LoL Guide Riftmaker and Everfrost are not bad items, you're just using them wrong |
- Riftmaker and Everfrost are not bad items, you're just using them wrong
- Don't burn your head playing this game! (Best advice for S11)
- What is the best item to sell boots for?
- Help please: thrown blue ball after ability
- How do you fight against a fed team in S11?
- S11 jungle, why do games feel harder to win now with losing lanes than it was in S10?
- Back Timings, Roams & Me, A Novice Mid Laner!
- Wave managment doubt while taking a plate.
- Returning player after not playing since season 6
- What skills do Poppy’s W stop exactly, and is Poppy really OP now?
- [Blind pick] question about the matchmaking system
- What you want to be doing as a jungler early on.
- Summoners School is great for giving advice, but giving unsolicited advice ingame may negatively impact your games
- How can i safely farm?
- What do I do when I'm the only one ahead on my team?
- Loss Mitigation Formula?
- Looking for new champ
- What small thing(s) helped improve your game?
- Starting rankeds right before new season
- Beginners Vlad tips
- How to get better at top?
- Should I gank a lost lane ?
- Why is the raking system (for masterys) so unfair
- I need your help, error in LoL client
Riftmaker and Everfrost are not bad items, you're just using them wrong Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:32 AM PST As title says. It's sad to look at champion subreddits and see hundreds of posts about this two items and how they feel underwhelming for most of the champions. I'll try to summarize my experience with both and what I've learned from watching Challenger games and from Twitch streamers, which helped quite a lot in this. First of all, they're not designed to be bought every game and you can't expect them to be the right choice everytime. The whole point of the item's rework is to make them versatile depending on the game and the situation and basing on what you need, so you should decide what to buy carefully.
You don't need to purchase it first (unless the champion sinergizes very well with it). The example is Akali, as she's probably the best champion who can utilize it properly. Why is that? Akali is known to be a very mobile assassin which has a lot of pressure in lots of matchups. One of her most notable weaknesses is the lack of sustain (which has been removed from her kit a while ago), which pushed her in taking Fleet Footwork as her main rune, to not concede too much pressure and give her some trade potential. That caused her to weaken her mid and late game fight potential because the lack of Conqueror, her best main rune. The omnivamp and the stats of Riftmaker make up for that, giving her back the sustain she needs to be oppressive. Be careful: she has lots of damage early. Why Riftmaker seems bad on every other champion? (e.g. Swain, Sylas, Mordekaiser, Rumble, Ryze and Vladimir, battlemages which seem to sinergize the best with the item, when in reality they really don't, especially in the early stages of the game) That's because they need pressure to be oppressive, and Riftmaker doesn't give you pressure. Omnivamp scales with damage, and all three of them lack that in the early stages of the game. Try building other items first instead: Demonic Embrace on Swain gives you more HP, much needed resistances, burn damage on every spell and better early stats overall, Tear and PoM will solve all your mana problems; Rylai on Mordekaiser, as last season taught us, gives more AP and HP early and the slow lets you stay in combat for more time, making you stack Conqueror easier; Cosmic Drive on Vladimir gives you much needed AH combined with AP and HP, his most needed stats, and so on with other champion Other notes: try buying it as a 2nd or 3rd item and see the difference in powerspikes. A notable example is Diana, which spikes a lot better with Nashor's tooth. No: you'll not be weaker than your enemy, unless you're buying a bad first item. If you don't have a good first item don't worry, you're champion will surely be balanced in the next months, so keep experimenting, preseason is made exactly for that. Consider also that it is an item made for long extended fights, so if you're against big burst damage you should consider something else as your core item
No, it doesn't work well with glacial (the rune should be reworked btw). No, it's not an engage item. It's a CC more item. It's a "stay there for five centuries item" or a "stay away from me" item. Why that? Its long cast time makes too easy for the enemy to avoid the root, especially in the high mobility meta. Everyone with a dash (and now even Darius and adcs have that) can dodge it easily. On the contrary, if you begin first with a big CC spell (Ahri's E, LeBlanc's EMorgana's Q, Twisted Fate's gold Card, Swain's E) and you hit it, the enemy will have to stay there for a prolonged time, making them vulnerable to skillshots and to your teammates' follow-up. Also, the active is on a 20 sec cooldown (reduced by item haste, so consider building it if you're revolving your strategy around it) and can act as a waveclear solver (many mages