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    Wednesday, January 27, 2021

    LoL Guide A good, written wave management guide?

    LoL Guide A good, written wave management guide?

    A good, written wave management guide?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:43 PM PST

    There are tons of videos out there about wave management, but is there a written guide which is actually good and has a clear structure, so that I could glance on it even while playing?

    I mean, I know the basics, like "Freeze - Keep the wave at a certain position until my own wave arrives", "Slow push - just last hit the minions" and "Fast push - kill the minions as fast as possible". It is hard to actually use this theory in-game and know when to do what though.

    EDIT: I'm top main

    submitted by /u/Turwaith
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    which supps pair well with which adcs?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:41 AM PST

    so, i have been slowly learning that some adcs prefer to farm early game, and they'd couple nicely with a support who can give a bit of poke/peel so that the adc can get beefy off cs and xp. and some adcs give a lot of poke themselves and can be aggressive early so pair well with a support who can set up some free trades/kills.

    but, is there like a guide that either explains what type of adc each adc is OR explain which sort/type of support champion would pair best with each adc so i know how to play? i know the latter would be a bit of a reach, but i think the former would be super helpful and i can look at it during champ select when my adc picks first and slowly begin to memorize and learn what types each adc is.

    submitted by /u/evacia
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    lolalytics currently inflates win rates by 2%+ on average (proof)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:08 PM PST

    First of, lolalytics is my favorite site for stats and do hope they'll fix this. Win rates seemed very high on this patch so I decided to double check them. I copy pasted their data from their default view: lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/

    And used a simple script to parse it. I calculated the weighted average win rate (the weight is the number of games for a given champion), this number should always be 50% because the number of games won equals the number of games lost. However, the result is 52.235.

    This means that the win rates are inflated by 2.2% on average

    The script returned 154 champions and 8318048 games total, so I believe there are no mistakes on my side.

    Parsed data for verification:

