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    Monday, January 11, 2021

    LoL Guide I feel like I should quit League [beginner]

    LoL Guide I feel like I should quit League [beginner]

    I feel like I should quit League [beginner]

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:22 PM PST

    I'm 22F and I started playing for the first time about a month ago. I picked it up to spend more time with my boyfriend and friends during covid. I've played Nintendo games my whole life and am really into Minecraft but nothing like League.

    It's a hard game. There's a huge learning curve, but at first I thought it was really fun. I started yuumi, then poppy, now galio. I'm bad, obviously, since I just started, but I feel like I'm making progress.

    The problem is, my friends are ranked pretty high so when I play with them I just feed a lot of the time. They don't mind, but for me it's really not fun. So then I decided to start playing on my own. And that's when I started to feel like I should quit.

    For example, a game I played today by myself: I was playing Galio top against a mordekaiser who I looked up on op.gg and has been platinum for several seasons. I'm level 25. So I fed and lost my lane. I was really frustrated, but I told myself it was just one game and it wasn't a big deal. Until my team's yone starts flaming me, telling me I'm terrible, calling me dogshit, blaming me for his deaths etc. Then moved onto all chat saying "I'd be fed too if I was playing a bot" and "Galio built armor btw :)" and stuff. And I just felt so bad about myself.

    It's situations like that where I just feel like league doesn't allow beginners. Like if you haven't been playing for years by now don't even try. My boyfriend tells me to mute the chat, but I actually use it, (like asking where to go or whether we should set up for dragon etc) since I'm trying to learn. If I play by myself I get bullied for being bad, if I play with friends I feed bc the lobby is too high level.

    Should I just quit?

    submitted by /u/emilythomp3
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    To all new low level players that lose a lot with playing high ranked friends play more bot games

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 06:23 AM PST

    I know it's frustrating to lose lane or feed all the time because you get matched with higher elo opponents because you're Qing up with your friends.

    A good way to learn by yourself is spam intermediate bots. For lower than 30 level people out there if you can get to a point where you can singlehandedly carried bot games with 10+ kills with less than 3 deaths consecutively, it means you are getting better with mechanics.

    I was in plat last season and I spammed bot games to learn mechanics (draven) and it's a great way to learn trading too in lane.

    It's also very stress free, I'll put on music and just have fun in bots.

    Don't get discouraged if you lose with friends, learn your micro first (mechanics, trading, powerspikes, item powerspikes) from bots then slowly transitions to macro (map awareness, taking objectives) once you have better mechanics.

    submitted by /u/MrImthatdude
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    Good performance in normals, very poor performance in ranked

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:16 AM PST

    So basically the ranked season started and I decided to play ranked, but for some reason I always do bad in ranked, I lose the lane 100% of the time and end up with 6-10 deaths no kill participation where as when I played normals I could win lane 95% of the time on the same champion and the ranks of people were the same as in normals high bronze - low silver

    submitted by /u/Thicc228
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    How to carry on Samira?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:06 PM PST

    How do I carry on Samira? Me and my duo (Pyke) were ~11/0 in lane but our top (Jhin) and mid (Kat) were feeding (Ryze/Annie respectively). Jungle was relatively even K/D wise but we were a bit behind in objectives. I grouped up for teamfights, but I either died too fast or I didn't deal enough damage to carry. What should I have done instead?

    op.gg if needed (most recent game at time of posting)

    submitted by /u/cycl0ne_ssbm
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    Pathing towards lanes with gank assist (CC, gap close, wave control) will give you more consistent early game pressure

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:30 AM PST

    Lots of junglers will AFK their first clear, and then end up trying to force a gank on a lane where it will never succeed (disadvantage in CC, mobility, lane state).

    Here's a full video on how you can decide your first clear as a jungler: https://youtu.be/dwfwalZzfUY

    Forcing a gank on an ungankable lane generally has 2 end results (both bad)

    1. The laner can follow up, knowing the gank won't work, and end up at a health/summoner/gold/exp disadvantage from trying to force it.
    2. They can stay put and let the jungler try to 1v1, running the risk of tilting the jungler and getting flamed relentlessly.

    Also, forcing a gank leads to a LOT of counterplay for the enemy jungler. (both bad)

    1. If they're matching your clear, they can counter gank with a very high probability of success. When forcing a gank, you have to use key cooldowns in the initial gank, leaving you very vulnerable to a counter.
    2. If they cleared in the opposite direction of you, they can either gank the weak side of the map for free (if available), or they can counter jungle the remaining camps on the opposite side.