have trouble killing minions after a rotation of spells, leaving them with few HP, losing them because of slow AAs, and therefore needing the Minion Dematerializer rune, occupying slots for other more useful runes). Most people forget that Everfrost gives 140 AP by himself in the late game, so consider it if you have high AP scalings, if you want to scale in the late game in difficult matchups (much like Gathering Storm helps), or if you have low AP scalings but you want to still be relevant as an AP carry. It is also a scaling item, so don't cry if your early game is not as strong as your enemy's. It costs 200 gold more than other Lost Chapter items, but also offers a lot more. Simply don't expect it to be the best item in every scenario, as Riftmaker, Luden's or Liandry could be better. For the active, as already said, you can use it as a kiting tool, as it is far more easy to use on an enemy which is running you down, as its range is quite large and can't be avoided easily. That makes it preferable against immobile enemies (Garen, Darius, Singed, Udyr) but can be used also against mobile enemies if you don't have cc spells and you want another spell to have the opportunity to outplay, just, don't try to root or slow an enemy from its max range, it's not gonna work. Some champions, as Sylas or LeBlanc, can use the slow from the active (and that's enough, even better if you root) to ensure they're hitting their difficult skillshots (E for both of them). It's fine for them because they have a dash in their kits which helps them to get in range to utilize it effectively. It's not gonna help a Zoe to hit her bubble, but it's gonna help Ahri don't miss her charm after she ults in. Also, the AH has been raised to 20 and it's the only mana item which also gives HP. So consider it on this types of champions. My wall of text has ended. I hope I've cleared some minds about those items (which I really love). I'm sorry in advance if I made some grammatical mistakes, as English is not my first language, and please, don't hesitate in correcting some of my statements, I'm here primarily for a healthy discussion, so I'd like to hear your opinion too. Happy new year to you all! [link] [comments] |
Don't burn your head playing this game! (Best advice for S11) Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:22 PM PST People are getting mad in competitive games. Specially in a game like League of Legends with long match timers lot of players rage themselves. There are so many things make them angry. Imagine a player with a challenger dream, wake up in the morning and go to school/work... Having a bad day. Come back home with tired body and mind. Then start gaming to release the stress and accomplish his challenger dream. Suddenly auto filled with a lagging connection and inting yasuo besides him. In game there is a enemy jungler who is a challenger smurf camping his lane while he is laning against a hard counter and missing all the skill shots and huge waves. Then his midlaner starts to blame him and then whole team starts to blame him. Now he is so far behind. He can't even farm, he can't contest for objectives and all. His team 4v5 every single fight. Finally he decide to join them but get 1 shotted by enemy assassin and lose game so badly. Can you feel it? That example have 90% of reasons why players getting mad in this game. First you need to realize why you play this? Do you play this to improve and reach top tier? Or join pro play? Release your stress? Have fun? etc... You need to understand that everyone in this world can't become challengers. There are things that dragging you down. I'm not telling you to give up your dream. I'm telling you to understand your situation. You know it better than anyone else. Can you reach Challenger with your current situation? Yes? Then do it. No? Then can you adjust to make it happen? Yes? Then do it too. No for everything? Then don't hurt yourself my buddy. Have fun playing this game. May be this is not the right way for you to become best. Play some other game. Do other things. I saw players who reached challenger and still un happy. I saw players who reached pro level and still un happy. I saw players who play their favorite champ 1000 games in low elo but having so much fun. I saw players who don't even care ranks and play whatever they like, build troll builds and having so much fun. Don't force yourself to become a someone or reach somewhere that you aren't even ready to do. Do what you love. Love what you do. :) Make your season 11 a great one ;) Good luck summoners! [link] [comments] |
What is the best item to sell boots for? Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:46 AM PST I mostly play AP assassins, but am curious what everyone is selling boots for as AD/Tank champs too in endgame scenarios? I got stupidly fed on Sylas last night to the point where I was sitting on 5k gold at 30minutes full build. I ended up selling my boots for Cosmic Drive (logic being that I wanted an item with some kind of move speed.) I don't know if this was the right play though as in previous seasons I probably would have gone Ludens. What are you guys selling boots for? [link] [comments] |
