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    Friday, November 1, 2019

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: November

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: November

    Champion Pool Megathread: November

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    What to do in a counter matchup toplane?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:19 AM PDT

    Assuming for instance I am playing Camille and the enemy top picks Mordekaiser / Jax / whatever.

    I will not be able to kill them pre-6 since they know how to play the lane properly and after 6 it becomes straight up unwinnable, getting starved off cs & my turret is getting chipped down. If I leave lane to gank mid/bot my turret will most likely be gone and I will fall even further behind. If I stay in lane I just coinflip the game and hope my team carries while always being weaker than the enemy top. It seems like a lose lose scenario, so what do I do? Just cry for jungler attention? I really dont understand what the most optimal game plan should be when you get countered in top.

    submitted by /u/bluepuppyk7
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    Why are some players naturally better (faster) at picking up the macro aspects of the game than others?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    So having played the game since s4 I am still only plat and I vastly feel like I'm strong mechanically but terrible at macro. I always thought I was good until I started watching xFSN saber coaching videos for adc where I instantly realized what lot of my mistakes were as if I'm seeing the game a whole new way. I'm having better games and my winrate as well as my stats have all gone up by a minimum of 2x. To put it simply, I was all mechanics no brain. I'm finally seeing the game the way I think people in higher elos are. But this took me 5 years to begin seeing. Maybe it's my background in gaming, having grown up on simpler console games... but how are some people so quick to pick up on this game and reach high rank without need of a coach? Am I just not as smart as the top players? Clearly I'm not alone as most of the player base is plat and below.

    submitted by /u/Allucky
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    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    I don't get him. He's incredibly difficult, and I get clapped every game. I'm so frustrated. I have a game every now and then where I do well on him. Most of the time I get my face kicked in. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong. I have watched every guide out there, and learned every combo but i just get clapped every game. I know I'm not great at the game and I'm only level 46, but I really wanna get better. He's trash early game so I should fight, but then I can't do anything late game cause I have no kills. I split push to get cs, and then I get double teemed or get out played by enemy jungle. I do the q when I have it at the enemy laner and similarly I use w to avoid enemy combos, but it seems like everyone cdr is higher and my w takes 10 years to use. I'm on the brink of giving up. Please help, a -jhin main who wants to learn vlad

    submitted by /u/TheNeedforSocks
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    Dodging games

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 06:41 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    Reading through some of the threads around here, more often that expected I see people suggesting that the player should dodge games when bad matchups come up.

    That got me wondering: wouldn't it be better to actually try and play that matchup, while learning how to better deal with it than to just dodge it, running from a big bad wolf that might end up being just a walk in the park?

    Since the loss of LP isn't so different (-10 for a loss, -12 for a dodge, if I got the numbers right somewhere, also depending on your MMR), wouldn't the extra knowledge be in fact better in the long run?

    submitted by /u/trapovelho
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    The Comprehensive List of (Marksman Oriented) Movement Speed Increments That Nobody Asked for.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:48 AM PDT

    This post will be updated for any and every change, so feel free to bookmark this post if you're so inclined.

    If this post is archived and I cannot edit it due to Reddit possibly changing a policy; you will most likely find an updated version on my user page. I may also create new posts as time goes on so more people can see this. Assuming Movement Speed among marksmen somehow drastically changes..

    Hey everyone! I'm back again with another (shitty) list. This one displays how the average Marksman's Raw Movement Speed will increase in accordance to their items (including all Boots options (aside from Boots of Mobility) and 3 Zeal item purchases). Movement Speed will be abbreviated as "MS" from here onwards. Yes, I do have a problem.

    The purpose of this list is to show what MS you will have in each situation, to help you better gauge if you should:

    • Forgo upgrading your boots or even buying any until after building X amount of Zeal items.
    • Sell your Boots for a Zeal item.
    • Something else I am probably forgetting.

    But first, a few things to note about how League handles MS:

    • Raw MS is MS before buffs. (Get Excited!, On the Hunt, etc.)

