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    Friday, January 8, 2021

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 11.01

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 11.01

    Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 11.01

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:57 AM PST

    Hello summoners!

    In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread. Check out the most recent patch notes on the sidebar!

    What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here.

    What you can do to help!

    For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help!

    If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place.


    • Our 101 page, with a ton of free content!

    • Our weekly mentoring thread: We have many users willing to provide free mentoring services!

    • Champion discussions: Check out our previous discussions on champions!

    • Summoner School Discord: A voice and text chat platform for teaching and learning. We also have a mentors who are available for personal coaching.

    • Leagueofgraphs: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • Lolalytics: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • OP.GG: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more. Note: stats are for Korea plat+ only, so sample sizes tend to be low.


    Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve!

    submitted by /u/furiousRaMPaGe
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    Why is nobody playing Yorick?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 08:11 AM PST

    I have a friend of mine that recently started playing yorick and he has a lot of fun with although he just recently started playing LoL and now he wins almost every matchup with Yorick on top. He has such a low win/ban rate and the recent probuilds games with him werre like 2 years ago or something. So why isn't he picked at all even though he is so strong at top? Me myself am D4 and played with my friend(S4) and got so destroyed by a gold Yorick player on top as I got filled.

    submitted by /u/Karachy
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    A note for those who need to hear it: Don't be afraid to switch out your mythic late game to better suite the gamestate

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:23 PM PST

    Something I think that a lot of people haven't noticed is that mythic items sell for 70% of their purchase value. In the case of the expensive ones, 3400 gold returns 2380 gold. Meaning it costs 1020 gold to switch mythic items. Very late in the game, when you're already at 4 or more items, this can be a negligible cost.

    It's not something that's come up super frequently, but it's helped me push a game to the end a few times. Perhaps I started poorly on jhin so I went shieldbow, but we're now 35 minutes in and I've come back. For a thousand gold I can flip the switch from defensive build to offensive by buying krakenslayer. Or perhaps I started Night harvester on Zyra because I was blowing up my lane opponents, but the game stalled out and now the enemy has become super tanky. A thousand gold is a small price to pay for a liandry's, which will burn them all.

    It doesn't come into play all that often, but when it does I've found it can really make an impact.

    edit: A lot of people seem to be hung up on Krakenslayer for Jhin. When 10.25 dropped and the lethality items and crit items got big changes, I spent about 2-3 hours in the practice tool running tests of different builds on two dummies, one set to squishy and one set to tank. In almost all cases, krakenslayer provided the highest DPS. I'm totally happy to have a conversation about it, because I love theorycrafting and I love Jhin. But before you tell me I'm wrong because so and so says otherwise, or because it doesn't feel good or you don't think it's good, replicate my tests. You have the tools. See the numbers for yourself and get back to me.

    Here's a link to the testing: https://imgur.com/a/o8VKLR4

    note: Rotation was 3 shots, q, 4th shot. I wrote it down wrong. Each build also had a doran's blade attached, but I didn't buy boots.

    submitted by /u/shaidyn
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    What are my options when someone refuses to play their role in a ranked lobby

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 08:38 AM PST

    I just went to play my first placement game of the season, looking forward to seeing if I could finally make it to gold in 2021. I'm a malzahar mid main and pretty much only play that if I can help it. Got into my first lobby today with mid and hovered malz. Our bot lane said he was either playing mid or top because he doesn't have any adcs. I tell him no and so does our top, so he bans malz and locks in ww jungle after I locked in caitlyn to play bot and try to somehow remedy this situation. I ended up dodging which I hate doing and now I'm pissed. What on earth do I do in that situation without dodging, it's so annoying people just ruin games like this before they even start and the only thing you can do is take the penalty to avoid it. If this is how my ranked season is going to start, I'm not optimistic about getting out of silver for the first time in the 5 years now that I've been playing this game.

    submitted by /u/Gekk03
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    How do I know when and where to give vision as a support?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:14 AM PST

    I am trying to learn support for season 11 (or 2021 as Riot calls it these days). I am confident in my skill as a support in general but I am always having trouble with vision(score). I know how to deny enemies vision, using sweeping lens to clear out the wards et cetera.

