• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 26, 2021

    League of Legends "Wait how did I take so much damage?" - My premade right after tping

    League of Legends "Wait how did I take so much damage?" - My premade right after tping

    "Wait how did I take so much damage?" - My premade right after tping

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 02:39 PM PST

    I just got 3 Instant Feedback reports back to back and it felt amazing

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:23 AM PST

    Had a game where my midlane who wasnt doing so well basically got bullied by the rest of the team. They harrased him until he actually just left the game.

    They spammed all chat about him leaving. So I decided to just tell the enemy team how he was harrased into leaving and told them to help me report my teammates. They agreed with me.

    After the game I reported all 3, went in a new game and when I got out I got 3 instant feedback reports back to back.

    It makes me so happy when the community gangs up on the toxic people, instead of the guy having a bad game.

    submitted by /u/feelsbetterman
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    Trinity Force litterally doesn't make sense anymore.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:32 AM PST

    Triforce's identity used to be that it's 3 weapons in one. That has been the case ever since it was added into the game up to preseason 11 where it now builds out of 2 weapons and a gem.

    Legit unplayable!

    Also the Ornn upgrade should be called Infinitri Force or Trinfinity Force instead of lame old Infinity Force

    submitted by /u/ColCool
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    Impact's hilarious interview on how happy he is with EG: 'They respect my opinion more so I can get my champion or matchup... After I win vs TL, I want to emote the TL logo, that's my goal.'

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 01:15 PM PST

    Patch 11.3 Preview [Full Changes]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 02:57 PM PST

    A follow up from the previous post yesterday

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the patch 11.3 preview with the full changes.

    Updated 11.3 preview with almost finished changes.

    Credit to the team that does these, they work tirelessly to deliver better and better patches every 2 weeks. These are really the lifeblood of League, constant attention to keep things balanced and fresh.

    Imgur (image) version: https://imgur.com/a/ozcjaPt

    >>> Item/Rune Nerfs<<<

    Deadman's Plate

    • Health: 475 >>> 400

    Staff of Flowing Water

    • AP: 60 >>> 50

    Zhonya's Hourglass

    • Seeker's Cost: 900 >>> 1000g

    • Total cost: 2500 >>> 2600g

    Ironspike Whip

    • [REMOVED] Minions and monsters take double damage below 50% HP


    • Active heal: 12 >>> 8% missing health

    Ravenous Hydra

    • Omnivamp: 15% >>> 10% by champ level

    Sterak's Gage

    • Base shield: 200 >>> 100

    • Shield duration: 5 >>> 4s

    >>> Item Buffs <<<

    Force of Nature

    • Movement speed per stack: 6 (max 30) >>> 8 (max 40)

    Frozen Heart

    • Cost: 2700 >>> 2500

    • Armor: 80 >>> 70

    Chemtech Putrifier

    • Ability Haste: 15 >>> 20

    • [NEW] Healing or shielding an ally will cause their next damage to inflict 60% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds

    Immortal Shieldbow

    • Attack damage: 50 >>> 55

    • Attack Speed: 15 >>> 20%

    Phantom Dancer

    • AD: 0 >>> 20

    • AS: 45 >>> 25%

    • Long sword replacing dagger in build

    • Max stacks to get bonus AS: 5 >>> 4

    • Bonus AS at max stacks: 40 >>> 30%

    Lord Dominik's Regards

    • Armor Penetration: 25 >>> 35%

    Verdant Barrier

    • [Passive Reworked] Killing a unit grants 1 MR (max 15)

    • Cost: 1200 >>> 1000g

    Banshee Veil

    • AP: 65 >>> 80

    • Cost: 2500 >>> 2600

    Horizon Focus

    • AP: 100 >>> 115

    • Hypershot minimum range: 750 >>> 700

    Silvermere Dawn

    • AD: 35 >>> 40

    • Health: 200 >>> 300

    >>> Item Adjustments <<<

    Leeching Leer

    • Omnivamp: 10% >>> 5%

    • Health: 150 >>> 250


    • Omnivamp: 15% >>> 8%

    • Health: 150 >>> 250

    • Mythic Passive: 5% Magic Pen >>> 8 AP and 2% omnivamp


    • Shield: 150 (75 ranged) >>> 180 (90 ranged)

