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    Friday, January 1, 2021

    League of Legends Patch 10.25 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    League of Legends Patch 10.25 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Patch 10.25 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:13 AM PST

    EUW Support mains are amazing

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:36 AM PST

    Healing is a core and natural mechanic in League, and it should be embraced.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:52 AM PST

    Cho was not expecting my mechanics

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:38 AM PST

    Infographic - LEC 2021 Team Rosters

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:51 AM PST

    My best panic flash yet :`)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:32 AM PST

    Best outplay my friend has ever achieved with Akali after twenty games with her

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:10 PM PST

    Towers reduce incoming damage by 66.66% and become immune to true damage when no enemy minions or rift herald are nearby.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:54 PM PST

    Nemesis Flash Predict

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:33 AM PST

    Lux and Sylas who stole Lux's ult ults at the exact same time, not even a milisecond difference

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:32 PM PST

    I drew Olaf as a chicken

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:06 PM PST

    Miss Fortune + Rell = GG

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:56 AM PST

    Jayden/YourPrincess is no Longer a Part of Gen.G

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:04 PM PST

    About an hour ago, Jayden/YourPrincess tweeted out that their contract with Gen.G has ended:


    It may have something to do with the allegations she levied towards Tuesday, though no specifics have been given by either party thus far.

    This is also following a public response made by Jayden, in which one of the concerned parties came forward publicly, speaking out against Jayden and clarifying the situation.


    It is worth noting that, despite all of this, Riot invited her to the recent All Stars event, and she remains a member of the LPP.

    submitted by /u/KyroNoHane
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    I don't think I've seen a single Jhin not get fed this last couple of patches lol

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:23 AM PST

    Does that psychopath killer lose lane to anything ever? I don't even play ADC/SUPP but I'm thinking that I might start banning the champion.

    While I'm at it, fellow botlaners, how can you think of not permabanning Pantheon? The dude could probably win lane 1v2 at this point lmao.

    submitted by /u/Hektoplasma
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    Playing champs like Singed and Morde, who deal damage heavily through DoTs feels really weak versus all of this healing

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:55 AM PST

    Hey guys I'm Minishcap1, I've been maining Singed since Season 3 and have peaked/maintained challenger in multiple seasons, including Season 10.

    Now Singed has always been countered hard by lifesteal/sustain mechanics. Now this is generally fine because heals are meant to counter DoT damage, but this preseason healing has been so present in every game, and so overturned that poison trail, his main damage dealing tool feels like it's just never going to do enough damage.

    Take this clip for example. The enemy champions tanked almost my entire 25 second ultimate duration, strolling through poison trail, while healing hundreds of hp every few seconds. Sylas didn't even itemize for healing at all, building armor, and Wukong lost his lane heavily, while also having 0 magic resistance. I even had a demonic embrace. The crazy part was that I was pretty fed for a Singed at this stage in the game. Healing is just so strong that Signed and champs similar to him, like Morde, get gimped out of so many kills even when piloting their champs very well.

    I can back this up with stats:

    From Lolalytics: Singed's stats from patch 10.22 (final Season 10 patch)

    As we can see, at the end of Season 10, Singed's average kills per game was 4.35, and his max kill spree was 2.12. In addition, his average total damage was 18,108 damage per game.

    Also from Lolalytics: Singed's stats for the current patch 10.25 (Preseason 11)

    We can see here that Singed's average kills dropped to 3.92, max kill spree dropped to 1.82, and his average total damage dropped to 16.991. His winrate also dropped from 51.5% to 49%.

    So not only did Singed lose a ton of damage per game, he also is getting less kills and is popping off in less games due to a lower killing spree. This is party due to DoT items being much weaker this season compared to old Rylais/Liandry combo, but also due to the huge amount of healing the game.

    Singed and Morde are currently suffering hard from a lack of good itemization getting slapped by healing. This is not even a question of grievous wounds either. Singed is among the best applicators of grievous wounds in the game. Poison trail debuff lasts for 2 seconds, extending the duration of grievous wounds from 2 to 4, and Demonic ticks for 4 seconds extending the duration to 8 seconds.

    It's not really an issue with his kit either. I can still get into a teamfight just fine. I can still fling the right target and ground the right targest and still run around and spread my poison perfectly, but because of the healing enemy champions just don't die. It really sucks to pop ult ghost and Predator to run at the enemy carry, sidestep all of the enemy CCs, and get the perfect W + Fling combo only to see them get a massive shield from Shieldbow and start healing to full health in a few autos.

    Items are also an issue because we were led to believe that there would be plenty of AP bruiser items but in reality there are only 3, rift demonic and rylais. Out of those 3, Riftmaker has been gutted for AP bruisers and Demonic doesn't apply enough damage. Rylais is very reliable but is not a damage dealing item as much as it is a utility item.