    Name Win rate Nb games
    Ivern 56.56 43030
    Cho'Gath 56.49 36682
    Anivia 56.49 76172
    Udyr 56.24 56640
    Olaf 56.22 78694
    Skarner 56.05 14586
    Annie 55.86 26268
    Seraphine 55.29 108047
    Garen 55.27 66846
    Elise 55.24 90431
    Rammus 55.09 27685
    Neeko 54.93 14598
    Rumble 54.86 13546
    Fiddlesticks 54.81 47923
    Galio 54.78 53173
    Malzahar 54.62 30314
    Wukong 54.6 45198
    Heimerdinger 54.46 9189
    Diana 54.39 44390
    Kassadin 54.34 55619
    Darius 54.31 84381
    Aurelion Sol 54.25 10065
    Rell 54.15 50281
    Shaco 54.05 43314
    Nasus 54.02 33370
    Zilean 54.01 26556
    Tristana 54 71775
    Fizz 53.92 65314
    Rek'Sai 53.92 34028
    Ahri 53.9 42200
    Evelynn 53.86 49173
    Illaoi 53.86 18320
    Bard 53.84 50726
    Hecarim 53.82 130984
    Twitch 53.75 42599
    Kha'Zix 53.75 105595
    Nunu 53.61 55821
    Pantheon 53.6 54590
    Vel'Koz 53.56 15496
    Quinn 53.54 16579
    Sona 53.53 14635
    Nocturne 53.5 25009
    Kai'Sa 53.49 425773
    Volibear 53.42 42256
    Katarina 53.38 87760
    Sion 53.37 26398
    Kled 53.37 25096
    Dr. Mundo 53.32 17722
    Leona 53.3 109718
    Poppy 53.26 23512
    Urgot 53.23 27651
    Vayne 53.2 145289
    Vi 53.2 25683
    Taliyah 53.12 65832
    Warwick 53.1 19459
    Ashe 53.1 48593
    Thresh 53.07 183281
    Ziggs 53.05 8869
    Maokai 53.04 50461
    Karthus 52.95 32545
    Malphite 52.94 78812
    Blitzcrank 52.91 55184
    Xin Zhao 52.9 11280
    Jhin 52.81 285028
    Swain 52.76 26213
    Shen 52.74 62614
    Ekko 52.69 83330
    Miss Fortune 52.68 120181
    Teemo 52.58 22408
    Brand 52.58 27427
    Cassiopeia 52.53 26931
    Lulu 52.48 121131
    Viktor 52.46 69326
    Talon 52.45 37436
    Camille 52.44 130436
    Nami 52.35 57706
    Aatrox 52.33 81668
    Jinx 52.32 20589
    Gnar 52.29 94998
    Jarvan IV 52.26 30723
    Tahm Kench 52.2 4805
    Lissandra 52.19 18299
    Tryndamere 52.18 19776
    Kayle 52.17 15088
    Singed 52.16 11759
    Nautilus 52.09 76306
    Zed 52.09 101035
    Yorick 52.05 10794
    Ornn 52 40406
    Kayn 51.9 95688
    Riven 51.87 44925
    Morgana 51.86 65017
    Alistar 51.77 112662
    Senna 51.74 83194
    Zyra 51.7 21565
    Kennen 51.61 19849
    Sivir 51.53 17627
    Janna 51.51 62157
    Corki 51.51 8096
    Renekton 51.43 83210
    Draven 51.43 43831
    Sett 51.39 54839
    Rengar 51.36 30462
    Veigar 51.35 13549
    LeBlanc 51.32 39184
    Lux 51.32 30666
    Mordekaiser 51.28 43981
    Xerath 51.24 21941
    Master Yi 51.15 39503
    Jax 51.14 45243
    Kog'Maw 51.08 6131
    Vladimir 51.07 40317
    Caitlyn 51.06 69042
    Taric 50.98 9024
    Twisted Fate 50.93 67494
    Lucian 50.83 109110
    Rakan 50.82 33300
    Fiora 50.79 50032
    Sejuani 50.78 13833
    Qiyana 50.78 19375
    Yuumi 50.66 74922
    Yasuo 50.65 83641
    Kalista 50.64 15484
    Zac 50.62 25303
    Varus 50.52 14367
    Soraka 50.37 38713
    Kindred 50.37 32167
    Gragas 50.28 40364
    Samira 50.28 162441
    Azir 50.27 15393
    Sylas 50.27 47467
    Zoe 50.06 47564
    Pyke 50.05 48633
    Yone 49.95 117098
    Shyvana 49.84 12951
    Braum 49.84 18449
    Nidalee 49.8 69820
    Amumu 49.79 10716
    Jayce 49.77 29701
    Lee Sin 49.68 97552
    Xayah 49.67 34971
    Orianna 49.54 56543
    Gangplank 49.4 36346
    Ryze 49.31 18008
    Irelia 49.25 70402
    Ezreal 48.79 102195
    Karma 48.77 41870
    Trundle 48.39 7558
    Syndra 48 39697
    Graves 47.98 116653
    Lillia 47.93 67726
    Aphelios 47.34 100818
    Viego 47.27 105340
    Akali 45.61 34899
    submitted by /u/LKama07
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    Synergy of Everfrost + Chemtech Putrifier.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:43 AM PST

    I am ex-master midlaner who is playing a lot of AP champs like Ahri, Ryze or Orianna.

    I guess that 90% of you have heard about Moonstone + Staff of Floating Water synergy on AP champions, but today I found next cool synergy which is better than building other mythics and Morello.

    Why it is better than building Luden's Echo + Morello?

    1. You are getting more AP than from next items than from Luden's Echo (4*15 = 60 -> 60 AP MORE with full build without potion and runes than without Everfrost)

    2. Faster 60% Grievous Wounds than with Morello, because:
      a) To get 60% GW from Morello you need to crack enemy to less than 50% HP, which can be hard vs Yone, Vladimir, Irelia, Kayn.
      b) To get 60% GW from Chemtech Putrifier you need only to use your Everfrost or other CC on enemy.

    3. You are getting 15 Ability Haste more than from Luden or other mythic with Morello.

    4. More mana. Yes. More mana. Some of you will write something like: But Everfrost and Luden give same numbers of mana, and Morello and Chemtech don't give any mana LMAO u suck!!1!!. No, Chemtech gives 100% Mana Regeneration so you are have more mana in x time.

