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    Thursday, January 7, 2021

    League of Legends I made an Evelynn Cam for my friend's stream. The animation follows your mouse and keyboard actions :D

    League of Legends I made an Evelynn Cam for my friend's stream. The animation follows your mouse and keyboard actions :D

    I made an Evelynn Cam for my friend's stream. The animation follows your mouse and keyboard actions :D

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 10:40 AM PST

    League of Legends made $1.75 Billion in 2020

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 06:10 AM PST

    These are the pictures I drew from 2019 to 2020

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 02:05 AM PST

    Lore TLDR : Demacia is not evil, and Noxus is not good.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:15 AM PST

    This post is mostly in response to some points i've seen mentioned in a fun thread about Yiaboos.

    There seems to be a preconceived idea around here that the lore rework reversed the previous position of Demacia and Noxus, with Demacia becoming a monstrous kingdom built on the blood of mages, and Noxus the cool empire accepting every culture in its fold. This is false. The lore we got shows us both the bad and the good of both nations, and give us a good understanding of the people who live there, and a inkling of the different factions vying for power.

    I will try to give and small tldr of the situation of each nation, but don't hesitate to correct me, as i'm writing this pretty quickly.


    Demacia :

    First thing to address, Demacia was meant to be a safe haven created by common folk fleeing the mages during the Runic Wars.
    Their prejudice towards magic is not rooted in superstition, but in their history.

    The Good :

    • If you are not a special being, Demacia is the safest place on Runeterra. The climate is favorable and bandits are mostly raiders from other countries. You will most likely never know famine, natural disaster or even murder or thievery.
    • Demacia military is pretty open to anyone who has the skills, and will treat prisoners fairly ( see Xin Zhao story, and Cithria in LoR )
    • There is a strong sense of unity in core demacian principles
    • Contrary to popular belief, they were welcoming of immigrants, if they "fit" the demacian philosophy ( but this is not much true in current years ).
    • Mage can visit Demacia, as long as they don't use their powers. This is a little more complicated nowadays.

    The Meh :

    • From my limited understanding of the situation, being in mage in Demacia a few years ago was not that bad ( not good, but not bad like today ). You were "registered", but if your power was not considered a threat, you would just be given a warning ( That's my understanding from the Cithria story ).
    • Demacia is a place where the law is strong. This is good when the lawmakers have good intentions, but right now, this is not the case.

    The Bad :

    • Being a mage. Before you would doubt yourself, and be in a bad spot. Right now, you get arrested and jailed, then spend your days restrained and forcefed a antimagic potion which affect your health and cognition.
    • The nobility. The nation was founded by people of somewhat equals status, but through the years a stagnant aristocratic society has formed. Even if a commoner can rise in the ranks of Demacia military, being of noble birth gives you a shortcut to position of power, creating a strong class divide.
      Also, if you are a mage but from a noble family, your powers can be restricted and you can circumvent the law. This doubles down on the problem, and is a major factor in Sylas Rebellion.
    • Sylas. He suffered, but his only goals is the destruction of Demacia. Problem is, if you are not a mage, you deserve death. Right now, he is assembling an army in Freljord, which means the northern province of Demacia will soon be in a bad state.
    • The mageseekers. Started to protect Demacia from the legitimate threat of mages, the organisation has grown in power, and realize that the only way to keep their privileges are to keep Demacia afraid of all mages, and to establish a sense of distrust.
      We supposed that they are the one behind the assassination of Jarvan III during Sylas uprising, giving them even more power and control over the people, and preventing any reforms from Jarvan IV.

    What's Next :

    • This is more of a hope for the future, but right now, is debatable. The royalty and the new generation of nobility have more progressive views on a lot of the Demacian issues.
      Jarvan IV was pretty progressive but the death of his father changed him, his evolution will be a big part of Demacia change ( and he still wants the dragon thighs ). Fiora will do big things for the place of women in nobility. Lux will likely change the popular view of mages.



    Same as Demacia, Noxus has a reason for their flaw. Their aggressive colonialism and battle tendency comes from the fact that they live in a barren land, and the only way to survive is to pillage or conquer other lands for their resources.