Help please: thrown blue ball after ability Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:35 AM PST Hi everyone, so I've been playing for a few weeks now and have fallen into the adc role, anyway from time to time I when I get hit by an ability of the other teams support I will get hit by a blue ball/spell afterwards (brand and ziggs have been the two most recent) What is this? I can't find anything about it or see it in the items. It's pretty frustrating Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
How do you fight against a fed team in S11? Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:15 AM PST I've been playing League since season 10 and ever since the new items were added in season 11, i dont know what to do against a fed team. I'm an adc main and i cant do anything against the enemy team at all. it becomes borderline unplayable since i cant do any damage and forces me to play super far back because they can go in and one shot me [link] [comments] |
S11 jungle, why do games feel harder to win now with losing lanes than it was in S10? Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:16 AM PST Tl;dr basically title. S10 I can play selfish with Graves/Hec and carry losing lanes, find it much harder now in S11. I suspect new Mythic items and overall damage increase causes this. Would love to hear insights. I was a D4 jungler in S10 and I've really been noticing how much harder games are when my lanes are losing this season compared to previous seasons. And I'm wondering if I'm just not adapted to the meta yet or missing something important here. For context, I played Graves, Hecarim, Warwick, and Rek'Sai mainly last season and have been just sticking to Graves/Hec/whatever in this preseason trying stuff out. As you can expect, I farm a lot on these champs and rely on jungle diff to dominate enemy camps to gain huge gold/xp leads and take all objectives. Usually, this means that have losing lanes isn't too big of a problem as I can always path accordingly to avoid strong champs and still farm for myself and try to outplay at objectives. However, I cannot do the same as often this preseason. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that junglers no longer have the insane gold-efficient jungle enchant items (RIP Warrior enchant) and are forced to buy expensive Mythics as everyone else. This means that laners get their spikes earlier since junglers inherently have lower gold income. It's not uncommon for games to be essentially over once that 2/0/0 Panth mid grabs his Eclipse first and straight up zone or delete 2 people then his team gets objectives for free. What are some people's experience and thoughts about this? Is the jungle meta better for heavy gankers that help snowball? Or am I just retarded? Side note: how broken is Darius with Striderbreaker rush? Had a game where a Darius got 2 solo kills in lane and dude just ran at anyone he saw, dash+slow onto them, and dunk lol wtf? [link] [comments] |
Back Timings, Roams & Me, A Novice Mid Laner! Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:53 AM PST Hi guys! So, I'll cut right to the chase. I've been working on learning mid (used to main jg) for Season 11 (I'm one tricking Ahri and hope to hit Plat for the first time!) and though I maintain a solid 7-8 CS per minute and have my mechanics down for the most part (charms don't count right?), I still struggle with two things! Back Timings: 1) What are the conditions for a good back? 2) What defines a 'good' back and a 'bad' one? 3) Is giving up a few minions to back worth it, or do I prioritize CS? Roaming: 1) When specifically should I be looking to roam? What are the conditions that let me know that I'm safe to roam! 2) What should I be setting as my mental time limit for a good roam? (Like if I don't pull off a good roam in x amount of seconds, it's a poor roam, etc) 3) What do I do against high waveclear champs that can quickly punish my roams such as Ryze, Anivia, Irelia, etc? Is it better to just not roam against them, or do I take TP to not suffer too great a consequence? Thank you all in advance, happy belated new years and please have a great day! [link] [comments] |
Wave managment doubt while taking a plate. Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:13 PM PST Hi! I want to know if, after killing the enemy laner and being able to take a plate, the "perfect" play is to kill the enemy minions that come to the turret while getting the plate or if I should just ignore them so creeps push back to me (because after the plate i would b). Thanks you very much! [link] [comments] |