    5. If your AP champion doesn't have any form of CC, you get Root & Slow in one item, but unluckly for every 20 sec (but it is getting lower if you play Cosmic Insight or Ingenious Hunter).

    submitted by /u/AuroraRivenXD
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    Working on learning top lane, switch from support

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:12 PM PST

    I'll try to keep this quick, I've switched from support to top after closing last season and some decent games and having a much better time. This seasons started out rough and I think it's because I'm not very knowledgeable on top lane matchups. I've played a lot of Sett and Shen. I've also enjoyed Sylas, Tahm Kench, and Renekton. Can you guys help me find matchup guides or let me know some general tips to help transition? Thanks again.

    submitted by /u/Alexham895
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    How do I improve consistency in this game?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:34 PM PST

    I started playing this game in Nov 2020 and I find that 40-50% of the time I carry my games, 20% of the time I end up hard feeding and pretty much ruining the game for everyone, the other 30-40% is spend having very little impact in the game and just getting carried to victory, or a shameful defeat.

    I feel as though I'm applying the same fundamental prinicples of lane management, poke, objectives, vision, itemization, deception and character mechanics in all of my games but my performance is wildly, constantly varying.

    What can I do in order to get (mostly) consistent results from my games? I'm not necessarily interested in "climbing" or whatever, I just want to stop throwing my friends' games and show more consistency.

    Thanks, Summoner School.

    submitted by /u/pdrmz
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    Feeling really demoralized trying to learn a new role

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:43 AM PST

    So I recently role switched from jungle to adc, I got gold 3 last season one tricking nunu but I just don't enjoy playing him anymore nor any other jungler. Now adc always seemed like a fun role to me so I decided I wanted to try that. I'm now 40 games in playing mostly kaisa but I feel so demoralized. I have watched like 20 hours of guides and adc gameplay and I win every lane in normals but in ranked I just can't keep it together. I can't dodge anything and lose out on almost all trades. I know where I go wrong it's just in game it doesn't click. I've won lane once in like 10 games and it just feels bad getting flamed over and over again and being told to go back to jungle. Is it just me lacking experience and did anyone here have the same feeling before if so how did you overcome it?

    Thanks in advance!
    Here's my op.gg btw https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Tsjoksy

    submitted by /u/Gompie016
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    So what are the differences between using Nautilus vs Leona. Why might one be used over the other?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:46 PM PST

    As the title says. As an adc main, i got asked to rank each support. When it came time for me to compare Leona and Nautilus, I realized that they're pretty similar. They both have an engage hook with Leona e and Naut q, a means to immobilize their target with Naut passive and Leona Q, a means of surviving damage with their w, and an ult that's an AoE cc. That got me wondering what their main differences could be and in which situation I'd want to pick Leona over Naut or Naut over Leona. Does one have better engage, better peel, better sustain? I'd like to know your opinions.

    submitted by /u/Doctor_Yu
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    Liandry’s vs Luden’s on Ahri

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:46 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I'm recently getting back into league of legends following the item update and I noticed that ludens/liandry's is built pretty much 50/50 by pros on pro builds. I looked through the games and can't figure out a pattern for why one would be built over the other. I'm wondering what situation makes liandry's a better pick up than Luden's on Ahri and similar champions?

    submitted by /u/asskingmcfags
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    i cant seem to win games that i have a high kp and cs/m at.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:55 AM PST

    main problem is the title, every single time i have a good game bot lane i always seem to lose, every time my jgler camps bot lane i seem to lose the lane, every time mid and top have a good game i almost never lose the game.

    i know it seems like this is the usual me good teammates bad from low elo players, but im not over here trying to blame anyone im just trying to see what i can do more.

    for context, i play jhin and jhin only, i have about 1m points in one season, and everytime im behind i build rfc as asap only go for safe 4 shots, use my w and r for utility never do anything alone and always group up with the team and we basically never lose from that point.

