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    Monday, January 25, 2021

    LoL Guide Being Less Competitive

    LoL Guide Being Less Competitive

    Being Less Competitive

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:01 AM PST

    I'm not finding another place to post this so hopefully this is okay. I've been playing league for 8 years now. (My poor life). In those 8 years I've done decently playing on a few high elo teams and won a few tournaments/leagues and lost a few. Made friends, and had a decently good time. Unfortunately I'm older and no longer interested in spending that much time a day/week keeping up with new players of that skill level, they're just better than me. So I've decided to settle down and play with friends and my fiancée. My friends however, are not that great, and I find myself getting frustrated with their play and just not enjoying the game all the time. They are also not people that want constructive criticism since they don't care too much about the game themselves. It makes it difficult since I don't want to be that way. Does anyone have any advice as to how I can just enjoy league? and not be so competitive. I'd like to continue playing the game with them but I also don't want to continually get frustrated and risk taking it out on them and upsetting them. How can I relax and enjoy the game more?

    ***Quick Edit Thanks everyone for being supportive (for the most part) and giving some genuinely good advice/ideas. I greatly appreciate having some different perspectives.

    submitted by /u/Sluggo95
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    Viego can actually full clear by Scuttle spawn with full HP (Leashless Demo)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:58 AM PST


    Couple seconds off the 3:15 mark here because I got badly creepblocked by Krugs at 0:40, but close enough.

    I've heard a lot of complaint from Viego players struggling to get through the earlygame because of his slow early clear, and I wanted to show that his early clearing is actually well above-average. It just takes some practice. A good run ends ~3:15 with full HP without needing pots. Ideally you want a leash, in which case you can end well under 3:15 with a Smite left for Scuttle, but I'm displaying a leashless clear for the sake of consistency.

    You can generally take whatever skill order you prefer. QWQE seems to provide the best results in my experience, but if you want to play it safer, QWEQ and QEWQ are only a few seconds slower. QEQW works as well. Just take what you want. I have AS/AD/Armor and Conq+Ravenous here.

    The important details to note are:

    1. Try to space your Q and W slightly to use up your mark before applying a new one, to avoid wasting the damage and heal.
    2. If you're having trouble hitting all the monsters from AOE camps with your Q, generally stepping back a bit before Q'ing will pull them into you nicely.
    submitted by /u/phylaris
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    Macro Guide | Wave management Guide | 6 Examples

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 05:29 PM PST

    Yo, Slunt here!

    I've broken down wave management into 6 different examples/scenarios to try to help you all out.

    If you all can think of any other scenarios (I KNOW THERE ARE A TON/EVERYTHING IS SITUATIONAL) to help each other out then please comment below.

    Edit 1: Thank you all so much for all of the discussion going on below, this is exactly my intention. Talking through different scenarios about the best outcome.

    Edit 2: Appreciate all of the awards/support, you all are the bomb.

    1. You just killed your enemy laner solo:

    Majority of the time after killing a solo laner you want to push the wave into the enemy tower as soon as possible especially if this wave isn't a Siege Cannon Wave. Pushing the wave into the tower denies the enemy laner at least 130 gold + Experience.

    If this wave is a Siege wave then generally you want to leave the wave if it is an even wave. If you were to push the Siege wave by yourself the enemy laner will usually be able to get back to lane in time to kill the siege wave or at least 5 of the 7 minion on that wave. The rationale behind this is that the tower takes a lot longer to kill a siege minion allowing the enemy laner more time to walk back to lane. If you were to just leave the wave as is, you will deny the enemy laner 3 minions instead of 1/2 minions.

    1. Freezing

    If you killed your enemy laner and their wave is much larger than your wave this is also a good opportunity to freeze the wave. This will likely put them in a bad position whenever they get back to lane. Freezing the wave in this scenario will deny them at least 6+ minion and force them to put in the danger zone of their lane.

    Freezing the enemy laner will force them to make risky plays to break the freeze or they will have to call upon their jungle to break the freeze (wasting their jungles time)

    1. You + your Jungle killed enemy laner:

    Generally when you and your jungle are able to pull off a kill you want to ping for assistance to help push the wave, this includes Siege minion waves. You and your jungle will usually be able to push the wave fast enough so that the enemy laner will miss all 6 or 7 CS/EXP. This will also potentially give you more time to get a plate/make your next move.

    1. Roaming

    Roaming should only be looked at if you believe there will be guaranteed gold for your team. You have to be gold hungry in solo/duo queue. If you are mid lane and the enemy bot lane is pushed to your bot's tower and it looks like a juicy roam opporotunity you have to ask yourself. "Do they have their summoners" "Is my bot able to follow up this roam" "What does my current wave look like." Generally I like to roam after pushing in the second of three waves, knowing that the cannon wave is the third. As soon as you push in the second wave this will allow you a lot of time to pull off a roam and make it back to lane with minimal cs/exp lost.

    What you don't want to do is roam on a bad wave, and gank a lane that is able to get away easily or 2v3 you + your bot lane.

