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    Thursday, January 7, 2021

    LoL Guide I have around 170k Galio. You might want to hear this.

    LoL Guide I have around 170k Galio. You might want to hear this.

    I have around 170k Galio. You might want to hear this.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 01:24 PM PST

    Never buy Morellonomicon as Galio. It is worse than the Chemtech Putrifier in every capacity.

    So what Morellonomicon does is it applies 40% grievous wounds on the enemy when you deal magic damage. You apply 60% if the target is below half health.

    Putrifier on the other hand applies the same amount of grievous wounds on the enemy when you deal magic damage. However it applies 60% when you immobilize the target.

    Meanimg your taunt, uppercut and ult will apply 60% GW instantly.

    It also gives you mana regeneration. That hardly comes into play. It can be really good if you use "Presence of Mind".

    TLDR; Putrifier applies more GW, faster.

    submitted by /u/Teacherson404
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    A silly tip that's helped me in a lot of games: Verbalize lessons you've learned from past mistakes

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:47 AM PST

    I just got out of a game where I was playing support with a twitch ADC, against ashe + leona. I tend to play an aggressive support style, as I want to put the opposing lane behind, as early as I can.

    But every time I play with a twitch ADC, that ends poorly. His damage is low to start, and Leona + ashe is a lot of lockdown. So I kept saying to myself, over and over, "Don't go in, wait for twitch to scale." Verbally, physically reminding myself to not follow my instincts. To actually put into practice the lessons I learned in humiliating losses. It worked really well, I played super safe and basically only threw out roots to stop leona's engage, and we ended up winning the game (if not the lane) really hard.

    I do this a lot and it's really helped me. Just thinking things, for me anyway, isn't a strong enough reminder. If I'm playing Illaoi vs. Mord I'll keep chanting, "Don't until until he ults." When running up to a team fight, "Don't bother with that ward, go help your team."

    Give it a try. It might help.

    submitted by /u/shaidyn
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    I feel overloaded while improving at the game

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 11:52 PM PST

    Hello summoners, my last post was removed cause of the second rule so I am posting this again with some more details. I kinda have a problem and thought that I could get some good tips here. I am currently a plat player aspiring to be a challenger in S11. I consider myself having a decent game knowledge. I am playing the game daily, 6-8 hours + replay reviews and writing down my mistakes (Sometimes I take 1-2 days off cause of college).

    I feel like I have knowledge good enough to get to high elo but the problem is putting it together in the game itself. I can do each area of the game separately quite good but the problem is doing all of them at once. 0 progress demotivates me quite well, I am basically stuck at the same elo and the only progress I made was doing jungle tracking quite good on autopilot (after training it for 1-2 months) which kinda released my brain capacity to focus on other things. But it's still not enough and I feel really overloaded when thinking about what all I have to do to be a really good player. I am playing the game since 2013 (so champions kit is not the problem) but really took it seriously later on and realising how complex the game is about a year ago.

    The things I do on autopilot without really thinking about it actively:

    • Map awareness at basic level (what's happening with side lanes, looking for tp opportunities)
    • Farming, trading, wave manipulation
    • Jungle tracking at intermediate level (Until 15 minutes I know almost always where enemy jungler is unless he does unusual pathing and even then he is caught by ward)
    • Lane assignments in mid to late game, rotations
    • Thinking about the game in loading screen (What comp each team has? How do we want to play teamfights vs how enemies want to play them? What side lane do I want to play for?)

    The things i alreay know and can implement separately:

    • Hard winning lane with insane cs lead thanks to wave manipulation
    • Skirmishing (assessing all the varibales and hell there are lot of them)
    • Tracking flash of the key enemy (when I try to track more than 2 flashes I am usually getting lost)
    • Tethering properly

    The things I struggle with:

    • If the game is a clown fiesta I am really lost on what to do next and keep the game controlled
    • Deciding If the tp is good or not at the moment (There is usually 1-2 seconds window to decide to TP while it takes me forever to assess the situation and end up just watching doing nothing or TPing in and dying afterwards because it was bad tp :/)
    • Win condition (Sometimes I can't tell which team scales more)
    • Doing everything above at the same time

    So I wanted to ask If someone knows a better way to improve and practise becasue taking it one step at a time will take years considering just basic jungle tracking took me around 2 months and it's still not perfect.