    everytime i win botlane, lets say i have a taric, we play really well and we win, lets also assume the jgler is playing around bot so he camped my lane nad helped me get atleast 3-4 kills more then the enemy adc, but top and mid lost their lanes, i seem to die super quickly, my tanks seem to apparently not peel for me.

    my theory is the fact that i seem to play from behind to help my carrier when im behind, while my teammates when being put in my place dont seem to do that, im not trying to blame anyone for me being in the low elo that i am.

    it just blows my mind when i open my op.gg and see that i have about 7 cs/m lets say and about 68 percent kp and i still lose the game, while every game i have 5 cs/m with something of 30 percent kp i win the game, it almost makes me feel like im playing the game only to get carried and i dont like this feeling.

    my other theory is the fact that i have 160-180 ping, almost never less, i reached plat mmr once last season when i was travelling during the summer to europe i had about 65 percent wr on jhin, mine right now is barely 51 and stuck in gold 4, so maybe the extra ping isnt allowing me to be at my best and carry games as much as id like to ?

    now i know, otp isnt very good if i want to climb, but the thing is i dont want to climb, i just want to feel good about my jhin gameplay,and i dont feel good when i have 51 percent at silver/gold elo, i like to play jhin and im not looking to play other champs.

    my question is, is there something exactly i should keep in mind when im ahead as adc i know i cant force i know i still have to scale along with alot of other fundamentals that i learned from my fav streamer, ikeepittaco.

    im sorry if the question is a bit vague, i dont know how to word my question more to the point so i hope that if anyone did read it that he/she to be able to interpret what i mean correctly

    submitted by /u/onepost0nly
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    How you win against sett?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:05 AM PST

    I'm not a good player by a lot, but i'm not a complete pea brain, I just can't win against this champion. He deals damage, tanks, gives himself a shield while doing damage. I mostly get counter-picked by it, like when I pick Shen or my last match as Jax. Should I just not fight at all? Should I give him all the minions? I have no ideia.

    submitted by /u/FuckReddit999324
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    How Do I Deal With Being "On-Edge"?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:24 AM PST

    I've been playing this game for a while, a couple years now. Over time I've realized that being in a calm and clear mindset allows for better play. I haven't had this issue before, but I feel like I have that adrenaline that I would get during my first few months of playing.

    Aside from being on a different account, everything from my champion to my role is exactly the same as it was yesterday. I feel on-edge, and it's heavily impacting my gameplay. What's the best way for me to tackle this?

    submitted by /u/LinMinsu
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    A Guide on how to clear jungle in the most efficient way possible!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:02 AM PST

    Hey guys! I recently made a youtube video on how to clear the jungle in the most efficient way possible. This isn't a champion specific video, but in it I am playing Kha'zix.

    This is just some small tips for any jungle champion showing how to stay healthy and efficient while clearing the jungle.


    That is the link to the video, and I would appreciate any tips on how to make better videos!

    submitted by /u/TestTheLimitTwitch
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    How To Farm Better As A Midlaner?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:15 AM PST

    Hey there! So - I'm pretty new to League in general (only level 45), and as of now I main Azir. For the most part, I think I have an understanding of his basic combos enough to do something with them (mainly shuffling, setting up my ADC's for doubles or triples, poking, etc), but I understand I am nowhere near mastering them.

    But that's besides the point.

    As of now, I have mastery 5 on him, and I'm trying to get masteries 6 and 7 as well. Now, while my KD is fine, my vision score and cs aren't. I've already found a workaround to that vision score problem as I've been practicing warding (now I can get between one and two vision score a minute, idk if thats good or not), so that's kind of already solved. But... here's the problem.

    Killing minions.

    As mentioned before, I'm pretty decent with poking (I'm relentless against my enemy laner), and often don't get punished for it. I also make sure to focus on minions while I'm doing this, but somehow I always end up getting pushed back to tower or missing a few minions due to multiple minions being at last hit range, and multiple of them dying.

    So, apparently 10 cs a minute is recommended for an S.

    I have an average of 4.