    It's our responsibility as laners to ensure our pathing brings us to a place where we can actually influence the map positively. At the end of the day, I hope people will put more thought into their first clears instead of auto-piloting and doing the same thing every game :)

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Hello, I'm a Grandmaster top laner who plays in ERLs and coaches frequently. In this video I coach a platinum Teemo main!

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:05 AM PST

    Hello, my name is Eragon, I don't see many videos like this get posted so I thought I might as well. I love coaching and teaching generally. This is the 3rd uploaded coaching session on my channel.

    My coaching is very laning focused as I believe it's the most important part of soloq so if you'd like to improve this I hope it helps! :)


    Apologies for lack of full screen, I often tab in and out with notes + other docs and resources I prepared for my client to show them, so having to go back and forth from full screen would be a bit jarring. I'll try to do it more in future videos though.

    submitted by /u/EragonUK
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    Are inspiration keystones, and inspiration tree in general good at all?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 11:04 AM PST

    TL;DR: What are the reasons behind builds that use them? Why should I choose them? Is the inspiration tree bad, making these keystones unappealing? Is there a case where you get inspiration keystone while not fully utilizing inspiration tree? Essentially why does it even exist?

    1. Senna uses glacial, but why other marksmans don't? If others use footwork, why Senna doesn't use it? I think that kiting oriented keystone would be good on for example Caitlyn, but maybe precision tree is better for her overall than inspiration?

    2. What champion uses omnistone, and why? Is it even good at all? From my POV, by choosing this keystone you're sacrificing reliability and guaranteed synergy for lower cooldowns. What comes to mind is champions using long CD keystones that are not important for them, but even then isn't it just better to choose a reliable keystone than semi-random, no-keystone half the time?

    3. Same question about unsealed spellbook, so why would I use it over other keystones in other trees? I guess you can use it to have ignite in lane and on average two teleports: one for tempo base, and another to be able to join the team while split pushing. But what about the summoners in between teleports? Does having teleport or two make it a good keystone?

    4. I think that an important factor in viability of these keystones is inspiration tree in general:

    • For contraption you're often forced into magical footwear, as not every champion needs stopwatch to build items, but on the other hand, if the lane is very passive, then you don't have a choice, as you'd be left with no boots until 12/11 minutes. And hextech flashtraption is good only for ambushing from walls/bushes, so again, limited by champion playstyle and build. I think that this "branch" limits this tree the most, making it catered to aggressive champions, that use domination anyway. Am I right or wrong?

    • Tomorrow is again a very forced "branch". Future's market seems only good if a champion has a massive power spike on a first item/component. I have only seen supports that use relic shield/shoulderguards take minion dematerializer to avoid poke in lane. 99% of time you simply have to take biscuits. They aren't bad, but they aren't amazing either. Health potions restore more health, and 10% missing mana isn't very much. Unless there's something that makes them good aside from free 90 gold and 150 mana?

    • Beyond seems okay-ish. Cosmic insight is nice, but it fells to me it's another rune taken 99% of the time. Probably good when used with teleport and boots of lucidity. Approach velocity doesn't seem to be good at all. Boost it gives lets you be on target fraction of a second earlier, and I don't think it usually matters. And timewarp tonic seems good only on champions that use corrupting potion, for better in lane engage.

    Sorry for this big wall of text. I am just interested why would you choose this tree as a primary. Or even secondary, domination seems to be way better.

    submitted by /u/sn1_2002
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    Top Lane is Located on the Planet of Mars

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:36 AM PST

    and I say this because it's becoming more obsolete for me, and some games me and my lane opponent will go 0/0/0 for the first 15 minutes, taking into account ganks and trades and all-ins. I understand that to be effective in the game I must control my river vision, wave management, and trades with the opponent laner. Sometimes, when I do get ahead by a sizeable amount, I join my team for objective control and discover that I'm being outclassed, outfarmed, or out-damaged by the winning enemy adc or mid laner. Even after I'm ahead, I cannot convert it to a good result, and feel unrewarded for my tryhardness up there.

