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    Monday, February 1, 2021

    LoL Guide Your seemingly useless death can throw the game | The Butterfly Effect in League

    LoL Guide Your seemingly useless death can throw the game | The Butterfly Effect in League

    Your seemingly useless death can throw the game | The Butterfly Effect in League

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:31 PM PST

    Whatsup Summoner school fam! Slunt here, today I thought I would go over how one death even when having a massive lead can throw the game for your team.

    Example game: your team is up 6000 gold and you are stomping every. single. 5v5 fight. Things are looking good, you're smiling for the first time in a couple weeks, and you can almost taste the LP. UNTIL BAM. Your one death causes a snowball of death and sadness until you end up losing the game that seemed impossible to lose.

    Video Example: https://youtu.be/7nlurn9ROjg

    Insert late game macro:

    Late game in league, this season at least is classified past the 30 minute mark. This is when death timers are starting to get extensive and most champions are easing towards that lvl 16 mark.

    Late game Macro should have a lot of flow/rotation. If you have a massive lead and are able to 2v1, then you should be the one split pushing. Not your semi-squishy mid who is even in gold with the enemy mid.

    Your team should all flow as one unit. Late game, simple addition factors come into place a lot. IE: You see the enemy ADC back and you see someone else bot lane without tele. You have 4 people that can force and initate on enemy team. 4 > 3. Will usually win that fight.

    Positioning yourself and flowing with your team is extremely important in this phase of the game.

    If your team is pushing mid and you are top and your team starts to back off, then you immediately need to back off as well.

    Whenever Objectives are spawning in <90 seconds DO NOT DIE. Don't even give the enemy a chance to kill you, play extremely safe around these times.

    Whenever you are the team that is behind you need to be extremely conscious of these points. You see that you do not have backup, then you need to gtfo so the enemy team cannot iniate on you. Even if they are within flash range, you need to put yourself in a position to where they CANNOT initiate on you.

    Dying at the wrong times late game can/will lead to a snowball of other plays. You may think one death for your team isn't much, but whenever there are objectives up, your team is pretty gimped at defending said objectives. These objectives can lead into other plays and really change the momentum of the game. Play after play until you lose the game. This isn't even taking into account that your team may tilt/someone starts typing and flaming eachother........ and then its all sadness from there. No more smiles.

    I guess the overall point of this post is the remind people to be more aware late game. If one of your team members recalls then pay extra close attention, even if you are ahead to the potential for the enemy to initiate on you.

    To you, it may seem like "wow they blew 2 flashes and an ult on me" but in actuality this can completely shift the momentum of the game in the enemy teams favor.

    What are some points that you all notice your team doing late game? What else can you all add to help out newer players?

    That's all I have for today. Much love. Happy Monday.


    submitted by /u/ACslunt
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    MID wave managment.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:45 AM PST

    So I've been having a lot of problems in MID where to farm I have to stay very close to the other team tower cause my wave always pushed even when i'm just slow pushing. And once the wave is under their tower I can't let the enemy one push even if I stop csing and lose some. So this way I can't farm because I could get hit by tower on accident or the enemy could hit me and I can't do anything about it or else the tower with aggro me or even worse the jungler comes. I really don't know how to let the other wave push instead of mine without losing cs.

    submitted by /u/tomthefunk
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    How do you shift you attention during games to improving rather than just winning?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:01 AM PST

    As title states, I put a lot of emphasis on winning in my games. When I don't win, I don't deem the session as a success but rather a failure. I then put unnecessary pressure on myself and get to the point where I don't enjoy playing. I have pretty minimal time to play with work and family commitments so I'd like to enjoy my session and improve rather than spamming unpleasant matches.

    I want to focus on improving rather than winning. What would be the first step? How could I measure my improvement and what should I focus on?

    (Some info - I am a jungler, peaked plat 4)

    submitted by /u/yeahsurem8
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    Am I the only one that has gotten worse and worse over time at playing league?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:09 PM PST

    I'm a Top main almost 3 years and I has been playing since season 6. I reached high gold in s6 and I reach s7-10 diamond I played thousands and thousands of hours of lol and I notice more and more how I can't keep up anymore. I have little impact on my teams win. If we lose I did poorly if we win it was not my doing. on s10 I notice my worse playing like bad micro plays, miss clicks,bad trades ect ect.
    I can't lead enemy toplaner I always falls of xp and gold like ALWAYS and there are some games where I Get snowball early and yeeted to enemy toplaner I get matched with low Diamond-Plat players and I'm a playball in their game, like a beach ball that gets tossed around by the waves. I loss every single matcup I loss even low Gold autofilled support beat my A** Although I counterpicked her (Jax vs Cammile).
    I know I just play normals but It has become really frustrating to play worse and worse every SINGLE match and now I'm not better than any silver player all I want is to play this game a little better and more enjoying the game I play.