    1. Pushing Before Objectives

    Planning an objective 60 seconds + in advance is key to securing said objective. If Dragon or Scuttle crab is coming up you do not want to be pushed under your tower because if your jungle needs you, you will be late to the fight/lose cs and experience. Ideally before these objectives you want to push the enemy under their tower so you can more quickly roam towards the objective if your help is needed. Pushing to help your jungle out can go a long way.

    1. When not to back/When to back

    An old coach once told me: "you want to spend as much time in the game as possible"

    This has helped me a great deal with climbing. Before I back I always ask myself "do I actually need to recall right now." If I can stay in lane safely and soak up experience/gold I'm going to try my best to do so.

    If there are objectives coming up and you have enough health/mana to try and contest then there is no need to back. You backing will put your team at a major disadvantage.

    If you do have to back you want to try to back after shoving the enemy wave so it will allow you the most time to get back to lane. If you back before doing this and don't shove the enemy will be able to shove your wave and deny you a wave of cs/exp.

    Generally backing before a siege wave will allow you the most time to get back to lane and conserve the most cs.

    I KNOW there are tons of different scenarios and I really want to hear what you all have to say. If you have any examples that you think people may benefit from, PLEASE throw it down in the comments.

    Most of these concepts are pretty standard and obviously situational. I think that understanding these full and through can help out new players a lot.

    Video examples of all 6 points:


    submitted by /u/ACslunt
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    This is going to sound very weird, but, how do I farm when my team is winning?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:51 AM PST

    Silver IV Kai'Sa/Varus main here, and my biggest struggle right now is maintaining a good CS past 15-20 minutes.

    Picture this scenario: It's 25 or so minutes into the game, and my team has taken all 3 outer turrets, possibly even an inner. How do I farm the side lanes if the wave stays mostly in enemy territory, where I'm very vulnerable to ganks? If I ward, I see the enemies coming, but getting out of there is a big issue when playing someone like Varus, especially if the enemy champion is fast or has a lot of CC.

    submitted by /u/Plague_Knight1
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    High elo support mains, what was it that clicked and helped you reach high elo?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:50 AM PST

    Basically the title, but what was it that just changed how you played or how you thought about the game to be able to climb as a support main. Was it something you learned in game, something you changed about yourself/mindset, or was it just grinding and slowly moving up and learning? I am just curious to where it just clicked and you started destroying your games and climbing rank after rank. Obviously everyone starts out new and sucks, but some of us just don't get higher and others just blast through the ranks and get the game on another level, so please, any words of wisdom for us lower elo supports that feel like support is the role that goes nowhere unless you get carried every game. Thanks for any advice or tips or stories!

    submitted by /u/Po0Bah
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    My sons just started playing. Any Advice on teaching them the game?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:42 AM PST

    Hey folks, I'm an older player started back in S2 but stopped playing a few years ago when things got busier. My boys just picked up League. They had never played a MOBA before but knew I used to play. We went in and are playing some VS AI games and are having a blast. They are eager to graduate to normals though. So we played one and got trashed. Id love to keep encouraging them and helping them grow. Its a blast spending time with them so Id love for some tips to help them learn and improve myself as well. Any Advice?

    submitted by /u/OrionDeii
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    Is Learning League in a competitive setting worth it?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:27 AM PST

    So i am incredibly new to League of Legends because of the recent inclusion of an Esports "Club" at my highschool. Of course, everybody who joined the first semester squad had really no clue what they were doing but we did extremely well, earning a winning record in a small circuit on PlayVs. We played against The Top Highschool team in Georgia and got destroyed of course. I have been flirting with the idea of joining this season, as i have passively been involved with the team by learning to take up the jungle role, as for the second semester, the returning varsity players will be swapping roles a bit (including the former jungle player).

    Ive been loving playing Udyr, Fiddlesticks, Nunu, and the occasional Volibear. Our coach knows enough about the game to teach us a good bit about playing the game in this type of setting. I think he is is a mid-elo player? Not sure. I wanted to know if learning the game off of a competitive foundation would be a good idea?

    Account level is 23 btw and i have played every position thus far in league. Jungle has been the most fun and rewarding for me.

    submitted by /u/Phenicutie
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    Nootropics and Gaming: My attempt to figure out what is worth it using research

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:10 AM PST

    Preface: I'm a 4'th year medical student with a passion for self-improvement and optimization. This includes my IRL skills as well as my gaming. How to improve faster, how to be more efficient with my time, how to reach new heights, feel and play better; these are the things that interest me and I try to find ways to do it through science. Some of you may have seen my previous posts on Meditation and Flow. You might have also noticed that I post on multiple competitive gaming subreddits. I do this because these are games I personally enjoy, have coached and/or have competed in and also because these tips and tricks are not title dependent. Everyone can benefit and even apply it for things IRL. I prefer this be looked at as a conversation where you can tell me about your experiences, what has worked for you and other tips and tricks so that I may learn as well. I'm genuinely pleasantly surprised with the responses and the chance to meet like-minded individuals!