    • MS formula: (Base MS + Flat MS bonuses) × (1 + Sum of all Additive Percent MS bonuses) × (1 - Highest Slow ratio) × Product of (1 + any Multiplicative Movement Speed bonus)

    • When the Raw MS is greater than 415, there are two soft caps applied: The Raw MS between 415 and 490 gets multiplied by 80%. The Raw MS over 490 gets multiplied by 50%.

    Alrighty! Let's get into it:

    We will be a using a marksman with 325 MS as our base.

    Typical Marksmen Items That Increase MS That Will be Used for This List:

    Boots of Speed provide 25 MS, totaling at 350 MS.

    Slightly Magical Boots provide 35 MS, totaling at 360 MS.

    Tier 2 Boots provide 45 MS, totaling at 370 MS.

    Slightly Magical Tier 2 Boots provide 55 MS, totaling at 380 MS.

    Boots of Swiftness provide 55 MS, totaling at 380 MS.

    Slightly Magical Boots of Swiftness provide 65 MS, totaling at 390 MS.

    All Zeal items (aside from Runaan's Hurricane) provide 5% MS.

    Runaan's Hurricane provides 7% MS.

    Upon Buying 1 Zeal Item:

    With base MS [325] will provide (aside from Runaan's Hurricane) 16.25 MS totaling at 341.25 MS.

    Runaan's Hurricane will provide 22.75 MS, totaling at 347.75 MS.

    With MS provided by Boots of Speed [345 MS] will provide (aside from Runaan's Hurricane) 17.5 MS, totaling at 362.5 MS.

    Runaan's hurricane will provide 24.15 MS, totaling at 369.15 MS.

    With MS provided by Slightly Magical Boots [360 MS] will provide (aside from Runaan's Hurricane) 18 MS, totaling at 378 MS.

    Runaan's hurricane will provide 25.2 MS, totaling at 385.2 MS.

    With MS provided by Tier 2 Boots [370 MS] will provide (aside from Runaan's Hurricane) 18.5 MS, totaling at 388.5 MS.

    Runaan's Hurricane will provide 25.9 MS, totaling at 395.5 MS.

    With MS provided by Slightly Magical Tier 2 Boots [380 MS] will provide (aside from Runaan's Hurricane) 19 MS, totaling at 399 MS.

    Runaan's Hurricane will provide 26.6 MS, totaling at 406.6 MS.

    With MS provided by Boots of Swiftness [380 MS] will provide (aside from Runaan's Hurricane) 19 MS, totaling at 399 MS.

    Runaan's Hurricane will provide 26.6 MS, totaling at 406.6 MS.

    With MS provided by Slightly Magical Boots of Swiftness [390 MS] will provide (aside from Runaan's Hurricane) 19.5 MS, totaling at 409.5 MS.

    Runaan's Hurricane will provide 26.84 MS, totaling at 416.84 MS.

    Upon Buying 2 Zeal Items:

    With base MS (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [341.25 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 16.25 MS, totaling at 357.5 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [341.25 MS/347.75 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 16.25 MS/22.75 MS, totaling at 364 MS.

    With MS provided by Boots of Speed (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [362.5 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 17.5 MS, totaling at 380 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [362.5 MS/369.15 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 17.5 MS/24.15 MS, totaling at 386.65 MS.

    With MS provided by Slightly Magical Boots (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [378 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 18 MS, totaling at 396 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [378 MS/385.2 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 18 MS/25.2 MS, totaling at 403.2 MS.

    With MS provided by Tier 2 Boots (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [388.5 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 18.5 MS, totaling at 407 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [388.5/395.5 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 18.5 MS/25.9 MS, totaling at 414.4 MS.

    With MS provided by Slightly Magical Tier 2 Boots (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [399 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 18.4 MS, totaling at 417.4 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [399 MS/406.6 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 16.88 MS/24.48 MS, totaling at 438.68.

    With MS provided by Boots of Swiftness (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [399 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 18.4 MS, totaling at 417.8 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [399 MS/406.6 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 16.88 MS/24.48 MS, totaling at 438.68.

    With MS provided by Slightly Magical Boots of Swiftness (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [409.5 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 16.7 MS, totaling at 426.2 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [409.5 MS/416.84 MS with 1 Zeal item] will provide another 15.232 MS/22.572 MS, totaling at 432.072 MS.