    Thank you very much :)

    submitted by /u/Neygem
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    What are some bot lane combos that are really good but weird or rare to see?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 02:07 AM PST

    I am with my friend are main bot me supp and him adc and we try alot of normal combos.

    But i read in another post some weird ones like Illoai with Jinx so when she E someone and Jinx kill the spirit her passive gets activated or also Illoai and veigar same goes for his Q and spirit. so what weird or rare or OP combos that no one normally use?

    submitted by /u/GhostSilver16
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    Malzahar Guide for Season 11 from Master Malzahar Main

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 05:07 AM PST

    Hello r/summonerschool!

    Im Master+ Malzahar Main on EUW and wrote my thoughts about Malzahar to help people to improve on champion.

    It is 17 pages (mostly bullet points) and can be found here. If you have feedback, questions or disagree with some of my points I am happy to discuss about it in this thread.

    For those who don't want to read whole thing. This is TL;DR

    Malzahar is a scaling champion, so main focus on farming until lvl 6. Your early game is weak, because you waste too much mana and have long Cooldowns. Don't spam Q too much during lane cause you run out of mana. Use 2 of your skills to stack your W to spawn more voidlings. You can use Q and R to reset E timer. Your passive can block tower shot and you can block skillshots and towershots with your W. After 6 you should look to shove wave and roam or set up ganks mid. If your enemy roams, push for plates or roam to the opposite side. For boots (always use free boots) Sorcs or CDR are usually the best. Rylais second is good to help peel and to "counter" QSS. After that go (Void for damage and vs MR, Demonic vs HP and dive, Zhonya vs ad, Banshee vs ap, Orb vs Healing and Mejai if you have stacks on Dark seal). You should go to the side lane in mid game but be careful if you don't have your ultimate. With your ult you can set up easy kills on the side lane or on rotating enemies for your jungler. Malzahars objective control and taking is extremely good so you should play around natural objectives whenever they spawn.

    submitted by /u/MrPraedor
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    7 Tips for Playing Twitch

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 10:46 AM PST

    Hi guys, my name is Eyez1l and I'm a high diamond Twitch one trick. I've played over 5000 games on the champion over the past 3 seasons. Since i have a lot of experience on the champion, I decided to make a video giving some twitch tips that are maybe not so obvious.

    Here is the video version if you rather watch the video version: https://youtu.be/UMinXBxEJwI

    0:45 How to base while invisible

    1:35 Runes: pta rune page, lethal tempo tune page and ap twitch rune page. I also explain in what situations you should pick each one.

    4:10 You can use abilities and autos for one second after channeling q, without cancelling it. This can be really useful for getting a kill and making a clean escape after.

    4:43 You can use your q form in order to know if there is an invisible champion next to you. Ie: a teemo sitting invisible in a bush.

    5:21 Your w gives you vision in bushes. This can be used to get vision if you don't have wards, or you can use it to also clear pink wards.

    6:01 When you're with a poke support, level 1, start q, since you want to get the push in lane and the attack speed gain from q can help you out with that. If you're with an all in support, go e, since the w-e combo level 2 is very good for the all in.

    6:37 If you ever use your Q and you feel like you used it at the wrong time, and you want it to come back off CD as quick as possible, you should cancel it with an auto or your w, since the cooldown is the same if you cancel it or if you use it for the entirety of it's duration. Since late game, your q last 16 seconds and the cooldown is 14 seconds, if you don't cancel it, you'll get your ability in 30 seconds, but if you cancel it, you'll get it back in 14 seconds

    If you have any questions or anything like that, don't be shy, it will be my pleasure to answer everyone.

    submitted by /u/eyezil
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    Is Runaan bolts currently bugged and not proccing onhits effects properly?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 10:45 PM PST

    Was testing out onhit effects in the practice tool, specifically Muramana & Bork.