    It's the vision placing itself that I have trouble with. How do I know when, where and what to ward?


    submitted by /u/SillyJoey_
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    ADC Itemization

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 02:19 PM PST

    I'm trying to get better at the game in all aspects, but whenever i look up itemization guides, they're very generalized, and don't tell me very much. I'm just wondering if there are better items i could be building for my champs or in certain cases.

    If you could take a peek at my op.gg and let me know what i'm doing correctly or incorrectly with my builds it'd be much appreciated.


    submitted by /u/Toryn-CR
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    Automated Ranked Spreadsheet | League of Legends Season 11

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 03:21 PM PST

    Hi, r/SummonerSchool

    Another year, another spreadsheet! For those of you who haven't seen my spreadsheets before I'll include an introduction about the sheet and why you'd want to use it. For those who have I'll include a What's New / What's Removed section so you can compare your Season 10 sheet to the Season 11 Sheet!

    Spreadsheet Link - v4.0.0 | Light Theme


    This spreadsheet utilizes the Riot Games API to fetch your ranked matches and add them to the Match History sheet. You can analyze the matches in the Stats and Ranked Information Sheets. The Stats sheet has 5 sections: Overall stats which is every match you've played in Season 11, Last 20 Games, Champion & Lane specific matches (so you can filter either all Poppy games or just Poppy Support games), Lane & Role specific matches (so you can filter either all Top games or just Top games where you played a Tank), and Date Range & Champion specific matches (so you can filter either all games from the previous week, or exclusively Ashe games from the past month). The Ranked Information sheet has 4 sections: Season Stats is a breakdown of your Rank over time (you can also set a ranked goal and get an estimated amount of games to reach the goal), and then 3 sections to filter Stats by Tier. Stats by Tier allows you to compare how you are performing as you climb - for example when you went from Bronze to Silver you'll see how much better your CS/m is.

    Why would I use this rather than X-Website? Short Answer - Long Term Stats. Actual Answer - Use this Spreadsheet along with other sites. The sheet provides what most websites don't, the ability to reach back to the start of the season. You can also customize the sheet if you are knowledgeable enough with Javascript, APIs and Google Sheets. However the Spreadsheet lacks a few things that Stat Websites typically have: Active Game Overview and Massive amounts of Global data for all champions.

    What's New

    I had the Season 10 Sheet, What's Different? Optimizations. The sheet is a lot faster now, since it no longer adds matches one at a time but in batches of up to 50 matches. The sheet is built around easier customization; additional blank columns are available for both manual and automated data, for most people this won't be seen or matter. A light theme. As long as people enjoy the light theme I will continue to support it for future releases.

    Getting Started

    The very first thing you need to do is make a copy of the spreadsheet. To make a copy press File, in the top left corner, and then Make a copy.... This will add your own personal copy of the Spreadsheet to your Google Drive.

    If you plan on tracking multiple accounts and/or queues I'd advise making a copy for each.

    Once you've made a copy you can fill out the Getting Started sheet.

    1. Enter your API Key (See Riot API Keys below) [A2]
    2. Select the Region of the account [A4]
    3. Enter the Summoner Name Cell [A6]
    4. Enter the Queue Cell [A12]
    5. Optional Select a Language (Blank is Server Default) [A8]
    6. Optional Select a Timezone (Dates may be incorrect w/o it) [A10]
    7. Optional Hide the sheet.

    Riot API Keys

    Main Page | Sign Up / Login | Status | Terms

    1. Follow this link to login on the Riot Developers site
    2. Click Register Project
    3. Click Personal Application
    4. Fill out the form. Here is an example of the completed form.
    5. While you wait for the application to be approved, use Development API Keys.

