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    Wednesday, January 6, 2021

    League of Legends Patch 11.1 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    League of Legends Patch 11.1 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Patch 11.1 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 01:39 AM PST

    Does Demacia have a name for teens who are way too into Ionian culture?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 01:50 PM PST

    Those kids who read way too many ionian comic books or something and now want to move to Ionia and become a ninja or a samurai or something inbetween, or find themselves an attractive half-animal romantic partner.

    At least that's their plan, they'll probably get stuck working in a Demacian bakery and end up dying alone of old age, still holding their custom made Ahri bodypillow, which is honestly kinda fucked up because Ahri is a real person in that world. It'd be kinda like me having a dakimakura of Michelle Obama or something idk.

    I was thinking of something along the lines of Niiaboos but idk. Maybe they just don't care and end up joining the Mageseekers so they can vent their frustrations on the poor and oppressed, that's all Demacia knows how to do anyway.

    submitted by /u/Obama----Gaming
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    11 years and we still don't have a "appear offline" option

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 04:27 AM PST

    Thread from

    ~ 2 years ago

    ~ 1 years ago

    It's simple. Sometimes (or a lot of the time) you just want to play solo without having to give friends, girl/boy friends, and random people you don't know excuses as to why

    Yeah you can use 3rd parties to accomplish it, but I feel like people shouldn't have to search and install a new program for such basic feature...

    submitted by /u/afropunk90
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    Did you ever have to flash comet before?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 06:01 AM PST

    Raz ANNOUNCES joining LCS BROADCAST for 2021 - Full Interview

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 10:01 AM PST

    Season 2021 Livestream Teaser | League of Legends

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 11:03 AM PST

    Trick retires

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 05:36 AM PST


    One of the best Korean imports announces his retirement. He was such a crucial aspect of both Schalke and SK in his final days. Sad to see another veteran retire. It would be cool to see him in the LCK as an analyst similar to Lira and Pawn or even as a coach/mentor for LCK or LEC teams.

    submitted by /u/McintyresRightLeg
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    LCS announces its on-air team

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 10:15 AM PST



    For those who don't wanna watch the video:

    • Dash

    • LeTigress

    • Kobe

    • CaptainFlowers

    • Phreak

    • Pastrytime

    • Azael

    • Razleplasm

    • Emily Rand

    • MarkZ

    • Crumbz

    • Riv

    • Kien

    • Primal

    • Spawn

    • Allorim

    • Hai

    submitted by /u/kakusei_zero
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    Dignitas rebrands

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 09:21 AM PST

    If Shyvana IS getting a rework, I feel like her dragon form should, at some point in the match, just be permanent

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 12:45 PM PST

    So with the recent tease of potential VGU candidates, I suddenly remembered an idea I had for her...

    What if after a certain point in a match...she just transforms into a dragon permanently. Kinda like Kayle

    Y'see Shyvana has one big problem. She doesn't currently treat the "Play as a dragon." fantasy that she's meant to supply. Not only are the visuals and abilities for her dragon form outdated, you only get that form temporarily. Way I see it, if I wanna play as a dragon, I should be allowed to play as that dragon for as long as I want.

    Idk how you'd go about working this into her kit. Maybe her ult only has 2 ranks and when cast at the 2nd rank, the transformation is permanent and the ult is turned into something else (Maybe like her leap at current, but without the tranforming part.)

    Idk, just an idea I had. Honestly I just think Shyvana would be a lot more interesting if you were the dragon for more than like 5% of the game

    submitted by /u/Solash1
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    Kai'Sa is sent alone to protect the nexus from the entire enemy team

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 07:23 PM PST

    The problem with healing comes from how grievous wounds is applied

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 03:35 PM PST

    The problem with healing comes from how grievous wounds is applied

    TLDR: riot should nerf healing in general by ~40% and then rework grievous (GW) wounds to follow all of the principles that the other "counter items" follow. I.e. Either make an alternative to GW that you apply on yourself to reduce the healing enemies receive from you, or make all of the GW items actives with cooldowns (eg. your next auto applies GW, your next spell applies GW, etc), creating power windows for both teams.


