LoL Guide Dodging has low penalty for provisional games |
- Dodging has low penalty for provisional games
- Question about Oracle Lens. Can they see me?
- Challenger Support Season 11 Warding Guide
- How many draft normals should I practise Kata before taking her to ranked?
- Off meta champs and using them in the unconventional lanes?
- Is NOT taking much damage a bad thing?
- How can I influence the map as Yorick
- How to Ward Like (TOP) - Best Places to ward and WHY
- Need help: getting early counter jungled, what to do?
- no damage?
- What to do if team has zero macrogame?
- I made a vision guide thats aimed at beginners as it starts from the basics.
- Does Riot boost alt account mmr? If from same IP or email address?
- I have never beaten Nasus in lane in my entire life
- Starting Ranked
- Please help
- How to Better Assist (Auto-Filled and Terrible) Junglers in Securing Objectives?
- question to plat and above players: is lane lost in draft a thing?
- Adc streamers/youtubers
- Should I've been going for more damage?
- What should be prioritised after a big teamfight? Taking Inhibitor or Baron?
- Can't play alone
- How to carry games after hard winning lane.
Dodging has low penalty for provisional games Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:54 AM PST For all of you ready to start off Season 11 next week, I just wanted to share a little tip that everyone should abuse to do the best they possibly can in their provisional games. Unless Riot decides to change things, dodging does not affect your MMR, so you should dodge every chance you get in your 10 provisional games to give yourself the best possible chance to win every game. Dodging does not count as a loss or even a game. You must fully play 10 games to be out of Provisionals. Have an auto-filled teammate? Dodge. Did your main get banned? Dodge. Someone tilted on your team? Dodge. Someone didn't ban Mundo and your whole team is AP? Dodge. Didn't get to play mid as a mid main? Dodge. Don't want to play against top Vayne? Dodge. Dodge. Dodge. Your first 10 games have a large impact on where you start and I assume everyone wants to give themselves the best opportunity to reach their goals this season. Waiting 5, or even 30 minutes is better than losing the opportunity to gain that 60-70 LP that wins in Provisionals can give. Do yourself a favor and just dodge. Good luck in Season 11 everyone! May the Rito gods be ever in your favor. [link] [comments] |
Question about Oracle Lens. Can they see me? Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:33 AM PST Example: Let's say I'm red side (right side) and I've just cleared my bot side jg and I'm looking to gank bot lane. I make my way to the exploding plant, activate my lens, hit the plant, and land on enemy ward in the river bush... This ward is disabled because of my lens, BUT did the enemy see me land in the bush? I've been torn between following through with the gank because they have no idea I'm there or if I should just destroy the ward and back off. So, did the lens disguise me in the instance or did they see me approaching the ward? Thanks everyone. Edit: After seeing some conflicting replies I wanted to add this question and get a clear answer... [link] [comments] |
Challenger Support Season 11 Warding Guide Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:53 AM PST Hey folks! I made a guide about general warding locations, and also some specific tips to hit those really tricky wards that will impress your gamer gf everytime you drop them. I stream on twitch everyday and recently started an educational youtube channel where I am hoping to make more videos like this! My Twitch: If you have any specific requsts for more detailed videos on a topic feel free to message me and I'll see if I can help! Currently the best suggestion is a minion wave management guide, using examples from soloQ, both my games in high elo and some lower elo examples. In my opinion there aren't many educational support streamers out there so I aim to fill that gap! If you have any questions also feel free to start a discussion below and I will answer to the best of my ability. [link] [comments] |
How many draft normals should I practise Kata before taking her to ranked? Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:26 AM PST So I have become very interrested in Katarina lately, I think she looks fun to play, but also... hard. I don't want to ruin other players ranked games so I am asking Kata mains/players out there how many games did you need to become decent with her? I am G4 [link] [comments] |
Off meta champs and using them in the unconventional lanes? Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:46 AM PST Hi Peeps! So i just started playing league maybe two months ago, and I noticed a lot of my friends would pick really odd champions like zoe top, thresh top, etc. And I was wondering if that's actually something worth doing. I always see on youtube and reddit, people talking about how they climbed with really niche champion choices and I don't know if I should be doing that. I currently play zed mid, shen top and bard support, but I also had a great time playing things like bard bot and shen mid. Is there actually anything behind what seems like "this champ goes here?" Or is that just what people do because that's just become the norm? [link] [comments] |