    I'm trying to bring attention to this because the AP bruiser class is suffering hard right now. If you go on /r/singedmains the entire subreddit reads like a depression therapy session, and rightfully so. It sucks to main DoT champs right now.

    submitted by /u/Minishcap1
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    The way to open the allchat at the end of the game Shift + Enter + Enter

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:03 PM PST

    I'm sure everyone now knows of the change with opening the chat at the end of the game before the nexus explodes. Well, for those not aware, the way you open it is by holding Shift and pressing Enter twice in quick succession.

    This method has worked every time for me, so I'm sure it's now the new combination for opening the chat in the endgame.

    Hopefully this helps at least one person.

    submitted by /u/NateNate60
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    Ryze and Ezreal art(OG)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:02 AM PST

    Ryze and Ezreal art(OG)

    If a show about League of legends were actually made I hope It would be a satire of the daily matches we play; referencing all the good things and the bad things about the game.

    That thought inspired me to draw this.


    submitted by /u/chaioop476
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    Tank Mythics need a rework or everybody will keep always building Funfire Wincape

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:41 AM PST

    Funfire Wincape is still picked most of the time despite the nerfs. Meanwhile, Frostfire Gauntlet and Turbo Chemtank remain severely underplayed. And no sheer number nerfs are going to change why it happened. Because Frostfire Gauntlet and Turbo Chemtank effects are just meh. That's it. They're useless for the class that they're supposedly destined for. Redundant with what tank kits already have.

    First, let's list all the champions who are supposed to build Bami's Cinder and its upgrades:

    • Tanks - Top: Malphite, Maokai, Ornn, Sion, Shen, Poppy
    • Tanks - Jungle: Amumu, Sejuani, Nunu, Zac, Rammus, Gragas
    • Fighters (mostly Juggernauts and junglers): Volibear, Dr. Mundo, Shyvana, Sett, Jarvan IV, Warwick, Skarner
    • Cho'Gath (he's a Specialist, so not really bound to any class)

    And here's an observation: Tanks almost never build anything else than Sunfire, the only ones who go Frostfire Gauntlet are Volibear and Cho'Gath, likewise for Turbo Chemtank which is Skarner's pick of choice. This proves the point that these items, while situationally viable, are not for Tanks, but other classes. Even the dedicated armor stackers Malphite and Rammus never really choose FG.

    Frostfire Gauntlet is a great item for Cho'Gath, and Juggernauts like Shyvana or Volibear - champions who otherwise lack reliable CC in their kit.

    Turbo Chemtank is a great item for Skarner, and some supports due to Shurelya being garbage.

    Both Gauntlet and Chemtank are just not made for tanks. Tanks already have slows and engage in their kits, these effects are redundant with their spell patterns. FG and BC are neat for some offtanks, but mostly useless for true tanks.

    Why nerfing Sunfire wasn't enough

    The problem with Sunfire isn't even that it's a specialized DPS item in a class that isn't supposed to be a main DPS dealer. The problem with Sunfire is that it's actually too good of a generalist item. It's equally good against all kinds of damage. Even if you need to specialize into a specific resist, Sunfire+boots is a better choice than the resist-specific Mythic. This is the other fundamental flaw of Gauntlet and Chemtank - they're awkwardly balanced between statline and effects, rarely ever optimal for the situation. Skarner purchases Chemtank despite the awful statline only because he wants the active all that much.

    Think about it: Even after the nerf of Sunfire to 350 health, it's still a better item against magic damage than Frostfire Gauntlet (by 5 MR) and a better item against physical damage than Turbo Chemtank (by 5 armor). Sunfire will always remain the numbingly default option if this isn't addressed.

    Consider unifying defensive stats of all tank Mythics

    This works in Mage Mythics. This works in AD Mythics. This works in Enchanter Mythics. The only outliers are sustain-providing ones (Riftmaker, Eclipse, Shieldbow). Establish a successful statline for the items, then make the players truly choose the unique effect of a specific Mythic.

    For Tanks, this should be 400 Health, 30 Armor, 30 Magic Resist, 20 Ability Haste. Of course Gauntlet and Chemtank would need more powerful effects, then - but that's exactly the point. Effects that play into the tank fantasy of enduring damage, disabling opponents and protecting allies, not this "mage bruiser" DPS bullshit.

    Make Gauntlet and Chemtank unique effects more unique and impactful

    Every Mythic item should change how you play the game, either adding something essential to your combo (Rocketbelt, Goredrinker, Duskblade, Harvester, Galeforce, Locket) or permanently enhancing your existing patterns (Mandate, Liandry's, Riftmaker, Krakenslayer, Triforce/Sunderer). Currently, tank Mythics don't really do that, mostly because they're doing a shit job at being Mythics for tanks. Gauntlet is a Juggernaut item and Chemtank is a bastard child of Shurelya's and old Randuin's.

    Tank Mythics should assume that their user can already engage into the enemy (Vanguards) or is around the allies they want to protect (Wardens) and enhance the qualities they truly care about. Assume they have CC already and don't need the slows. Assume they want to get hit.