Returning player after not playing since season 6 Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:21 AM PST Hi everyone! I started playing LoL in season 3 and stopped playing at season 6.. well, technically season 7... In season 6 I got into Diamond IV (or III?), and in season 7 I played enough rankeds, got into Platinum and stopped playing. There's a lot of stuff I don't really understand so I got a couple questions. 1) Blue Essence, how does it work? What's the fastest way to get it? 2) Rune pages, I'm used to the old ones, I suppose they are more impactful but are kinda complicated to me,is there any resource to see the "meta" builds? 3) Meta. It's incredibly hard to come back and don't understand which characters are strong and what objects to build, again, what's the best online resource to check that? 4) What's with the "odd" picks? I played a couple games and watched some videos and I saw Cassiopeia ADC, Karthus ADC, Zed support, Pantheon Support, etc. I'm all about experimentation and stuff but I'm used to the more "normal" meta from Season 6.. hell, the weirdest pick I would do would be Lux/Annie support ! Hahah Sorry if there's a lot of questions, it's just that LoL it's a complicated game and you get out of the loop pretty fast. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
What skills do Poppy’s W stop exactly, and is Poppy really OP now? Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:51 PM PST The skill description says it stops 'dashes', but what does that exactly mean? Flash-like skills (Zed, Shaco, LB) don't count, but what about skills that aren't dashes nor flashes, like Shyvana ult, Trist jump, Kaisa ult? Also, is Poppy secret OP now? Poppy jungle WR is one of the highest of junglers last i checked, maybe because we are in assassin/mobility meta, and Poppy W counters them and the ADC favourite item Galeforce? Sorry for not so good language, I'm not native and also drunk. [link] [comments] |
[Blind pick] question about the matchmaking system Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:34 PM PST I've been playing League with my brother for three months now, and until a week ago we exclusively played bot games to learn the fundamentals of the game and deciding which champions we wanted to main (we're around lvl 40). Of course we knew getting into pvp would have been hard, but damn not to this degree. Last game our teammates were all under lvl 70 while the opponent's team had lvl 300 mastery 7 Teemo and lvl 159 darius. We lost with a 5/39/10 score lol. I've read smurf accounts often end up being paired with players of comparable skill rather than low level noobs because the system notices they're faring abnormally well and acts accordingly. Is this what has been happening to us, due to our accounts having scored hundreds of victories against bots? Will it get better over time or should we start again? A friend of mine suggested we should try ranked but it'll take quite a bit to get 20 champs. [link] [comments] |
What you want to be doing as a jungler early on. Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:16 AM PST I know most of these things i'm gonna say seem like basic stuff, but i noticed as i ranked up on an account that even in mid diamond some of this stuff seems foreign to players. Think about your lanes more, and i dont mean only thinking about which lane you can gank, but think about which lane will have prio, which lane you want to path to...Maybe your top laner is in a matchup where he has a huge amount of prio and is stronger early on, and your jungler does well or goes even into their jungler, so you path from bot to top to secure the scuttle. Also looking at the states of your lanes, which is a concept i thought was pretty simple but if you're laners are in a position where they cant move, whether its cause they have a wave or 2 under tower, or they need to push it and if they leave instantly the lane is ruined, then just don't go for the invade, scuttle or just a random jungle fight. You also dont have to die for a crab, as a jungler you can live without a crab if you know you can full clear over and over and be near lanes which will eventually carry you, something like having a Vladimir mid for example tells you that you wont have any help early on for invades and scuttle fights, but if you learn to just give it up, take your other camps and stay near his lane in case of a gank you kind of got a free win. Also a more advanced thing that helps a lot is fixing your laners waves, learning wave managements even if you're in the jungle is very helpful to know when you should push the lane out after the gank, leave it untouched, or just even without ganking randomly come to help your laner push it out if he doesnt have the waveclear and needs the back. The last option is definitely more for higher elo since lower elo players generally won't recognize what you're trying to do and take it the wrong way, but definitely focus on the after gank wave stuff and even freezing your laners lane after the enemy pushes out the wave and starts recalling. TL:Dr Look at your laners champs and waves more, learn to give up stuff, path towards either a hard winning or a easily gankable lane, learn wave managament for fixing waves and recognizing gankable situations [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:22 PM PST Happy New Years Summoners! Most of us are here at Summoner School because we want to offer advice to our fellow players or receive advice from more experienced players. I'm sure most of us (if not all of us) offer advice out of the goodness of our hearts and be the good Samaritans (like Braum) we strive to be. However, offering unsolicited advice in your games may rub people the wrong way and may negatively impact your games. Here's a few reasons why your game may be negatively impacted for offering unsolicited advice. 