    submitted by /u/XanFar
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    Why do I keep inting in toplane?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:19 AM PST

    Recently I started playing toplane because I find it relaxing. I am a jungle main, I peaked gold 1 last season, but it is too stressful, too flame, I have to gank everyone or they flame, I have to steal every drake baron etc.. Well, you all know that every game is "jungle diff". I usually play with my friends (silver 4-silver 1), they are really strong but they don't play solo duo (anyway we are all gold in flex).

    Anyway.. In my last 10 games as top I have inted all of them. I'm not talking about going 0/10, but I managed to get some 1/2 and some 1/5, but mostly 1/3 and similar. I really lose every lane phase, I die trying to proc grasp(!!!) or to farm. Later I usually win but just because my team is great, and a malphite with 0 kills can still knock up all the enemy team, so I am not useless, but I don't know how I manage to lose every lane vs silver player. So far I played:





    Viego (with Viego I actually won the lane 1 time)

    With the first 4 I wasn't unexperienced, as I played them a lot in jungle. So, what I am doing wrong?

    [my username is Dan9900 on EUW, if you want to check my history]

    Edit: sorry for strange formatting, I'm from mobile >:|

    Edit2: thanks for all the useful tips! I just won my first lane al Malphite vs Trynda (I finished 7/1/5 lol), I guess I have to understand the match up better. About warding I really ward a lot (when I play jungle I often have more than 1 vision score / minute) and I always buy pinks

    submitted by /u/Deraam
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    Brand new player, trying to learn how to play Jungle. Any advice?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:09 AM PST

    I'm pretty much brand new but i'm having a lot of trouble.

    First of all, i'm having trouble choosing a champion because I don't know who can Jungle and who can't so i'm just stuck using whoever I see in the Meta Tier Lists like Amumu, Master Yi, Rammus, and Nunu.

    So any good champion recommendations would be nice.

    Second of all, I feel like I do no damage at all compared to everybody else on my team. I want to be able to actually go in and help my teammates not go in and die with my teammates lmao.

    Third of all, I feel like if I stay in the Jungle I fall way behind in gold and xp so all my teammates are higher levels than me and sometimes even the bots on the other team.

    The main reason for that I think is because I basically can't kill any of the monsters in the beginning so I usually just help top lane or whoever needs help and get gold that way till I buy items and can finally kill some monsters but even then i'm still better off staying at one of the lanes cause I end up making way more gold that way.

    I feel like I understand the whole gist of Jungle, correct me if i'm wrong but basically I roam around the top and bottom jungles killing monsters and ganking top mid or bot whenever they need help or they're about to break a tower or anything like that.

    I just don't do damage, and I die really quick.

    I think the problem is I don't make enough gold and don't really know how to build my champion cause I haven't stuck to a single champion yet.

    (I've only done games against AI so far btw, I wanna get good and understand what i'm doing before I go into actual games)

    TLDR; I suck help pls

    submitted by /u/mistapipimane
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    Where should I go before the minions crash the first time?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:56 AM PST

    I've wondered what I should do until the game starts. If the botlane gives a leash, what are mid and top doing? Should I stand in the river? The other buff? Or should I even drop a ward in front of the buff camp? I always run around in the river (randomly) but no one ever said anything.

    submitted by /u/Poronoun
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    drop a tip/info that is so obviously important to gameplay, and something your team should already know

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:20 PM PST

    inspired by this post.

    everyone learns at their own pace, but there are some obvious things that i wish my teammates already knew. there are probably a lot of gaps in my own knowledge.

    i'll start; keep an eye on the map.

    with one look you can see the position of your allies, possibly the enemy team too. even if you don't have vision you can SOMETIMES locate the enemy. for example; you see red buff disappear in south camp. this means the enemy jungler possibly took it. if you're closer to bot lane or mid lane, make sure you're warded in case their jg attempts a gank.

    in another instance, watching the map can easily help you win a dragon fight or even a scuttle fight. if you're a laner and you see your jungler being chased by enemy jungler, you can easily turn that fight around, even secure a kill. but first you need to see the fight starting.