    So - I'm looking for any tips you guys have. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Confused_Toe
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    Can’t find my main yet.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:46 PM PST

    It was almost 7 years since I'm playing league and I can't find my main or champ that I like, on these day I keep asking myself should I stop playing? But if I stop playing how can I know what am I like about this game? Champ? Why am I spending 7 years with this game? I'm going to keep playing this game but I would like to have some suggestions from you guys, is there any champ that is easy to play and also hard to master but not hard as Riven or easy as Garen, any champs and roles. Thank you

    submitted by /u/JackNicolus_XI
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    Mid Game - Guides, Tips, Resources, etc?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:55 AM PST

    Recently, I have embarked on a journey with my two friends who are brand new to the game. I finished S10 Silver III. We have been playing for roughly 45 days, with an average of 3-4 hours each day. We still have been playing norms as I do not think that they are ready for ranked, especially the one friend in particular. In these norms, I get fed in the early game roughly 80% of the time. However, we still lose lots of games because I have not yet learned how to translate the early lead into a game that I can carry. This has been very frustrating because I feel that I am better than my competition mechanically, but still unable to translate into Victories. I am aware of the youtube videos that say "SNOWBALL EARLY LEADS AND WIN", but honestly, these videos have not taught me much.

    Therefore, I am looking for fundamental tips, guides or anything that helps me understand the mid game on a basic level. Which tips, resources, guides, and popular summoners helped you with the mid game? Thank you.

    Edit: My recent obsession has been Akali. I have been switching between Jg and Mid based off what my friends want to learn, but an overarching theme would be that i'm playing bursty champs like Kha6, Ekko, Akali, Brand, Graves.

    submitted by /u/CallMeHoss
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    Tips on ADC itemization in season 11?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:35 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I have been taking a bit of a hiatus from playing my main role ADC and want to get back into it. I am however still a bit overwhelmed with the correct itemization in S11.

    Ofc this question is way too champion specific to be answered in it's entirety, but I guess there is enough overlap to at least talk about some concepts.

    Mythic Items

    From what I've seen so far this comes down to Krakenslayer (which seems to be the general go-to item), Galeforce and Shieldbow.

    In which situations would you recommend opting with a Tristana f.ex. to not build Krakenslayer? Is Shieldbow even good when behind? I know from past metas that the path of the highest damage is usually the path that should rarely be deviated from. Is it still the case or is this a viable item to counter burst? Is Galeforce a snowball item or rather meant to be built against skillshot heavy comps?


    The item seems nuts and pretty much what you want to curve into. Is there any reason not to build this second (except from some specific champions)?

    Further down the road

    Since the old formula of "buy crit and AS" doesn't seem to be as streamlined anymore: are there any specific tips on items that you opt to buy in situation X? Wounds are pretty accessible now but it still feels like a lot of gold thrown onto utility. When or if should this be sneaked in?

    Sorry for the generalized questions and thanks in advance for any answers! Have a great day!

    submitted by /u/CallMeSmigl
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    Want a hard champ to otp

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:01 PM PST

    I've had a pretty messy champions pool recently but I think I will switch to 1-3 champions if my otp gets banned, I will also be switching to mid/top, not that I don't like jungling but people in my elo don't listen to my pings at all and teammates usually push the lane without warding, get ganked and type "jg diff", and keep pushing the lane. This is my op.gg : https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Forfamx

    submitted by /u/forfams
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    Coaching Challenger midlane vs. Froggen | how to climb from low to high elo as Mid

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:39 PM PST

    Challenger mid coaching | Youtube

    I coach an LAN pro player in a lane against the Dignitas Midlaner, Froggen. We go over advanced midlane concepts about the game.

    Coaching 900-1000LP Midlaner (Peak)

    Here I coach another player, an aspiring pro player who has hit high LP on the NA ladder.


    • maxing your champion in game
    • playing relative to tempo on jungle
    • creating a mid lane wave plan & playing against the opponent's tempo
    • general mechanics (?)
    • and more.

