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    Thursday, January 21, 2021

    LoL Guide The Ultimate Compilation of Matchups in League - And How You Can Help it Grow!

    LoL Guide The Ultimate Compilation of Matchups in League - And How You Can Help it Grow!

    The Ultimate Compilation of Matchups in League - And How You Can Help it Grow!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 06:50 AM PST

    Hey everyone! My name's Orbital Panda and I'm currently creating a matchup guide compilation for every champion in the game! While it's only a google doc as of right now, the ultimate goal is to expand it into a full fledged website that'll act as a central hub for all things educational league content. Here's a link to the spreadsheet as is https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTLwOUcW2PyoWmxlYaEplwZTGvxJ_SI6NBJTced6_yek6WVnNZv7dCOReaCa6x3bIN-mDB6nPSODnm0/pub

    Currently, I'm still gathering content to display. The majority of champs don't have easily accessible matchup guides, and those that do are often incomplete, outdated, provide little information, or various combinations of the aforementioned issues. For this reason, I'm asking the community at large to provide their own matchup spreadsheets, as well to share any that they have found useful in the past.

    Yes, Timmy, this means I want your hastily scribbled, heavily biased notes. I know you've played 20 games of League in the last year and still call yourself hardstuck silver, but I still want that spreadsheet.

    On the other hand, if you can call yourself a distinguished one trick in some way than I'd appreciate your input even more, and I can show you some of it through putting down your name, your twitch and other related socials ;)

    If you'd like to contribute anything to this project whatsoever, please don't hesitate to contact me through the channels listed below! I will have to ask for you to avoid DMing me on Reddit however, as I seldom check it.

    Discord: Canada#0579

    Email: [orbitalpandastreaming@gmail.com](mailto:orbitalpandastreaming@gmail.com)

    submitted by /u/OrbitalPandaXYZ
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    League and Poker - learning to lose

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 09:56 AM PST

    I want to preface this post by saying I'm a complete noob at league. I'm 25 and just started playing in the past few months and am currently bronze. However, I've been playing poker for years and know a thing or 2 about losing 'winnable' situations.

    I saw a post earlier today asking how to improve when being up 5+ kills, 50cs, first tower, etc. etc. If you're that far ahead, you're going to win more often then not. To quantify, probably 70,80%+ of the time. But 100% of the time? Never. Nothing you do in league will guarantee a win until a team surrenders or the nexus is destroyed.

    So how does this correlate to poker? In poker you're constantly looking to get your money in ahead/ as a favorite. A dream situation for poker players is getting pocket aces- and piling in money as quickly as possible. Worst case scenario you're a 78% favorite to win before the flop. Other situations you're an even bigger favorite- sometimes 85/90/98% favorite before the river (the last card that runs out on the board). However, any good player knows that nothing is guaranteed. You can play a hand perfect- get your stack of chips in as a massive favorite- and still lose.

    Combining these 2 thoughts we see what pro players in both games do; and that's put themselves in the best possible situations and accept the results.

    Recognizing high points in losses and low points in wins. Taking solace knowing you played a situation near perfectly and got unlucky or being able to self- critique are valuable tools in constantly improving. Remember that for every game you're an 80% favorite to win and lose, there will probably be an identical situation where you're getting smacked with a 80% chance to lose- yet somehow clutch it out or get carried to win.

    All we can do when playing is our best- and if you play better then your opponent you'll win more often then not.

    submitted by /u/NomNomNomNomNomm
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    Anyone else absolutely not interested in maining a role or a champion yet still want to climb? Have you had any success?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 01:35 AM PST

    Here's my ordeal, my personality just doesn't allow for maining anything. I just lose interest very quickly despite having a lot of success. Last season I played annie for 35 or so games with over 60% winrate but it took everything I had. This season I transitioned to ADC and I'm absolutely smashing it with Jhin, he's also a lot of fun but I'm losing interest again.

    I just realized the game is not fun for me if I cant play whatever the hell I want. I realize having a main role and a small champion pool is like step 1 of climbing, but I just don't wanna do that.

    Anyone like me who has any sort of tips for indulging in this behaviour besides "Be Magifelix"? Maybe just focus on macro?

    My goal for this season isn't crazy, I'd just like to reach mid-high plat, which was my rank before I stopped playing back in season 4, it's probably equivalent to low gold right now I realize. Back then I was the same, I just played random shit.

    submitted by /u/K4ntum
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    Is the ratio of games won because of communication vs games lost because of flame worth not muting all at the start?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:24 AM PST

    I tilt very easily when I'm behind and get flamed. I find muting all at the very beginning has greatly improved my ability to come back mid game. Although, I do recall winning some games because of conversations in chat.