    • Omnivamp: 10% >>> 8%

    >>> Champion Nerfs <<<


    Base stats

    • Health: 597 >>> 575


    • Attack Speed: 0-100 >>> 0-70% based on missing health



    • Damage: 22-82 >>> 22-70



    • Deals 70% damage to minions >>> minions and monsters

    • Cooldown: 10-8 >>> 13-8



    • Cooldown: 12-10 >>> 12s



    • Damage: 70-210 (+50% AP) >>> 60-200 (+45% AP)


    • Cooldown: 4-1 >>> 4-2



    • Human Q damage: 40-180 >>> 40-160


    • Spider attack speed: 60-140 >>> 60-100%


    Base stats

    • Health per lvl: 95 >>> 85


    • Shield: 80-220 >>> 80-200



    • Note damage: 5-20 >>> 4-16


    • Base shield: 60-120 >>> 50-100

    • Seraphine shield: 90-180 >>> 75-150



    • Aura damage: 50-300 >>> 50-275 (over 4 seconds)



    • Movement speed: 12-40 >>> 20-45%


    • Stone damage to monsters after the first: 100 >>> 80%

    >>> Champion Buffs <<<


    Base stats

    • Mana regen: 11.5 >>> 13


    • Mana cost: 65 >>> 55



    • Mana cost: 50-75 >>> 55


    • Damage: 65-205 (+85% AP) >>> 70-210 (+90% AP)



    • AP ratio: 80 >>> 90% (over 2 seconds)



    • Cooldown: 12-8 >>> 10-6



    • Ranged extension: 75-175 >>> 100-200



    • AD ratio: 120 >>> 130%



    • Cooldown: 24-12 >>> 22-10



    • Cooldown: 150-120 >>> 120



    • AP ratio: 0 >>> 40%


    • Movement speed AP ratio: 0 >>> 8% per 100 AP

    >>> Champion Adjustments <<<



    • Cooldown on unbinded self: 3 >>> 1s

    • [BUG FIX] Should now properly buffer when cast on an ally from outside range

    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    When everything is timed to perfection

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:23 PM PST

    Riot is furthering an inexcusable standard with Viego

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:20 AM PST

    Anyone with eyes can see it. Viego is a shirtless dude with abs who carries around a gigantic sword, and just from that information alone I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. That's right: Riot is once again adding to the roster of champions who abide by an unrealistic standard - dudes who wield enormous swords and build lots of attack speed.

    It started with Tryndamere, of course, who drags around a sword roughly the size of a middle schooler with lifetime free mcdonald's, but swings it around like he's play-fighting with a stick. Master Yi came in with a katana almost as tall as he is, and his passive is quite literally to occasionally swing it so fast that he hits twice. Hell, even Garen got in on the action for a little while, building attack speed so that his E would proc more per cast, meaning he was flailing his sword around so much that it felt like he had two. Aatrox has never built attack speed from what I can tell but Aatrox IS the sword so him swinging the sword is essentially him body-slamming the opponent, so that doesn't really count.

    When will Riot stop furthering the stereotype that men with enormous swords can defy the laws of physics? I for one am disgusted by the fact that they are willing to set the unrealistic standard that men with oversized swords can hypothetically break the sound barrier with their weaponry.

    submitted by /u/Saph0
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    Positive Streamers hit differently

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:22 AM PST

    Hello guys, so long story short, i have randomly found myself in the GrossGore twitch stream, and i got to witness this amazing advice, and i must say it totaly changed my day. And i am surprised at Grossie who was such a toxic streamer that audience loves it nowdays with screams and drama, to this amazing and wholesome streamer, He is D3 negative winrate, and he is enjoying every minute of it.