    On most of my posts I get asked about nootropics. I had read a bit on the topic before but never fully dived in so I took the opportunity to actually sit down for a couple days and look over the available research of the most popular substances. If you are anything like me (skeptical, and poor af) you want to make an informed to decision and only commit if it's worth the money. If you have money and want to some of them out then go ahead, there are reddit communities that experiment on this.

    As a funny note, I remember that the best Halo team in the state was known for being "cracked" on Adderall every tournament (Yea, I was never able to beat them, always got second). To poke fun at them we registered once as "Team Win Without Ade". Good times.

    Let's get right into the nitty gritty. "The term "nootropic" was coined by Corneliu Giurgea in 1972 to describe a new classification of molecules that acted selectively towards the brain's higher-level integrative activity." - Wikipedia

    I'll divide this into two sections. First section will be on the CNS stimulants and the second is on the rest. The conclusion will be at the end along with 2 Gamer Nootropic formula's with my thoughts (should read).

    I will also make it like a Tier List (this is completely based on my opinion after reading the literature).

    S tier - This is what I will use/incorporate

    A tier - Considerable

    B tier - Not enough pro's

    C tier - Nah

    NE = Noradrenaline/Norepinephrine

    DA = Dopamine

    Ach = Acetylcholine

    I. CNS stimulants - The three big names here Adderall, Ritalin, Provigil all have a similar mechanism of action by blocking reuptake of neurotransmitters such as DA and NE. This is also similar to how cocaine works. PLEASE BE CLEAR. I ranked them but I wouldn't take any of these drugs! I included them all because I want to be objective, and some of you might benefit if you have conditions for which they are prescribed for. Even if you do have these conditions I believe there are ways to ameliorate the symptoms and improve without the need for a pill to solve the problem momentarily. Yes, they might be beneficial for performance but the risk of abusing and overall changes to brain chemistry is not worth it in the long run. I speak from my own experience using during college.

    • Modafinil (Provigil) - A
      • Modafinil, sold under the brand name Provigil among others, is a medication to treat sleepiness due to narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder, or obstructive sleep apnea.
      • Of the three it's the least abusable, apparently because it's binding mechanism is different than cocaine's.
      • Acts primarily on NE and DA transporter inhibition. Also acts on serotonin, histamine, GABA, and glutamate. Has an effect on orexin (regulates sleep) which causes arousal and wakefulness.
      • This study shows that performance on a language learning task, which drew upon attentional, comprehension and working memory processes, was significantly greater in the modafinil group compared with control.
      • Moderate positive effect for a single dose administration of modafinil on reaction time, divided, sustained and selective attention.
      • The effects are more pronounced on lower IQ individuals.
    • Methylphenidate (Ritalin) - B
      • It acts by delaying the reuptake of the neurotransmitters NE and DA, which prolongs their biochemical effects in the central nervous system. This has been shown to result in an increase in attention and a decrease in restlessness in children and adults who have been diagnosed with ADHD
    • Amphetamine (Adderall) - B
      • Effect on cognition is mild to negligible. Most effect is on lower ability participants. It's more about the "sense" of doing better. Same thing with Ritalin. Studies proving cognitive enhancement in healthy individuals are mixed.