    It seems that some games are won because of communication in chat, and some games are lost because I tilt from flame. Does muting all generally work out to more wins or more losses?

    submitted by /u/mayostrife
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    I am making a series of videos that will teach you how to play like a Diamond player.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:42 AM PST

    Yo, I'm Bonks, a master mid laner. You might remember me from this post I made a couple weeks ago.

    I recently discovered that I like helping people improve at this game, and this sub helped me a lot in the past so I've decided to give back by making this educational series :D It will mainly teach you all the fundamentals of the game, and give you methods you can use to actually improve. I'm basically just talking about the things that helped me in my climb to diamond (and master) the most.

    I've only released the first episode and an intro vid so far, I wanted feedback on this one before I make anymore so I can make them as good as possible. A lot of effort has gone into it so I hope people like it :)

    Things I plan to cover (In no particular order):

    • Aggression and reading your opponent (How to win lane)
    • Champ pools
    • Wave management
    • Map awareness and roaming (Mainly for mid laners)
    • Warding and jungle tracking
    • Lane openings (Also mainly for mid laners)

    And extra stuff I'll cover that I thought would be useful:

    • Reviewing games (yourself and high elo players)
    • Dodging games effectively
    • Mental approach

    I've seen some other educational series' on youtube, and there are some great ones but I feel like they forget to mention a lot of stuff which I'll try to cover with these videos. I'm also trying to make the videos shorter so anyone can watch them.

    Intro (3 min vid, why I'm making the series and other key notes)

    Ep 1 (Aggression and how to win lane, and reading your opponent)

    As I said before any feedback on this episode is massively appreciated, I wanna make this series as good as possible. Also any suggestions for things I could make episodes on later is welcome as well, nothing is set in stone yet (except the 1st episode ofc).

    Thanks lads.

    submitted by /u/Businesskong
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    How to play as toplaner when your team is inting?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:17 AM PST

    I'm a gold 4 toplaner. Usually i get a very big lead in lane (6/0/0 and 50 cs ahead) and take first turret. After that i start looking to take rift herald/taking down the second toplane turret and invading the enemy jungler. The problem I have is that even if i get very ahead in lane, the enemy botlaner/midlaner and jungler also get very fed. Now i can win a 2v1 vs their jungler and toplaner but it just seems impossible to win the 3v1 or even 4v1 when their support starts roaming as well.

    The question i have now is how do you extend your lead after you take both toplane turrets+rift? I can't solo baron and the enemy toplaner just perma pushes top while my team keeps bot mid and jungler are just getting their asses kicked. I've been thinking about just roaming mid but often the enemy botlaners also roam mid and it just turns into a teamfight which we lose because my team is so behind. Ive been thinking about perma pushing top as well but what the enemy does is they all push in so my team is farming under turret and then when im pushing they recall and collapse on me while my team can take nothing.

    I had a game where i even took inhib in 20 minutes but i just couldnt get my team ahead because we kept losing the 4v5

    submitted by /u/Just_A_12_Year_old
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    How to deal with heimerdinger?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 01:15 PM PST

    I just had a ranked game where I laned against a heimerdinger. It was impossible for me to do anything in lane, and his poke did too much damage for me to even properly cs. A lot of guides say he is really weak against ganks, but is he really? His turrets do so much damage that I cannot even properly respond to ganks, nor can the jungle. When my jungler ganked, he instead got a double kill against us. He is good early game, and it seems like he can one shot people late game too... How do you deal with him?

    submitted by /u/CuzImLoomy
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    Kaisa build?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 02:37 PM PST

    I'm pretty new to the game basically lvl like 40, I normally play top but when I do play bot I play kaisa. She's really cool and i don't think I've ever hard lost a game w her. Since I normally play unranked and w friends I basically just build random items mainly crit based just for fun. One thing that frustrates me tho is I never evolve my w and idk how to. My current rando build goes : kraken, collecter, infinity, boots, navori, runnanns idk its real random I just wanna make the enemy team hate their lives when I get ahead. But since I do wanna eventually play ranked I'm gunna need an actual build so anyone have ideas?

    submitted by /u/Valk19
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    I cannot play jungle whatsoever.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 02:33 PM PST

    It's been a thing that has been bothering me for a while. I'm currently in high silver, maining Riven, Katarina, and looking to learn Rengar. I play these champions because I enjoy them, and because I don't care about the climb nearly as much.

    My initial plan when it came to learning rengar was to play him in jungle, that's where he is seen most of the time. However, the few times I did play him jungle, I fed, had no drakes, bad farm, and no good ganks. Hence I decided to learn him top, which went way better.