    Upon Buying 3 Zeal Items:

    With base MS (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [357.5 MS with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 16.25 MS, totaling at 373.75 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [357.5 MS/364 MS with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 16.25 MS/22.75 MS, totaling at 380.25 MS.

    With MS provided by Boots of Speed (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [380 MS with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 17.5 MS, totaling at 397.5 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [380 MS/386.65 MS with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 17.5 MS/24.15 MS, totaling at 404.15 MS.

    With MS provided by Slightly Magical Boots (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [396 MS with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 18 MS, totaling at 414 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [396 MS/403.2 MS with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 16.76 MS/23.96 MS, totaling at 419.96 MS.

    With MS provided by Tier 2 Boots (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [407 MS with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 16.4 MS, totaling at 423.4 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [407 MS/414.4 MS with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 14.92 MS/22.32 MS, totaling at 429.32 MS.

    With MS provided by Slightly Magical Tier 2 Boots (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [417.4 MS with with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 15.2 MS, totaling at 432.6 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [417.4 MS/423.48 MS with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 15.2 MS/21.28 MS, totaling at 438.68 MS.

    With MS provided by Boots of Swiftness (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [417.4 MS with with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 15.2 MS, totaling at 432.6 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [417.4 MS/423.48 MS with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 15.2 MS/21.28 MS, totaling at 438.68 MS.

    With MS provided by Slightly Magical Boots of Swiftness (excluding Runaan's Hurricane) [426.2 MS with with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 15.6 MS, totaling at 441.8 MS.

    (Including 1 Runaan's Hurricane) [426.2 MS/432.072 MS with 2 Zeal items] will provide another 15.968 MS/21.84 MS, totaling at 448.04 MS.

    Nobody asked for this, or will need it, probably. But I got into the loop of doing this. So here it is.

    I hope people can find use in this. And before I'm flamed again for spending time on this, I did it because I wanted to and to provide information that would require digging on one page.

    If you found interest in this post, you might also find interest in the post I made on Marksman attack ranges... Though it's much more than just attack ranges now.

    submitted by /u/Lack0fCreativity
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    Yasuo: Always Int, Never Shine? Learn to do better and if he's the Champ for you in the first place

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:10 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    Today we take a look at Yasuo in the Botlane.

    Farm up and await patiently your time to shine! Maybe for a long while. This video commentary is packed with info to find out how this can work out in more or less expected ways. Decide for yourself if that's what you're in for or just pick Yasuo anyway, you'll look kind of cool anyway! Actually please don't.

    Hope you tune in and enjoy. Further feel free to leave tempered feedback, supportive comments or your own Yasuo tales and insights and maybe come again. :)

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    Jungle Jax, Trinity Force, and late build.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:47 PM PDT

    Okay, so I love jax, but playing him lane almost never goes well for me considering I piss away the early game. I'm thinking of taking him jungle, but I'm not exactly sure what goes with him, so I'm going to ask some general jax questions with a few jungle-related inquiries.

    1. Is it worth it just to sit on smite item and not upgrade it in order to get a faster tri-force and shojin (probably sanguine in season 10)? It feels like blood razor or warrior pales in comparison to the other two items, considering jax goes from formidable to godlike whenever he gets triforce and then becomes omega saiyan once he gets shojin.

    2. Which triforce item do I build first? For a lot of champs, it's self explanatory, but I van build an equal case for all of the components on jax. When in doubt, I usually go sheen, but I'm not sure that's the best choice.

    3. What do I do late game; tank or on-hit? The premise of tank/bruiser jax is that he does an ass load of damage without damage items so going tanky just makes him harder to kill. However, on-hit jax is an absolute monster with guinsoo's and wit's end acting as mega buffs. Cap it all off with a BORK or GA and you've got an unkillable atomic bomb worth of power. Which one is better?

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    Best way to practice jungler?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    I've been practicing the routes in AI games but since there is no jungler in those, it seems kind of useless. Plus Every time I play a bot game my team wins like 30-1 and it;'s just kind of a waste of time. When I play a normal 5v5 game though, I get destroyed, I'm always 2-3 levels behind everyone and feel completely useless. Is there a better way to practice this role, or do I just need to keep getting my ass beat?

    submitted by /u/buurd
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    How do you lane against heimerdinger??