    II. The Main Stuff

    • Caffeine/L-Theanine - S
      • Caffeine is a CNS stimulant that reduces fatigue and drowsiness. At normal doses, caffeine has variable effects on learning and memory, but it generally improves reaction time, wakefulness, concentration, and motor coordination.
      • Caffeine is a methylxanthine that works by blocking the adenosine receptor. Adenosine is a molecule that builds up during the day and signals tiredness. If you block the receptor then your body doesn't register being tired. It also tends to cause vasoconstriction in the blood vessels in the brain.
      • L-theanine is an amino acid that promotes relaxation. Found in tea.
      • When used in combination you get the stimulation of caffeine and the soothing effect of L-theanine to produce a state of optimal relaxed focus.
      • Biggest effect is one hour post dose. Combining L-theanine with caffeine, at levels and ratios equivalent to one to two cups of tea, eliminated the vasoconstrictive effect and behavioral effects of caffeine. This supports previous findings of an interaction between these substances, despite a lack of effects of L-theanine in isolation.
      • Increased speed on several tasks, improved semantic memory and increased alertness.
      • "Caffeine and L-theanine, at doses equivalent to one to two cups of tea, are capable of modulating cerebral haemodynamics, cognitive performance, mood and autonomic measures. When combined with 75 mg caffeine, 50 mg L-theanine abolished a reduction in oxy-Hb observed following 75 mg caffeine in isolation, with this effect still apparent at the end of the assessment period". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4480845/#:~:text=Conclusions,of%20L%2Dtheanine%20in%20isolation.
      • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24946991/
      • https://www.researchgate.net/publication/47643925_The_combination_of_L-theanine_and_caffeine_improves_cognitive_performance_and_increases_subjective_alertness
      • Suntheanine is the most purest form of L-Theanine
      • Caffeine and L theanine doses in Tea
      • Black Tea is closest one to reach good levels but requires 400mL serving
    • Creatine Monohydrate - S
      • "Creatine's main function is to immediately supply energy to tissues with increased energy demands, such as muscle and brain. This can be achieved by phosphocreatine's high energy phosphate bonds that are available for immediate ATP replenishment in energy demanding circumstances".
      • This is what many gym-goers use post workout. I personally use it as it is the only actual gym supplement that has been backed by science and is worth the money.
      • There is evidence that short term memory and intelligence/reasoning may be improved by creatine administration. Other cognitive domains such as long-term memory, spatial memory, memory scanning, attention, executive function, response inhibition, word fluency, reaction time and mental fatigue, the results were conflicting/inconclusive.
      • Seeing as it has definite benefits for fitness and has some cognitive benefit I grade it S. If I were judging solely on cognitive benefits then it would be A/B tier
      • Could also help those in high stress scenarios.
      • Creatinine positive effect forvegetarians.
      • To start loading, take 0.3 grams per kilogram of bodyweight per day for 5–7 days, then follow with at least 0.03 g/kg/day either for three weeks (if cycling) or indefinitely (without additional loading phases).
      • For a 180 lb (82 kg) person, this translates to 25 g/day during the loading phase and 2.5 g/day afterward, although many users take 5 g/day due to the low price of creatine and the possibility of experiencing increased benefits. Higher doses (up to 10 g/day) may be beneficial for people with a high amount of muscle mass and high activity levels or for those who are non-responders to the lower 5 g/day dose.
    • Zeaxanthin/Lutein - S
      • Two important carotenoids, which are pigments produced by plants that give fruits and vegetables a yellow to reddish hue. Lutein is the most prevalent carotenoid within the brain, where it is believed to be neuroprotective through its role as an antioxidant. They are also concentrated in the retina which is important for eye health.
      • Mostly found in Spinach/Kale
      • Suggested that increasing macular pigment density through supplementation correlates with improved cognitive function.
      • CFF thresholds (∼12%) and visual motor reaction time (∼10%) compared to placebo. 26mg Zea / 8mg Lutein/190 mg mixed omega 3 fatty acid. In young healthy adults.
      • Increased memoryin healthy young adults.
      • BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) is important for brain health and it has been shown to increase with Zea/Lutein likely to a decrease in inflammation.
      • You could buy supplements or just eat 2+ servings of Kale/Spinach daily. It's also found in eggs. Therefore my usual breakfast is eggs served with vegetables and spinach.
    • Bacopa Monnieri - A
      • Effects: anti-oxidant neuroprotection (via redox and enzyme induction), acetylcholinesterase inhibition and/or choline acetyltransferase activation, β-amyloid reduction, increased cerebral blood flow, and neurotransmitter modulation.
      • Helps mostly with memory.
      • Mostly studied with older individuals but has shown effect on young and healthy.
      • The standard dose for Bacopa monnieri is 300mg, assuming that the total bacoside content (the active compound) is 55% of the extract, by weight.
      • Need to take 4-6 weeks
    • Rhodiola Rosea + Ginkgo Biloba - A
      • Rhodiola has the most effect on individuals with fatigue. I would use this mix if I weren't opting for caffeine/L-theanine.
      • Reduced reaction time in healthy men.
      • Ginko Biloba + Rhodiola benefits together
      • Improvement in mental speed/mental resources of Rhodiolah
      • The possible mechanisms of R. rosea L. are largely through antioxidant, cholinergic regulation, anti-apoptosis activities, anti-inflammatory, improving coronary blood flow, and cerebral metabolism.
      • Animal study that suggests improvement in memory and learning
      • Supplementation of rhodiola rosea tends to refer to either the SHR-5 extract in particular or an equivalent extract, any that confers both 3% rosavins and 1% salidroside.