    late game, enemy can easily take advantage of your weak map awareness by waiting to ambush you in the jungle. if you ward and watch the map you can see their movements. (warding is a different story. supports have more wards with their support item and pinks + yellow/red/blue trinket, and laners might chose to get control wards along with their trinkets so there's a limit to how much they can ward. as a laner my vision hits maybe 1x or 1.5x the game time, but for support aim for at least 2x or more)

    in general, watching the map helps you see the progress of the game. i'm tired of losing games because my team has the map minimised or something and can't see their team getting jumped. map awareness helps in positioning, teamfights, even objectives.

    submitted by /u/doc-dee
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    New Adc

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:24 AM PST

    I am a jungler who wants to learn ADCs like phel and xayah because I found their kits to be fun. As an adc, what are micro and macro movements I should be taking care of and always watching? When do I follow my support for combat and when do I just let them poke. And for phel, what are gun combos I should be aware about and how should I be using each of my 5 guns?

    submitted by /u/Champ1271
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    When you're autofilled a role, especially jungle, it's better to let your team know early.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:04 AM PST

    In champ select, whoever's playing your role(s) might offer to trade, but there's still nothing too wrong with sticking it out. Personally, I'll play a champ that's a bit safer, Amumu for instance has been my go to autofill jungler since he's a tank, so it'll be harder for me to die repeatedly even though I'm not very good at jungling, and with his Q being both a stun and engage, simply landing it can make for a successful gank. I will still let my teammates know that I am autofilled, because then they will play around knowing that I'm not a jungle main and won't really look to me as a win condition. Often my teammates will put in the extra effort to get objectives set up, like bottom lane pushing up and pinging to take drake. Your teammates might also play safer, again since they know they shouldn't be relying on you, because you might not identify good gank opportunities and such.

    When you don't let your team know, they'll play thinking you know what you're doing. When you decide to gank at a questionable time, they could over commit because they assume you're a jungle main. Don't just wait for halfway through the match after you lose most objectives and feed to tell your team that you're autofilled. This does apply to other roles, such as adc and support where your teammate might not be overly aggressive since you don't properly know about following up, and so on.

    submitted by /u/SpartanDumpster
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    Why does Garen take ignite?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:38 AM PST

    I'm a silver scrub, and I don't get why it's recommended that he takes ignite. He doesn't have a map mobility spell like Pantheon or Quinn, and his teleport flanks can be strong, considering his ult+stridebreaker meaning a squishy immediately dies. Is Garen's early game cheese so strong for him to warrant taking ignite?

    submitted by /u/PanderPower
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    Best way to get better with a specific champ (Ahri)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:30 PM PST

    Hi summoners.

    I recently started with LoL (lvl 13 now). I'm currently trying to get better with Ahri (mid) and Graves (jgl) but realized that Graves is kind of my backup plan for games where mid is claimed by someone else, which is often the case.

    However, I don't want to put off playing with Ahri because I feel like at my early point in the game, it's a good thing to improve your skills with a champ you enjoy. And that's Ahri.

    Long story short: What's the best way to proceed? Should I just keep picking Ahri and switch to a different lane in case someone else calls mid? If so, is there any lane you can recommend? The stats paint a very clear picture of Ahri being exclusively mid.

    Looking forward to your advice!

    submitted by /u/fscraatch
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    Why are people taking HOB over other runes?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:21 PM PST

    I have notice many people lately start taking hail of blades over other runes on AD champs. Was anything changed to cause this or do people just like trading better with hail of blades? trist used to take press the attack but now I see her running this instead. I am just not sure what changed to cause this slow change in meta. Is it really better than those other runes? thanks for your answer in advance

    submitted by /u/hockeyboy87
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    Returning Player

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:15 PM PST

    Hello guys after a long break I am starting to play again, I stop playing the game on season 6 but after that I try it to play again but the spark was off, I was mid lanee plat player "plat 1 my highest" this time I try to learn Jg I am not thinking some specific picks yet I rly have fun with the New champ Viego, for me JG role is something new can you pls the JG of this sub give me some tips and tricks?TT and sorry for my bad English

    submitted by /u/LethalFate96
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    How to counter Anivia

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:53 PM PST

    How do I counter Anivia? Anivia is my most hated champion in League because I can't seem to find counterplay against her in lane.