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    This is a lane i have a lot of trouble with, especially when i play adc. I never know if i should destroy the turrets, ignore them and play safe, and if i should all-in him at all during any point in the laning phase. It seems like his kit is designed to deal just enough constant poke damage that he'll always win in an all in. Very frustrating.

    submitted by /u/MinionIsVeryFunny
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    Why is climbing so hard? An Explanation (Sorry to Jungle/Support)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:42 PM PDT

    From time to time, what I notice is that hundreds of guides come up through youtube, reddit, forums, etc. and people eat them up. And that's not necessarily bad, but the one single issue people who struggle with the climb have is desire.

    Most people don't want to climb - they just want the result. "I want to get to bronze/silver/gold/plat/diamond" is always what people are saying. The issue is that not only does it require a game investment, it also requires investment in improving mechanics. People hear these guides, but they don't truly listen. To climb means to actually play off autopilot and think about what you're doing all the way until you win. Most people though play the game, and they want to win sure - but they don't follow the necessary steps to win. Then they lose and complain that the climb is hard. Another thing is this unrealistic expectation that you will win every game. A 50% winrate is mostly a positive for the climb.

    Here's what you have to do to truly climb:

    1. Every game, think about what your true goal is. Do you actually want to climb, or are you playing just to have fun? Sure you can do both, but if you want to truly climb, abandon this mentality of "Let me pick malphite, seems like a good counter/will give me a break from abusing darius". Darius got you there, play him. Don't start trolling with your first time picks and then complain about your team afterwards.
    2. Dodge if you have to. Like seriously. This guy locked in nunu support and is taking cleanse ignite. Chat is toxic from the get go. Don't hesitate to leave (just do it at the last second in case someone else leaves before you). Do you want to spend your time in a battle for a game that may or may not cost you lp AND mmr, or just lose a few lp but not risk wasting mmr? If you want to truly climb, ignore the urges of preventing five minute wait times and lost lp. You'll get way more with the next win.
    3. You're loaded in game after picking your main. Good - you are actually listening. Now this is the precise moment 70-80% of the population turns off their brain. That's good because you can be the remaining 20-30%. Now if you're new, you still need to learn a lot, but if you have played for some time now, your goal is to purely think at your highest. Where are you clicking, is your camera in the right place, are you paying attention to the minimap, etc.? Your goal is the enemy nexus. It's not kills.
    4. Now begins laning phase. Put your ego aside and farm. Get gold. If they start playing stupid and push in for cs greedily, then you can punish them. If they're abusing you and you're struggling to stay above 30% hp, give up the CS. Don't play greedy. Just last hit under the tower if need be. The whole goal is for you to get enough gold that they become irrelevant. You know how to get it. Minions are mostly guaranteed. Kills are not. If they flash away they need to recall and come back. By that time you can get multiple waves/deny them multiple waves possibly. Don't force the chase for that reason. If you are not getting around 7-8ish minions per minute (the goal is 10), then your goal is to improve until you start hitting those boundaries. You might lose, but to win, you gotta lose a few. Only once you master this goal, work on trades by hitting them with spells/AAs when they go for minions and back off when they try to go for you and vice versa when they try to do the same. It's a dance of sorts that you cannot afford to give up.
    5. Now that you've got gold, it's time for towers. Get plates when it's safe. Don't die to get plates or towers. 99% of the time it's not worth. Don't get greedy if your opponent starts attacking you and you hit 40% health on a low mobility champ just for a plate. Congrats, you got 160 gold but they got 300 after killing you. The whole point of objectives any time is just for these towers. Don't forget that. There's no reason to aimlessly wander the jungle and pick stupid fights. More often than not, pushing the side lanes and farming them (even if you started mid) helps you outscale your opponent over time. Back off and farm the jungle if you pushed too much/help the team with an objective. If there's nothing up, just wait.
    6. Macro is huge in this game. Don't roam into places with no vision. If your team does it together it's better. But make sure you check the map because if the whole enemy team is missing - maybe they're waiting for you there. If all four of your teammates are committing to a decision, put aside your ego and commit with them. Way more often than not - committed play > correct play. But also if you're a split pushing tryndamere and 4 of your guys decided to dive sona taric with their ults up, maybe don't tp and take the second tier bot tower. However, put aside your ego for something that's a 5v5 that you don't think is good to contest baron for but your jungler and support all inned with your top about to follow. As the adc, your damage could be the key to victory in that fight.
    7. If the side lane towers have been taken on one side, push the other side and spam ping your team to join your side/split on the opposite side (depending on if you're more teamfight oriented or split push oriented). Most players mid to late game run around and only care about farm - especially junglers with their camps. Pinging the area people should rotate to helps these aimless visionless roams. Don't give the enemy a break EVER. Constantly rotate, shove, break them down and don't let up. All the while your strong farm will give you the items to overcome your worst enemies. Once again - the most important thing is the enemy nexus. Whatever you need to do to get it, that's what you go for. If they're slowly taking down Baron and three of you can tp onto an open nexus or baron, go for the open nexus.
    8. MOST IMPORTANTLY: If your team doesn't listen they may either be tilted or think you're wrong. Just try to explain your reasoning in a few words in chat. If they are being extremely toxic just mute and play to the best of your ability or ff if nothing is working. Save your time and get onto a game with a team that actually knows what to do but is on autopilot until you get them to focus. If you are good enough then you should win 50% of your games and climb. If you think it's your team, abandon that philosophy. You simply need to work harder on the things that rely on you above.
    9. If you aren't at gold at least by the end of following this every game, you're playing on autopilot or not listening/don't truly care about the climb.