    Development Keys

    Standard development API Keys are the easiest to obtain. Once you sign into the Developer Portal with your League of Legends account you will be greeted with a time limited API Key. Every 24 hours this key will expire and you will have to sign back into the developer portal to generate a new key.

    Personal Keys | Apply For This

    Personal API Keys are fairly easy to obtain. They have similar rate limits to Development Keys, however they don't have a limited lifespan. I'd recommend applying using something along these lines: "Spreadsheet for ranked games. The spreadsheet helps me track stats over the course of the Season. I'll be the only person who has access to the sheet.".

    Production Keys

    Production Keys are used by Developers for Public Access Projects. Think websites such as OP.gg and Lolskill. These Keys have high rate limits and are intended to be used, but not seen, by the end user. For the average user, there is no point in applying for, or investigating, these keys. I currently have no intention of implementing a Production Key for this Spreadsheet, I encourage any developers interested to go ahead and fork this project. The spreadsheet, Formulas, and Backend code are all open source.

    Match History

    Adding Games

    After playing a game(s) you can press Update to add the matches from the API. The script will run for up to 6 minutes and add any games that aren't in the spreadsheet. You can use either the Update button in the Sheet, or from the Menu League of Legends > Match History - Update.

    What isn't Automatic?

    Series | Some Automation

    This system is only reliable if you press Update after every game. You will need to select an option for Status from the dropdown menu and add a W or L to the last match of the series.

    Lane and Role | Some Automation

    Riot sometimes messes up on Lanes. Just double check that column as games are added, it might say "NONE", be empty, or just be the wrong lane. Role has no automation at all. You can type whatever you want in this column, it is to filter games in the Stats sheet. An example for the filter is to separate Tank Support and Mage Support Stats. The dropdown menu will include any values you add manually to the column at the top followed by Riots 18 classes.

    Riot Grades | No Automation

    Riot Grades are private. They aren't accessible to the API. If you want to Track GPA stats you will need to do it manually. DNG is for games where you didn't check your grade and it isn't showing up in the Match History, DNG grades will NOT influence GPAs. DNG is now the default grade, simply double click the cell and select the grade you received or simply don't update the column.

    Notes | No Automation

    Notes are your own personal column. You can put what you want here, or you can leave them empty. Completely up to you.


    Updating Champion List

    The champion list will be in your selected language, however you will need to update the sheet for this to take effect. You can use either the Update button in the Sheet, or from the Menu League of Legends > Champions - Update.

    Change Log

    All changes made will be posted here for the rest of the season. The version can be determined in two ways: Either Type =version() into any empty cell, or from the Menu League of Legends > Version.

    submitted by /u/Lucas-Nagy
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    Basic Jungle guide

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:57 AM PST

    My friends and I have been playing a lot of fill games recently and it's been super fun, it really mixes things up and helps us practice our off roles. When I get placed jg it doesn't go that great since I usually play mid. Any advice for pathing in general or when to counter jungle/ gank?

    submitted by /u/InfiniteEmergency
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    Is Blitz app inaccurate or why am i losing like hell?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:19 AM PST

    I've been losing probably 35 out of my last 50 games, and that's coz i started playing jungle. But Blitz app tells that in most of my games i'm the best or second best of my team. So am I just a bad jungler and Blitz is inaccurate, or am i just getting MMR dumped?

    submitted by /u/Lunitar
    [link] [comments]

    What can I do to properly improve and maybe even climb this season?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:23 PM PST

    I added the last part in the title because I actually did not play ranked last season and I never really tried to climb. For years I only did my placements and ended up in silver then called it a day and went back to normals. In season 9 I actually tried and played tanks in the jungle to get Gold 4 in a rather short amount of time. My WR was actually so good that I got matched with players between G4 and D4 for the entirety of S10. I personally don't see myself that high in the ladder. I would say I play at a G3 level. Sometimes Plat Level but not in every game.

    I don't really care about my rank. 2020 was my worst year so far. I lost a lot of connections and literally every person person I played League with. That's mainly the reason why I didn't even bother finishing my placements. I felt so bad and I didn't care for my rank. Even less than I did before.