    Im not trying to promote him, i just wanted to let people know that there still are Positive Streamers, not just screaming /drama / roasting/ flaming/ toxic streamers .

    submitted by /u/astin4
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    List of least used items (sub-1% pickrate)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:32 AM PST

    Keep in mind stats from data aggregator sites aren't 100% precise, but for this purpose it's decent enough. Another thing to note is that some champions and classes are more popular than others (which means Enchanter and tank items are going to be less commonly found in stats than AD or AP items). Starting from the least used ones:

    1. Vigilant Wardstone - 0.0%
      Ultimate proof that just because an item is almost never picked, doesn't mean it's useless. Sure, it rarely comes to a 6-item-support game state, but when it does, this little thingy allows to balance 6-item pro player builds (who would otherwise stay at 5 items and a ward stash) a bit closer to 6-item solo queue supports. Perhaps some mild adjustments are possible - a little bit of Health wouldn't hurt - but Riot definitely deserves an A+ for the idea.
    2. Silvermere Dawn - 0.1% (up for buffs in 11.3)
      And here's the opposite - while the initial idea might be correct (now that Mercurial Scimitar has critical strike chance, this item was meant to cover champions who don't care about crit), QSS in general suits squishier champions who can't afford to stay CCd. This one would fare much better with Ability Haste, Lethality or at least Lifesteal instead of Health.
    3. Serpent's Fang - 0.2%
      "Situational" doesn't even begin to describe it. This one would fare much better with broader statline with AS/AH, it worked out pretty well for The Collector.
    4. Mikael's Blessing - 0.3%
      With Chalice of Harmony gone, this item now suits neither enchanters nor tanks. In theory it should work pretty well against strong AP threats, but same or even better effect can be achieved with a Locket. It was already situational before, now it's just bad. Give up on combining Negatron Cloak with Forbidden Idol.
    5. Chemtech Putrifier - 0.4% (up for buffs in 11.3)
      The currently planned buff should be enough for supports to consider picking it up, actually.
    6. EVERFROST - 0.4%
      And here we go - the least popular Mythic item in the game. With shorter range than GLP and no Twin Shadows the Glacial Augument build is gone; this item grants no Health until you spend 3400g (!) on it; the Mythic passive, while worth more gold on paper, offers much less lategame scaling than mpen or AH from the other mana Mythics... it goes on and on and on. The greatest failure of mage Mythic diversity, especially considering how popular its alternatives are (both around 7%). Needs immediate attention (Kindlegem in build, better Mythic passive?).
    7. Mercurial Scimitar - 0.4%
      Admittedly weaker without lifesteal, its low pick rate is pretty normal for what typically is a 6th ADC item, now more restricted in its userbase - and its existence is needed not just for popularity, but simply for being a high elo Malzahar deterrent.
    8. Warmog's Armor - 0.5%
      Once a standard and popular item, now it's a rare lategame luxury for out-of-combat rearming. Perhaps balanced, and perhaps it's worth considering that lategame 10 AH is much weaker than 10 CDR it used to have, and its price has even gone up? It's not like Mundo and Zac are roaring rampage, quite the opposite.
    9. Sanguine Blade - 0.5%