1. As David Attenborough might say, here we see League players in their natural habitat; a prideful group of creatures with huge egos. While you might be giving advice with their best interests at heart, it is likely the recipient will have their pride hurt and their fragile egos broken. This will lead to them either lashing back at you and/or playing worse from tilt which would only negatively impact your team and your game. 2. You are There are many (maybe not quite as many as Starcraft many) things to keep track of in League. By taking your time to type up advice for a person that may not even receive it, you are taking away some attention and time you could be using to focus on other things in the game. As mentioned in Dopa's Attention Theory, you only have so much attention that you can give to the game. Might as well put it to better use than advice that will likely not be impactful in your immediate and current game. 3. Unsolicited advice in general has a tendency to make you seem arrogant This one is a bit more general because phrasing is really important when it comes to offering unsolicited advice, but more often than not the one offering the advice can come off as arrogant. It is just the nature of unsolicited advice and extends as common sense outside of League. It 's easy to look like a wise-crack, even if it wasn't the intent. TLDR: Don't give unsolicited advice in game Oh and if someone else is giving you unsolicited advice, do what you like with it. It annoys you? Mute them. It's good advice? Take it and move on. It's terrible? Ignore them. At least you know better than to potentially throw off your team balance and negatively impact your games. Hopefully this will help improve your winrate by even 0.1%. Good luck on your grind in the new season! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:31 PM PST So I played a solo q game as Garen top, and was up against an Irelia. I got ganked twice, and Irelia killed me 3 other times, getting to a 100 cs lead by 35 minutes(296 cs exactly), and the one time I went in, I got demolished. When I ran away, I got ganked an demolished. It was to the point that a player actually asked me to dc. I know how to CS properly, but how can I safely farm CS without feeding or giving a CS lead? [link] [comments] |
What do I do when I'm the only one ahead on my team? Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:26 PM PST I play Kat and win most lanes and start off like 3/0, 4/1, etc on like 70% of my games. It's quite consistent. However my win rate is fucking ass and I've had 5 games today where we got stomped like 36 - 7, 24 - 8, et cetera with me being every or almost every kill on our team. This happens all the damn time. I try roaming to help but at that point there's nothing I can do to turn a fight around when I have 3 teammates 0/7 by 15 minutes. My score goes from 4/0 to like 6/5 or and stuff like that trying to help my team but it's usually useless and I can't 1v5 the team fight or even clean up since my team just explodes without getting a single kill or even getting people to half HP. What can I do with my lead to turn around games? Roaming does fuck all when all my lanes are hard losing or and before I even get my ult or first item. I can't just take the turret because I'm a melee assassin vs mages or tanks that sit under tower and CC me if I try anything. If I push I get flamed for playing a braindead broken facemash champ that could totally 1v5 every fight but i'm a dumbass for slowly hitting turrets and taking 3 minutse of autos to kill one. If I rotate I'm a cancer piece of shit kat main that should kill myself for not 1v5ing with my early lead. Either way we lose. And ofc I get gigaflamed by my team anyway for not camping their lane the second I hit level 3 or some shit. Don't comment if you're going to spew bullshit about how my silver games aren't winnable and I should just be content with a 60% winrate to climb and coinflipping teammates that aren't fucking living humanoid acorns or some shit. My teammates are pretty consistently horrible and I want to take matters into my own hands and smash my entire game like a smurf instead of just the first 5 to 10 minutes. I can win most games where my team is evenish or behind by a few kills (I just group and carry team fights pretty much) but when they have multiple champs that are disgustingly fed idk what to do. On another note, how do people even kill their laners so many times? I don't care that it's silver, after killing my enemy two, sometimes up to four times, they just respect me and stay the hell away. Meanwhile my top lane is 0/7, jungle is 0/8, or bot is a combined 0/16 or something dumb by 15 minutes. 90% WR to diamond smurfs of reddit tell me your secrets. How do you win games when you're ahead and doing well but everyone else is inting their brains out? What's your strategy/gameplan? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:11 PM PST Hi all, I recently had a few games where there was an afk player. In the games that I didn't do so well, my lp loss was mitigated by only 2-3, but there was one where I was doing really well and it was mitigated by 14. I was wondering if anyone saw a pattern with loss mitigation being stronger (like, losing less lp) based on your performance in game. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:09 PM PST Hi, im a silver 4 player and i recently started playing league last sunmer. I want to really climb a lot in season 11, so who is a hypercarry high skill high reward champ that if I put enough time into, will allow me to achieve high winrates and carry my team in the new season? [link] [comments] |