    The four biggest takeaways you can take from this -

    a. Hone your skills

    b. Stop playing greedy

    c. Tryhard every decision so you don't go on autopilot

    d. Understand at the end whether you were TRULY trying to climb or are complaining afterwards

    Edit: My first gold on a post I did NOT expect. Thanks kind stranger!

    submitted by /u/razassin
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    The key to improving is awareness!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:32 AM PDT


    (Litte bit of back story, jump to bottom for the important stuff)
    I have been playing this game since season 1 and never been able to climb higher then low gold. And even though I played to game every day for hours and got better in mechanics and macro, I didn't really improve my winrate or climb at all. Until I really started digging deep into WHY I couldn't improve. Of course you know the classic statements:

    • play the game and you will naturally improve
    • watch your replays
    • watch pro players
    • watch guides on YT

    I did all that and still was stuck, my winrate even dropped to 40%.

    And just recently I had an epiphany that change my whole mentality and I have an 80% winrate in the last 40 games.

    Analyze EVERY bad situation ( e.g. own death, death of team mate, bad team fight, lost objective) to its core. Look exactly how this situation evolved and what YOU could have done better to avoid it. Write it down and read it before the next game and try to focus on it.

    I watched so many replays before and I would recognize some mistakes and a lot of times I would just say: 'Oh well, my team mate got caught' / 'My support missed all his spells' / 'Enemy top was too fed'.

    Now I watch my replays and sometimes go back even more then 1 minute to figure out, why this happened.
    'My team mate got caught, because we didn't pay attention to a side lane being pushed and therefore my team mate ran into the enemy team trying to stop that. ' Solution: 'I needed more map awareness / could have pinged him / could have dropped a blue ward maybe' .

    Trace every bad situation back to the point where you find a mistake on your part!

    Hope this helps you as well!

    submitted by /u/unrockbaer
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    Carrying with Ekko Jungle

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:27 PM PDT

    Hey hey, I noticed something that happens to me a lot while playing Ekko and it kinda pressures me a lot in many games when it comes to late mid and late game. When my team is doing very bad and it feels like I'm the only one trying to win I sometimes don't really know what to do. There are a lot of decisions like joining the Teamfight or pushing another lane while they all fight.

    BUT when I split push my team tends to loose the teamfight bc they do way too much than they should even if it's obvious that they going to loose they just fight too hard all the time.