    Runaan bolts are supposed to apply the onhit effects all the time, but it seems like the bolts are only applying the effects intermittently. Tried moving the champion around to see whether range or angle are variables but they don't seem to be.

    Does anyone know more about this?

    submitted by /u/psykrebeam
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    A-Clicking vs Right clicking

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:41 AM PST

    What are the benefits of a-clicking to auto vs right clicking? And also at what point in the animation of a champ can you input movement and still have the auto go through? I'm trying to get better at moving after every auto, but I seem to accidentally cancel a lot of autos so I lose fights.

    submitted by /u/nadimS
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    Leona vs Nautilus? Why would I pick one over the other?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 01:47 PM PST

    Hello! I was trying to narrow my champion pool, and I was going to cut either Nautilus or Leona. The other one, would be my 'main'. But I can't seem to fine large enough differences to justify cutting one over the other. In lane, both want to engage a fight and CC chain someone for days, both have point and click CC, and ranged CC. Both have damage migration tools, and seem to have good base tank stats (though they will neither will be as tanky as a top lane or jungle tank).

    So why would I pick one over the other?

    Leona seems to be easier, as I can go in through minions/over a wall, and her W does much more than Nautilus W, and she seems to have more CC (though I think Naut has more CC, especially because he can use his passive on multiple enemies).

    Nautilus seems to have more personal damage, and he has a way to get out by hooking a wall, and his R is targeted (long range, AoE, non-cleansable, targeted CC).

    Any thoughts on this topic? What does 1 do better than the other, that would make them more 'worth' to main?

    Edit: Why is Leona much higher on every tierlist? Also during the KeSPA Cup, she was heavily prioritized but Naut was picked once, why?

    submitted by /u/LelsersLasers
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    Help with when bot lane feeds as a jungler.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 12:14 PM PST

    Hey there,

    I've started to jungle a lot recently, usually as Evelynn. I consider myself fairly decent at jungle and Evelynn, and can usually work through either a mid diff or a top diff in my opponent's favor. However, the very bane of my existence is when the bot lane feeds. Fed Cho'Gath? I can deal with it. Fed Akali? Not too bad, we can probably win team fights with the rest of my team. But a fed botlane such as Lucian, Jhin, Miss Fortune, or Draven. Especially when their support is good, I lose 90% of those games. Is there any tips besides camping botlane I can do?

    submitted by /u/wintonatemychurchill
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    If you're new to the game or just looking to learn about champion synergies, I've created a guide on which champs have abilities that go well together!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:05 AM PST

    Hey everyone! I hope that 2021 is treating you relatively well! I've just gotten my most recent guide published, and it's about interesting and niche champion synergies. Obviously, the list isn't all-inclusive, but it's a good base to get you thinking about the ways in which certain champions can work together effectively. Any feedback you could provide me would be lovely, and I hope that you have a great day!

    Article Link: http://dignitas.gg/articles/blogs/League-of-Legends/14974/keep-your-friends-close-an-overview-of-champion-synergies-in-league-of-legends

    submitted by /u/Lucklepto
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    Help with stealth champions.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 07:56 PM PST

    I'm mid silver and I'm just wondering how do people in higher elo's handle dealing with stealth champions. I know to by pinks but they don't really cover a wide enough area ,not to mention only being able to have 1 out at a time and later on in the game out of laning phase it just seems like I die a lot for just having the raw nerve to play the game.

    submitted by /u/stoicswordsman
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    Is it better to put all my focus into one champion or learn counters so that I can always win lane?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 01:24 PM PST

    I intend to play nothing but ranked this season, but I need some help deciding how to go about it.

    In the past, I've poured all my effort into learning a single champ for the role I want. I learned Ekko Mid, Teemo Top, Senna Support. But as I played, I saw how many times meta champions would just steamroll me if I picked into them. Champions like Yone, Akali, and Yasuo destroy my Ekko mid, so I started branching out to learn champions that could beat them, like Renekton.

    It's gotten to the point where I can use maybe 25 champions in all my main roles, but I'm worried it's actually making me a worse player overall- jack of all trades, master of none kind of thing.