    I think I have to do these things, and please tell me if I am wrong:

    1. Either I harass my laner out of lane (Illaoi, Teemo, Jayce) or
    2. I let the waves build, shove it all in their tower, and roam 24/7. (idk the champions)

    Uh. Please send help. :)

    tl;dr - How do I connect the Island of Top to the rest of the map?

    submitted by /u/panzernova
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    Farming in a real game enviornment

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:17 AM PST

    Hello so I know how important farming is; I can get 9-11 cs/min in practice tool every time. But when I get into an actual game with lane and jungle pressure in the midlane it gets slashed to 5-7 cs/min, So what can I do to help improve my CS in a real game environment to the 6-9 cs/min range? I just have found the practice tool does not really prepare me for how much players greed for poke and in lane all ins, and to still keep 70-90 percent of my max farm while doing it.

    submitted by /u/random-wander
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    How do I lane against Garen? (mid silver)

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:03 AM PST

    I've been picking up top lane this season, and this feels like the one champion I don't understand how to play against. It feels impossible to win trades against him because of his W shield plus E damage, and even if I do he just sits halfway across the lane from me until his passive heals him. I've been picking Darius into him because I was told that was a counter, but it really doesn't feel like it to me. He just presses Q > E > W and wins lane. Is there a different champion that plays better into him? Am I just trading wrong? Any help would be appreciated, I feel completely lost every time I play against him. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/lalden
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    Should you always take heal as an ADC?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:40 PM PST

    I've been playing this game for just over a year now and have found myself becoming an ADC main unfortunately. Now here's the thing, with the exception of Ezreal I take heal every time, but I've found myself doing really well with Ez and find that TP works better for myself. Being able to have a weak start by going tear first and backing to grab sheen (and sometimes + boots) then TPing back allows you to get an early spike to stay competitive in lane, but also allows you to hit the Muramana spike really quick. I've been "flamed" many times by supports for not taking heal, but I find this playstyle allows Ezreal to become a lane bully and spike earlier (~when team fights start occurring/mattering) than with the usually Doran start with heal. Should I ignore my supports asking/flaming me to take heal or is it actually viable to take TP. (This is all low elo at gold BTW.)

    submitted by /u/sang-froidian
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    How to carry when feeding

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:18 PM PST

    Sorry for crappy formatting im on mobile. So I mainly play LeBlanc and Akali but this will apply to any champion. Let's say I go 0/3 in the first few minutes of the game. I do not look for mistakes I do while laning I look at the map and tell my jungler to look for fights in the jungle. I will always be there and no matter if my damage is low because im behind with my cc (if I play LeBlanc) and atleast a bit of damage I always manage to get my jungler ahead. In mid game just try to make calls. you wont be as useful in teamfights as others so you need to become your teams brain. if i play leblanc i also like to be the engager with my w and e. every game is winable. i won a game were the score was 10v1 today and how? just by helping out the team. you need to remember this is a team game and if you work together you can win most of your games. in ranked on leblanc i feed in most games but then always end up carrying later on. on akali i tend to feed less but that doesn't mean i help the team less. just focus more on the team than on you when you fall behind. I hope this helps those who are currently struggeling in the new season.

    submitted by /u/Jimpix_likes_Pizza
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    How can I be more impactful as a support in low ELO?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:16 PM PST

    I haven't really played ranked since S8 because I wasn't too serious about the game (when I did play last I was mid silver), but I recently played support in a pretty low-key tournament full of gold & plat players and had a great time (we won the tourney too so there's that). It inspired me to start playing ranked again, but playing in low ELO is way less fulfilling than playing with people who know what they're doing, so I'm looking for ways I can carry games from support more often (if possible). I feel like I'm way better than most of the people I'm playing with and usually do great in lane, but that often doesn't seem to be enough to win the game. What more can I do to swing games in my favor?

    I think my greatest skills while playing in the tournament was being patient enough to not die in losing lanes and having great vision control, but I don't think that amounts to much in low ELO. I try to roam to help my mid and jg win fights, but that seems highly dependent on the enemy mid laner shoving super hard and my ADC being smart enough to not die while I'm gone*. It's also much more difficult for me to roam in ranked than in tournament because no one ever puts wards down so it's really difficult to track the jungler, which really limits my ability to make plays of any kind in the mid-late game. I try to put a lot of deep wards too, but I don't think they're that impactful because no one looks at their map.

    tl;dr: how can I carry games as support? especially when I have a terrible ADC and/or no vision besides my own wards?

    submitted by /u/kiptronics
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    Ranked anxiety sources

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 12:16 PM PST

    So I've got ranked anxiety really bad. I get shaky hands, accelerated heart rate, and will always feel really cold and have to put on a jacket during loading screen after I queue up. I've been trying to nail down sources so I can figure out what to do about them.