    I believe the problem with healing is actually caused by how grievous wounds is applied; once you purchase your GW item, you can ensure that whoever you fight for the rest of the game will always be affected by GW. This means three things:

    1. They will never have windows of opportunity where GW cannot be applied to them. (unless the person who bought the item is dead or not in a team fight).
    2. Grievous wounds items do not just counter one champion at a time; once you buy one item you counter the healing of everyone on the enemy team.
    3. Whoever buys the GW item doesn't just counter the champion that wants to heal, they make it so that their entire team counters the champion that wants to heal (unless the person who bought the item is dead or not in a team fight).

    I will now refer to these points as point 1, 2, and 3 respectively. I believe these are the reasons that healing and GW seem so unbalanced, where it's like an arms race where both are continuously getting stronger. To show this, I will compare GW items to other "counter items".


    Quicksilver Sash, a case study:

    How QSS addresses point 1:

    QSS has a cooldown; when you buy it it makes champions like Skarner and Malzahal unable to do what they want. Late game these champions will have a brief window to capitalize on this cooldown, however this is usually negligible. However, when used to counter basic ability CC, QSS has a much longer cooldown, giving a large window for a champion to play around.

    How QSS addresses point 2:

    QSS does counter all CC, so if a team has both Skarner and Malzahar it counters both of them, but not at the same time. If someone QSS's a Skarner ult, now Malzahar has 90 seconds to ult them. Or any other cc (stuns, snares, taunts, charms, etc) can also be applied to them during this window when they cannot QSS.

    How QSS addresses point 3:

    When you buy QSS it only affects you. You can't use it to remove the CC from someone else, which would make champions like Skarner and Malzahar useless against your whole team.

    Mikael's Crucible, a case study:

    How Mikael's Crucible addresses point 3:

    This does make it so your whole team counters CC, however, it cannot be used to remove suppression. So the champions like Skarner and Malzahar who revolve around their ult do not become useless or countered by it. This still does make your whole team counter other CC though.

    How Mikael's Crucible addresses point 2:

    Mikael's does counter all CC that the enemy team has, however it has a cooldown, so if a team staggers their CC it won't be able to counter all of them at the same time.

    How Mikael's Crucible addresses point 1:

    Mikael's does have a cooldown, and since it cannot be used on suppression, we're going to compare its cooldown to other cc (stuns, snares, taunts, charms, etc). CC on basic abilities usually have less than a ten second cooldown late game, this means that even if Mikael's is used to counter your cc, you now have about a 110 second window where it can no longer counter your cc.


    QSS fails to completely align with point 1 because the abilities it is countering also have long cooldowns, but it aligns with the other two. Mikael's Crucible fails to completely align with point 3 (for non suppressions), but it aligns with point 2 via its cooldown and it aligns with point 1.


    Analysis of how all \"counter items\" align with the aforementioned 3 points


    Interestingly enough, frozen heart's aura passive is the only "counter item" that breaks all three points besides GW. A well used Randuin's can also break it, but that can be played around easier than frozen heart. We will treat frozen heart as an outlier and base our criteria for GW items off of the rest, and the following principle that they all follow.


    GW items must either follow point 3 or at least two rules:

    1. GW items should allow for windows of opportunity where it cannot be applied.
    2. GW items should not counter all enemies of the opposing team simultaneously.
    3. GW items should not make your entire team counter grievous wounds.

    Finally, healing should be nerfed across the board. If grievous wounds will be adjusted to obey the above principle then it follows that healing should also be adjusted because it has been inflated to survive in the current unhealthy ecosystem. I believe healing should be nerfed by ~40% on average, but it should vary by champion/item/rune, and I'm sure riot can figure out exact numbers better than I can.

