mid and stay mid, my Caitlyn refuses to switch lanes even though I keep asking her. Me and yone struggle to survive in mid lane, but we kinda manage to hold tower and not give him that many additional kills. My Cait is doing 1v2 bot, so we don't have pressure mid or bot and we lose the game

    What is the correct play? If the correct was indeed to me and the adc go mid, what would be the correct play if the adc refuses to mid?

    submitted by /u/dmsniper
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    Easy ways to know if you win/lose level 1 teamfight

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 01:55 PM PST

    This might be pocket knowledge, but there are some tips that I recommend for anyone wondering how to figure out if your team is stronger than theirs level 1:

    • First and easiest one is to scan for high base damage champions especially with only one ability. Champions like Darius who can be devastating thanks to his 5 stack bleed damage and AD bonus, not to mention his extremely high base Q damage. Another one would be Pantheon who could use jab Q every 4 seconds, packed with an execute under 20% HP. Maokai support with saplings is a free 50 + 14% max health damage every 10 seconds, which can hurt even more if you facecheck a brush stacked with them. Other noteable examples would be Jhin's 4th shot, Yasuo Q (spammable), Kayn Q (Huge AoE and base damage), Olaf Q, Anivia Q (stun + dmg), Asol (perma DPS with passive), Rumble (High cooldown on Q but it does brick oven pizza levels of damage), etc.

    • Second is to determine who has more AoE. If your team starts out mostly with single target abilities (Kass Q, Ezreal Q, Vayne Q, Vlad Q, Malphite Q etc.) then err on the side of caution and assume you may not perform too well, especially since you lack the necessary items and cooldown reduction to make those dangerous abilities dangerous. Some champions may not have AoE damage, but they could have AoE effects such as braum passive, which he can apply on multiple people, or sejuani's E for the same reason.

    • Third: compare summoner spells. Enemy team has ignites and you have TP? You're down 80 damage per ignite, that's two auto attacks basically. Heal barrier bot lane vs exhaust ignite heal? That's also a disadvantage to consider.

    • Fourth one's a bit tricky since you need to see them coming, which means element of surprise may not be on your side (or theirs). What items are they starting with? If they have tear/dshield, less combat advantage since they're scaling/lane survival items respectively. Dblade/Dring/long sword offers more combat stats early on. So if hypothetically speaking enemy mid laner and adc both started tear, and your mid and adc both went d blade then you have a better shot at winning.

    Anyway that's about it! Probably not really too important information for most people but I figured it could be helpful.

    submitted by /u/VarsVerum
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    Iron player here, how do I fight against Yasuo?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:32 PM PST

    Hi! I'm iron 1 last season (super new to mobas) and am currently failing to win any of my placement games. I decided to try out kat since she's definitely gonna be my new main along with garen and teemo (gotta love sexy red hair assassins ya know) and watched some vids, practiced her combos a bunch in training, did good against some bots and then got smashed by a yasuo. the kat discord said he's free and you can just faceroll him but I don't see how?

    I killed him level 3 which I'm really proud of since I usually feed in lane but it turns out it was pure luck since he killed me two more times after and then became unstoppable. I think I win if I land daggers but its really hard cuz he dashes non stop everywhere and his right clicks do so much more damage than mine plus I can't dodge tornados to save my life and don't expect them or even know he has them half the time.

    I know this is gonna look really bad but I'm new and struggling to do anything even against other iron players in ranked would really appreciate some advice! :D

    Heres a video of me gettin' bopped since it's probs easier to give advice that way


    thank you kind people of reddit!

    submitted by /u/BadKat420SmokeWeed
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    Shieldbow Yone - how do you counterplay and itemize?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 11:36 AM PST

    This build seems incredibly difficult to deal with later in the game and I'm not really sure what the counterplay or itemization is. Even if he's not particularly fed, once he has Shieldbow and Bloodthirster it seems to take 3 people minimum to deal with him. His W shield and Shieldbow proc make it almost impossible to one shot him short of burning 3 ults on him, and the Bloodthirster healing keeps him alive long enough to stack Conqueror and then he's just unkillable. Just building Grevious Wounds doesn't seem to cut it, and only a small portion of the roster can justify Serpents Fang. Yet his winrate isn't that high, so I must be missing something. How do you deal with Yone with two items and boots without burning your entire teams cooldowns? It just seems like he hits this point in the game where you simply can't kill him with a big chunk of the roster and then he takes over. In general, Shieldbow on conqueror Bruisers seems pretty toxic given the lack of AP antishield items or an antishield tank item.

    submitted by /u/Manchves
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    How do I stop playing down to the level of my teammates or enemies?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:55 PM PST

    I started playing at the end of season 7 and finished Gold V at the end of season 8 and I ended D4 last season. Something I've noticed is that when I play on my alt account to practice, I often play just as bad as my other teammates because of all the chaos going on. It makes it impossible to coordinate my team to objectives because no one listens at all.