    I don't really play Mid, so I don't know how it is there, but I'm wondering how to counter her in flex picks like top or support. Whenever I get hit by her wall and am standing in her ult I have two options. I can either try to run around the wall where she hits a guaranteed Q on me or I can dodge her Q and stand and take ult damage. It seems to me like there is no counterplay against it. You might say that I have to not get caught by her wall in the first place, but I can't just give up farming all together, even as a ranged champ. Besides, she can poke me under turret while she stays safe. So farming under turret doesn't work either.

    Also I had one game as Darius top against an Anivia where I somehow managed to get fed early, but that doesn't matter since every teamfight she just put her wall up so I wasn't able to join the fight. So it seems to me that even when she is behind she can just remove her fed enemy laner from the fight while she still does damage. I literally don't know I'm supposed to do against her wall.

    submitted by /u/GoldenRush257
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    Runaan's Hurricane doesn't work on vayne?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:53 PM PST

    I bought runaan's hurricane. Teammate had a problem with it, didn't want me to get it. Claimed:

    1.Runaan's doesn't work with vayne

    2.Runaan's doesn't work with vayne's W ability



    +45% attack speed

    +20% critical strike chance

    +7% movement speed

    Passive. UNIQUE – WIND'S FURY: Basic attacks on-attack fire additional bolts at up to 2 enemies in front of you, each dealing 40% AD physical damage. Bolts apply on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness and are affected by Critical strike icon.png critical strike modifiers. The bolts will target the closest enemies to you that are not the main target.

    Making me very confused. What exactly did the teammate mean? when asked, they stayed silent, didn't bother to explain in detail why. Are they partially / fully correct or wrong? or full of bullsh*t? that runaan's hurricane stats don't add or work on vayne? Or W ability doesn't work with item passive: Wind's fury. Is he claiming that basic attacks don't fire additional bolts up to 2 enemies? cause it definitely does on minions and I see it working. But what about real enemy players? in aram, rank mode. Please help me understand and explain in detail.

    submitted by /u/adcenthusiast
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    How to play mid game as control mages?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:48 AM PST

    Hello everyone! After a long time playing ADC I've decided to switch to mid, especially control mages, since i enjoy the playstyle. So i've picked up orianna, syndra and lux for now and i'm having a blast!

    My question is: how do i farm during mid game as control mages? I know that adc's should stay mid and get safe farm to scale up. But playing side lane as a control mage feels so weird. i've been taking TP to have the extra presence on the map but still doesn't feel right. Should i just push the side wave mindlessly and group up? what if a fight breaks out while im on the side lane farming?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Kelmine
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    Why is farm priority not a thing in League?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 07:35 AM PST

    So I play League on my own (a lot) and I also play Dota with my friends (also a lot), and there is something in Dota that I think is pretty neat: farm priority. The idea of farm priority is, if your hero (champion) can scale really well off of gold and items then you are entitled to farm, because some heroes (champions) are very level and gold dependent, whereas others can be useful even without gold because of their built in utility.

    In League, take Ezreal and Taric as an example. If Ezreal can't get his Triforce + Manamune + BORK then he's basically a cannon minion. But Taric, even with 0 items, still has a stun, a heal and a game-changing invulnerability. So it would make sense for Taric to concede waves and camps for Ezreal unless Taric is going to hit a key item (Sunfire) and Ezreal is not. Obviously in League, supports get free gold so they aren't really a part of the economy system, but the idea still mostly applies.

    If an assassin completed his 2nd or 3rd item, getting more gold onto him will not benefit him that much because he is going to oneshot the backline with or without that 4th lethality item. Same would go for a tank, if a tank already has Sunfire + Gargoyles + Abyssal Mask, getting a Force of Nature would not significantly affect his ability to engage and tank damage. But a Yasuo without his 2nd item powerspike, or a Ryze without Archangel staff, or a Twitch without 3 items do no damage, and has near 0 utility and 0 survivability, and is just dead weight overall.

    But I have never seen League players use this system or similar ideas, if a malphite and cassio are both heading for a wave topside, the malphite is going to use everything in his power to make sure he gets all the gold and cassio doesn't. If a Pantheon sees a wave that's coming into a Kog'Maw, he's taking that wave. What's even funnier is that Dota is a game where you can actually "solo carry", where a much better player can just take all the resources even if they are not on a hero (champion) that uses resources optimally, and still 1v9 games; so in theory, League, a much more team-oriented game in comparison, would benefit significantly more from the farm priority system than Dota will.