    Possible actives (aligns with point 1 and 2):

    Auto attack based:

    • Your next x auto attacks apply grievous wounds for y seconds. Z second cooldown.
    • For the next x seconds your auto attacks apply grievous wounds for y seconds. Z second cooldown

    Spell based:

    • Your next x spells apply grievous wounds for y seconds. Z second cooldown.
    • For the next x seconds your spells apply grievous wounds for y seconds. Z second cooldown.

    More unique options:

    • Apply grievous wounds to target enemy for y seconds (ABC range). Z second cooldown.
      • Point and click projectile that apply grievous wounds.
    • Apply grievous wounds to the target area for y seconds. Z second cooldown.
      • Target an area and fire a projectile (or instead have a delay) and then every enemy unit in that area suffer grievous wounds for y seconds.
    • Target an area and create a zone that lasts for x seconds, while enemy units are within the zone they suffer grievous wounds. Z second cooldown.
      • Similar to the above one, but now units can leave the zone to instantly remove the grievous wounds, think Soraka E.
    • Apply grievous wounds to all enemy units in a circle around you for y seconds. Z second cooldown.
      • About the size of Randuin's Omen's active
    • Create a zone around you that lasts for x seconds, while enemies are within the zone they suffer grievous wounds. Z second cooldown.
      • About the size of Amumu's E

    Possible passives (aligns with point 3):

    • An item that has a passive where enemy champions only heal 50% off of you.
      • This would be interesting because it would specifically hurt lifesteal/omnivamp and champions like Vlad and Sylas, but it wouldn't affect healers or champions like Zac and Mundo.
    • Bramblevest THORNS passive.
      • A champion can choose not to attack a champion that has this item in a fight, therefore it mostly aligns with point 3.

    I'm sure riot can come up with more and better ideas, but the point of this post is to show how GW items don't follow the same principles that other "counter items" do.


    If healing is nerfed by ~40%, then when grievous wounds are applied (if assuming at 50% healing reduction), champions will only heal by around 30% of what they heal today, however the ways in which grievous wounds are applied are much stricter, so during fights champions can still have opportunities to heal by around 60% of what they heal today. Making grievous wounds items have actives instead of passive allows teams to capitalize on periods of time where champions can heal less to collectively burst a target, but also allow the healing champion a window where the item is on cooldown. Alternatively, instead of applying grievous wounds to an enemy, make it a buff on your champion where enemies heal less off of you.

    Edited the graph because one section was cut off.

    submitted by /u/Rift_Wanderer
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    I love the new shop. I’m still getting used to it. I’d love one improvement. Allow me to set certain items to ALWAYS go to a certain slot.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 08:45 AM PST

    I was a huge fan of making item sets for my champs. It made my life much easier in game. My favorite thing about it was that I had my pots always going to slot 2, pinks to slot 1, defensive actives on 2, offensive actives on 4.

    The new shop has made the need for item sets not really a thing anymore. That's okay, the new shop has solved most of the problems the item sets fixed.

    Please allow me to set a general rule (with exceptions) so that across all champions, when I buy an hourglass, it goes to my 2 slot, rocket belt slot 4 etc.

    submitted by /u/whiteTerrence
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    Damwon Gaming KIA new logo for 2021 onwards

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 05:06 PM PST

    Dont be in sion passive when urf deathmatch finishes (look at death timer)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 10:19 AM PST

    My little brother hit masters and is trying out for pro teams at the moment. So proud of my bro I had to put together a montage for him. Sorry for my editing "skills"

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 02:50 PM PST

    If this turns out to be the offical vgu poll, there's no way skarner will win.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 11:01 AM PST

    If this turns out to be the offical vgu poll, there's no way skarner will win.


