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    Friday, November 29, 2019

    LoL Guide Quick tip for junglers: while being leashed, pull your buff towards bot lane

    LoL Guide Quick tip for junglers: while being leashed, pull your buff towards bot lane

    Quick tip for junglers: while being leashed, pull your buff towards bot lane

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 07:50 AM PST

    Bot laners have to reach lane by a certain time to secure gold and exp from the first creep that dies. By dragging your buff towards the lane, they have less distance to cover and can therefore give you an extra hit or two each, which makes your clear healthier. This is probably true when receiving a leash from top laners as well.

    submitted by /u/Vocalyze
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    PLz dont gank bursty sololaners with ult when you are a lvl 4/5 jungler

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 03:45 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    I noticed that in plenty of my games junglers dont seem to pay attention to one of the most important levelspikes in the game, which is 6 when people get their ults. Especially if a laner had shopped already, and has a first core component, then ganking that dude will often mean getting insantly deleted by that Zed/Veigar/Syndra/Darius/Renekton to name a few.

    Ofc this doesnt apply when there is no combatult (Xerath/Ryze/Shen/Tf for example), or if your laner can set up the gank with hard cc and you have the damage to burst the guy down (Malzahar/Malphite for example).

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Opponent sits under tower and still has some potential to kill.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:33 PM PST

    So as i top main, i have this happen a lot. Usually on super melee champs like fiora other than somebody like illaoi. After i get a bit ahead, my lane opponent just farms under his tower. I always have the feeling of not being able to dive him and live (as fiora). (I also can't manage wave properly with tiamst as my first item). The enemy jungler always has pressure in my lane too, is there any way for a gold top main to stay in the game and keep getting ahead after getting 1 or 2 kills?

    submitted by /u/_foot
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    What to do as Tryndamere when I lost my lane badly

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:38 AM PST

    Hi all.

    I'm a Tryndamere spammer and I have a problem. I find my impact on my games is directly correlated with how well I do in the first 2 minutes of the game. If I start beating on my opponent and zoning them out, I can put more pressure on the enemy team by taking jungle camps or by killing their top laner, etc.

    However, when I am losing the lane, like I get greedy in a trade and die to a level 2 gank or something, or the enemy counterpicks me with something like teemo, I find I actually can't get anything done. Not only am I just hoping to get last hits under tower, I am often dying, and don't understand what I should be doing to help my team.

    I've had games where I get beat on so hard by something like a Garen and then I am behind throughout the whole laning phase. It gets to a point where I can't even split push because multiple enemies can 1v1 me and even secure a kill on me if I push passed the river.

    I don't have any idea of what I should do in this kind of situation and it really bothers me because I feel that I have no input on the game except in the first 2 minutes where it decides the pace of the lane. I watch some streamers like foggedftw and I have picked up on a few things but what I miss from watching him play is what to do if you botch the laning phase because he never seems to do that. I'm talking trying to man fight and then dying at level 1 or 2 due to misjudging or not even knowing how strong the enemy is.



    What should I do as Tryndamere if I botch the laning phase and multiple enemies can kill me 1v1, removing split pushing (at least passed the river) as a viable option?

    submitted by /u/CptnSAUS
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    What Elo/The Right Time Should You Pick Up A Difficult Champion?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:04 PM PST

    Okay, I love Lee Sin. Everything about him. The way the champion looks, the kit, & everything else that comes with it. The thing is, I'm pretty much a new Jungler with a decent amount of experience on Olaf, who I am maining right now. I managed to get from Bronze 1 to Silver 4 on an 8 game win streak with Olaf, which isn't impressive on paper, but it was while "learning" Jungle for the first time. Moving forward, I started looking for champions to expand my pool, for Season 10, so that hopefully, by the end of it, I reach my goal of Platinum. The thing is, no other Junglers interest me other than the ones who are mechanically challenging, like Lee Sin, or the ones played in Pro Play. I have a large interest in the champions played by my favorite Junglers like Tarzan, Clid & Tian which gives me false hope that a Silver player could achieve the same level of skill as them. The thing is, if we just left these champions strictly for Pro Players, where would we be? This leads me to my actual point, when should I pick up someone like Lee Sin, Elise, or Gragas? These champions interest me the most but I obviously do not have the ability to pilot them as of right now. It might be too much of a relative question but when should I look to pick up these champions? When will I get to the elo where my teammates will be able to play around these champions? This was all over the place so I apologize for any confusion.

