LoL Guide 5 ways how to not tilt your low elo jungler. |
- 5 ways how to not tilt your low elo jungler.
- Jungle is getting nerfed. Who will be affected by this the most and who won't notice a difference?
- What can be considered a rage tp?
- Aphelios runes?
- Reminder: You can not remake if first blood was given before disconnect.
- How to climb out of bronze? I'm losing hope
- How can I carry from jg?
- Why is Jungle the strongest role in the game?
- Macro for ADC
- How do I not get tilted at myself when performing badly?
- How to break a freeze the enemy made
- What to do vs shyvana top??
- How to create small leads as ADC in low elo without a support
- Bot lane macro post first tower falling
- Attack move and other bindings
- A question about after winning lane topside
- Trying to learn again the game ,playing ADC
- How do I lose bot lane gracefully?
- How would I transition from Top to Jungle efficiently?
- Please, recommend me a third ADC for ranked
- When do i buy the elixirs early?
- What to do when the whole team set's a tent in bot?
- Rageblade or Phantom Dancer on Vayne?
5 ways how to not tilt your low elo jungler. Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:24 PM PST As a low elo jungler myself, many, many, many laners do several things on this list that just make me so confused as to why they do it. So as a certified low elo player, I'll make this quick list of how not to tilt your jungler in your games. 1: Don't spam ping for a gank. Alot of times this happens, your jungler is aware youre 0/12 in lane and is either focusing on your winning lanes or his own thing. Junglers aren't your personal gank machienes when ever your demand. Please don't ping us 100 times in 30 seconds then call GG after they either dont gank your fed laner or mute you. 2: Stop taking camps while we do them. Taking the odd camp is fine. But the number of times ill start raptors later on in the game, just to have my ADC come and steal them all is obscene. If you're going to take our camps, don't do it after we started it. Just common decency. 3: Feeding your lane doesn't make you the jungler. Just because you picked garen into a bad matchup and got stomped in lane does not mean that after you lose your tower at 10 mins, you can go and full sequence oir jungle. At that point, not only are you behind, you're putting us behind and practically inting our role. Think of jungle as a lane. Would you go down bot lane and start stealing CS? No. So dont full clear our jungles either. 4: Please don't ping smite. We know we missed the smite. We are fully aware and feel bad for it. You don't need to remind us. I know you silver laners like doing it, but everyone misses a smite on occasion. Granted, if its like 4 missed smites, you have a right to be upset. But we aren't grand master. We're silver because we suck and missing sites is a part of that. 5: The jungler is not your scapegoat. League players hate accepting fault. Most people do in general. But if you die to your laner level 1 while your jungler is clearing their second camp, its your fault, not theres. "Jungle Diff" has become a meme in the league community, and yet some people still think its reality. Just because your jungler isn't in your lane 24/7 doesn't mean we aren't doing anything. But trust me when I say, if we aren't there is because we're helping one of the other 2 lanes in the game, taking an objective, counter jungling, and overall getting gold and XP. So many laners around bronze 3 to silver 1 seemingly forget that the jungler also has an opponent. We may not be in a lane with them in our sights every moment, but we aren't just two extra players who can ignore eachother. Jungling is about getting your team ahead and building a lead over the opposing jungler, just like how every lane should look to build a lead. And that's it! All the silver players out there, I promise if you stop doing these things you'll see results and probably have better junglers in your games. I thank you, and my fellow low elo junglers thank you. I have faith that we can cooperate like a team and improve together! (Edit holy crap this blew up. Thanks so much for all the comments and awards! Id love to respond to all of you but theres so many ;-;) [link] [comments] |
Jungle is getting nerfed. Who will be affected by this the most and who won't notice a difference? Posted: 05 Feb 2021 02:41 PM PST Personally, I think that it's amazing that they finally acknowledge the fact that jungle is too strong and has a little too much impact. But I'm not sure if this was the perfect way to balance jungle. I think some farming junglers like Viego, Lillia, Kindred etc who are already somewhat balanced will really hurt from this no? I think these changes will enforce a meta where junglers will just perma gank. Nunu will shine here right? [link] [comments] |