Is NOT taking much damage a bad thing? Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:30 AM PST Hey all, I am an S1 Diana main. I have noticed a trend where if I am doing well in a match, I deal a lot of damage while not taking much damage. Please see the examples here: In the examples above, I am near the top in terms of damage dealt, but I am always near the bottom in terms of damage taken. Look at the first one for example, Camille only dealt around 100 more damage than me, but took more than twice the damage that I took - I finished 12/4/9, and Camille finished 15/4/9, so our KDAs are similar. I showed these to my friend (Plat IV) and they said that I should be tanking more as a diver, especially when I dive for my ult - I should be absorbing damage for my team. From my experience though, diving and ulting is a guaranteed way to get focused and die without damaging anyone. The way I usually play Diana, I rush Zhonyas after my epic and dive/ult only if:
As a result, I deal a lot of damage and take little damage in return. What do you all think of this? Is NOT taking much damage a bad thing? EDIT: Thanks for the feedback everyone! [link] [comments] |
How can I influence the map as Yorick Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:55 AM PST Hello, I have been playing a lot of Yorick lately and I really enjoy his kit playing up in top lane. Recently I have been stomping the lane phase with him, but I usually am still losing games. I would really like to continue playing him, I just find it hard to find a way to really influence another lane with him. If there's any tips I could have to improve on roaming with his kit that would be much appreciated [link] [comments] |
How to Ward Like (TOP) - Best Places to ward and WHY Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:04 PM PST I often see people waste their wards, or use them in locations that don't make sense depending on their current match up and wave situation. Therefore I decided to make a warding guide for Top Lane blue side. I have no idea what kind of content is generally posted here, but I thought it would be helpful to some. That's why I've chosen to share the video here. Feel free to give feedback. [link] [comments] |
Need help: getting early counter jungled, what to do? Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:14 AM PST First of, Jungle ist the worst position of mine. Right now I am learning jungle (or atleast trying to), so I can play It on the same level that I am with my other roles. I already watched a lot of good streamers and some very good guides for a steady basic jungle. While I can for sure do great when playing with my lower elo friends, I am still strugling against main junglers on high elo (Dia 3+, dia1+ junglers completly destroying my tactics). For the simple fact that I am mostly focusing on tank/support junglers and main junglers on high elo abuse this by counter jungling. While in lower elo I can read their paths on higher elo I am forced to do the most inefficient plays: ganking low prio lanes and not be able to counter gank important lanes. I mean ofc, do the "you get my jungle I get yours", but on higher elos this ruins win conditions by not beein able to show of on top/bot side. I am forced to get objectives and get lanes fed that will not win the game. For example I had a botlane high prio because of the picks from my team and enemy team. The enemy jungler knew this ofc, too. And tried everything to deny my bot prio. Top prio was not worth at all, because I would lose my botlane for midgame and top was not viable for ganks nor for scaling. I am basically forced to farm enemy jungle and play defensive which is not good for having impact. My farm, kda, objective control is all fine, problem is just the counter jungling destroying the game winning ganks and objectives and I feel like I am forced to play Graves to be effective. Team communication is also fine, I know most of the time when the enemy will counter jungle me so I call for help early enough. But the early control of the enemy jungler (high elo) is destroying my game flow completly. TL;DR: What do you do against early aggressive counter jungling as a weak early jungler? I have the problem losing the control of the most impactfull lane just by getting counter jungled. I cant for example play topside when whole topside (my jungle included) is completely cleared by enemy jungler. So playing for botside when It is the weakest impact (as example could be topside as well depending on the champs and players) and will not win the game. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:45 PM PST ADC player here, I was playing Kai'sa and laning phase was pretty fine. 3/0/3. 250 cs at minute 27 and i got some nice catches and was pretty decent damage to everyone. Well, everyone except the fed renekton. I had armor pen, anti heal and my core items but still did 0 damage whatsoever. What should i have done? Their comp had alot of cc so splitpushing wasnt too good of an idea ( I think) because pantheon and ww would be enough to kill me. I usually play Twitch instead of Kai'sa so I had no idea what to do. What's yalls thoughts? [link] [comments] |