    I end up a lot of games with a lot of kills and very less deaths but I lack on carrying the game when it feels like it's just me. Any advice for me please? :/

    PS: Sorry for posting a lot lately I don't want to annoy you guys but yall been so helpful all the time

    submitted by /u/enesy22
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    When I try to self-cast a shield but my cursor is on an ally, it casts on them instead. Am I using the wrong bindings?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PDT

    I run into this issue especially when playing champions who's kit can be applied to allies/enemies. Think Nami heal or Ori Shield. I am really inconsistent casting them as my cursor is sometimes elsewhere when I hit self-cast (which is the point of that binding, no?). Am I using the wrong bindings here, or do you just have to always make sure your cursor is not on another applicable target when hitting your self-cast keys?

    submitted by /u/CouchedLance
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    Dota player looking to start playing a little League

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    I've been playing dota for about two years, and most of my friends play it too, but two of my friends are league players and so Im thinking about playing. I only know very little about league, so I was hoping for somewhere to start. First off, I know that when you start you only get to chose from a few champions, and so I'm debating which those should be. I don't really know any of them well enough to decide so that's also somewhere I need help. The heroes I enjoy playing the most in dota: silencer, vengeful spirit, sand king, enchantress, and bounty hunter. As you can see, most of the heroes (except sand king) are right-clickers, and I play them pos 3 offlane, because they are extremely powerful and nobody recognizes them as threats until I destroy them. If there was some heroes who are like that in league I'd love to know who they are. As well as some other helpful knowledge for transitioning, that would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/TheGoldenProof
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    SS10: As an ADC, Should I duo with a support ? or Jungle?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:58 AM PDT

    I am preparing and improving my champ understanding to climb up the rank in ss10, I am ADC main and reached pla IV in vietnam sever already.

    I started wondering, who I should duo in ranked games? I mean should I duo with a support ? or a jungle? mid? top?

    Need advices from you guys, in my opinion I think a good jungle is a best duo choice, because if the team has a good jungle, controling the dragons and the rift will be much better. Especially, ss10 riot will make the dragons, baron more impactful to the whole game.

    But a good supporter is also great, cause I can win my lane easier instead of only farming or freezing creep waves. I would love to kill enemy bot lane at level 2 or 3.

    Glad to hearing from your opinions. thanks anyway

    submitted by /u/TuanozilADC
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    Beginner help with Top

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:19 AM PDT

    Fairly new player here. Level 21 account and former dota player.Im not completely braindead to moba mechanics and last hitting per se. And i kinda love Jax because he resembles the ad carries i used to play in dota. Thing is playing him top is absolute garbage for me. All the dariuses garens and other FOTM beginner tops just give me a hard time whenever my e is in cooldown. So i take him jungle to great success actually but here is the thing. Yes im a beginner but I fewl Jax's gank potential early on is very subpar and I kinda passively farm up till Triforce. Is my assessment of jungle jax correct and if so how do i play him top without getting harrassed?

    And to me jax does not have a very great early game but everybody else is like "Jax top is unplayable" "Its a cheese pick" "how do i play against jax". Where am I making a mistake?

    submitted by /u/dingleberrysniffer69
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    What do you do when a teammate is tilted?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    Reposting this since my original post was too personal and whiny.

    If teammates start flaming in the chat right off the bat, what do you do to avoid the loss? Mute and ignore, or try to convince them it's winnable? Having teammates that give up makes winning a lot harder, but the most common advice I see is just mute and move on. Is that really the best thing to do here?

    submitted by /u/Captain_Rags
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    I'm a new player and struggling with the game

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:10 PM PDT

    This is my fifth time trying to start playing League of Legends and there are two adjectives I can use to describe my experience so far: frustrating and overwhelming.

    I'd like to start with some context. Throughout my life, I've mostly played games where mechanical skill is much more important than decision making (Counter-Strike and Rocket League, especially at lower ranks) and a few games where you have a mix between both (like WoW, for example). In my point of view, one weak link on the team won't be as harmful as in League of Legends, which is something that scares me.

    When I play League of Legends, I feel so overwhelmed by the game, you have so many choices everywhere. You have 5 lanes, you have over 150 champions, you have a huge number of possible items, runes, etc. Mid game you have Baron, you have Dragon, you have Red, etc. When to go for each one of them, when not to. I could go on, and on, and on.