    My first solution to this was to just ignore them altogether, win lane hard + snowball + take objectives myself and split push, and this usually works, but when it doesn't, it's quite frustrating.

    There are some times I actually am playing in lower elo and I actually play like I'm silver or gold because I feel compelled to help my team or I expect my team to show up when I know they won't.

    I feel like when I'm playing with other Diamond or high Plat players, it's easier to play as a Diamond player, or play at their level because everyone knows how to mesh with each other. But this isn't always the case in lower elos.

    submitted by /u/ljfan2019
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    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 08:32 AM PST

    Hey all, I've been playing this game for almost three years and main top/mid. Despite how long I've played, however, I've found myself consistently struggling with making decisions that could change the games impact, and it makes me feel really shitty knowing that I could've done better rather than killed myself under the enemies tower.

    In my head, I know how to approach some things in game, but I can almost never go through with actually doing some of these things (unsure if it's fear or simple lack of knowledge). I see pro players and streamers having excellent control over their games on account of their actions, no matter how insignificant. But, when I try to mimick these actions myself, I find myself unable to understand the exact reasoning behind as to why they made those decisions in the first place. Is it just because they were in that specific game against a certain champion? I have no idea.

    Additionally, I often make pointless decisions and calls that don't really contribute to anything. It makes me feel embarrassed and stupid whenever I relay pointless information, only to realise that my entire team is five steps ahead of me.

    All I want to know is: what do I do? How can I improve on this (or develop it to begin with)?

    submitted by /u/Pyloji
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    How to close out games?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 12:57 PM PST

    Hello! I'm a gold jungle main onetricking rammus but also play nunu. I've been having a hard time ending games where we are somewhat ahead. While I understand what to do during the laning phase, I don't know what to do during mid-late game when objectives are down. I understand that waves need to be pushed and split to apply pressure etc but as the tank I have to stay with my team that wants to go down mid cuz I need to peel for them.

    Here are the two games that I'm frustrated about:



    Please give advice/tips thanks!

    submitted by /u/ichow39
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    Why are pros going inspiration secondary on kaisa?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 01:30 AM PST

    Basically the title. I was watching the LPL, and it seems that about half the kaisas there are going inspiration secondary for some reason. Similarly, all the Koreans are going boots and biscuits secondary in soloQ as well. So why is this, and how would the play style change, if at all? Is it all just to accelerate her build?

    submitted by /u/Jell01
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    Yone Combo Guide [Educational]

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 10:26 AM PST

    Hello summoners,

    today I want to show you some Yone combos. The guide is separated in 4 difficulty classes (from easy to intense) so there is a combo for everyone, from beginner to main.

    Videolink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RNBH3XzUXo

    I would be happy, if you could leave some helpfull feedback, that I can improve my future videos.

    submitted by /u/IloveBass98
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    How to improve kill participation?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 01:05 PM PST


    I'm trying to improve and right now kp is what I'm focusing on. I'm gold 2 rn with a 60% wr but my kp is not always very high. I'm playing toplane and my kp moves around 30-70% looking at my recent games. Obviously 70% is good but what should I do to bring up those 30% games? I try to make tp plays to bot but a lot of times my botlane is mostly pushed up, which makes it hard to tp. I even tell them that I can tp if they let the enemy push.

    Are there any other ways to improve kp? I know I can try roaming but I'm a bit unsure on how to do this successfully. I feel like most of the time the jgl is warded and their mid just runs to turret before I can get there, and at that point I'm just loosing cs.

    Any tips will be very helpful!

    submitted by /u/IDieBye
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    Is it good etiquette to ping MIA on recall timings?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:09 PM PST

    In one of my recent games, my mid had a meltdown because we didn't call MIA from botlane, and the enemy botlane roamed and killed her.

    I didn't call MIA because it was a very standard recall timing. I was always under the impression that if you strongly predict that the enemy will recall, it's actually BAD to ping MIA because it will change your mid's playstyle for no reason.

    Yes, it's possible that they go for some unfathomable roam, being either stupid or next level in the process. But I feel like taking the L on this unlikely occurrence is better than pinging when your enemy recalls and having your mid play safe and hug topside every time.

    Is it good etiquette to ping MIA on recall timings?

    submitted by /u/Dense-Acanthocephala
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    Jungler Help

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:57 PM PST

    Overall I find myself with a decent winrate and am usually successful at getting off early ganks/kills for my laners, however theres been several games where all my lanes are behind in farm and have died a few times causing them to fall very far behind. As the jg I feel like it's on me to come in and try to bail them out but often times when I do I end up dying, the laner dies, or the enemy player either escapes or the other JG comes in to push us off.