      • Usage of rhodiola as a daily preventative against fatigue has been reported to be effective in doses as low as 50mg.
      • Acute usage of rhodiola for fatigue and anti-stress has been noted to be taken in the 288-680mg range.
      • Ginkgo biloba can be supplemented for cognitive enhancement, or to alleviate cognitive decline. Mostly affects memory.
      • There is no conclusive evidence that it helps cognition of young healthy adults. It aids in slowing cognitive decline. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17480002/
      • If you desired to take it for cognitive enhancement, take 120-240mg, one to four hours before performance. To alleviate cognitive decline in older adults, take 40-120mg, three times a day.
      • The supplement form of Ginkgo biloba is also called EGb-761 extract. It should be a 50:1 concentrated extract.
      • Ginkgo biloba should be taken with meals.
    • Phosphatidylserine - A
      • It is vital for cognitive function, but is not necessarily needed as the body synthesizes it. However, Phosphatidylserine (PS) supplementation in older individuals seems to improve memory and cognitive capacity.
      • Standard dose is 100mg taken 3x daily.
      • 2 months of supplementation of 200mg Phosphatidylserine (PS) appears to improve symptoms of global and subscale attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders in children with ADHD, and secondary to improving symptoms of ADHD an improvement in short-term auditory memory and impulsivity was noted.
      • Increased effect when supplemented with fish oil (DHA & EPA)
      • In otherwise healthy young adults given 400mg PS for 2 weeks, a significant improvement in processing speed (20%) and accuracy (13% more correct responses, 39% less wrong responses) is noted relative to placebo and independent of mood state
      • Stress seems to be reduced independent of cortisol levels and heart rate.
      • Acetylcholine increase in aged rats but not young rats
      • Studies in non-aged rats was able to significantly enhance brightness discrimination (indicative of memory formation) without significantly affecting anxiety or depressive symptoms.
    • Ashwaganda - A
    • Caffeine alone - A
      • Dosage. For physical performance 200mg. For cognitive start from 50-75mg. If a chronic user starts at 100mg.
      • Do not use in the afternoon/night. Disrupts sleep cycles.
    • L - Theanine alone - B
    • N - acetyl - L -Tyrosine - B
      • L-Tyrosine is an amino acid found in the diet that is metabolized to produce catecholamines such as dopamine and adrenaline. It is also used in the production of thyroid hormones. For these reasons, weight loss and preworkout supplements often include it. When it comes to the topic of actually increasing Da and NE outright, L-tyrosine does not seem to hold much promise. The synthesis of catecholamines is highly regulated in the body, so simply increasing the amount of L-tyrosine in your body does not necessarily increase catecholamine production.
      • Studies in humans showing most anti-stress promise for acute supplemental L-Tyrosine use a dosage range of 100-150mg/kg bodyweight which can be taken 60 minutes before exercise; this is a dosage range of 9-13.5g for a 200lb person and 7-10g for a 150lb person.
      • DO NOT take if you are hypo or hyperthyroid, taking MAO medications or levodopa.
      • Seems to be useful for stressful situations. I'm thinking tournaments.
      • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2736402/
    • Panax Ginseng - B
      • Panax Ginseng tends to be taken in doses of 200 to 400mg daily for general 'preventative' medicine, although some studies on the inclusion of Panax Ginseng in a multivitamin suggest doses as low as 40mg might be bioactive. The 400mg dose appears to confer most cognitive benefit. (better reaction time). Once daily.
      • This study showed a 7.5% improvement in memory when taking panax + ginkgo.
      • Seems to work well for fatigued individuals. Like a weaker version of Rhodiola Rosea.
    • Racetams – Piracetam - B
      • GABA derivative but doesn't behave as GABA. Acts on AMPA and maybe NMDA receptor. May increase cerebral blood flow, neuroprotective, antioxidative, antiapoptotic activity, being looked at for stroke patients and hemorrhagic shock. Increases membrane fluidity in aged brain.
      • Mostly helpful for cognitive decline and individuals with cerebral accidents.
      • No real improvement in healthy individuals
      • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10555876/
    • CDP - Choline - B
      • CDP-choline activates the biosynthesis of structural phospholipids in the neuronal membranes, increases cerebral metabolism and acts on the levels of various neurotransmitters. Has a neuroprotective effect in situations of hypoxia and ischemia, as well as improved learning and memory performance in animal models of brain aging.
      • Eggs, milk, peanuts, and some types of fish (cod, salmon, and tilapia, for example) are good natural sources of choline.
      • Recommended daily 550 mg/day for 14-18 year old males
      • One large hard boiled egg 147mg
      • Just eat the foods
    • Lions Mane - B
      • Currently, the only human study has used an oral dose of 1,000mg Lion's Mane (96% purity extract) thrice daily for a cumulative total of 3,000mg extract. While it is unknown if this is the optimal dose or not, it appeared to be effective.
      • Promote neuronal prolongation and formation of myelin
      • Helped against dementia, anxiety and depression
      • Only the MMSE (mini mental exam) showed improvement
    • Di-Caffeine Malate - C
      • 0 research. Supposedly slower release of caffeine, avoids crash, less GI symptoms
    • Huperzine A - C
      • It is known as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, which means that it stops an enzyme from breaking down acetylcholine which results in increases in acetylcholine.
      • Studied for use in Alzheimer. No studies in young healthy.
      • Increased neurogenesis.
      • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23454433/
    • Vitamins B 6, 9, 12 - C
      • These are imperative for cognitive function but they are only useful as a nootropic if you are deficient. With a balanced diet you should not have any need to supplement.
    • Nicotine - C
    • Noopept - C
      • Similar to Piracetam. Works mostly on memory of those with defective memory.