    Some common sources I see listed are:

    • Not wanting to be flamed.
    • Expecting too much of yourself
    • Feeling like theres too much to keep track of in any given game to consistently win

    One source that I haven't seen listed is the nagging feeling that I shouldn't be playing games in general. I think all the previously mentioned sources conflates this because if I'm not improving it really feels like i've wasted so much time where I could've been studying or learning new skills or practicing guitar or whatever even if I'm only playing 1-3 games a day (if at all)

    In high school (around season 2) i played all the time and always had fun even though I never took any time to identify mistakes in the game or really improve beyond passively learning what champions did. In college I got more serious about school and left the game for the most part and started to miss the fun. I'm in grad school studying engineering now and have more general life responsibilities but I still need outlets completely separated from my day to day. I decided get back into the game and do a few games a week but try and actually be good at it this time around (because staying bad and losing a lot just isn't as fun as it used to be). Still, every time i queue the anxiety hits hard and impacts my play. I'm mid silver currently so I think theres plenty of room for me to get better while still being a casual player and have fun doing it.

    If anyone has some insights of working/studying while gaming and enjoying it I'd love to hear them.

    submitted by /u/WesTinnTin
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    Midlane blind picks?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:29 AM PST

    Hey all, I'm wondering what sort of champion pools people are running in the midlane this season. I pick first a lot of the time and getting hard countered in the draft is never a good feeling so I'm looking for good blind pickable champs.

    I'm not the most mechanical player so I usually stay away from assassins. If I do play one I'll play Diana because of her poke. Normally I play a lot of Xerath/Vel'Koz and Anivia just because they're pretty safe and still effective under tower.

    I was thinking maybe Pantheon but he gets banned frequently and when he isn't one of my mates usually takes him. I have an alright Galio, but he's not the most exciting champ to play.

    submitted by /u/_J3W3LS_
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    How are you supposed to play against Master Yi?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 09:03 AM PST

    I'm in gold and in this ELO he is a nightmare to deal with. I also main mid and nothing is more annoying then getting our whole team wiped even though I hard won my lane. What can I do other than use my ban on him and what is the ideal scenario in which my team and I can coordinate to prevent his rampage.

    submitted by /u/Bahasol
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    Botlane coinflip

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:59 AM PST

    With Season 11 out, the botlane doesn't have as much impact as it did, but still I always have games that depend on how the botlane goes. People started playing snowbally adc's right now, and my botlane always goes either 0/10 or 10/0.

    I play top tanks and bruisers, and i have minimal impact onto bot apart from teleports, and the enemy laner does too, but our botlane always feeds or carries, never in the middle. Even with less impact an 10/0 draven can still win the game with his support. Any tips on how to counter this coinflip?

    submitted by /u/Ok_Telephone_8659
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    Transitioning to mid game as ADC

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:55 AM PST

    So I'm slowly getting better at laning but I feel at a loss when it comes to mid game. I've had games where I finish lane ahead but I just feel absolutely useless... if I split push, I die. If I try to keep up farm, jungle yells at me or someone shares my farm (had a jungle yell at me for trying to take his camps then he stole half my minions right after). If I try to join team fights, I feel I do no dmg with my autos... Everyone's a few levels above me. I feel like a reporter running through a riot trying not to die. I've even tried to die! I've been hyper aggressive but still feel useless.

    Am I just fundamentally doing something wrong when transitioning to mid game? Should I group more and sacrifice farm? Other way round maybe? I know it's hard to give a cut and dry answer but I'm stumped... feel like I need to be 10-0 to actually make a difference.

    submitted by /u/Green-Conclusion3608
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    S11 Gragas Top matchup spreadsheet, ALL you need to know if you want to play the fat man. by SloppyWalrusX

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:46 PM PST

    Greetings everyone my name is Sloppy Walrus i am a Master tier Gragas otp with 3.5 million points.
    I have thousands of games on this champ and i want to share my playstyle with the world.
    therefore i spent countless of hours on making a Toplane matchup Spreadsheet, in there i explain the core and basics of how to play most toplane matchups, just to get people started to play Gragas because i think he is a very versatile and fun champion.
    I do stream my gameplay as well so you could ask questions that are not listed in the spreadsheet to me on stream for a more in-depth look into that question.
    For anyone who is interested:
    My stream is linked in there as well for educational purposes.

    submitted by /u/SloppyWalrusss
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    Is it more worth it to ban yi, or yasuo + enabler