    Thought this would be a good place to share some knowledge & continue to help players w/ the ladder.

    about me: I'm currently sitting on master promos, I usually play (fill) - however, I'm currently playing Jungle exclusively to grandmaster. I've been coaching for some time now. good luck on the ladder.

    submitted by /u/Zen-coaching
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    Are there champions I should avoid in low ELO solo matches because they’re primarily for experienced players and/or teams with good communication?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:29 PM PST

    I've been playing with Twisted Fate because I've seen a few guides discuss his amazing potential and "you just have to learn him". In my short while learning the ropes with him in low ELO play I've been getting brutalized in mid lane. Like, it's been real bad. First off, I know I'm not good. But still, based on other champs I've used he's easily bullied early game because he's not nearly as strong as some other mid-laners, most recently Yasuo ripped me a part the second I got in AA distance. Even in the games I felt I did well personally, his abilities rely on strong communication for using TFs ult to jump into team fights.

    I had another issue with Kai'sa where I wanted to be involved in team fights but she's really tough to use when she's not snowballed. I got there a few times but I need to get a lot better in my cs farming and learning how to pick my battles as she's a glass canon and once spotted becomes the primary target.

    So, I know there's a lot of champs available, but I was wondering some of you could list, in your opinion and experience with your preferred role, what champions should players avoid when still learning or if they're going to play solo without good coordination with a team?

    submitted by /u/DigiQuip
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    ADC main looking for some advice for SoloQ

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:40 AM PST

    Hey guys, I've mained ADC since forever. Realizing I've spent most of my time ''autopiloting''.

    I've peaked Platinum two seasons, where as inbetween been slacking. This season I kinda want to see if I can get past Plat.

    How I see as myself as a player; I've developed an ''reactive'' playstyle (cuz trust issues both towards myself and teammates) where as I don't take uneccesary risks. How laning phase ends up to is all depended on my support, with reactive I mean that I'm always ready for agressive action, but it's up to my support to initiate it. And I love if I have an agressive one, it usually means a winning laningphase.

    I never try to outperform my team, I'm kinda adapting to be in the middle. I have a hard time being ego, and put a lot of energy being available if mistakes is done by my teammates.

    I've noticed my damage output is weak, not sure if it's because I'm not doing much of micro moves or too passive/bad at being around where fights is. I'm generally bad at dying, which is good(?)

    Seems my best champ is Jhin, which is more of an utility adc. Maybe makes sense of how I play this game.

    I really don't know what I should focus on to improve, but here's my gg.op


    Any advice is welcoming, thanks =)

    submitted by /u/dtexn
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    How do I climb to challenger this season?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:07 PM PST

    Hi, as a d2 peak last season I took the challenge to try and climb to challenger this season. Mechanics was never an issue for me and winning against my lane opponent was never a challenge either. However, this season I seem to struggle to win lane, struggle to better my opponents and ultimately have a 45% win ratio with over 100 games. Currently stuck between d3 and d4 it is painful, often streaking both loss streaks and win streaks. I used to spam games in a day and then maybe watch a few streams. I changed this tactic and played 3-4 games and watched korean streamers for the rest of the time. However, now that seems to not be working for me either although I see improvement in my own gameplay it seems to me as my teammates aren't. I'm a mid lane main and have been for 6 years. The point of my post, is for advice on how people think its best to climb especially when trying to reach the top level of play. I have the mechanics, i have the reaction time. But I feel as though my practise isn't the best and therefore I cannot climb. Please help me any critic is welcome.

    submitted by /u/RebornFA
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    What can you do about a losing game on support?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:15 PM PST

    Hi, I recently started playing ranked. I'm too 500 in overwatch but I'm very burnt out of that game so I decided to get back into league. This is my first ranked season. I'm currently in bronze. I've been watching lots of videos and vod reviewing as I'm very competitive and want to improve. I don't typically lose lane, but I don't typically stomp it either. It's either even or we are a little ahead. It seems like 60% of games my top or mid will lose 2 turrets before 15 minutes and my jungle will be allergic to objectives. What can I do as a support in a scenario where they have one really fed player and a few drakes and turrets? Is there ways to come back from that if I'm not playing a full AP fed support? What kind of calls should I make for my team at that point? I always seem to fall apart after laning phase if another lane went really horrible. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/nanadin
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