    The issue is that I can only play in lane. I can't keep track of objectives nearly as well, when to prioritize farm and when to gank, and/or even how to gank, and such things.

    Are there perhaps any jungle mains, or people who have had the same issue as that I have right now? I really wish to learn jungle, as there are champions in the jungle I would love to spend some time and a lot of effort in, such as Elise. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Naritaii
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    How to Deal with Nasus

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:19 AM PST

    Is there a matchup that's super good into Nasus? Whenever I play against him, I can get good poke early, but it seems like it very quickly starts to do no damage and his Q's start to hurt even around 50 stacks. Then once he gets lvl 6, I feel like I can't punish him anymore. I really felt this when I played gangplank against him (blind pick). I feel like I'm not able to bully him hard enough to matter and he just scale harder than me regardless.

    submitted by /u/Capsaisyn
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    How do you keep your cool during a game?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 02:18 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I've picked up ranked again recently and I'm currently placed in Silver in ranked flex. I was playing Amumu jungle and I constantly got invaded by a Hecarim at my blue. I pinged a lot for help and my toplaner saw that, but he said in chat that he didn't want to help me because I missed a gank on his lane (I didn't land a Q and by this he didn't get a kill). He then called me noob and retarded a few times , I died a few more times because Hecarim was insanely fed and kept invading my jungle, and the game ended in a loss. I was really furious and tilted that everyone was blaming me, for something that in my eyes started with the toplaner not being mature.

    My question now is: how do you keep your cool when this happens to you? It really gets to me that people call me stupid and retarded for things that are out of my reach.

    submitted by /u/SteelNoob
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    Resources for the world's biggest rookie

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 02:16 PM PST

    Hey everyone. So I finally decided to check this game out, and to the surprise of no one, I'm getting spanked. Some games I do fairly well, but I only play against intermediate bots for right now. Even against bots, I find myself getting outleveled by my team, or falling behind in KDA or item buying. What resources would you recommend a brand new beginner check out to up their game and learn, before diving into the hellfire of true PVP?

    submitted by /u/Rdken13
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    Teammate Mentality in Pre-Game Lobby

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 11:37 AM PST

    Hey im playing in super low elo (highest rank bronze 2 mostly because I like to play a variety of champs/roles instead of focusing on single mechanics) which is fine for me BUT I often see the lobby beginning with one member of the team taking specific offense to the champion chosen by another member e.g. midlaner hates ivern jg, adc hates bard support; said players usually immediately begin arguing with each other and playing badly enough that I can notice it with my low awareness of map/game.

    Is there a good way to help my teammates to not self-destruct like this? I'm against dodging as a personal inclination.

    submitted by /u/SunglassesLayabout12
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    What was my misplay? Late game rotation as adc

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 11:28 AM PST

    Hey guys! I need some input on how I miss played as an adc.

    We're in late game and my team including my buddy (swain support) and me Kai'sa were ahead. The enemy team consists of a lot of aoe, wukong, azir, mf and that new support lady with the aoe ulti.

    I see a massive wave in bot lane while my team tries to pressure middle turret top as the enemy team are defending. I think that we can't dive, so I go botlane to push in the wave and gather cs (around 18 minions). My team proceeds to get picked up after I arrive late because I moved to push bot, so I move back. Did I make the mistake for walking bot to apply pressure? My thought was to play safe and wait for dragon soul for us (3 min out).

    Our team gets killed top and 3 min later we lose a team fight and lose the game. Was my mistake to not commit to the fight top from the beginning or to not stick with my "split push" to apply pressure?

    submitted by /u/freedomfever
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    Theoretical League

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 11:15 AM PST


    I am level 25 and I have been studying quite a lot of League of Legends strategies from the point of view of a Mid/Top-Laner and I want to know whether there is anything i can add or change.

    I know it is a lot to ask for you guys to read the whole thing, but maybe if some of you are also just learning the stuff we can have a discussion and learn from each other.


    submitted by /u/uffechristian
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    Did Kat just get a buff?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 01:26 PM PST

    Do I understand the patch notes for 11.2 correctly? It says that Kraken Slayer now "leverages" her R. I interpret that to mean that it now procs during her ultimate ability.

    I apologize for formatting as I'm on mobile, and for any ignorance as I am relatively new to the game and am not familiar with Kats interactions with KS.