    Now that I have cried myself out.. I might aswell try to climb a little bit in S11 and try to improve my gameplay since I'm only playing solo now (/have been playing solo for 5 months now).

    I don't really main a specific champion in the jungle but I prefer bruisers, tanks and mages.

    But jungle is my main role. I haven't played another role in at least 8 months.

    submitted by /u/Amaro_the_Wizard
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    i can't get better at the game because i can't get used to the community

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:28 PM PST

    I've playing for almost two months and i really love the game i love the lores the champions and i have a lot of favorites

    the problem is that i just can't get better i feel like i have propel understanding of the basics but i just can't practice to get better bcs of the players, i can't practice in co op vs ai bcs it's too easy

    so i want to play in normal obv not ranked but the problem is that everyone is so judgmental of my mistakes and they keep pointing out how bad i am or straight up bullies it makes me anxious and i can't play anymore i can't enjoy the game and it's making me annoyed bcs i really like it

    submitted by /u/ylusses
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    What are the best counters for the following champs ?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 03:19 PM PST

    You just need to know 1 of this champs´s counters to answer.

    Also I don´t care for sites that say what´s the best counter because it´s all based on winrate, I want to know the actual best counters.

    Also preferably for toplane









    Tahm Kench



    submitted by /u/jamesatom25
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    Random stuttering in character movement.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 02:43 PM PST

    My FPS and ping are completely normal, but the character movement seems to lag during brief moments while going from a point to another. This is disorienting and has been negatively impacting my games. I have already turned the movement prediction on and off, but nothing has changed.

    Does anyone have any idea what could fix this? My drivers are up-to-date as well.

    submitted by /u/FootballSubstantial3
    [link] [comments]

    Could someone help me out, I've been having a string games where I do really well early but I fall flat on my face mid to late as adc

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:42 PM PST

    For example i had this frustrating game as samira, we did well early me and sett, and i made it till 4 kills and 4 assists without a death till i got wreckt by volibear in a teamfight and accidentally gave him 700 gold shutdown. From than on it was as if he was indestructible, and while we got the first 3 drags before my death, we lost the next 3 drag teamfights. I didnt do any damage to him despite being ahead of their adc, even when I was staying back and trying to avoid his ult. But it was hard to do any damage because their anvia kept block us from fight and just generally melted my health down if I wanted to try and help.

    I built the item recommendations but I wasn't sure if they were especially accurate....

    https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Voxel exe

    submitted by /u/Voxel_exe
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    With the incoming release of Veigo, I'd like to learn fully how to Jungle. Any and all advice would be welcome! :)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:32 PM PST

    Last season I mained ADC and climbed to G3. It was a rough ride, and multiple times I considered swapping roles. JG from what I understand has the largest impact on the game, but it's the hardest role bc you need a very good understanding of Macro.

    I understand somewhat how to jungle. I played a lot of Amumu, but ever since the changes to JG XP, and the new item system, I was hoping to get some tips, and maybe some streamers I can watch and learn from. Any help would be appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/goku332
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    Am I the only one who STILL has crushing on MacOs Big Sur

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:54 PM PST

    Hello, after the big sur, for 2 months, I have been having very LOW FPS, can't even make skillshots properly, I saw some people said it's fixed now for them in new season, I wanted to know what's going on for other macos users, do u still have that problem

    submitted by /u/bottomboiTR
    [link] [comments]

    What makes League so harder to improve at then other games?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:44 PM PST