Ya'll tired of losing? LOOK NO FURTHER, LEARNING5S IS BACK WITH FREE COACHING ONCE AGAIN Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:07 AM PST Click Here To Join Our Discord! ----- What is Learning Fives? Learning Fives is a completely FREE program where five players and one coach join together for seven weeks of team based learning and practice. During those seven weeks, teams meet together at least twice a week for 2-3 hours and their coaches will spectate and overview the games, working to create a well-oiled machine out of 5 chosen players and help develop them individually. How do I signup? To sign up for Learning Fives, you must join our Discord server, which can be found at the very top of this post. After joining, the signup forms can be found in the #program-info channel or #announcements. Once you reach the end of the signup form, you are all set! ----- Upcoming Dates Sign up period - February 4th - February 7th; signups end at 11:59 PST on February 7th. Team selection - February 8th - February 12th Start to End Dates - February 13th - March 28th For the most up to date information, please visit our Discord! Frequently Asked Questions -- Q1. Do you have to be ranked to sign up? A1. Yes, you must be ranked in Solo/Duo queue to sign up. -- Q2. Does this program run in all regions? A2. Yes! We do offer support for teams in any region although the majority of our sign-ups come from NA and EU. If you are not from either of these regions we highly recommend telling your friends and signing up anyway to increase the chances of a team being put together. -- Q3. How will we be contacted? A3. You will only be contacted via Discord PM by a coordinator. Please make sure you put your correct Discord name on the signup form. Make sure your Discord PMs are open. ----- As always, we want to hear your feedback about anything. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions not covered above feel free to leave a comment or shoot one of the staff a PM. Good luck! [link] [comments] |
What can be considered a rage tp? Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:29 AM PST When my friend, a top main, first bloods and the enemy teleports he usually says "he is rage tp'ing" and laughs a little. I never understood what that is and I wouldn't really want to do it in a game. Is it because of an unfavorable wave? Are there other factors involved? Thank you for your time [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Feb 2021 03:25 PM PST Should i always just go with conqueror? I know it gives you more survivability but is there another choice for Aphelios? I heard about press the attack and lethal tempo, i don't know if they are even that viable but if so when should i take them and how would each one benefit me? [link] [comments] |
Reminder: You can not remake if first blood was given before disconnect. Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:27 AM PST Hey, I'm not sure if this is the place to post this but seems like not many people know this one. Yesterday my opponents forgot to swap in champ select and had a toplane nami and a support gnar. They said gnar went afk and called everyone to mid to dance. Naturally, everyone started killing each other and tons of kills were taken. I, like the asshole that I am wanting that free LP, did not warn anyone and at 3 minutes enemy team started complaining about not being able to remake. Apparently, the gnar was not flagged as afk when the kills were taken. And almost no one knew this was how it worked. Two most important remake rules:
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How to climb out of bronze? I'm losing hope Posted: 05 Feb 2021 03:46 PM PST Hello, I'm an ADC main stuck in bronze this season. It feels like almost every game is stacked against me and is out of my control. Out of the past 5 games I've played today, one of them was good and even while in the rest the kills were double digit enemy team and maybe one kill on mine without me dying and I usually had the only kill(s) before the game hit 15. My last game I played, top and jung had a combined 10 deaths and 0 kills before the 15 min mark. How do I climb? What things should I try to be doing better to win these games? It feels like I'm the one playing wrong if I'm losing all these games and I don't know what to do. I can switch to a solo lane if that helps with carrying games. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Feb 2021 01:08 PM PST I recently tried out jungle and it worked out really well, so I started to play it as my main role for climbing. I'm currently Gold 3 and I play K6 and Eve. Then there's the problem, I usually do really well and the rest of my team feeds sometimes I can turn the game, but sometimes I don't and I really feel like I could. I know that you dont win the game by taking kills but taking objectives. But I can't do drakes or heralds when enemy laners are so far ahead of my own and have perma prio. What should I do? [link] [comments] |