    submitted by /u/thesagenibba
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    Runes management

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:43 AM PST

    I recently learned the logic of itemization (actually it's not that difficult) and now I know what to buy in different matchups, so I'm thinking to go a step higher: changing my runes before the game. I always take my runes from u.gg, but I know that proplayers change their runes before the game in case of specifics matchups (I main irelia and while trying to improve by watching some plays I noticed that TFBlade did some changes at the runes before the game). I want to ask if it's recommended to do that in my elo (silver 2/silver1) and what's the logic behind this changes (when and why it's convenient to change secondary runes). Sorry if I did some grammar mistakes and thanks for help.

    submitted by /u/SurelyNotLolicon
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    Few Intersting Tricks That You Should Know

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:25 PM PST

    1. CAMOUFLAGE BRUSH TRICK- Entering a brush while camouflaging will make you fully invisible (if the enemy is outside the brush) so if the brush is warded (with a normal ward) and the enemy is inside your camouflage circle, they will not spot you.

    2. RIFT HERALD TRICKS- Kayn can use rift herald inside the wall and Yuumi can use rift herald when inside an ally.

    3. WATERWALKING SEASON 10- Waterwalking rune will activate in some jungle camps in Oceanic Rift

    4. TAHM KENCH SEASON 10- Since Tahm Kench can eat blue buff and red buff now, try stealing enemy's jungle camps to tilt them by using Q-W

    If you have any suggestions feel free to comment, but that is all I know. See you in the rift

    submitted by /u/Relentless_AJ
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    What to do vs. True Damage ultimates/champions?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:47 PM PST

    Ok guys, I'm going to try and not break the rules by turning this into a rant thread (as much as I'd like to), but I am having serious difficulties when playing against champions with true damage ultimates.

    I'm talking about Cho'Gath, Darius, Pyke.

    Usually these guys go full Tank build (well, not Pyke), meaning they take little to no damage during teamfights, they still deal monstrous damage due to ability scaling and potentially buying a tanky/AD or tanky/AP item-set and then they can hit you with just a sheer ridiculous amount of true damage on their ultimate.

    Cho'Gath has near infinite HP scaling, so if he buys one good armour item and one good magic resist item, with the rest being AP, he hits like a truck, takes forever to take down, then just "noms" you for 1K unblockable damage.

    Darius is tanky to begin with and has his seriously annoying passive. Once he buys his Spirit Visage, Thornmail and Sterak's, he, again, hits like a truck, takes barely any damage, regens like crazy and then hits you for 1.4K unblockable true damage.

    Pyke is not quite the same here as he usually plays assassin's builds and remains squishy, although he can come out of nowhere with his stealth, then use his copy-paste Darius ultimate to decimate an entire team, while also giving crazy amounts of gold to his team.

    I am just having such issues while trying to counterplay these champions. A fed Darius can literally carry a game 1v9, Cho'Gath is an immovable wall and Pyke is the assassin that comes out of nowhere to get a triple kill.

    How are you meant to counterplay these guys?

    submitted by /u/Els236
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    After completing my first season, I feel League's Matchmaking System is Rigged, and/or Forces Losing Streaks

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:17 PM PST

    So I started playing League roughly a year ago. I began in norms and took my lumps before jumping into ranked, and by the end of season 9 I'd climbed from Bronze III to Gold IV with an 86-81 record. Being that I main Support, my best champ was Leona, who I carried a 64% win rate with before I stopped to focus on practicing different champs/ roles in norms. After feeling confident with the changes of Season of 10 and mastering a new champ, I jumped back into ranked, only to find that winning matches is now nearly impossible...