      With all other Lethality items rebalanced or reworked, this one remains unchanged as the nichiest Quinn/Talon/Tryndamere/Sion gimmick out there. Situational fun.
    10. Maw of Malmortius - 0.5%
      Overnerfed, deprived of the omnivamp on Lifeline and to top it off, overshadowed by Sterak, which it can't stack with.
    11. SHURELYA'S BATTLESONG - 0.6% (buffed in 11.2)
      The second Mythic on the list, meh from the start of the season due to awakward hybrid tank/enchanter statline. Pickrate might improve after people start copying pro games.
    12. Abyssal Mask - 0.6%
      Deprived of mana, Catalyst regen and CDR, Abyssal Mask is a shadow of its former self. I believe it would fare much better as a 2500g supportank-oriented item.
    13. Gargoyle Stoneplate - 0.7% (buffed in 11.2)
      Supposedly a "tank Deathcap", but even more painful to assemble (two pieces of Aegis, maybe?) and not straightforwardly efficient in raw stat value - low pickrate for a reason.
    14. Lord Dominik's Regards - 0.7%
      Another situational lategame item, much like Scimitar limited in its userbase due to crit - so a pretty understandable pickrate.
    15. Cosmic Drive - 0.7%
      The second biggest AP disappointment of the preseason after Everfrost. Designed as the 3000g "power item" alternative to Horizon Focus, Demonic Embrace, etc, it was supposed to be the main option for acquiring Ability Haste. It didn't catch on. Instead, Riot buffed AH on all mage Mythics by a bit, and still hardly anybody buys this one.
    16. Wit's End - 0.7%
      Long gone from its 42 joke, Wit's End always hangs somewhere between specialized onhit shenanigans and underwhelming meh tier. I'd say for such a specialized niche option it's still a pretty decent pickrate.
    17. Frozen Heart - 0.7% (up for buffs in 11.3)
      Two things tanked this pickrate: first, tanks no longer needing mana after receiving buffs to base mana to make up for the loss of Catalyst and Iceborn Gauntlet, and second, 20 Ability Haste is no longer worth as much as 20 CDR used to. Will the 2500g price tag remedy this? We'll see.
    18. Banshee's Veil - 0.8% (up for buffs in 11.3)
      Mages get their survi from Zhonya's (especially with the prevalency of AD midlaners) and Verdant Barrier is straight out garbage. The upcoming buffs could fix things up a bit.
    19. Umbral Glaive - 0.8% (buffed in 11.2)
      Support Senna ain't doing too well, so this item got 200g cheaper. Still something that's meant to be niche.
    20. PROWLER'S CLAW - 0.8%
      The third and final Mythic on the sub-1% list. Between the 1v9 joy of Duskblade and the reliable (anti)burst of Eclipse, Prowler's gimmicky active works well on champions who probably wouldn't otherwise go for Lethality, like Sion, Rek'Sai or Kled.
    21. Knight's Vow - 0.9%
      Massacred. No longer heals you from partner's damage, no longer has armor. Guess that jungle Rengar with KV at Worlds scared Riot too much. Still one of the very few options you have as a supportank.
    22. Redemption - 0.9%
      Still a solid support item, even if weaker than before.
    23. Serylda's Grudge - 0.9%
      A much, much, much better AD Rylai's, basically a better anti-armor item than Lord Dominik's Regards. Low pickrate only because of its lategame nature.
    24. Randuin's Omen - 0.9%
      Even though it lost its slow, it's still a pretty strong anti-crit item. The only problem is that everybody and their mother has to rush Thornmail first, so that one takes over the armor+health space.
    25. Force of Nature - 0.9%
      Less underwhelming than Abyssal Mask, but still nowhere near the anti-DPS qualities Adaptive Helmet used to have.