Why is Jungle the strongest role in the game? Posted: 05 Feb 2021 03:33 PM PST Coming off the back of the proposed 11.4 jungle nerfs, there has been a lot of discussion on how the nerfs are deserved due to how much influence the jungler has over the game, with many commenters explaining that the role is the most op in the game (with some salty jungle mains arguing it's actually support). As a jungle main myself I just wanted to know what it is that makes jungle so overbearing, I like to think I play pretty well most games, but never feel like I'm consistently absurdly strong or able to dictate every game, am I doing it wrong or do junglers have less agency in lower elo games due to how volatile lanes can be? Would love to hear some thoughts! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:04 AM PST So, when going into mid game, there are mostly 3 different states an ADC can be in:
How should we approach mid-game with these states as ADC, specifically in terms of 1. seeking out SOLO farm (lanes), 2. aggressively seeking objectives and fights, and 3. Realizing and playing around threats on enemy team (fed assassins, etc.) Also if anyone has any outliers or extremes that should be noted, that always works too. BONUS: What do you do if you feel most comfortable mid-laning, but your mid laner and/or top laner REFUSE to go to another lane to farm. Do you take the risk and farm those lanes, or stay mid and literally ARAM...? Thanks everyone! I would put my opinion on this, but I'm a Gold 2 ADC main and I actually think macro is my weakest area of the game. [link] [comments] |
How do I not get tilted at myself when performing badly? Posted: 05 Feb 2021 02:49 PM PST I try as hard as I can to follow the rule "Focus on your own performance and not your teams and you will tilt much less". As much as this works with not getting tilted at my team, I find I can't help but get frustrated with myself for my own bad games to the point where I become very stressed out and get tilted anyway. How do I avoid letting these bad games get me down (especially if it's a string of bad games)? [link] [comments] |
How to break a freeze the enemy made Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:45 AM PST Title says it all. I was playing against wukong as irelia, messed up and gave him an early kill. Tried going for some short trades only to find him to be so much stronger than me that the lane was unplayable. Then he froze the wave in the middle of the lane and I couldnt cs or get xp. Tried asking for help but teammates proceeded to tell me that I was simply bad and I should go play bots. Any actually useful tips that I can use? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:10 PM PST Shits fucking busted. I even picked grasp Camille which is supposed to be good into it and I lost trade level 1 with q resets wth. He built divine sunderer and sorc boots, and from how I was getting slammed it seemed a combination of op magic and physical damage, so u can't even itemize against it. I've played vs it like 3 times and have gotten slapped around each time. Even if u stomp early somehow, her late is like Camille on steroids scaling [link] [comments] |
How to create small leads as ADC in low elo without a support Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:23 AM PST Hi all, I've been playing adc most of last season and I've really enjoyed, so this season I decided to try climb to gold as adc. I used to be a support main so I'm used to playing around my support. I noticed my biggest weakness was trading in lane as adc. It was all good as supp but much hard as adc now. I've slowly improved and I've had a lot more success. I'm an Ashe main (silver 4) and so far I've played about 70 games on her with a 55% WR, but the last maybe 5-6 games it felt super hard to win. I noticed that I'm very support dependent for winning games. What I mean is that, if I have a support that's not familar with making plays on an engage support (yes, I've had many games with a leona standing behind me in lane...) I have to give up a lot of cs to not get engaged (or poked out) on and then lose the lane. I don't hit my usual item spikes and coming back from behind is so much harder. I've also improved on not overcompensating bad decisions that the support or teammate makes and to just keep scaling instead. As for getting a decent support I follow up and normally get a gold lead of about 300 - 400 gold before 10 mins and it's a much smoother game. With amazing supports, they easily get me 10+ kills and less than 2 deaths on those games (all thanks to the support making great plays and peeling). What I'm struggling with at the moment is creating leads when I have off-meta supports or an autofill supp (I've had a vlad supp, teemo sup, ziggs, neeko, twitch just to name a few) that isn't supporting at