    As it stands, I'm currently stuck in a 8-9 game losing streak which mostly consist of complete and utter stomps. It seems that no matter how well I play, the games are mostly one sided loses that end in 15-25 mins. Not that I haven't played a stinker or two, but my play style hasn't changed, in fact I'd argue I've gotten better. I ward early and often, try not to feed or fall into bad decision making, don't steal CS from my ADC's, and even mute all(keep pings on) so I can focus my energy on the game and not on typing. But there isn't a lot I can do when so many of my teammates are being dominated. Though, to be fair, they aren't always to blame. Because even if I'm playing my best, it's asking a lot for a Bronze or unranked players to be able to effectively compete against Gold players. That is to say, I've noticed quite a few matches where my teammates are unranked or Bronze, while my opponents are Gold.

    All in all, it's extremely disheartening, because I'm starting to feel that my individual contributions aren't worth much. I'd even go so far as to say the weakest players feel as if they're having a larger impact than the strongest, especially now that Dragon control carries so much importance.

    Has anyone had similar experiences, and if so, what advice do you have in combating these sort of streaks? I'm out of ideas. =/



    submitted by /u/The_Paseo
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    Picking Up Nidalee

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 03:49 PM PST

    I really like nidalees kit and i want to pick her up. But i'm not the best at the game and i hear she is really hard. I've spent a few weeks learning jungle and i'd say i'm not bad at jungling. If i pick up nidalee and only play her, will i get good at her? What else should i do to practice nidalee? Is there any combos that i need to know to play nidalee? Is there any champions i should learn that are close to nidalee playstyle? What are the key parts of nidalees kit?

    submitted by /u/Tryhard17MainBTW
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    How do I full clear with Karthus in 3:05 like Malice is saying is possible?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:52 PM PST

    I really want to know how to do it, best I've gotten is 3:25... any help/tips/tricks etc on how to accomplish a full Karthus clear in 3:05 are very much appreciated. Malice original tweet: "if u cant solo fullclear ur jungle by 3.05 u shouldnt play him, or u should be grounded to practice tool" (@lolmalice on twitter). I hope I can get this mastered with a few tens of hours of practice tool, if all other tips and tricks fail :D

    submitted by /u/levji_kralj
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    Mordekaiser's great counter

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 03:08 PM PST

    Since morde is now very strong and lot of players struggle to play against him, I have a simple counter to pick. Try conqueror mundo. Mundo always had a problem before with morde when conqueror dealt true damage and morde had more magic pene. Im not sure why not that many players play conqueror mundo, but its very good to many matchups, expecially if enemies have some sustained damage mages (they mostly will since conqueror is strong on sustain dps mages). For those who didnt know, mundo has a passive on E that gives him up to 40% (I think) bonus magic resist on later ranks . With conqueror and E, you smash mordekaiser in lane. He is forced to buy morello (and trust me morde players dont want to buy that, there are much better items to get in many situations). You stack conqueror with mundo much faster, and you just outsustain him easily even before ult. I play conqueror mundo in d3/d2 mmr, so its not just some random troll build that happens to work against bad players. Try it out.

    submitted by /u/Geekob
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    Need help with managing a competitive 5v5 flex/clash team

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:10 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    3 friends and I are planing to create a flex team and want to see how successful we can play in clash, local tournaments and such. We finally found an adc that wants to join our team and fits in really well. We are all plat-diamond elo and want to improve as a team. We made a couple of normals yesterday just to get used to each other (especially because of the new member).

    The reason I post this: We have no idea what to do after this because we don't know how to practice as a team...

    We have a couple of questions, maybe you can just let us know your thoughts on these and maybe it will help us and others in the same situation.

    So here we go:

    Question 1: How often do you practice a week? And more important, how exactly does your practice time look like?

    I assume you just play a game and then review it, if you feel like you will get something out of it. (No need to analyze 5v4's or games where your team goes 30/0 and ends after 17 minutes) Is that a good way to learn and improve as team or are there better ways? And if you do review your games, what exactly do you look for to analyze? Probably mistakes in the laning phase for each individual player and later you would have a look at macro decisions and why it was the right or wrong play, right? But what do we do if someone disagrees? Sometimes one member says "We could have fought that" while another one says "We should have disengaged completely with our summoners". Of course the team would have to discuss why both people said that but is there a way to decide what of their points is the right one?