What to do if team has zero macrogame? Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:31 PM PST So Im an adc main and recently lost a game bcz team had zero macro and didnt focused in any objectives. I tried to ping and tell em to stop getting caught in the jungle. But they just ignored me. And Im kinda frustrated since I cant do anything without em bcz im an adc and that means im too squishy to try to do something alone. In that case what do you recomend specifically for my role? Or I should just accept the defeat and move on? [link] [comments] |
I made a vision guide thats aimed at beginners as it starts from the basics. Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:50 PM PST Hello everyone,earlier today i made a vision/warding guide thats aimed at beginners as it starts from the very basics like the types of wards ,trinckets etc,it has a mini guide in it aswell for every phase in the game,its definitly not an indept guide but its goal is preety much to just serve as a base for players who dont quite understanding warding yet. [link] [comments] |
Does Riot boost alt account mmr? If from same IP or email address? Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:46 AM PST Im just curious.. im a mid plat player in one role. I am trying an off role on another account and I absolutely suck. Like I should be in low silver suck. But my mmr is around gold 3. I am getting stomped in ranked, but my mmr doesn't seem to change. Is there some tie to my other account? [link] [comments] |
I have never beaten Nasus in lane in my entire life Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:24 PM PST For the love of god please someone help me. The title is a slight exaggeration but I've gotten stomped by Nasus more times than I've won against him. I think I get what the theory is. 1) Freeze against him and heavy harass and fight to deny stacks. 2) Use lane prio to constantly invade and roam. It must be an execution problem or something because 1) is just impossible for me. If I try to set up a freeze, he straight up outshoves me with E and Q. If I try to fight him off so he can't shove, he BEATS me 1v1 with minion advantage and wither. Everyone says he's one of the weakest pre-6 champs in the game, but somehow he always outduels me or makes me take an unfavorable trade (and then sustains back up). If he stands in the wave then I can't harass him without ruining the wave because my abilities will hit him and the minions at once. 2) Is my only chance because fuck laning against him, but it seems that by the time I'm leveled up enough to have solid wave clear so I can roam, he denies my shove by withering me and running me down. So I can't even approach the wave at this point. At level 6 and beyond he just runs me down. There's no more coming back. I'm this close to permabanning him, but I feel like he's one of those champions that I should really know how to lane against, and if I have to resort to banning him then I'm missing something fundamental. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:00 AM PST Hey Guys, I've been playing league for a couple years but I've never played ranked. I understand you go through 10 games at first and the whole LP system, but when is the best time to start. I know we have S11 coming soon. I am worried I will let the promo team down by not being good enough, so should I do the promo games early when everyone is doing them? Or wait until mid season when the try-hard players are not doing promos anymore? Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:31 PM PST Hello, so i mainly play jungle and mid roles, when i play draft now, i ussually have quite a high win rate, like 60-70%, but when i enter ranked games, i just lose, now i have lost like 6 ranked games in a row, and i'm frustrated, it seems that my psychological side of things keeps the same, but it's like, if i go into a fresh new day and start with a ranked game, and i lose, then when going into the next game i already be like "ahh, i'm gonna lose again", and that's my mindset, after 1 loss, and even if i win, i'll be like "just a fluke", so i wondered if any of you could help, it's a really big problem because of that i'm stuck in Bronze II. I'm playing jungle, doing the objectives, ganking, everything, but my mindset or smthg is holding me back, and also, after like 2 or 3 losses in a row (which is very very very often) in my mind i just start to flame my teammates, not in game, but in my head i'm like "you idiot, why weren't you there or there". [link] [comments] |
How to Better Assist (Auto-Filled and Terrible) Junglers in Securing Objectives? Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:54 AM PST Scenario: A buddy and I play a lot of ranked duo together, I'm a top main, he's a mid main. It works pretty well for us and we have a lot of fun with it; we just started playing this year due to COVID. Now that we are playing consistently in silver elo, I'm starting to feel like games are possibly "over" at champ select whenever we get an auto-filled jungler, or the other team's jungler is S3 and our jungler is B1-S4. I'm so tired of going down 3-0, 3-1, 2-0 in dragons because unless we both stomp lane, the games feel extremely difficult to come back from, and this is only compounded by lack of the junglers play to secure a baron or elder dragon later in the game. Problem: How do top and mid lanes better assist a jungle that doesn't know what they are doing or is getting severely out-macro'd by the other jungler? Is there stronger positioning that can be done? Should both lanes carry tp? Maybe it's just better map and objective awareness but when running ignite top lane it feels like missing out on two waves to secure a 12 min 2nd dragon is not worth it. Any solutions or thoughts out there? And yes....I know the easy answer is "well just win lane and carry" but like most folks here, hard carrying games just doesn't happen 100% of the time. I would say an auto-filled jungle or terrible jungler happens more frequently than a hard carry game. [link] [comments] |