    Tl;dr With 11.2, does Kraken slayer now proc during Katarina's R?

    submitted by /u/EMWmoto
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    Who to play in the bot lane?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 09:22 AM PST

    I'm the adc for my clash team, only problem is that although I pop off with my normal picks (jhin and samira) they get banned out every game, so I need a third pick. I'm currently debating between kaisa or aphelios for next clash till they get nerfed. Which one should I learn?

    submitted by /u/BigBazinga_117
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    Anyone else have trouble reaching their F keys?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:48 AM PST

    So I'm a jungle main and one of the tips I always see is to use my F keys to hover on my teammates while I'm farming. I find this difficult to do no matter how much I practice because I always lose my orientation on the keyboard when I move back to QWER. I usually end up on the wrong keys after trying to go to my F keys.

    Anyone have any tips on an easier way to do this? I usually just stare at the minimap, but you can't get info on champs key abilities or summoner spells used typically. Does this just come down to more practice?

    submitted by /u/Strange_Confidence
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    Am I the only one who fuck ups all the duo games?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 04:12 PM PST

    I usually carry most of the rank games I play solo and loose only when its 1/16 bot or 0/12 yasuo on mid, but somehow everytime i play duo with someone, no matter who it is and doesn't matter if we talk in voice chat or no, i am the one ending up 0/8, even when i can say for sure i am better than my opponent, i somehow make so much mistakes that i normally don't do and fuck up the whole game, am i the only one like this? any suggestion of what i can do except playing solo? xd

    last season gold 4, this season just got demoted from silver 1 to silver 2, one trick shen.

    ik that duo gives slighly better opponents, but its not that the enemies r better, its that i do stupid mistakes and a lot of them. please help lol

    submitted by /u/vladrumsh
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    How do the passives on Muramana and Black Cleaver trigger?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 03:45 PM PST

    For black cleaver, is it only auto attacks? Or is it ALL physical damage. Such as not only auto attacks, but also physical damage from abilities AND items? Like would the on hit from Titanic apply a stack of Cleaver?

    And for Muramana, what qualifies for the added damage on top? It says 'targeting enemies', but stuff like Ezreal's Q applies it right? Even though it doesn't 'technically' target an enemy. You just choose a path to fire it and it goes X range or until it collides with an unfriendly unit, yeah? When I see the phrase 'Targeting enemies', I think of point and click abilities. Like Caitlyn's R.

    Would something like Xayah's feathers trigger the extra on hit damage? If they do, does that mean recalling multiple feathers causes you to trigger that on hit damage per feather or no?

    Sorry if these seem like obvious questions, but I'm pretty dumb I guess

    submitted by /u/HorrowLP
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    Whats considered a good LP gain

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 03:42 PM PST

    Sorry if this has been asked before, i couldnt find a post about it, its my first year playing ranked and i know theres been some changes to the system

    I had a really rough 4 wins 6 losses placements and ended up in iron 4, i managed to get bronse 4 last year just doing the occasional ranked flex with friends

    Im maining support and focusing on bettering my vision, i have gone from iron 3 or 4 (i cant remember exactly) and each win ive been getting roughly 30 lp and every loss conistently 5 lp

    Is this good?

    Is it normal to be placed low after placements even if you yourself didnt do a bad job? ( i only died a max of 3 times, had a vision score of 40 each game and was always positive kda)

    Is it easier to climb with supports?

    submitted by /u/joonieboon
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    I got put in smurf queue

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 03:41 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    I came back with some vengeance at the start of this season and I got put into smurf queue.

    I heard it's pretty toxic, and the games are really unfair. I'm not looking forward to it.

    The other problem is my queue times are now >25 minutes.

    I've only played 20 games and have a 75% winrate.

    I feel like this is going to really make it hard for me to climb. I also just want to play the game and waiting this long for a single queue is really un fun.

    Should I ride it out and keep playing at my best, or should I try to throw some games to keep my winrate low enough to stay out of smurf queue. If I take the second option, how many games do I have to lose before I can find a match in 5 minutes?

    Any suggestions?


    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    Cheater Recall

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 03:41 PM PST

    I recently saw a video of this backing technique. I'm around like goldish level and I wanted to know if the cheater recall works on every champion or only to champion that has strong lane dominance like darius. Idk if its just me but it seems like it would be impossible to do in some matchups

    submitted by /u/S1NVioleGrace
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    How do I win by myself if im not 15/0? (Silver)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 09:40 AM PST

    So as the title says, most of my wins are from being very fed as a champ(usually jax). As most of you know Jax is an item dependant champ, who needs time to scale up and jump into big fights. But most of the time i dont manage to get to that point due to losing too early or simply being stomped. Now my question is, how do i play if im not 15/0? I know the things about neutral objectives and towers, but these things are difficult to get as i am playing a late game champion.

    submitted by /u/xXKING_GIOXx
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