    Question 2: How exactly does shotcalling work? Who does it?

    I think I heard that everyone usually asks "Can we contest drake/take this fight/pick insert champ" and then the jungler says "yes" or "no". Is that the best way to do this? Or is it better to not have a shot caller and just get used to each other to a point where everybody knows how the others will play etc? Or is having only one person constantly shotcall the best way?

    Question 3: What software do you guys use to review your plays as a team?

    Do you just use the software integrated in the client and then say "ok, at 13:17 minutes we did..." and everyone has to skip to that time? Or are there actual programs where one can skip to a certain time and maybe draw on the screen and everyone can see it?

    I have many more questions but I think those two are enough for now and we will probably find the answers to them just by playing and getting experience anyways. Looking forward for any discussion or hint that you guys have ;)

    submitted by /u/Niceblacki
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    How To Improve At This Game

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:58 PM PST

    Alrighty so you are probably opening this wondering how you actually improve at the game but you may not like it so get ready to dive in. Also I understand many people have posted similar things but this mostly comes from LS's way of thinking. Tell me what you guys think.

    Mentality- The first thing you have to lose grip of is caring about your rank. You trying to climb and caring about your rank is actually hindering you in the long run to improvement. To improve you have to play like your rank means nothing and that you are only playing to improve. If you can't shake that feeling then play on a smurf.

    Playing To Improve- Now you are probably asking yourself, how do I play to improve? Well you have to hyper focus on one thing for multiple games until you feel like you can do it without thinking, sounds odd right? But here is the thing. YOU WILL LOSE RANK DOING THIS. However if you adopted the mentality I discussed earlier than you should be fine.

    Where Do I Start?- You work on your fundamentals. Many people try to overthink League Of Legends and that leads to people not improving at all because there brain can't handle learning all of those new things at the same time. That is why you need to hyper focus in order to improve. The fundamentals of the game are things that will never change about the core game. • CSing • Mini Map Awareness • Mouse Accuracy/Speed • Trading • Spacing • Recall Timing • Combos • Item Builds • Warding • Damage Foresight You want to start by hyper focusing on one of these and work your way up. Once you have mostly learned the fundamentals you can work on more advanced techniques.

    How Do I Hyper Focus Correctly?- Hyper focusing correctly is just focusing on one core aspect of the game until you feel that you can do it exceptionally well without thinking. So you only do the things that you can do without thinking and you hyper focus on what you are trying to learn. You want to start from the ground up, so if you can't cs at all just hyper focus on last hitting. If you can last hit but can't do it under pressure you hyper focus on that, if you can't decide when the best time to recall is to lose as little CS as possible you focus on that. Literally don't think about anything else. This is why you will lose rank, because you will be neglecting everything else just to get better at this one aspect. However with time you will be able to do all of those things that you hyper focused on without thinking at all and it will have been added to your skills. This is what will make you a better player quicker.

    Conclusion- Pro players arent the best because they can think the hardest about the game, it's because they have to most skills that were developed threw hyperfocused practice and studying. Don't care about your rank, hyper focus on the right things.

    submitted by /u/OldhamDoesWhatever
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    Need help with splitpushing

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:07 PM PST

    I was playing Fiora, who i heard wss a great splitpusher. I wasnt behind or ahead, but I decided to go splitpush top for their 2nd top turret. But, once my wave reached their tower, their top laner came to clear the wave. Even though i was a little ahead of him, i couldnt just 1v1 him under his turrer, so i end up not getting the turret at all.