    Literally the title. I see so many people talking how it takes multiple seasons to get diamond and lots of no-life grinding for challenger as well as godly mentality. Everybody you ask says it's so damn hard. The question is, why is it soo much harder then other games, and why does it take multiple years? I've seen so many people get top 1% in valorant/cs go within 6 months with no prior background. There are people in the fortnite community, kicking tournaments, earning big bucks right now and they just started 3 months ago. One such was in fortnite worlds 2019. He picked up fortnite for three months, just straight on grind and scheduled, well thought out plan. And there isn't even that many resources for fortnite as for League. Most of advanced knowledge about fortnite, that you pay 70$/hour for coach, you get for free from videos and other resources. I get it, carrying is harder, but you can't tell me it's that hard. Every single game has more and more prodigies doing it within one season/3 months aka small periods of time. How come it's still accomplishment to hit diamond after 3 years of constant playing and grinding. At this point, I feel like it's about mentality rather then anything else. 4-5 seasons ago somebody put in player's heads that being top 1-3%(basically level at which you can go pro/stream/coach etc., basically make money and a carrer out of it) requires years and years, for no apparent reason, when compared to other games. What ensures me as average community member, that if another person comes and says: "You can do it in 5 months if you optimise your schedule" and it turns out to work out even if not true. Who says such thing(us being taught that it takes years to be with the top/at the top) isn't just a placebo effect?

    My style of writing might seem little bit aggressive. It's not in any way, I just am really passionate when I get an idea or concept within my head.

    submitted by /u/Sonny546546
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    Analyzing Matchups

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:25 AM PST

    Im a jungle main and try to analyze matchups to determine if I have priority / if its a good gank target / or if I should ignore the matchup. This seems pretty hard to me so I started thinking about factors that would determine the outcome of a lane.

    Ranged/Melee: Ranged matchups should definately have the upper edge in the earlygame but tend to be outscaled by their melee opponents

    CC: The one who has more cc in the lane should be better equipped for a fight as far as im concerned

    Mobility: Being able to dodge skillshots detemines the outcome of a fight

    Tankyness: If you can build tanky early in the game you can get the upper hand in a lane

    AoE: The ability to push enables a laner to ward, have a good back, roam (any other ideas?)

    Outscale: Finally, the one that outscales will win eventually if he didnt int to hard

    Those are the factors I could think of and the according conclusions that I draw from them. Do you have ideas for other factors that determines a lane and how they effect a matchup? Also if you have other concepts how to analyze a lane I would he happy to hear about them. Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/RoyalXeronic
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    Warding : An in depth tutorial

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:25 PM PST

    Vision is arguably the most important part of the game. Chances are, you're likely pretty comfortable with your champion, if you're bringing it into your ranked matches. Because you're spending most of your time in lane or jungle(depending on your role), you can impact other lanes and roles simply by, that's right, pressing your 4 key(or whatever you have it binded to). Key tip 1: Always have less than 2 charges in your ward with yellow trinket in the early game. Here are some tips for each role:

    Top: Don't ward until 2:30 minutes. Most junglers start botside and path upwards, and since they finish their clear at scuttle spawn,(3:15), you can have the most value of your ward.

    Jungle: When you enter the game, walk to the opposite side of the map you're starting from, and ward the pixel brush(The little square near mid in the river). Then, recall before 50 seconds, pick up a sweeper(red ward), and start your clear. Your sweeper will allow you to get a more successful gank in the early stages, and the early yellow ward will defend against invades. There is no reason to not use this strategy every game.

    Mid: Use your ward at 2:30, not before or after. Place it on the scuttle spawn location, which junglers tend to rush to after their clear. Which side of the river should you place it on? This requires map awareness in the first 1 minute of the game. Look for which lane leashed their jungler(usually the lane that walks to lane late), and place your ward on the opposite side of where they started from. This will allow you to play safely, AND provide your jungle the vision needed to get objectives early.

    ADC: This role is slightly complicated to ward with. When playing with a bush control heavy support, start with sweeper to ensure you get bush control. If not, then use your wards to defend your own jungle. Your support will likely provide you with vision to defend your lane, so using the spare wards to ward your jungler's botside buff is very valuable. Try not to just waste your ward in the alcove bushes, as they give little value.