    III. Conclusion

    Many of of nootropic supplements are basically overhyped and based on assumptions since most studies are done on older and aging individuals for the prevention of cognitive decline. I will definitely use the S tier substances. I am going to consider Bacopa, Ashwaganda and Phosphatidylserine. Ashwaganda should be heavily considered in those with irritable moods, depression, anxiety etc. I will consider it also for the physical performance enhancement in my exercise routines. Rhodiola/Gingko should be heavily considered in those with chronic fatigue and low mood. Phosphatidyl should be considered in those with ADHD. For those in tournaments and high stress levels L-theanine and L-tyrosine are good options. Overall, many of the substances can be attained through proper healthy diet.

    Avoid CNS stimulants due to possible abuse and how it affects the brain neurochemistry in the long run. If you HAD to go for one then Modafinil is the choice.

    I looked into these two popular gamer nootropic supplements and found neither to my liking and rather incomplete. Genius Gamer has Lutein and Zea but other than that it is trash from the looks of it (theacrine and methyliberine are basically the same thing and act as caffeine). Esport Lab Pro has the caffeine/L-theanine combination plus Rhodiola and Phosphatidyl serine but the rest is meh. And at 60 bucks for a month of supplements it's a big no no from my part. Much simpler to pick and choose a few substances that you like, buy it in bulk/powder and just take at home. Here are the gamer nootropic supplements with their link for you to look at yourself:

    Genius Gamer


    Vit B 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12 .4/.4/5/2.5/.5/1.5

    N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine 88

    Cognizine Cytocholine 50

    Caffeine Vitashure 21

    Dicaffeine Malate 19

    Methyliberine 16

    Theacrine 16

    Lutein Lutemax 5

    Zeaxanthin Lutemax 1

    Esport Lab pro


    Vit B 3, 6, 12 10/10/500

    L-tyrosine 500

    Asian Ginseng 400

    Caffeine Anhydrous 160

    Taurine 500

    L-Theanine 100

    Phosphatidylserine 100

    Acetyl-L Carnitine 500

    CDP-choline 125

    Huperzine A 50

    DMAE Bitatrate 250

    Rhodiola Root 200

    As always thank you for reading and please share with me your thoughts, experiences, suggestions, etc. I'm very approachable and usually reply quickly since I only use this platform as my social media fix. Have a good day!

    submitted by /u/MetaDoc_OP
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    win lose streaks

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:30 AM PST

    does riot intentionally punish lose streaks? i find i will win 4/5 in a row then lose the next 5 and so on. feels like riot intentionally give me team diff, ive played 8 games in the last 2 days, and bot lane is fed beyond belief and that seems to decide my games, is this intentional to stop players smurfing ?

    submitted by /u/Wolf_Upbeat
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    Are some games unwinnable?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:09 AM PST

    About 20% I find to be impossible to win. I'm a top main with 75% in silver 3 so I'm climbing but I seem to get games where I win lane and cannot help in anyway due to the state of objectives and kills. My botlane will 0-6 by 10 mins and always shoved in with no deeper vision, I can't roam mid because again they've fed and permanently shove wave. Are these games just not winnable or is there a way I can carry ( I'm a camille main so can't 1v9 before 25 mins unless really ahead ) Also how often are these games actually unwinnable?

    submitted by /u/Wolf_Upbeat
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    General tips for Learning Jungle

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:37 PM PST

    The original post I was replying to ended up getting deleted and I didn't want to waste the effort I put into replying xd

    Hopefully this helps some people, otherwise ¯_(ツ)_/¯


    A few seperate things that can help contribute to wins in no particular order or priority.

    Champ pool:

    In my experience with jungle picking the right champions is half the battle, the current meta for jungle heavily favors champions that can clear quickly and efficiently. That doesn't mean it's impossible to win with slower picks, just that you will have less overall control over the game state than if you're adhering to the meta.

    Graves, Olaf, Hecarim, Rek'sai, Nidalee, and Lillia are all very strong junglers atm because of their ability to operate at a superior tempo compared to more fringe picks.

    Creating a plan for your early game:

    You should never be pathing on autopilot. In every game you need to think about the direction you need to be moving towards, dependent on where you expect the early action to be. Some games you need to be pathing away from specific lanes if the enemy team has superior lane prio. An example of an early game plan could look like this.

    IF TOP 2V2 FAVORABLE -> 3/4 camp towards the lane to be there on 3rd wave -> gank to secure prio -> utilize prio to secure scuttle -> /CONSIDER/ Gromp/Blue invade depending on enemy jungle tempo and starting clear

    This is just an example, the variables will obviously change every game.

    Win Conditions:

    If you have a losing bot 2v2 then you should determine the severity of the deficit and how much it affects how your team needs to play the game. If you can afford to leave the lane to it's devices, then you should play towards top side and secure early Rift to gain plates. Vice versa if you have a winning 2v2 bot then you should look to utilize that and secure the drakes on spawn.

    As a jungler you should always start the game by playing to where you're strong on the map. If you have a window to stem the bleeding then by all means prevent your top laner from getting dove on repeat, but your job as a jungler is to play to your win condition first and foremost.

    Finally, review every game and ask yourself if you're pathing efficiently. Turn enemy vision off and ask yourself 'why' 'could I have been there' 'how was my gameplay contributing to our win' etc.