    The Good :

    • If you have the drive and the talent, you can become anyone in Noxus. Your background, ethnicity or race doesn't matter as long as you prove worthy. Noxus is the perfect land of opportunity and new beginnings.
    • Big focus on technology / civilizational advancement . When Noxus conquers a territory, they don't suck it dry, but they invest a lot in local infrastructure development, which will have lasting positive impact for the region.
    • "Fair" rule. This is mostly new, and due to Swain coup. The previous ruler, Boram Darkwill, was a lot more obsessed with riches and preserving his life, so they didn't really care for the damage to the conquered nations ( this can be seen in the first Ionian Invasion ). But now, as long as you provide the empire with soldiers and resources, you will be able to keep your culture and a semblance of independence.
    • This is a bit like the first and the previous point, but you don't need to conform to a specific standard to "fit" in Noxus. You can be what you want, as long as you bring something to the table.

    The Meh :

    • Even if they bring a fair share of improvement, Noxus is still ruthless in their conquering spree.
    • It seems Swain has a greater goal, and want to unify Runeterra against a coming menace, but will sacrifice all he has to in order to fulfil his ambition.

    The Bad :

    • Being a average redditor in Noxus. If you are not very good at something and a bit weak, there's a good chance you will not reach adulthood. And if you survive, there's a good chance you will die as fodder on the front line. The environment is also pretty harsh.
    • They dabble a lot in weird magic, and don't hesitate to sacrifice people for a greater goal. People are disposable, as show in Rell biography.
    • This is not directly related to Noxus, but the return of Mordekaiser will change the country.
    • They completely destabilized Ionia, and led to the release of dangerous individuals ( Jhin, Syndra ).

      What's next :

    • The next Ionian invasion will give us more about Swain goal, and will show us if their warfare is more "humane".

    • In the event of a void invasion, Noxus might become the last bastion of hope in Runeterra if they managed to unify enough people.

    Thank you for reading ! Please tell me if you disagree or if i got something wrong !

    submitted by /u/Thorgraam
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    Patch 11.2 Preview

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:27 AM PST

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the upcoming changes for patch 11.2

    With 11.1 shipped, I wanted to update you all on what we're looking into next.

    Some of this will be in 11.2, but we expect that a bunch of this will take a few more weeks to get right.

    Follow up after this huge preseason is step by step, knock one down and go to the next one.

    Image version of the changes: https://i.imgur.com/iwPg4cp.png

    Done and evaluating

    • Burst From Items

    • Positions/Roles are balanced

    • Extreme outlier Champs and Items

    • Support Mythics at appropirate cost

    Focus for upcoming patches

    • Tank Mythics - satisfaction and choice

    • Support item options for better choice variety

    • Essence Reaver and champs that used to rely on it

    • Generic healing reduction (Ravenous Hunter)

    • Healing edge cases (healing amps like Aatrox, Olaf)

    • Handful of champs still feeling sad after preseason (Shaco, Senna, Shyvana, Singed, Veigar, Dr Mundo, Soraka) Spinning up more small champ reworks (for later patches)

    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    Veigar had 3 different build paths, now he has 0

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 06:28 AM PST

    I know Veigar isn't very popular champion, but it really hurts me seeing my favorite champion get this kind of treatment, meanwhile Katarina gets compensation for removing her core item. At the time of writing this, Veigar is sitting at 46,5% win rate diamond+ (50/53) according to u.gg and 41,67% win rate (51/51) according to op.gg. This all happened because of the items rework and overpricing his core items.

    Veigar had 3 different build paths:
    #1 Glacial - this build is no longer possible since the items rework. Glacial is not viable rune due to GLP removal and this rune should be reworked as well.

    #2 GLP + Electrocute - this was by my opinion the best build available. I personally got to Grandmaster 200+ LP with around 60% wr just with this build. The base strategy with this build is rushing GLP and proc electrocute with your GLP + Q + W/R. As your second item, you were either going rabadon ( you get around 600 AP in 20-22 minutes) or defensive depending on the situation. This build is no longer option either, cause of the rework and overpricing both core items. Everfrost is worse variant of GLP with bigger price and Rabadon is 200g more expensive with 5% less ap bonus. It takes you around 28 minutes to get to both items, which in this meta is really late for champion to be finally useful.

    #3 Ludens - the final build is pretty much the only remaining build left. Since Ludens is only 200g more expensive now, it may not look as too bad of an option, but the real problem with this build lies in the following items. This was my main build before GLP+Electrocute and second item was almost always Rabadon just for the pure AP it gave you. Rabadon is not viable anymore as I already said, so let's see the other options. The best alternative is Seraph's, it gives you enough ap to be useful in mid-game, but the problem with this item is the lack of scaling and defense. You don't get ap scaling like Rabadon, the mana on the item is unnecessary and you get no defense stat or passive/active on it either. Another option is Horizon Focus (which is really terrible for 3k gold), Banshee / Zhonyas (both only for defense, ap on these items is not worth it) or Void staff ( probably the best scaling option after Rabadon, but almost every time useless as second item).