    What am I doing wrong? Is it something to do with me pushing the wave wrong? I heard slow pushing is better to splitpush with BUT it takes much longer to slow push... i feel like im wasting so much time until my wave crashes their tower.

    submitted by /u/ProfessorQiyana
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    Split pushing vs teamfight

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:06 AM PST

    Hello! I'm a top laner who would often play renek or trynda and I've been having a hard time trying to figure out what to do. I played a game where I was Renek and I won lane pretty hard. I got the 2 turrets and didn't lose any of mine and I was 5/1 at the beginning of the game with the highest cs. Meanwhile the enemy adc ( ez ) was pretty fed. I would split bot to apply pressure so my team could take baron or teamfight 4v3 since they need 2 people to defend. I got the 2 turrets and almost got the inhib while their midlaner and toplaner defended against me yet my team still couldn't win the 4v3. Ezreal was so fed and even kha couldn't kill him. At this moment I start to get lost. Should I split? Should I join them in tf? What should I do in these moments when split won't be that efficient and winning a tf is so hard when the assassin can't get the adc? This match was in (high plat- high dia with a master 1 player)

    submitted by /u/TSM_Raven25
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    Help me with nidalee

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:35 AM PST

    1. How to win against good early junglers (like warwick)
    2. Why if i feel like either farming jungle or ganking lane still down 2-3 levels from other players
    3. How to not get killed before doing your Q-R-W-E-Q combo?
    4. Can i properly disengage as nida, or just hop with w and hope enemy doesn't have any mobility
    submitted by /u/xHelios1x
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    Is it a bad idea to have a big champion pool for all 5 roles?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 02:28 AM PST

    I want to master 2-4 champs from each role. I want to understand the macro of each position doing so. I main mid but I enjoy playing many champs from different roles. I plan on playing a ranked game or two with mid and then a game or two of normals on other positions. I understand that I could just the time it would take me to master all these roles/champions but it is what I want to do I don't want to be good at 1 role and I don't want to underperform if I get autofilled.

    submitted by /u/catlovermo
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    Provisionals to Gold in under 20 games: tips & tricks

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:19 PM PST

    I'm a D2 ADC main who mostly plays Vayne, Sivir, and Tristana.

    I made a fresh account to play ranked on for preseason as I didn't want to mess up my main's elo. Am currently 16-3 with an 84% WR. My current LP gains are around 35-37 per win and lose around 7(?)(have only lost once so far but my gains have remained the same so I'm guessing the losses would still be around that number).

    I started with an 8-2 provisionals landing me in Silver4 81LP. After one win, I was instantly promoted to Silver2 while skipping promos. After 3 more wins and 1 loss, Silver 1 while skipping promos. After 3 more wins, Gold4 while still skipping promos. Am currently sitting in Gold4 with around 34 points and getting matched with Plat4 players.

    For those wondering, I played bot lane Lucian and just stomped lane and turned my lead into a snowball. Funny thing is, I never played Lucian on my main but found it harder to win with more traditional marksmen like Vayne and Sivir since laning phase was dictated by the support and boy ur supports are gonna suck. In fact, my normal game WR is not even close to my ranked one since I was playing more of those champs. (64-50)

    I've seen people here post about how to get out of silver and wanted to give my own two cents since I got out of it surprisingly (even for me, man I never would have expected those gains and skipping promos) fast.

    1. Macro doesn't mean shit in this elo: wave management (your supports would almost always just aa the wave all the time even if you recall), baron calls (nobody listens to calls), knowing when to group or split literally does not exist in this elo. The most fed team wins by default.
    2. Get an early game dominant champ who can punish mistakes: Since you can't win with team macro, your edge in getting out of silver is pure mechanics and your own decision making. Know when to go in and know when to not die with your team if someone does something stupid.
    3. You really need strong mental: People here have extremely low mental. I've had a Jax on our team go 0-2-2 in a 30 minute 43-27 game as he decided to never want to leave his jungle because top lane didn't respond to his gank. Just always remember that people in this elo don't really take the game that seriously which means the enemy team probably has players like that too.

    Hope I get to help and I also would want to hear what people think of my experience and would appreciate tips on how to win more as I transition into plat elo where I'm guessing people would be catching up mechanically.

    EDIT: https://imgur.com/Ma9lDsI

    submitted by /u/destructorrobot
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    MF with 5 doran's blades + Bloodthirster?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:49 PM PST

    Can this build really work? MF with 5 doran's blades + Bloodthirster and with conqueror + overheal + life steal runes. Then again build some other lifesteal items, like BoTRK and Wit's End. I just tried it and i had some good dmg and life steal! Over 50%. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/lazostat
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