all. I've definitely had games with it and it was super fustrating at the start and I don't think straight so I blindly follow their plays resulting in many deaths.... My avg deaths on Ashe in ranked is 4.7 on league of graphs, but if you excluded the outliers (like 10+ deaths a game) it's probably around 3.5 I reckon. My strategy for now is to cs where I can, poke, and follow up if there's some sort of thing happen that looks good, otherwise I just let them do what they like and just try to alert ping them I'm not going. SOOOO (sorry for all the text) I'd like some advice on: Q) What is a good strategy to use when you're out of sync with the plays your support makes? (e.g, they engage when you're low or oom and you've pinged them your status. Or they play really far back and provide no pressure in lane). Or the the champion they play actually provides nothing in the botlane besides damge (which isn't landing). [link] [comments] |
Bot lane macro post first tower falling Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:11 AM PST This is speaking in terms that bot or top tower falls first, when mid falls first its different. 3 situations can come out 1- Your tower falls first, usually after a pretty shitty laning phase, and unless close to even you won't have 1st item yet. 2-Their tower falls first, great laning probably coming back with an item, maybe even finished boots Where builds are at when the towers fall can vary a lot 3- ally mid falls, and bot has better wave clear than mid. probably a good idea to swap? My main question lies in scenario 1. After that tower falls is that a reason to continue last hitting even though laning phase is technically over? As in, stay last hitting and staying bot even though it might look like your team desperately needs you while they're getting 4-maned mid. I understand that at this point it's "their job" to not get caught, but through my experience so far unless I'm on vayne that farm will never win the game tldr; do I keep last hit farming after my first turret falls or do I hard shove to farm and use the down time to cushion my teams stupid aram tendencies? may be a dumb question but this is seeming to be my tipping point where the possibility of solo carrying a game as adc can fade away in soloq as im only gold [link] [comments] |
Attack move and other bindings Posted: 05 Feb 2021 01:57 PM PST Hey all. I've really enjoyed using the auto attack bind to left click feature, but I can't quite get used to some of the side effects - moving the viewport on the mini map makes me walk - wards/non-quick cast spells don't want to cast Has anyone found solutions? I'm mostly on quick cast but like rumble R and victor lazer I like it off. Feel like I'm missing a couple other little frustrations I forgot about too. If I bind it to MB1, can I bind the normal mb1 stuff to a different mouse button? I also see there are two command 'Sets' in the settings. How do those work? [link] [comments] |
A question about after winning lane topside Posted: 05 Feb 2021 10:08 AM PST So usually if I win lane playing top, I ask someone who's not doing well in lane to swap with me so I can roam and essentially snowball most of my team (usually bot lane) to win by being more able to secure dragon and rift. That's my thought process, but I've realised a lot of the time the enemy top starts being able to farm easier and get back into the game sometimes even against my teammate. The question is should I stick to my lane, and roam less often but essentially lock down the enemy top lane or should I continue what I'm doing and roam? [link] [comments] |
Trying to learn again the game ,playing ADC Posted: 05 Feb 2021 05:30 PM PST Another post about playing ADC ,I know it's tiring. But I need someone to point me. I just lost a soloQ in low gold (my beginning in this season is terrible if you look at my games) as Ashe/Nami against Jinx/Senna ,I'm not narrating the game because it would be boring and repetitive but near the end of the game Jinx said me : "Ashe ,you're not playing to win the game ,you're playing not to die". And my first reaction was anger ,I thought i did what i could do in the game as an adc because the game was lost since a fight in our jungle in the early game ,avoid any useless deaths ,farm to keep up with the enemy adc who got kills from our team ,get with the team when it was useful and impactful ,use my ult/slow as much as possible to create kill possibilities ,etc. And jinx, who got carried said this to me, it was too much for my patience. But then, it felt different, I was reminded of one friend who sometimes plays at League (since season 4 so he has some experience about low level way of play at League) who told me the same thing as Jinx told me. So I need advices from everyone who know the game very precisely (even "coaching" would not bother me) and help me learn the game so i can play perfectly my games and if i lose, then i could do nothing about the game as an adc. IGN (EUW) : Melomaniac [link] [comments] |