    How should I approach this season to both hard carry my games when I need to, but also be prepared?

    submitted by /u/pxl_dog
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    Is Warmog's soraka still viable in Season 11?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 01:13 PM PST

    I know that there has been a huge buff on support items and support as role in general but... there has also been a huge buff on tanks as well. So the question here is : Is tank soraka with warmog's and other mana/health items viable in season 11? Please leave feel free to leave ur opinion on this matter!

    submitted by /u/COWBOYO_JUNKIE
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    I suck at carrying on split pushing champs

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 08:45 AM PST

    Title says it all. I've been vod reviewing for the past few days, got in the habit of exercising regularly so I can play better, started drinking caffeine, etc. and found my biggest issue. My issue I suck at carrying. I can carry, keep the lead, keep pushing, usually get my team close to winning but then my team completely relies on me so it makes it hard for me to split, thus hard to CS so I fall behind 50 or so CS at 30 min so I only have about 250. This is obviously really bad for me. Sometimes I just fuck up tremendously, like there was a panth and I bought manamune instead of another armor item. My OP.GG is SlayingAces. I'm a top Fiora one trick. If you got any tips, please let me know.

    Also, my issue isn't losing my lead. I almost always keep it, or just make it much stronger. Only if I'm just in a really bad mood or just fuck up really badly (I did that recently against a Cho', oops) Then I just lose because I'm playing horribly badly. I know my WR is okay and my K/DA is always pretty decent, but I know for a fact my main issue is trying to outcarry people and carry people in general. If I was able to do so I would have a much higher WR. I've only started to try and improve somewhat recently, and I definitely have but I'm still making so many mistakes. My champs are not teamfight reliant and I could get collapsed on by the enemy if I'm splitting for too long because my team doesn't usually have too much vision, so I'm almost always forced to just collect waves instead of split, and I can only get 4 - 5 towers usually.

    I can only carry the game half the time and it's only because my teammates are doing somewhat decently, not because I'm just that inconsistent.


    submitted by /u/SlayingAces
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    Can I Practice Teamcomps?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 06:52 AM PST

    Can I learn to tell what team wins just by knowing the Champions that have bern picked? I know its not 100% correct but being able to tell what team wins would be a nice dkill to learn.

    Could I practice it by watching pro games and then figure out why a certain teamcomp has an advantagr and is going to win? Or would it make more sense to just look at each champions and simulate teamfights on my own ?

    submitted by /u/Katanaia
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    Wave management Video to get you ready for Season 11!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:18 AM PST


    Hey folks, Raizins here with another educational video!

    So this video was meant to be a better introduction to some wave management concepts for players looking to hit up ranked in the coming season.

    Most people understand the basics of wave management and the terms analysts and casters throw around, so I decided to create a video using some real examples of how these ideas create big leads in both soloQ and competitive.

    If you have any questions feel free to start a discussion, this is only a teaser of what you can do with your wave if you are creative, so feel free to give me suggestions about what you would like to see in future videos!

    submitted by /u/Raizins
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    Does anyone have the "50(ish) skills in league of legends" google sheets link?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 06:23 PM PST

    Looking for this google sheets that either a coach or pro player made for players. He also made a video on it but the video only got like 30k views or something so it's not that popular. It had terms in it like: CS, Map awareness, item powerspikes etc.

    If anyone has the link to the vod and/or sheets, please post it below! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/xMyDarkSoulx
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    Brand Help!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 10:51 AM PST

    Hi, I'm relatively new to the game (Level 52) and have settled into the support role. I've very recently started playing Brand and finding that my average deaths per game has increased dramatically compared to other supports I play (Lux, Morg, Bard). I think it's due to his lack of mobility and sometimes difficulty to hit his stun. My warding score is pretty good and I focus on vision a lot.