    Gl, hope at least some of this helps

    submitted by /u/AzothLoL
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    My Leauge of Legends Wall

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:57 PM PST

    So I've played Leauge for an extremely long time with some brief hiatuses from time to time. I've seen myself improve from low bronze to low gold. (Still not great I know I know) I have a problem when it comes to settling down and only playing a handful of champs, and I feel like this could be part of why I can't seem to see anymore improvement. Do you guys think it's best to have a single main champ or say a pool of 5 champs or do you think just playing all champs benefits you more? I can't decide where to go from here and if I choose a pool of champions how to I start deciding on who's in and who's out? Thanks for any help in advance everyone!

    submitted by /u/mmartin000
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    Having trouble playing Shen.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:06 PM PST

    So here are my stats: https://imgur.com/a/vQaoJd5

    Hello everyone!

    This is the first time in League where I really want to put time and effort into getting better but I am getting bad results. I began playing this game with my ADC friend where I always played support. We did really well. We rarely lost lane but still lost due to teammates. I also got fed up with playing support. I decided to start playing top since I like some of the champs and I didn't want to go mid or jungle.

    I knew I was going to suck hard since I would be completely new to both CSing and trading. I picked up Shen because I always wanted to play him but I feel like I never do well with him. I have about 5 games I think on Shen and about 20 games on top. Am I doing well considering this?

    My biggest struggles right now:

    • I can't farm well because I just get harassed - I do better with CS as Morde or Malph because they are protected better while doing so. As Morde I can just Q from a safe distance (I can also poke with Q) and as Malph I can do E and zone the enemy laner by my Q spam. But with Shen I feel extremely vulnerable and I don't know why - Could it be because I never use Q and W to CS? It feels like a waste to use it on minions though...
    • I feel like I don't ult enough. There never seems to be a good opportunity for my ult which means I can't really help my team and try to gain gold that way. When I do ult someone they usually dont notice and either run away or just give up and die which means I dont get to TP.
    • Some matchups just seem impossible to win. I get outdamaged, outtanked and I just feel helpless. I can't fight Nasus since he just out damages me after he gets stacks. I'm supposed to counter Camille but she can just chip me with her W from a safe distance. When I actually do get to her, her shield just negates all my empowered Q hits. I don't get it and then my AAs are weak compared to her damage output.
    • I feel like I play too passive but when I try to aggro I just get my ass beat.
    • I get ganked like three times while my jungler never even tries. I also get camped a ton.
    • I just dont believe in myself because I rarely win...

    Yes I know most of these can be solved pretty easily, but I just dont see it because Im that bad. Are there perhaps some good Shen players that make videos on him (or guides)? If some of you can give me some tips I would really appreciate that. Thanks for reading and or commenting and have a good day!

    submitted by /u/Vejbyak
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    My Problem in Ranked

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:07 AM PST


    Since 2 years im gold (last season gold 1) and now im silver 1 after an extremely unlucky season start and can't get out of there. I dont know what to do, because in silver it feels like everyone is just doing their thing without thinking. Personally I think that it's easier to climb from gold 4 to gold 1 then from silver 4 to silver 1, because your teammates won't let you carry. Im not gonna lie in minimum every second game there is someone who dies 2 times, gets mental and runs it down. And I don't know how to handle these kind of players. It feels like no matter how fed I am, I cant carry my team and I really don't know how to fix that. In gold there aren't that much of these people, because unlike in silver, they listen to you if you are a bit fed and still just have more game knowledge at all, so that they are a lot more carrieable. I'm not gonna say im a good player cause that's a bit conceited, but my style is really carry based, with champions like Vlad, Kass and Talon and in almost every game i win my early. But I don't know how to carry the games if you lose the full pressure on the map without being able to do anything about. Could anyone help me what to do in these kind of situations. Do I need to change my playstyle maybe? Cause I'm really desperate..

    submitted by /u/Im-a-Ripper
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    Hail of Blades

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:44 AM PST

    I have always SUCKED at ADC, but I'm trying to get better, and finding some success with Hail of Blades. So far I've had fun with Twitch, Teemo, Tristana. What other champs can make good use of Hail of Blades and are similar to those above? They don't have to start with the letter T.

    When should I NOT use Hail of Blades? In certain matchups maybe?

    submitted by /u/Abject_Scholar6754
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    How do I not throw a game?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:20 PM PST

    I know it sounds a bit stupid but in ranked matches like 90% of the lost ones was just us throwing. It's really frustrating me because it happens so so often and I just can't seem to stop it. Even when we are like 30 kills ahead it happens that the enemy's easily beat us later without having someone like Kayle or Nasus that scales very well. How do you end a game asap as possible so this can't happen? How do you keep up pressure?

    submitted by /u/AltariaGlurak
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    What do you do after lose streak?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:55 PM PST

    I think title says it all, I played 9 games today (ranked) and lost every single one of them, given that I played the same character I believe that it wasn't my team but in fact myself, excluding that, after this 9 game win streak I don't feel angry or sad, kind of just defeated, like I wasted 6 hours of my life doing nothing. I don't feel like I learned anything, if any I got worse over the course of the 9 games, do you guys have any tips to sorta clear your head before your next game, or do something to cool off after losing that many?

    submitted by /u/Juleslop
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    I need help for Jungle.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 04:48 AM PST

    I've been playing league since season 4, but we all know how it changes every season.