    Support: Use. I mean really use your support item. You alone provide as much vision as the rest of your team combined. The second you unlock your support item and can place many wards, switch to sweeper. You will no longer need the trinket. Your sweeper will act as a free control ward, since you can ward an area, and sweep it. If your lane is losing, roam and get enemy jungle vision and ward scuttle spawns. You can single handedly carry just by warding constantly.

    Now, some general tips for warding.

    Objective pits warding: place control wards right around the edge of the dragon and baron pits, near the entrance. If the ward is close enough to the wall, enemies won't be able to see it while walking past. For late game baron warding, place your ward right behind the baron's head. This will make is incredibly hard to click and break it, often leaving lazy players stumped. Also, sunfire cape building champs will have to walk to the back of the pit, causing baron to attack them.

    Fun tip:Warding the honey fruits at 6:20 will spot out some low health or low Mana champions looking for some sustain. You can use this vision to collapse on vulnerable targets.

    Late game warding: Offensive VS defensive warding.

    Offensive warding is most commonly used in the late game. These wards pretty much include anything past the river, including deep in lane, or deep in the enemy jungle. Objective pits included. These wards will allow you to keep your lead, since you have the map control to walk into enemy territory to place these wards. It will also spot out enemy jungler's, allowing for cheesing objectives like baron.

    Defensive warding is most commonly used when behind. Since your team won't be winning 5vs5s, you will have to look for 2v1s or 3v1s on the enemy's stronger targets. Being ahead will cause them to be careless and greedy. For example, a defensive ward could spot out a flashless enemy jungler attempting to take your jungler's camps. This info can lead to a free kill/shutdown, and can snowball your game during their long death timer.

    Mid game warding: This is where many players lose their motivation to ward. Mid game warding can force the game out of laning phase. For example, a full team of 5 can use mid game vision to collapse on a lone enemy, and can force the enemy team to group as well.

    Roam wards: This is used mainly for the mid lane. If you're a mage going against something like a talon, kassadin, or any strong roamer, placing a ward a little past the very center of the lane will spot out any roamers running to the sidelanes. This is more valuable than pixel brush wards, since you can place one ward to cover both sidelanes, instead of two.

    Krug wards: Used when playing/playing with an aggressive jungler, like warwick, lee sin, elise, etc. Placing a ward in the little rectangle brush next to enemy krugs will get vision of enemy jungler's doing krugs, a camp that generally takes a long time. This can lead to the mid laner getting a pick while roaming, or your own jungler getting cross map objectives, now know that they're botside.

    Farsight Alteration(Blue trinket): Very underused late game item. This gives you infinite vision in a small area. Lasts infinite duration, but is visible like a control ward, and is broken by one hit. This can be used as a mini Ashe hawkshot, detecting enemy teams doing objectives. You can use this to spot out enemy jungler's coming to contest objectives.

    Warding while running:If an adc or ranged auto attack based champ is using attack-move click to kite, placing a ward between you and that champion will make their attack move click target the ward instead, getting rid of their burst for a short while.

    Ghost poro and zombie ward:Both are used mostly with Umbral glaive on assassin's. This is also used sometimes on supports who want to get tons of vision and be used as a utility carry in the late game. Ghost poro is more defensive, while zombie ward is more offensive.(Typically).

    Fiddlesticks effigy: Arguably the most effective ward. Used as a distraction, decoy, sweeper, ward, heart attack inducer, etc.

    Control wards: Buy one every time you recall, is a pretty broken item against champs like shaco, evelynn, twitch, and other camouflage champs.

    submitted by /u/Nocheese1
    [link] [comments]

    As an ADC, is there anything I can do/improve on to win games in which the enemy top/mid are fed?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 03:25 PM PST

    I just finished my placements (won 5, lost 5). In every game except for 1, I won my lane. In addition, 1 loss was due to poor macro play by me and I understand that is improvable. However, for the 3 other games I lost in, the enemy top/mid were too fed for me to do anything. I was wondering if there is anything I should be improving on (macro-wise and micro-wise) to increase the chances of winning these games?