    From my point of view, the game is not friendly at all to people who are starting to play now (granted that I can be "blamed" for starting to play the game so late compared to 99% of the player base). I have a few friends who play (they're reason I want to start playing) and I have no complaints about them, they try their best to explain to me, they are patient, but I get so frustrated and tilted whenever I try playing URF or against bots, for example, that I end up rage quitting.

    I don't consider myself braindead, I have at least average IQ, but I have some sort of blocking in my brain whenever I try to play this game and get a grasp of it. I would like to hear about any different perspective on what I should try, any new ideas on how to start because I'm about to give up.

    Sorry if I extended myself too much, any comment will be helpful!

    Thank you, guys!

    submitted by /u/zwch
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    Champion Discussion of the Day: Yuumi

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:11 PM PDT

    Link to Wikia

    Link to u.gg

    Link to Probuilds

    Link to League of Graphs

    Champion subreddit: r/yuumimains

    Primarily played as: Support

    What role does she play in a team composition?

    What are the core items to be built on her?

    What is the order of leveling up the skills?

    What are her spikes in terms of items or levels?

    What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups?

    What champions does she synergize well with?

    What is the counterplay against her?

    submitted by /u/Balondis
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    Why high/low elo?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    When people talk about "high elo" they generally mean one of two things: either the top few percentage points of players, or the top half-ish of players. Either way you look at high elo, it seems that people readily assign players below their set threshold of "high elo" as being in "low elo" but this really doesn't make any sense to me. If you assign the top 3% as high elo, then why does 97% get low elo? Shouldn't it be the bottom 3% then? But that doesn't give any classification to the middle 94%. And if you really mean the bottom 97% are low elo, that feels a little condescending towards a large majority of players who are actually quite good. But if you classify the top half of players as high elo and the bottom half as low elo, that's not fair to people in those classifications either, because a gold 1 game/player is WAY worse than a diamond/master game/player, and an iron 1 game/player is WAY worse than a gold 4 game/player.

    I guess what I really just don't get, is why we recognize that there are massive skill disparities among the playerbase, and yet the community still insists on splitting them into "high elo" and "low elo" as the only 2 groups. Why not just refer to players by what tier they're in (iron, gold, diamond, etc) or at least come up with some new naming scheme among ourselves, the community. There are so many arguments lately over what exactly makes high elo, but since there really isn't a definitive way of deciding that, why do we use it as a metric at all?

    submitted by /u/Icehawk4
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    Help in controlling the jungle

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    So a little disclaimer, I suck. It's my first real crack at playing league for a season and I barely played rank as it is because I wanted to learn proper jungle pathing on a couple champions, learn 3 or 4 champs for a rotation to counter pick and have (finally) been seeing some results.

    Not that the games I've played have been against good competition or anything but I started going positive and getting the upwards of 150cs a match and finding myself ahead of other jungles(yay!)

    My question is where can I find good resources on: warding both my jungle and theirs, when to invade and when to farm properly, and help deciding which lanes to help snowball. I've been playing hecarim, shaco, Elise and twitch so far. Any resources you folks find useful on those champs or the control questions would be super useful. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/MitchPlease_
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    What are Some Key Places To Ward?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:46 AM PDT

    I'm a jungle main and with that role it requires good vision control and that's something I'm having trouble with. Here are some problems I have While jungling

    1.What are some important places to ward? 2.What can I do so I don't get counterganked by the enemy jungle? 3.Is it good to go for objectives early even though teammates won't help? No. 3 Is what I really want to focus on cause due to my low elo (Silver 2) I have trouble getting that early game pressure.

    What can I do to improve some of these let me know OK.

    submitted by /u/kenito2005
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    What is the best / your favourite champ select companion?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:54 PM PDT

    I feel ancient using op.gg to look people up every game.

    I know there's a bunch of software that does it automatically, but I'm lost for choice as to which one, and I don't really want to install every one to test them out.

    Which is your favourite and why?

    Most important to me is the lack of invasiveness and good performance. I don't want something thats gonna eat my CPU. I also want something with the most minimal UI possible.

    Functionality is not so important as long as it shows the winrate and basic info of summoners on my team.

    I used to use blitz.gg until I saw their whole screenshot mechanism, not so much a fan of that.

    I really cannot be bothered to make my own. Lol.

    submitted by /u/cryforabsolution
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