    So why isn't this something that League players utilize more? I have not seen a lot (if any) coaches teaching it either? It seems to be an important and/or useful thing.

    submitted by /u/wub3y2
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    Is trying to instalock tf cards practical?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:20 PM PST

    Hey guys, quick question. I am learning to play tf so I could add him to my champ pool. Now, I am not a slowpoke with my reactions (170 ms the last time i measured) but I guess not being use to the champion or the card timer tick maybe not being consistent (as it seems to me) and then also in chaotic moments, I sometimes do fail the lock if I try the insta. Should I keep going for this and try to make it perfect or start playing more reliably and try the instalock only when it is really needed?

    submitted by /u/Blundersome00
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    How do I freeze lane?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:45 AM PST

    I have been watching a ton of videos on how to do well in top lane, and all of them say that I should freeze lane. How do I do this? Do I give up CS or do I hit the minions on the last hit? I play a lot of Garen/Nasus/Irelia/Kennen. I'm fairly new to league so I get like 100-200 CS every game and most of my korean friends who have been playing since season 3 say that it's pretty bad. I have been improving on getting more CS but freezing has been very confusing for me. Any help is appreciated

    submitted by /u/paulthedrg
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    How do you go about fighting Gragas Top with PR?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:37 AM PST

    My pool top is Jax, Fiora and Tryndamere. He has good engage and disengage. It seems to always be Tackle, Q and AA and then zoom away before you can respond. Then he either plays far and farms with Q until PR is up again or he just ults you if you try to engage again. I seem to lose on all 3 of my champs, It's not always feed or anything but my champions seem to just struggle, if it's a long range tackle then I can usually W with Fiora, but he mostly just tackles in AA range so you can't predict it.

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    Is it possible to maintain 9-10 CSPM (CS per minute) in (low elo) solo q games?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:04 PM PST

    Hi summoners,

    So I watch a lot of pro play, and the players consistently hit sky high CS numbers, and I was wondering if there are any methods they use to control the wave and optimize their farming as I would also be able to hit those numbers in Gold IV elo games.

    I dont know what I do wrong, but I feel like even though I'm farming almost every wave, I just cant hit 100 CS in 10 minutes, or 190 CS in 20 mins. I also invade jungle camps every now and then, but it's still insufficient. I also notice while playing ADC, that my CS numbers are decent in the beginning, but drop as the game goes by.

    Is it possible to hit high CS rates consistently in non pro games? Are there any strategies or methods to manage the wave efficiently? And what are some tips for farming efficiently?

    submitted by /u/boomchicken66
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    Someone please help me?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:45 PM PST

    Like idk if I just suck or if it's the classical my team sucks and ints mentality which makes me loose so many god damned solo/ duo gamse this season, I mean IK I am not the best and not challenger tier but really I can't even climb back to gold without constantly dodging champ selects when I check their profiles to see how they play? Every game (except the games I win actually) seem to be the classical "jungle diff" I get camped on bot lane from the enemy jungler and mine does react never or way too late and runs my lane down by deciding to gank when I am below 50% health and no summs meanwhile the enemy is fckn fed and has everything up. Also I casually run into the issue, that most of my supports I get love to leave the lane at minute 6-8 and die somewhere or roam until they return minute 12 lvl 4 or 5.

    My mmr is so fucked up again that i get queued with newbie and bronze players and it seems like the enemies always are my elo/skill level.

    Can somebody please tell me what to do? Bc it's frustrating to not have a positive wr in goddamned mid silver.

    BTW to explain I am a player who looks more into macro choices and chooses objectives and farm over useless fights. I only join those which are nessesary to gain objectives such as turrets, drakes, herald/nash and finishing a game or punish mistakes or mispositioning.

    Also nearly tried every role last season and adc/supp are the roles I feel most comfortable with to play and from the knowledge I gained.

    If anyone knows what to improve pls text me bc I sometimes get the feeling that even a challenger tier player can't carry some of the games I lost in my position.


    submitted by /u/Aria0Nikiforov
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    How do I deal with long range mid laners as Yone?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:49 AM PST

    I am just learning Yone and in half of the matches I'm not even having fun due because 50% of the time the other team's mid laner happens to be someone who can harass me long range ex (Veigar, Teemo etc). I don't know how to deal with them and I can't even kill minions due to it because they will just whittle me down, then they start snowballing and we just surrender. When I do have a chance to do tornado, they just back of and I can't get any damage in

    submitted by /u/HyperElf10
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