    Has anyone got some good advice to help improve my game?

    submitted by /u/Flying-Dolphins
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    Lane control

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 10:43 AM PST


    what should i do, when i kill the enemy but the wave is in awkward position where i don't have enough time to push it all the way but if i leave it enemy can freeze on me and put me in gankable position. What is the best way to approach this situation?

    submitted by /u/zhmkd
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    Ornn ability bug.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 08:34 AM PST

    Anyone else getting the bug when playing Ornn, that when you use his passive Living Forge and craft an item my keyboard won't work in the game. Can't use abilities, can't recall. I can "Alt Tab", and normally I just try to Alt Tab, and also use his abilities by clicking on them with my mouse. But I still couldn't find a solution to how to fix this.

    submitted by /u/MrPorcy
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    Mindset nonexistent

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 06:07 AM PST

    So I started playing in split 2 season 9.

    I reached gold.

    I got all hyped cuz I wanted to reach plat next season (10)

    Season 10: I was hardstuck for 650 games in silver, took me the entire season to get to gold, a few weeks before season ended I got gold 4 20lp.

    So between s9 and s10 there was a 20lp improvement.

    So now all I think is "if i didnt improve in a whole season why would I improve now?"

    I cant even finish a game sometimes, I just feel like theres no use on playing if improvement is impossible in my case.

    submitted by /u/thepolarswedish
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    19 Quick Tips & Tricks for Winning Ranked Games in Champion Select (Season 11)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 02:46 PM PST

    Have you ever lost a game because you:

    • Picked the wrong champion?
    • Banned your teammate's one-trick?
    • Forgot to ban X champion?
    • Selected the wrong runes or spells?
    • Misread the enemy's picks?

    I cannot count the number of times I've lost a Ranked game because of Champion Select. Champion Select is one of the most important aspects of League. In pro play it's crucial. But solo queue? No one seems to care. People AFK, ignore chat, use the loo, and innocently start a clown fiesta. Your game doesn't start when you load up for Summoners Rift. It starts at Champion Select. Instead of throwing LP away mindlessly, you can cultivate good habits and win the battle from the start. Here are 19 tips you can use to become a better player now.

    Before Champion Select

    #1 Favorite Your Champion Pool in Practice Tool — If you right-click a champion during Champion Select, you can star it for easier access. You main Yasuo? Now, you can sort by 'Favorite Champions' instead of typing or scrolling all the way through your midlane champions. This QoL change saves you a few seconds but also reminds you to commit to a champion pool.

    #2 Prepare The Ultimate Rune Page — Most champions can run many rune pages. Given the possible configurations, it would be difficult and expensive to create multiple pages. And even if you did, you will sometimes forget to switch your Soraka runes from last game. I suggest getting into the routine of creating your runes using just one page. This seems tedious at first, but it'll save you LP in the long run. This habit serves as a double-check. Fun fact: I call my ultimate rune page Runescape.

    #3 Utilize Third-party Tools — Apps such as Blitz.gg and op.gg are great tools for Champion Select. If you're not using them already, I highly recommend checking them out. That said, it's important to view their insights objectively. Don't use them to flame your teammates. If you get tilted by stats, avoid these tools entirely.

    #4 While Waiting in Queue, Relax Your Mind — Ranked is tiring and exciting. It's a high-intense workout for your brain. After a 40-minute game, you should take a small break. During queue, take this time to refuel your energy. Grab a snack, stand up and stretch, meditate. Don't check your phone, binge social media, or play other games. These activities don't rest your mind.

    During Champion Select

    #5 Eliminate All Distractions / Notifications — You don't have to follow Tip #4, but at least stop said activities once Champion Select has started. Don't be the teammate who doesn't respond to chat. Being responsive shows your team that you're serious and ready to win. Moreover, we want to avoid attention residue and task-switching at all costs. To learn more about these concepts, check my post 5 Reasons Why Social Media is Killing Your Most Important Skill.

    #6 Say Hello to Your Team — Do not underestimate the power of a friendly greeting or emoji. What you type is going to be their first impression of you. Set a positive example for others. Set your team on the right trajectory. Teamwork truly makes the dream work.

    #7 Determine Your Pick Order / Team's Side — Are you first or last pick? Are you blue or red side? The answers to these questions can narrow your strategy going into the game. For example, if you're first pick, you'll want to play something generally safe (i.e. Blind picks). If you're last pick, pay extra attention to both team compositions.