    As of now, I feel like I depend too much on my team not to feed the enemy team and I feel like that shouldn't be the case? So please feel free to give me advice/tips on how to increase my chances of winning these games.

    My na.op.gg is BrightLives - Summoner Stats - League of Legends (op.gg)

    P.S. I just started last season and briefly played ranked during the 2020 season, but did not really focus on it too much. So even beginner tips are welcome!

    submitted by /u/BrightLives
    [link] [comments]

    Dedicated kits or diverse ones?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:38 AM PST

    Hello, I find myself strugling against other champs that have more mobility or diversity in their kit. For example, Samira has all the good stuff as a marksman champ: ranged attack, mele, block, mobility, and makes me wonder why should I not pick her over other marksmen like Caitlyn or Jhin.

    Other champs that I see this are Swain that even if a mage it can stun, grab enemies like Lux, Morgana, and has more offensive abilities or Seraphine that is basicaly more useful than Sona or Soraka (in terms of a healer/shielder support)

    I know that every champ has its goods and bad parts but as I would play them and learn would I be able to 1v1 any other champ on the same category/skill level, even with support along?

    submitted by /u/Comprehensive_Cow440
    [link] [comments]

    Mentoring Thread: Patch 11.01

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:02 AM PST

    Please do not reply directly to the thread.

    Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.

    Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.

    Respect our Golden Rule. If you find that certain teachers/students are disrespectful, send us a message here.

    For all the previous weeks: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    Format for replies|Only Teachers should directly reply to the distinguished comments

    :--:|:--: Copy paste this and fill it up in your responses.


    Summoner Name:

    **League / Division**: **Areas of expertise**: **Champions**: **Languages Spoken**: **Duration of Mentoring**: **Preferred Methods**: **Other Info**: 

    Previous Week Threads: Click here to see results

    General Guidelines for Students

    • You will be making the first contact by sending a PM or replying to the mentor of your choice.

    • Come prepared. What do you want to take away from this? Is there anything the mentors can review?

    • Know your issues: In which areas do you struggle?

    • You must understand that getting better is all about yourself. Bring your best attitude.

    • Be motivated. The results are proportional to the amount of effort you put in practice.

    • Mentors are here to assist and help you with the difficulties you encounter. This is not a way to find high elo Duo Queue partners.

    General Guidelines for Mentors

    • You will accept players of your choice as students upon receiving their messages. The responsibility to make further contact and set up times falls on you.

    • Be clear as to what you want to do for your student(s) in your description: Review replays, lane together in normals, experiment and practice in custom games, simply answer questions/discuss, etc.

    • Try to organize your sessions by having specific themes. You do not want to overburden someone with too much information at once.

    • Give yourself discussion prompts to avoid losing your trail of thought. Slow down, clarify your opinions and make sure the student understands.

    • It is important to always promote a positive attitude and mentality towards playing and improving.


    submitted by /u/furiousRaMPaGe
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    how do you track progress/stats for yourself? Does anyone use note-taking post game to improve or have suggestions how to learn from each game?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:56 AM PST

    I want to stay focused this season and avoid mindlessly spamming games. Does anyone have any tips, or perhaps documents they use to log and track their games to focus on improvement? Sorry if this sounds dumb I'm not exactly sure how to describe it. Ive seen streamers in the past log their games to focus on improvement and would love some help

    submitted by /u/thisisunreal
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    I went from Iron IV to Gold IV this preseason by using ADC role

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:46 PM PST

    Hello Summoners, so this is my tips and tricks to rank up as ADC.


    • You should have enough sleep before playing games. Being Sleepy while playing is hard because you can't make decisions because your brain focuses on sleeping not on the game.
    • Being Dehydrated. Drink some water before and after the game and you can also have some water bottle in your side so that you can drink even though you are playing.
    • Positivity and Clear Mental Health. Being positive in the game is the best thing to do when ranking up. I have this game when our team lose the laning phase and some of our team is 0/6 we still won the game because we don't give up and we are always positive.
    • You should take a rest. After a game rest for atleast 5 minutes.