    That concludes the sub-1% list.

    Keep in mind the pickrate applies to all ranked games aggregated by League of Graphs. If you take only Platinum or Diamond games and higher into consideration, some interesting stuff happens:

    • Support items pickrate jumps up a bit (less selfish picks, more enchanters, unique effects more valued over stats)
    • Some items fall below the 1% pickrate in Diamond+: Navori Quickblades, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Horizon Focus
    • Moonstone Renewer skyrockets to the top 10 (pretty obvious given it being FotM now)
    submitted by /u/lukeatlook
    [link] [comments]

    Mikyx on G2's new team synergy with Rekkles, the one animation he has recommended to Rekkles, how Irelia and Ivern top came to be, the preparations G2 is already making in order to "not fall behind on meta against the LCK and the LPL" for 2021 Worlds

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:54 AM PST

    Just Pick Sivir! | KIA Mic Check | 2021 LEC Spring Week 1

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:00 AM PST

    The nerfs on Xin Zhao passive and Shyvana Q from patch 8.4 should be reverted

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:28 AM PST

    The nerfs on Xin Zhao passive and Shyvana Q from patch 8.4 should be reverted

    I know it has been 2 years and I'm making this post in 2021 , but this was the patch that completely killed Xin Zhao as a champion and ruined any scaling he had and made AD bruiser Shyvana inferior to the AP buffs she got in 8.9 . I'm not a Shyvana main but I'm pretty sure that Shyvana mains want AD Shyvana to be more viable, yet they are buffing AP Shyvana again next patch.

    Let's talk about Xin Zhao. Why would Xin Zhao lose half of his passive damage (which he can proc multiple times), due to PtA buffs which can be proc'd only once (Let's not forget that this rune is not viable anymore on Xin Zhao) . That's a huge DPS cutoff and it's a terrible excuse to nerf his passive damage by half. It has been more than 2 years since this nerf and riot refuses to revert this or buff his passive damage for some unknown reason.

    Some of you might say "but Xin Zhao is a strong early game champion, he doesn't need to scale". He is decent early, but why would you pick Xin Zhao over Rek'Sai , Vi, Udyr and Olaf? They are much stronger than Xin Zhao and provide more to the team while still being more useful in later stages of the game.

    I understand that Xin Zhao is not a very popular champion and we Xin Zhao mains have no voice in this community but that is not a reason to completely neglect a champion for 2 years. Yes he got a +10 damage buff on the W few months ago, but did they really think it will fix any of the problems this champion has ? I'm pretty sure that even if they revert the passive nerf it won't make Xin Zhao a meta pick, but it will make him atleast playable.



    submitted by /u/bekhu
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    Just a reminder, Serpent's Fang absolute punishes people who use Aery's shielding. Stop sleeping on this item

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 01:36 PM PST

    Everyone knows that this item is anti-shield. But this item doesn't only add additional damage to your attacks, but also your abilities.

    Also it doesn't matter how large or how small the shield is. If someone you're hitting has 50 shield left on them and Serpent's Fang empowers your next attack/ability against them, the difference is taken out of their actual health. Let's say Serpent's fang is giving you 200 damage against a shielded target on your next attack on them. If they have that 50 shield, they're eating the rest of that 150 directly. Its literally just straight up bonus damage ontop of whatever damage you're normally doing.

    I feel like people don't take that into consideration when looking at this item. If the extra damage granted by SF exceeds the shield you're attacking, the excess damage doesn't disappear. It goes directly into who ever you're bonking. I've started to mess around with this item and its actually a little nutty. To be fair, I had really poor expectations for the item due to nearly no one picking it up and everyone downplaying it.

    But I'm starting to think its stronger than what people give it credit for. While clearly it isn't 'RUSH THIS ITEM NOW' kind of item, its definitely far better than 'ignore this item'.

    Edit: Look at your past 5 or 10 games and see if any enemy champion in them had a shield. You will be surprised at how often there is 1-2 champions on an enemy team that have self shielding or has a support providing shields to everyone else. While its rare to see like 4 champions on a team all providing their own shields, it is actually common that there is someone on the enemy team shielding themselves or shielding allies. Shields are way more common than I thought they were.

    submitted by /u/HorrowLP
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    There should be a Damage Recap along side Death Recap to show how much damage you've given to champions in a fight.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:45 AM PST

    Not only will this help serve to give info on what items to prioritize to get through resistances and Large Health Pools, but it also makes death less infuriating by showing how much you've contributed to a fight, even if you didn't get any kills.