What small thing(s) helped improve your game? Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:58 AM PST For me, it was playing more aggressive and being more "ballsy" (if that's even a word). I used to be a pretty laid-back type of player: no kills in lane, no roaming, and kind of just wait for the game to break out. When a high-elo friend told me "you gotta be more aggressive and stop playing like a p*ssy" that changed it all for me. Now I find myself winning lane more and getting more objectives simply because I became more proactive. What small thing helped your game? [link] [comments] |
Starting rankeds right before new season Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:46 AM PST Hello guys, I was playing Eu NE, me and my friend had decided to try Eu West server this season, as we just hit 30 there, I have a question - Is it good idea to start playing rankeds right away or should we wait for the new season start for any reason? Please help us. Have a great weekend! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:32 AM PST So it's a new year and I've been trying new champs. I've played about 20 games now on Vladamir and for the love of god, I can't get anything done on this champ. I've watched a few guides - one really in depth by Coach Curtis - but they were all done before the item changes and the things they do in the videos don't seem to tally up with my own experience on the champ. I've tried both Nightharvester and Protobelt builds and I prefer Protobelt for the utility and the extra damage on your combo. In both cases though I just feel extremely weak, even on 3 items (Protobelt -> Cosmic Drive -> usually Zhonyas). I feel like I'll perform some complex all-in Flash combo to do a tiny bit of damage whereas their Lux will just smash her face into the keyboard and do considerably more. Does anyone have any tips to get started with this champ? I understand the basics (play super safe early, trade around your empowered Q, use pool to extend duration of empowered Q and to get in range with your E) but some more advice on how to get started would be very welcome Thanks [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:00 AM PST I currently am terrible at top. I play trynda and illaoi (I know both suck to fight, but I thought they looked cool) and my teammates constantly get mad at me because I can't play top well. I can't seem to figure out how to play the characters or how to fight ranged top laners. Can somebody help? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:15 AM PST I was playing Amumu jungle in Gold elo, and my botlane (Cait/Yuumi) fed really hard early in the game, against Jhin/Swain. At 5 min, they were already both 0/2 with Jhin in 3/0 and Swain in 1/0. At 8 min when i just got my lvl 6, they had given 2 more kills, 1 to Jhin and 1 to Kindred (their jgl). I then decided to try ganking other lanes, because trying to help bot would probably only result in a triple kill for Jhin. I helped my top and mid get both one kill, but eventually they were ganked and roamed too so Kayle (enemy top) and Kata (enemy mid) ended up getting fed too. We lost that game, and my duo (Lux mid) told me that i should have ganked botlane when they were already 0/6. [link] [comments] |
Why is the raking system (for masterys) so unfair Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:44 PM PST So im Support main especially Bard, Blitz, Leona. So i have Leona and Blitz on Mastery Level 7. But Bard... Bard ks diffrent i tryhard everygame i try to have a high vision score good gold income and many assits and kills and try to let my deaths to 1-3. but its not enough. I got one S as i stole Cs from my adc kills and got flamed and reported to death for an S. Whats the point? How to avoid it. I dint want to get an S on other lanes because i only can jungle and wouldnt be so good like in Support lane. I dint know what to do... maby i get sone tricks here... [link] [comments] |
I need your help, error in LoL client Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:36 PM PST Good evening, i need your help, i encountered this error and i'm completely unable to do anything to solve it. I waited all the time that the error ask for and nothing, i used the repair button on the client and i used the hextech repair tool, any advice? This is the link to the image: [link] [comments] |
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