    Conclusion: Veigar is in really bad spot and I don't see him getting out of it in a long time if something won't help him. As I already mentioned, he should get treatment similar to Katarina. His kit should get buffed and I'm not talking about just the stats. If he could get another passive effects on any abilities, it would make him more viable and compensate him for the lack of good items.

    submitted by /u/elfiiik
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    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 01:40 PM PST


    my attempt of creating miss fortune! i am new to this world of cosplay so be nice please! I tried my best to look as similar to her as possible! The details in her gun and hat was really hard to make ( i also tried doing two guns but only one came out good ) enjoyyyyy[cosplay]


    submitted by /u/oreoconsushi
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    Journey to Pro-Gaming, Confidence, Family ft. Broxah

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 08:06 AM PST

    Baron should apply grievous wounds

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 09:30 PM PST

    Too many champs can solo baron nowadays while not being particularly fed. I don't really see a upside to be able to constantly match baron's damage with heal. You literally have to be scared that a 5 kill yone just solos baron around lv 15/16 and I don't think it's healthy for the game. With riot mentioning that they rather want to continue with the amount of heal we have atm in the game this seems like a good balance change that doesn't affect much beyond preventing champs like yone or irelia to solo baron.

    submitted by /u/reelinked
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    Tyler1 - Baron built different.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 02:30 PM PST

    Faker with the R into 4 man Syndra stun

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 05:31 AM PST

    Very big Aurelion galaxy

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 01:21 PM PST

    Chonky teammates walking the rift

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 05:29 PM PST

    2021 LCS Format

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 10:04 AM PST

    Untold stories of Smeb on retirement and his career: "I sometimes think, ‘Why did I do that? Why didn’t I go to SKT? I was too young back then.’ But if I were to go back, I’d probably make the same choice."

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 08:32 AM PST

    Here's me flashing an Arcane Comet 1v3

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 04:15 AM PST

    The Collector should show stats on how many enemies you have executed and how much gold you earned by doing so

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 03:28 AM PST

    Many items already have stats showing how much damage they did, how many times an effect was activated and so on.

    I think it would be useful for The Collector to show how many enemies got Collected™ and how much bonus gold you earnerd.

    Just a little addition, thoughts?

    submitted by /u/KazZarma
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    Jhin loaded a Grenade into his gun

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 02:22 PM PST

    Drawing all champs day 112 - Skarner

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 03:37 PM PST

    Drawing all champs day 112 - Skarner

    Aw man. One of the most important champs in the lore, yet neglected just because he's an monster champ and he's not popular. His story is one of the saddest things in entire universe - his entire race was murdered and their souls are used a fuel for Piltover to this day. He is the only one left. And he's all alone.

    So, I tried my best. For Brackern race. For Skarner.

    Imgur link if reddit can't process the image again: https://i.imgur.com/TuWdSVy.jpg


    submitted by /u/MrKisiel
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    Thresh was always my main, but I played a lot of random champs and roles in the off-season. Yesterday I came back to Thresh and tbh there's not much else in the game that gives a similar fulfilment like a good Thresh play

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 06:25 PM PST

    Ornn with Phage, Sheen and Bramble Vest.....

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 04:29 PM PST

    I should be able to ping that a certain enemy is missing by Alt+clicking the question mark on the scoreboard in-game

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:17 AM PST

    You know how you can ping allies or enemies are alive, well what if we could also click on that little question mark in the scoreboard when you press tab to ping the team that an enemy is missing.

    I think it would be a good addition to the ping communication system :)

    submitted by /u/JackedFungi
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    MAD Lions jungler Elyoya talks joining the team, his first impressions "There was definitely a fun atmosphere. (...) When [Carzzy] is happy, it is contagious." and his pocket pick that we should look out for: "I’m still waiting for the first moment that [Qiyana] is in a fine spot so I can play her."

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:26 AM PST

    Seeing how much damage your item does is great, but why can't we see it in the post game summary?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 08:42 PM PST

    In terms of players/orgs being able to optimize builds and compare items I think showing item damage after the game could bring a lot of fun builds and strategies. It also helps highlight items that are performing far too well on certain champions.

    You can currently see your teammates item damage as well, so I don't think it would be too hard for them to implement.

    submitted by /u/Adamnmonkey
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