How do I lose bot lane gracefully? Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:17 AM PST I know the title seems a bit counterintuitive, but I've had a number of games where we won the game simply off of someone preventing a snowball after they had died in lane 1 or 2 times in the early game. I'm trying to figure out how to do this effectively in bot lane. For context, I play Lux support mostly (I know it's not a great pick, but it's my best one) and, while I can win lane for us sometimes, there are just some games where I or my ADC will make a mistake early (not respecting level 2 all-in for example) and we find ourselves negative before 10 minutes. Often, with competent opponents, they'll just freeze the wave pretty effectively at this point and zone my ADC off of CS. What do I do at this point to stem/slow the bleeding and reduce a snowball coming from bot lane? Should I be looking to roam/get vision across the map, or somehow pressure the enemy support (usually engage supports) without getting jumped on? [link] [comments] |
How would I transition from Top to Jungle efficiently? Posted: 05 Feb 2021 01:25 PM PST Hello, I started playing again this season and peaked Masters on toplane, but sadly playing toplane has the similar feeling as wiping with sandpaper, so I was thinking of learning jungle and comparing the two, even if I didn't swap to jungle I could still use the new jungle tracking info as I'd have a deeper understanding of jungling in general. Where should I start though? Is there a channel or a streamer that covered something this specific? Thank you!! [link] [comments] |
Please, recommend me a third ADC for ranked Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:19 AM PST Hi everyone, I finished last season in G3 after not playing much rankeds and having a shitty wr, but I intend to play more ranked games this year, as I consider I gathered enough experience and feel more prepared to face my ranked anxiety. I'm an ADC main, often choosing support as my secondary role (where I'll go aggressive, engage supports like Pantheon or Pyke), and with a couple niche picks for top and jungle (namely Jayce and Graves, respectively). The reason I'm mentioning my champion pool, like the title says, is because I'm looking for a third go-to pick for my main position. I'm currently spamming Kai'Sa and Senna, both of which are among my top 3 most played champions and really strong right now. I've been recommended Lucian, which is good because he completes that top 3, and Ezreal. I also was considering Samira or Draven, both of which I've played plenty of normals with, I'm mastery 6 and I think I can make work until gold(ish). Lastly, I'm ruling Jhin out because I suck at him, and my usual duo knows him better than I do, so we'll just swap positions if we have to play him. Sorry if it ended up being a long post for a short question, but what marksman could I pick to complete that "ADC triangle" for ranked games? Could very well be one I haven't mentioned, I'm open to anything, thanks for your time :) [link] [comments] |
When do i buy the elixirs early? Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:12 AM PST I dont really know what their called, but yk these pots for 500 for tanks, ad or mages. I ususally buy them after im full build, or one of the bases is almost completely open, so all we have to do is end. But i just saw a clip of ll stylish at baron with 4 items, but he already bought an elixir. How do i make the decision when its worth it, or when i should just wait for my next item? [link] [comments] |
What to do when the whole team set's a tent in bot? Posted: 05 Feb 2021 12:51 PM PST What to do when the enemy team literally camp's bot? I went a game with Aphelios(Heal) with a swain(Ignite) sup against a nunu jg, yasuo top, kata mid, senna adc(Heal), nautilus sup(Exhaust). In laning faze we got 7 ganks against us and we got 1 by our jg(Viego). Swain also decided to have a high ping when we could get a kill but I don't think the kill would have help us that much. What should we do? We tried to stay in turrent but we got 2v4 i turrent. Meanwhile our jg needed a gank in bot river so we decided to help him but lead us to giving senna a double. I don't think it was that much of a jg diff but what's the counterplay here? [link] [comments] |
Rageblade or Phantom Dancer on Vayne? Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:33 AM PST I see Rageblade as this staple item that all vaynes always bought because it just makes sense with her w passive. Recently I've been seeing more Phantom Dancers into IE builds however and I'm wondering which path is better overall/or what situations fit each path better? [link] [comments] |
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