    I have two accounts, i've always been high Platinum on my first account, my roles are mid/adc

    I made second account two years ago (Season 9) and i play Jungle only and i keep making circles around Silver 1 and Gold IV. I just dont know how to jungle properly

    Two of my main troubles are, im always low on cs comparing to the enemy jungler and im always, always two levels behind, (it doesnt necessarily means that my KDA is bad)

    If i try to keep up in CS, i lack ganks, and if i try to gank more, i lack CS, and im stuck there.

    When i look at enemy jungler, he keeps a decent CS and decent gank score, but overall both are good. So im wondering how do you keep both cs and ganks at a reasonable level in the same time.

    It seems like the only time i win its only when enemy jungler is even worse than me.

    Well i also feel a lot of pressure if my team gives me pain, there are times when im not even finished with the first two buffs and i hear pings for assistance ringing like crazy. People dying at min. 2 and easily losing the game before it even started. Dear junglers, how do you prevent this and how do you play under this pressure ?

    Its not big of a deal but i would like to learn how to jungle properly this season. Im not aiming at high elo, i just want a pleasant expirience where i dont feel like i drowned the game.

    Some of my favourite Jungle champs are Udyr, Malphite, Lee sin and Nocturne.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/EnlighteningTA
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    Mythic purchase

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:10 AM PST

    How important is the mythic item to purchase. Some of them, especially tank and support (especially tank support) don't seem to be that useful initially.

    I'd rather get sustain for a tank in the top lane over any mythic. Or with Jinx, I'd rather finish manamune and hurricane than any mythic, maybe I'm just being old fashioned.

    I'm sure it's all very lane and role specific and there's certain mythic combos you'll want to rush.

    I'm not sure if people are expecting you to get the mythic first (or even at all if you finish fast).

    submitted by /u/igniz13
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    You're thinking to hard

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 10:45 PM PST

    Improvement is not easy. No coach, no tip, no knowledge will show instant results. Improvement takes time and a drive. It takes hundred if not thousands of hours to show proper improvement. You are the only consistent factor between games. Every week people post about improvement in reaching a new peak. Each time the player reflects on what they've learned in a whole season. Commonly each post reflects on the different aspects of the game with only a few similar thoughts. The game is 4 dimensional and is hard to narrow down on single factor. The point being each person can improve in different ways to get better and there's always room for improvement between hundreds of aspects. Expecting immediate improvement because doublelift picked cleanse and started boots, and you copied him is a start without the proper justification is meaningless. Thought has to be put into action. If you play the game without a focused mindset you'll get what you put in.

    submitted by /u/Routersmiter
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    I'm a mid/jungle main, but have no idea how to proc Conqueror.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:19 AM PST

    My main champ pool is Pantheon and Nunu in the jungle, and Akali and Katarina in the mid lane. I find it relatively easy to play with Conqueror with Katarina, due to the resets in her kit allowing me to easily play out long fights, but when I play Akali/Pantheon, at the end of the game my Conqueror has really only done about 400 healing in a 30 minute game, which I don't think is normal, causing me to just take PTA or Electrocute cause it's easier to proc.

    Am I playing the fights wrong by just engaging, taking out a target, and running away on 25% HP or should I be playing more aggressively?

    submitted by /u/QuietCalligrapher
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    How can I be better early as a jungler?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:27 AM PST

    I'm a jungle main, and my macro play is on point, but that's not the problem. The problem is that I suck early. Doesn't matter which champ, it can be lee or evelynn, doesn't matter: If they invade me and they get my red/blue then game is over, and I will feed (unintentionally ofc). I just can't recover, doesn't matter what I do.
    After the invade I get counterjungled, counterganked, and I will die because the enemy jungler is ahead of me. And it's really frustrating...
    Do you have any tips, tricks, "list to follow", anything?

    submitted by /u/cseke02
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    Difference between main role and secondary role?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:26 AM PST

    Ok wait I know this sounds like a dumb question but I've been kinda thinking about it recently. I'm a top main and I've been trying to expand my knowledge about top lane by learning/playing other champs since I used to only play tanks. I've also learned a lot more top lane macro. But I play jungle as my secondary. Should my should my jungling be as good as my top laning or should my top laning be priority while I jungle fairly ok?

    submitted by /u/jaytheasian04
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    How to de-tilt or have the mentality to minimize mental boom?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 01:07 PM PST

    I'm genuinely curious how some people can maintain a strong mental even after a bad game or getting greifed by a teamate. Usually I get get frustrated the most when I play perfectly or try to be positive begging my team to not mental boom. After the game I have this negative experience floating which results in poor focus and decision making.

    I'm just trying to improve and be positive yet my motivation for playing ranked wanes every day. I don't mind losing a game it's a part of improving. I just want to have a strong mental and keep on striding towards my ranked goal.

    submitted by /u/7seraphs
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