    Additionally, it can show how much healing you've mitigated with GW and the amount of healing and shielding you've given to allies.

    submitted by /u/ZepperMen
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    DWG KIA goes honest on the team's upset defeat against Fredit BRION and how ShowMaker reacted to it, the reason behind team's current performance, kkOma's speech: "Even when the SKT was considered the best team in the world, he said, there were difficult periods ..."

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:11 PM PST

    Facecheck S03E02 - NA Fans Are Too Hard on Promising Rookies

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:56 AM PST

    Faker with the 1 hp outplay on Ryze

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:03 AM PST

    Two weeks in, the LCK still has no official VODs available.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:00 AM PST

    wukonng sculpture

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:50 PM PST

    I love wukong, so I hired a metal sculptor to make me this! what do you think?? 🐒🐒


    submitted by /u/legendcp
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    Is there still a point to Kassadin's W costing 1 mana?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:21 PM PST

    Now that tear and its upgrades stack not on mana expenditure but on ability hits, does Kassadin's W costing 1 mana still serve a purpose of any kind? It's also not a huge negative, so Riot can very well leave it be, but it's interesting to think about.

    submitted by /u/Meurs0
    [link] [comments]

    Larssen talks popping off on Twisted Fate “I want to be like ShowMaker. Well, I want to be better, but first I have to get to his level.” and the potential of the Rogue lineup: "We definitely have a way higher skill ceiling. (...) No more baby Origen. Baby G2. We'll be more fun to watch this Split."

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:46 AM PST

    The Dynamic of Healing and Antihealing in League of Legends

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:24 PM PST

    One goal that Riot has expressed for season 11 is to combat excessive healing in the game by adding cheaper and more plentiful options for grievous wounds. Now, between bramble vest, executioner's calling, and oblivion orb, and champion can get antiheal for 800g. Also, every class can get an upgraded grievous item now. Furthermore, most antiheal items are very cost efficient, as shown in the chart below:

    Item Item Cost Gold Efficiency Cost of Passive Other Passives?
    Executioner's Calling 800g 65.63% 275g No
    Oblivion Orb 800g 81.56% 148g No
    Bramble Vest 800g 87.5% 100g Thorns
    Mortal Reminder 2500g 96.06% 99g No
    Chempunk Chainsword 2600g 91.35% 225g No
    Morellonomicon 2500g 87.57% 311g No
    Chemtech Purifier 2300g 86.41% 313g No
    Thornmail 2700g 79.01% 567g Thorns

    Naturally, this change hurt a lot of champions who rely on healing, as at least one person in every game has some form of antiheal. Champions like Dr. Mundo dropped to a 42% win rate, as a core part of their kit was now significantly weaker.

    As a matter of fact, Mundo is a great champion to look at to understand this phenomenon. Prior to season 8, Mundo's ult healed him for 40% / 50% / 60% of his max health at levels 6, 11, and 16. However, as antiheal increased in game, Riot compensated Mundo by buffing his healing to 50% / 75% / 100%. Now, with grievous wounds being more prevalent than ever, Riot is once again buffing Mundo's R to 60% / 85% / 110%. What was once the scaling on his rank 3 ultimate is now available at rank 1.

    This brings us to an overdiscussed point: the heal creep in League of Legends. But a topic that nobody seems to discuss, and a reason behind it, is the antiheal creep in League of Legends. With there being so much sustain in nearly all new champions, runes, and items, there needs to be some form of counterplay to healing. However, antiheal is a mechanic that nobody in the game enjoys. Healing based champions feel useless as soon as anyone picks up a grievous wounds item, and the player who buys the item has to detract from their build and spend an item slot just to be able to play the game. Rather than buffing antihealing, Riot should be looking to nerf healing already existing within the game.

    submitted by /u/Ramo1618
    [link] [comments]

    Should You Main Viego? (Satire)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:32 AM PST

    The Dive | Lock In Quarterfinals Reactions, Meta Report, Semifinals & The "$11m Goldenglue"

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:07 AM PST

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