    1.) Champion Pool

    as an ADC you should only focus on 1-2 champions. I only used Draven and Jhin to rank up from Iron IV to Gold IV. Don't think about the counterpicks just master 1-2 champions and when you are better even though this champion counters your champ you can still win the lane because you are a better plater.

    2.) Wave Management

    Before playing rank game, play some practice tool and try to last hit all the cs. In the game getting 70 cs in 10 mins is good getting 80 cs in 10 minutes is better 90 cs in 10 mins is the best and getting 100 cs in 10 mins is equals to being a challenger in wave management.

    3.) Map Awareness

    To improve map awareness look into the map every 5 seconds.

    4.) Pushing Lane

    Slow Pushing is the best pushing by only last hitting the minions because it is for your safety for easy ganks and your enemy will lose some xp because they can't extend their position.

    5.) Staying in the lane or rotating?

    When you are winning the laning phase and you push the bot lane turret of the enemy look at the map and see if the other laners are winning. If the top is Winning and the mid is even you can stay to the bot but if the top is losing and mid is winning you can switch lanes to your top lane with your support

    6.) 2v2 engange at level 2

    When you get 9 cs faster than the enemy adc then you and your support will get level 2 first. You should engage when you are level 2 with your support and attack the enemy ADC because you have more skills, AD, Health, etc.

    7.) 2v2 on Bot Lane

    When you 2v2 enemy bot lane you should only focus adc because their support has no damage. When they focus on your support you can freely damage the ADC and then you and the enemy support are the only one left then we all know that any support can't beat ADC.

    8.) Wardings

    Wardings is so important in bot lane because you can have many vision so that you will know when to engage. By improving the wardings the wards should always be on cooldown and when you reach mid game you should switch to Farsight Alteration.

    9.) Trading or CS?

    You should priority CS over Trading because it will give you more gold (Remember that 12-15 cs is equals to 1 kill)

    10.) Trading as an ADC

    Before Trading you should know how to dodge and the skills of your enemy whether who has more damage and better in trading if you know you can't trade because their champion is better then focus on CS and dodge their skills and know the range of their AA.

    11.) Secondary runes

    When you know that you will lose at trading in lane you should go inspiration (Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery) but when you know that you trade better than the enemy ADC then go Domination on Secondary runes.

    12.) Teamfighting

    When teamfighting maintain your distance to enemies not to far not to close and hit the closest guy.

    Tips and tricks:

    • Mute your team and your enemy but not their pings
    • When you see that the minions are pushing then you can recall
    • Play > Rage
    • Dragon > Turret Plating (unless necessary)
    • Don't play when you are 3 loss streak
    • Having a Support Duo on your game will give you a higher chance of winning



    - You should focus on only 1 champ and a secondary champ when your champ is banned.
    - You should have a rune page for that champ (Copy Pros is the best)
    - Never Troll and Rage


    - Think why you died, Never make the same mistake twice and you should improve every game.
    - Practice Wave Management (100cs in 10 mins on practice tool)
    - Warm up before playing Rank
    - Don't be Aggressive on kills and know when you should follow him or not.
    - Have more game sense.


    - Don't Rage when you have stupid teammates instead focus on the game.
    - Know about Macro
    - Know what to do on Mid and Late game
    - Improve your Itemization Knowledge
    - Your lowest cs in 10 minutes should be 70cs

    GOLD (I reach Gold but only in a short of time but for me this is the problem of Gold players)
    - Thinking that they know everything
    - Okay they know something about this but they don't know how to apply it
    - You should have more confidence on your games
    - Always Giving up when they lose their lanes

    Ranking Up as an ADC is possible if you are always positive and having some confidence. I'm from Southeast Asia and in my country there are so many toxic and by muting them all is what I do every game so that I won't lose my confidence. Thanks summoners hope we ADC mains can reach high ranks. (sorry about my english)

    submitted by /u/juderszxc
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