    In comparison, other class Mythics make the user choose between the mobility&burst, (anti-tank) DPS, or survivability. Let's try to follow that pattern here as well, but from the other side - tanks aren't supposed to be the ones dealing DPS or burst damage, but dealing WITH that damage. Consider the following:

    • Frostfire Gauntlet becomes the anti-burst option. Think Malphite/Galio passive shield that serves as a soft taunt: while the shield holds, your basic attacks deal bonus on-hit damage. In tune with the item's name and theme, you choose between Physical or Magical shield by item toggle, which also switches between armor-scaling physical damage and MR-scaling magical damage, you get the point. It also plays into one of tank strengths: punishing enemies for stacking one type of damage.
    • Sunfire due to its name and theme should remain the DPS option... but stacking with enemy DPS instead. Enemy team bought Liandry's? Perfect, you'll stack Sunfire in no time. You burn, they burn, it all burns. The Shurima Ascended theme makes it also a much better fit for %size passive.
    • Turbo Chemtank can remain tied to mobility, but as we've discussed, only the likes of Skarner will utilize it as a main engage tool. It needs a secondary purpose as well in order to become a true tank item. Again, soft taunt - enemy team should feel encouraged to stop you and force you to finish your engage early.

    The Support Clause

    The itemization landscape isn't complete without considering the tank Supports. At the moment some of them can opt for Chemtank as a possible purchase for the engage potential given the low appeal of Shurelya's. Long story short, Shurelya's needs a buff for low-income Supports to have a choice between more than one item; another concern is low power of post-nerf Knight's Vow and poor choice of 2300g support defensive items overall, but let's not jump ahead too far.

    The weakness of Shurelya's, however, is part of the Chemtank problem - some supports like Blitzcrank or Tahm Kench can consider Chemtank for the engage potential, it's just so damn expensive. They would be pretty happy with Shurelya's if only it wasn't so horribly inefficient.

    Changelog draft

    • Aegis of the Legion:
      Recipe changed to Cloth Armor + Cloth Armor + Null-Magic Mantle + 250g
      Cost lowered from 1500g to 1300g
    • All Tank Mythics
      Recipe changed to Bami's Cinder + Aegis of the Legion + 800g (total cost 3200g, unchanged)
      Stats: 400 Health, 30 Armor, 30 Magic Resist, 20 Ability Haste
      Immolate: Base damage set to 20 at all levels (health scaling unchanged)
    • Sunfire Aegis: BURNING BRIGHT
      Immolate: Gain a stack on enemy damage only (internal CD on stack gain .5s), but max stacks increased to 10
      Flametouch: Now procs on hard CC always, no longer procs on basic attacks when fully stacked
      Mythic Passive: +100% Health Regeneration in combat, +6% Size
    • Frostfire Gauntlet: BONK
      Toggle: Switch between Frost and Fire
      Frost Punch: Once out of combat for 8 seconds, gain a shield that blocks (15% Health) physical damage. While the shield persists, your basic attacks deal (10% bonus armor) damage on-hit and slow enemies by 10% for 2 seconds. This slow is tripled on the first attack.
      Fire Punch: Once out of combat for 8 seconds, gain a shield that blocks (15% Health) magical damage. While the shield persists, your basic attacks deal (10% bonus MR) damage on-hit and then the same amount over 2 seconds. This damage is tripled on the first attack. Snowbind removed
      Mythic Passive: +5 Ability Haste
    • Turbo Chemtank: LEGAL DOPING
      Supercharged: Maximum duration increased to 6 seconds. Gain 1000% health regeneration for the duration. If you run for at least 3 seconds, the first enemy you collide with becomes taunted for 1 second.
      Mythic Passive: +5% Movement Speed out of combat, +5% Tenacity and slow resist
    • Shurelya's Reverie: RALLY
      Recipe changed to Kindlegem + Aegis of the Legion + 400g (total cost unchanged) (same recipe as Locket)
      Stats: 200 Health, 30 Armor, 30 Magic Resist, 20 Ability Haste Inspire: Gain 30 Armor and Magic Resist and double the movement speed bonus. Double movement speed is also applied to allies running towards you.
      Movement speed bonus base reduced from 40% to 30%.

    And this is just a rough draft of what it could look like. Point is, tank Mythics need stat uniformity and better effects that suit the lane/jungle tank playstyle, not bruisers. And tank supports need another Aegis+Kindlegem Mythic for them.

    submitted by /u/lukeatlook
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    This is how a surrender vote looks like with 3 afk's

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:09 AM PST


    Nothing special, but quite depressing to experience.

    • Lucian RQ after dying for the 4th time from a Thresh Q

    • Akali was premade with Lucian and left 5 seconds later

    • Yasuo gave up and went afk too

    submitted by /u/max1mum
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    Captain Teemo, the Defender of Bases

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:17 PM PST

    Penta from the dead

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:42 PM PST

    I made Elderwood Ornns tatue &diorama with cement

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:05 AM PST

    Tyler1 gets outplayed twice in a row and gets tilted into oblivion

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:33 AM PST

    Rookies, OCE Residents, and Imports: Getting to Know the 16 New Starters in the 2021 LCS Spring Split

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:27 AM PST

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