    #8 If You're Autofill, Let Them Know — Sometimes you'll get Jungle. And you know nothing about Jungle. In fact, if you were to play Jungle, you can guarantee an FF at 15. Look to trade with someone who plays your autofill role. Likewise, offer trades to your teammates if they get a different role. Silent crowd? Consider dodging this game.

    #9 Type / Paste Your Champion Pool in Chat — How was your Jungler supposed to know you only play AP Top Laners? Your teammates aren't mind-readers. Tell them who you play. If you main Yuumi and Pantheon support, tell your teammates. Doing so accomplishes two things: (1) it protects your champion pool from being banned despite the meta, and (2) it gives your teammates an idea of who they should pick. You're an Orianna main? Great. I happen to play Jarvan. You can type out your champion pool while in Queue, and copy and paste it in Champion Select.

    #10 Declare Your Champion Pool — You've just shared your champion pool via chat. Now, reinforce your message by using the Declare function. Because you've favorited your pool during Tip #1, spam-hover your mains. Give your teammates a visual cue. They're more likely to see your declare versus reading chat.

    #11 Read Chat for Picks, Bans, and Swaps — Your teammates also have preferences. Maybe they don't mind being first pick. They own your champion, so they can offer a swap. Do you own there's? Communicate with your team. Be available. Not reading chat can lose their trust. The last thing you want is for someone to hold a grudge against you 30-minutes into the game because you didn't read "Don't Ban Vayne".

    #12 If Possible, Be The Last Person to Ban — You hate playing against Master Yi and usually ban him right away. That's fine. But guess what? Other people hate him too! If you hold your ban, a teammate might ban your archenemy for you. You can use this opportunity to ban another broken champion. You can also ask your team what to ban based on the meta and their champion pool.

    #13 Gain Insight from The Enemy's Bans — You can get an idea from who's playing what on their team by reading their bans. Suppose their team locks in Annie, and you notice that person banned Xerath. Given these two pieces of information, she's probably going mid. If she banned Blitzcrank instead, that may mean she's going Support. This tactic is especially useful if they're team composition includes flex champions, such as Lucian or Pyke.

    #14 Observe Champion Picks — You've reach the core process of Champion Select. Take note of your picks and the enemy's picks. Ask yourself what champion in your pool best suits the circumstance. Brainstorm and share your thoughts with your teammates. Absorb as much information as possible. Note key spells, such as Morgana's Black Shield or Twisted Fate's Destiny/Gate.

    #15 Lock In — It's your turn to pick. Feel free to stall your timer to gather more information. Just don't forget to actually lock in. Everyone has lost LP because of this silly mistake.

    #16 Adjust Runes / Spells. Triple-check. — Self-explanatory. Change your runes and summoner spells based on picks. Look to see if they have too much AD or AP. Make slight adjustments to your trees to take advantages of their weaknesses. Check your runes every time someone locks in a champion. Check again once all champions have been selected.

    #17 Report Griefers and Trolls — It happens. You're dealt some bad apples. You're part of the League of Legends community. Report griefers and trolls so no one else has to deal with their shit.

    #18 Learn to Dodge — Dodging saves you time, LP, and emotional energy. Is your Jungler autofilled? Are your teammates screaming already? You don't have to play this game. It's tempting to push through the adversity. You're so close to reaching X division. Just one more game. Remember, dodging doesn't decrease your MMR. Moreover, losing a few LP shouldn't upset you. Your priority should be learning, not winning. Your skill level is not determined by a single game. If you're meant to reach X rank, it'll come eventually.

    After Champion Select

    #19 Identify Cheeser Runes in Loading Screen — Stopwatch, Nullifying Orb, Triumph, Biscuit Delivery, Bone Plating. These runes can change the outcome of a trade or team fight. In loading screen, you can check what trees your enemies are running. Some third-party tools can reveal their exact setups. Prepare yourself for surprises.

    *Read more stuff like this at riftwalker.gg*

    submitted by /u/Riftwalkerdotgg
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