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 11:27 AM PST

    I've just been banning yi for ranked over counters or anything I feel I have a better hope of playing out hard lane then dealing with perma invis yi, or on-hit 1000 true damage yi. He is just so strong in low elo(bronze) that Id rather just live in a world without him. I think yasuo on his own isn't super hard to out teamfight, but if gets an enabler(malphite, zac, Rajan, etc) it feels like they just insta win the game. I'm trying to climb as support, so I can't really just split push to avoid wombo combos. I'd just like to get some opinions on wether it would be better to stick with you ban or switch to yasuo.

    submitted by /u/Swivelosity
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    How does one beat AD Katarina?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:29 PM PST

    I have played against this pick a lot of times this season and cant seem to find any answer to it. She doesnt have any cooldowns to play around, no mana to manage, and is immune to poke once she buys vampiric scepter. Even when i play malzahar, if my ult is down, she can dive me by herself and escape without a scratch. Not to mention she's mobile enough to not even need flash if she doesnt want it. In the midgame if my team doesnt focus her when i use my ult on her, we all get swept. Is there some other champ i could pick that shuts her down really hard or not really?

    submitted by /u/BFSKinnedAlive
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    Why can't I play a normal melee champion in top anymore?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:16 AM PST

    I guess the title says so, I play quite a few melee champions like Jax, Mordekaiser, Cho'gath and the like. I know that in toplane the player who chooses second always has the option to counterpick the opponent (counterpick meta is a problem, imo), and whenever I choose first I end up facing Lucian, Vayne, Cassiopeia, Jayce, Kennen, Quinn; and if not, I'm fighting against some tank like Ornn, Malphite or whatever.

    Personally, I don't like these champions, and I don't want to play them. I know that what I use is not so in the meta. I feel that I don't have many chances other than to play passively the early laning phase, give up cs, stay healthy, letting them slowpush the wave towards my tower (which usually results in a dive by the enemy jungler and I end up losing all farm and the lane afterwards).

    And it's a good plan by them, a good strategy, but I can't find what gameplay I have, since most of the mentioned champions beat me both at distance and melee. If I do start a fight against Kennen, he will use his disengage and run me down with autos while I walk away from him. Vayne has Condemn, Cassio has miasma, Jayce has a knockback, Quinn has vault, Lucian has a dash. As a melee champion, I'm supposed to be stronger than them when I can cut the distance and attack them, but that's not the case. And I feel like being melee is a disadvantage more than anything.

    When I play against tanks, the lane is a little lighter, but in s11 I feel that the games are more snowbally, and end up faster so I can't get to my powerspikes.

    At least in toplane, that's enough to win or lose the lane without jungler help, but I don't want to wait for my jungler forever, and my gameplay shouldn't be based on that (considering they don't gank top usually).

    A long time ago the matchups in toplane were bruiser against bruiser, or any melee against another melee. I'm not complaining about that, because everything changes, and I'm not complaining about the champions I mention either, but I feel that with Jax or Mordekaiser it becomes almost impossible to win the lane against one of them.

    I feel like to have fun in the game I have to use a champion that I don't like, or buy items from tanks that don't help me reach my powerspikes. I know itemization is important, but in certain specific cases like grievous wounds against Aatrox and things like that, It doesn't seem normal to me that I should go bramble vest first item just to survive the laning phase and delay my build.

    Sounds like a rant, but not really.

    Basically my question is in the title, what do you suggest I do to win this kind of games?

    Edit: I peaked diamond 3 92 lp last season.

    submitted by /u/Asvalendorf
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    Which is more important when picking your champ, Lane Matchup, Team Synergy/needs, or overall matchups for team fights.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:02 PM PST

    TL:DR What should I prioritize when I'm picking as a solo laner?

    I've started getting more into mid and top after mostly playing bot and jungle and I feel like I'm matching up incorrectly. Let's say I'm last pick and have already seen my mid lane matchup and what my team is picking, what should I be prioritizing when i select my champ. Should I play to counter my own laner, counter the overall team, or to synergize with my own team. I'll give some examples for the champs I play and what the problems would be.

    Say my team has an ap jungle, tank, and sup vs a yi jungle and TF as mid. Should I

    A. Go Talon for the AD(team synergies/mid)

    B. Go Malzahar for the Yi shut down(team fight matchups)

    C. Annie to bully the TF(Lane matchup)

    A secondary part to the question should be what should I do when I'm first pick? Do I just go a safe champ that doesn't have too many counters or go someone that will help the team more because of their strengths that the team lacks?

    I guess the best-case scenario is if you can get all of those 3 in one but if I can't what should be the priority for both of these scenarios?
    (Also I'm not sure if this would be more helpful or not but should I post this on r/midlanemains instead?

    submitted by /u/Evan_Veet
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