    I'm definitely not a great player as I havent played a lot in 8 months, but I'd still like to improve. In those situations are there better plays I can make to either punish the enemy team or better help my team to come back from what seems to be an inevitable loss? I'm trying to get into ranked after a long hiatus and just want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to try to win, rather than give up.

    Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/HashedTomato
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    I keep dying in trades I shouldnt lose and bad ganks/Lane management always sucks (Jgl/mid/top)

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:18 AM PST

    I like to play jgl and sometimes I switch between mid and top, I just cant get a main role since theres no role I enjoy the most. I try to play strong early game champs (Lee, Warwick, Graves, etc.) and on top/mid as well. Yet it doesnt matter how many laning and jungling videos I watch, I never win my trades and always die. I genuinely dont understand how I keep seeing other people win so easily yet im here struggling because I dont do damage. Ganking is insanely difficult for some reason because I can never find the right times to gank, since lanes are always pushed in or the champs die before I can even get there. On top of that I always feel like I am too weak to gank so I usually dont even try before hitting level 6, leaving the enemy jungler with easy kills, more farm (for some reason) and I'll have an even harder time dueling. I keep coming back to this game everyday, yet I tilt in every session I have, because I just cannot fathom and understand what I am doing wrong in duels I should win, because I see others win those as well. Its the same with lane management, for some reason it doesnt matter how much I try to slow/fast push, my lane always ends up at the enemys tower, resulting in a freeze and me being unable to do anything for a huge portion of the game. This makes me want to roam, but I get super indecisive because if I were to leave my lane I wouldnt know what to do. I just want some general tips on these things because I would like to see myself improve, even though I have very little faith in things actually working out properly.

    submitted by /u/ThieVuz
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    help climbing with shen

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 01:51 PM PST

    I used to be silver 2 last season, but because of trolls in my games I've been placed in Bronze 4 and I'm finding it very hard to climb back up. I used to play Shen top and win my lane in 99% of games but found it hard to impact the map. If I used my ult to help my inting bot lane, I would either lose first tower or a bunch of plates. Or alternatively, I would have to rotate to help my team secure objectives because no one else was making an effort and the same thing would happen.

    I'm playing Shen mid now and having even more success in lane plus its closer to objectives in case my team needs me to rotate but I'm still finding it hard to climb. This season seems to be heavy bot diff leaning towards one team and I can't believe that the only way to climb is to pick a hyper carry and hard carry every single game I play. Also getting +2lp on my last win probably isn't helping.

    any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/RNGesus__
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    The game starts at level 1, always try to get your team to stack up in case of an invade

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 04:34 AM PST

    People have different views and there are arguments for spreading out in a pro play style 5 point full coverage protection formation, but the reality in soloq is that people won't pay attention or just die to the invade anyway trying this.

    Every game, ping your team to stack up as 5 and wait for the potential invade, if people refuse to or just go afk go stand under a turret because you wouldn't be doing anything but blowing summoners if you saw the enemy anyway.

    I am really sure this is the highest win rate level 1 strategy, if opponents walk into a prepared 5 man bush they will pretty much always lose the level 1 even if technically they might have a better level 1.

    The potential downside to this is opponents invading on your other side and stealing the buff, but on balance I rate this as much less likely compared to the chance to half win the game countering an invade.

    submitted by /u/mazrrim
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    Guide for mindset and climbing in Season 11

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 04:07 PM PST

    How do you recover from a burnout?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:34 PM PST

    Hello, I am a mid main since mid-season 6 and I peaked d1 in 2019 preseason and never got higher than d4 after that. My mental isn't as good as it was and I give up so much earlier sometimes even in champ select (example: enemy team picks leona/alistar while my support picks stuff like lulu/nami)

    Sorry for the shit explaination but the question in the title is all I want to fix.

    submitted by /u/NightKnighTTT
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    On ADCs, why even get anything other than Press The Attack?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:20 PM PST

    From the precision tree, all other keystones feel so underwhelming for ADCs - specially after the crit changes from pre-season.

    Why should we ever use the other keystones (apart from lethal tempo for things like Xayah or Ashe, which sinergizes with their kits)?

    submitted by /u/StandoPowa_
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    Tips to aquire total awareness?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:53 AM PST

    Jungle main here. Im having troubles with training this during my games, because there is so much going on all the time. Im talking specifically about watching the minimap, hitting those f-keys, checking enemys hp and tracking the enemy jungler. Do you guys have tips how I can train this in an efficient way? Thanks ahead.

    submitted by /u/RoyalXeronic
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    The enemy team is always togheter and I don't know what to do about it.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:34 PM PST

    They are always togheter and we can't even win one team fight and it's frustrating, I try split pushing and doesn't work, even if I winned lane in early I still manage to lose, what can I do to avoid that solo? because I tried to say that we should split push all lanes and nobody even listen or tell me to shut up

    submitted by /u/raser_lasho
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