    Skarner sure needs a rework, i can't stress enough on how the spires gimps his gameplay, from both balance, and fantasy perspective. But this is not the way, because there's no way the small community that supports skarner will outmatch shyvana and udyr

    This was taken from a video teasing the s11 announcement stream, here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/TocChien/videos/338444913806785/

    the video got taken down and made into an event

    Shyv is huge in china, and udyr is...well udyr. honestly they should get the voli/fiddle treatment and get vgu'd after mundo, they're going to win anyways.

    thank you for your attention, peace!

    submitted by /u/Predatoratorr
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    Bring back honoring your enemies

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 03:21 PM PST

    Overall i really liked the rework of the honorsystem. I have been honor 5 every season so far, and i think this system really rewards players for staying calm abd beeing great teammates. That said, i was really dissapointed that the option to honor enemies is gone. I can remember loosing games despite of my efforts, where getting honored by the enemy team helped me to get pack up, and not get mad about it. The only negative aspect of this option i could possibly think of, is people honoring the enemy 0/10 Yasuo for reaching his powerspike and "winning" the game for them. However, i do not recall this ever actually happening, so i doubt it would be a big problem. I think bringing back this function would help the game with reducing toxicity overall, especially helping players of oposite teams not be as toxic to each other. TLDR: Bring back honoring enemies, it helps against saltyness and toxicity

    submitted by /u/Spider-Ravioli
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    Satisfying Yone ult

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 12:30 PM PST

    Which finger do you use for Q?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 07:26 AM PST

    I had a conversation the other day with some friends and we were split 50/50. Me and a buddy use ring finger on Q and then our pointer does e, r, 3, 4, d, f but two others said they have pinkey finger on Q. I just wanna throw out a poll and see who uses what

    submitted by /u/TheShawnBot-3K
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    Tip for all League of Legends Daters

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 11:03 PM PST

    PSA: Practice Tool counts as a Custom Game, so if you buy a skin and try it in practice tool, you will need a refund token to refund it

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 02:22 AM PST

    Long story, I just bought Dark Valkyrie Diana with some spare RP I had and decided to try it in the practice tool (I usually do this with every new skin), but I didn´t watch the skin spotlights video before (because I had seen the skin In Game and liked it). After using it in practice tool I didn´t really feel like I had made a good purchase, so I decided to refund it "for free". Surprise surprise, it counted as if I already had used the skin in a game so a token was required. I sent Riot support a ticket and was answered that a Practice Tool game counts as a Custom Game, so I had to spent a token.

    TLDR: Title

    submitted by /u/FalierTheCat
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    If you buy an item with Ornn's passive you are locked out of using abilities and summoner spells (I'm mashing keys after buying)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 12:07 PM PST

    Where are the Graves and Katarina nerfs!?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 03:43 AM PST

    I don't get why these 2 champions get to be broken for so long. Literally the best in their roles for so long. Katarina should've never been changed for her abilities to proc On-Hit effects so that she can abuse marksman items, especially when she was already very strong before this. Now she's so cancer that if you don't get at least a quadra kill every game you're playing her wrong.

    Graves is the most disgusting champ to ever been put in the jungle, his current state is so terrible to play against, especially as a melee jungler. You just can never do anything to him at any point in the game, and you can't outfarm him because he outfarms everyone tied with Lillia, he also outscales everyone and has the healthiest clears of any jungler. Phas Rush also makes him so safe that even if you get on top of him, he just procs it and runs away easily, heals back up on camps and comes back to one shot you effortlessly.

    submitted by /u/LandPoop
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    Insane baron steal.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 02:32 PM PST

    League Displays Not Updated Since Patch 10.15

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 08:43 AM PST

    I recently downloaded League Displays and was surprised when I found out that it still hasn't been updated since patch 10.15 which was the patch that Lillia was released along with the start of the Spirit Blossom Event. I found a post about this issue dated all the way from September 2020. 6 months have passed since the Spirit Blossom event and Riot still hasn't gotten around to updating the League Displays. I hope this can shed some light on the issue and that a solution can be found.

    submitted by /u/sticksterdev
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