question to plat and above players: is lane lost in draft a thing? Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:27 AM PST i'm silver lux and i played vs plat yasuo, of course i lost lane but i wonder... what if it was plat lux vs plat yasuo? he was better in cs and managed to kill me at min 8, at the end of the laning phase (min 14) he had 3 kills. right now i play always lux against anyone becuse i like lux (one trick) i don't like the idea that i 100% lose just because some champ is better... a plat player could ban yasuo but there are other counters. so in general who pick first lose lane because other will counterpick and is 100% lost if both know how to play? and since both are plat both know how to play [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:17 AM PST I am kinda new to league and new to adc and i want to get to know more about adc's that i dont play and about matchup i struggle with and i found that watching people who are better than me or know matchup better is a good way for me to learn matchup and be able to import there strategies and ideas into my game plan. So i was wondering if you guys knew some good adc streamers/youtubers and/or some educational streamers/youtubers (i have found that the most educational streamers/youtubers sometimes aren't the best or highest ranked players) if so i would really appreciate that. Thank you bye. [link] [comments] |
Should I've been going for more damage? Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:04 PM PSTˆDekoˆ (The recent Seraphine game) I've been against a Fizz Midlane and got an early lead by getting a double in the river. I'm very scared of Fizz's damage output and rushed a Banshee. As you can see I had Barrier and double MR runes. Should I have bought an early Lost Chapter at minute 4 instead? The Fizz said with more damage I would've prevented him from farming, but is that true? Against any other champion I'd rush my damage item but Fizz always makes me very insecure. It wouldn't change the outcome of the game, but still: what would've been better? Was my path wrong? [link] [comments] |
What should be prioritised after a big teamfight? Taking Inhibitor or Baron? Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:08 PM PST So youre propably all familiar with a situation like this: Youre pretty much ahead, your team just won a big team fight and youre free to do whatever you want now. Some of your teammates want to take Inhibitor while some others want to go baron. In the end, the two mates that went mid get catched after taking a tower, the rest of the team has to back away from baron and the enemy team gets it. Something like that has just happened to me in a game were I was doing really good in midlane and the game was going good for us in general. But at such key teamfights that open up big decisions im always confused by these two options. Do you have some tips for me? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:02 AM PST So, I started playing league bc I wanted to play with a couple of friends at the time (and we, like, only playing as squad). After a couple of "small discussions" I ended up cutting ties and now I'm finding out that I have a lot of anxiety towards playing alone (both normals and ranked). I tried to create a smurf, tried to muteall (which did not work because I started imagining people raging on me if I fed or failed to follow up on something), but the only role I feel I can play now is Support and I don't even enjoy it that much, but I get so anxious playing anything else that I don't think it is worth the stress to try anything else... Is there something I can do about it? [link] [comments] |
How to carry games after hard winning lane. Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:41 PM PST Im a hard stuck silver 4 player, who mains rengar mostly at top. I have played over 800 ranked games in these low elo from iron to silver, i have gotten to the point where i will win lane as rengar top, 80 percent of the time, but time and time again I will be 7/0 at the end of laning phase after ive have demolish thier top laner and taken thier jungler's top side mutiple times as well as killing them in a 2v1 but ill end the game being 20/10 or something and we will have lost the game and this is my So many games where I have threw becuase I dont know how to carry my lead or end games fast and then just get outscaled by thier 0/6 jax or nasus. It feels like im smurfing for the first 15 minutes of the games but after that I become some braindead bot giving mutiple 700g bountys to thier team because I feel like killing thier adc is 'Worth' at the cost of giving thier kassadin 1k gold. I just want to know what i should do after laneing phase, if I go round trying to help my teammates with my ult and trying to pick pleople off, I die. But if I try to go spilt push i get 5 manned and then I die. Sorry the bad grammer english isnt my first language. [link] [comments] |
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