• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 30, 2019

    League of Legends Tahm Kench getting married - by @Hinoyyyyy

    League of Legends Tahm Kench getting married - by @Hinoyyyyy

    Tahm Kench getting married - by @Hinoyyyyy

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:07 AM PST

    NA does have an Amateur Collegiate scene, but nobody watches it. Would y'all be interested in Reddit posts and Amateur Streams detailing when this D1 tournament starts up?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 12:23 PM PST

    Pretty much what the title says. I know that the NA academy league is not well regarded in this subreddit, but I was thinking that it could maybe be a cool idea to go over the collegiate league and popularize it a little more.

    I know currently its not considered the most "high level" since anyone can join (most top teams are diamond+), but the more popular the league becomes, the more people in schools pay attention to it, the more top players get a better practice regiment, etc. etc.

    So if I was to start detailing the collegiate USA League, would anyone be interested?

    Edit: D1 means division 1 in US colleges, which is the highest level of collegiate play

    Its starting to be EU hours please be kind. I'm a US college student with lots of school pride

    submitted by /u/firewall245
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    This is crazy. The Kespa standard contract is worse than Griffin's

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 11:00 AM PST

    From a long time ago, Korea e-sports Association (Kespa) was a troubled association. The former Kespa president was sentenced to prison for corruption and The Korean Sport & Olympic Committee removed Kespa from "official organization". However, this is more serious. Kookminilbo has unveiled a Kespa standard contract. (The Kespa standard contract is not open to the public) And this standard contract is nonsense.

    - If "contract sign" is done, the team can transfer the player without prior consent from the player

    - No re-signing with a new team that has been transferred

    - The prize money for the player is fully attributable to the company (team) and part of the prize money can be paid to the athlete according to company standards. Payment criteria will be determined by the company's own discretion

    - Profits from participation in the events and advertisement are fully attributable to the company and some of the receipts may be paid to the player according to the company's criteria. the standard for payment decide with the company's autonomy

    - All Portrait rights and extramarital rights belong to the company. In the event that a player is exposed to the media due to personal reasons, player must consult with the company in advance.

    - When a player does not comply with the company's legitimate instructions in the company's training or in various players and events, he must correct them according to the company's request. In such a case, the player shall be responsible for the damages and expenses caused by the reasons attributable to the player.

    This standard contract is a complete "slave" contract. There is nothing completely about player protection. company (team) takes everything, including prize money, and all decisions are made by the company. In addition, at least three LoL teams (including LCK, CK) have signed with the player based on the Kespa standard contract and have added more unfair clause. Legal experts say the Griffin contract is better than the Kespa contract. This doesn't make any sense. I can't believe the e-sports Association standard agreement is worse than the Griffin "slave" Contract.

    This is not just about LCK. Another article says there are dozens of "Kanavi" in Overwatch and PUBG e-sports in South Korea. This is not just the Griffin scandal anymore. It's a Korean e-sports scandal

    submitted by /u/bddpsxj12
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    My hero Mordekaiser!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 11:54 AM PST

    So, Senna having 55% wr on adc in diamond+ is okay because she doesn't have a dash or why?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:10 PM PST


    14k games sample size "only" 6.2% pick rate but that's high enough i'd say since she is supposed to be on the support role. She is a new champion obviously but why aren't people talking about this? Is it okay as long as she is not an assassing or high mobility champion?

    submitted by /u/BREU
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    I can't see other people's personalised profile backgrounds, just my own on their profile

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 11:03 AM PST

    When I go to people's profile page I can only see my own personalised background on theirs, is this a bug or is this intended? And if it is a bug, is it getting fixed? Because I actually miss seeing other's backgrounds.

    submitted by /u/heine789
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    Ivern doesn't hit lvl 3 off red side clear on either side

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 02:06 PM PST

    I'm guessing because of the mini golems. Still i thought every champ was guaranteed a lvl 3 off one side clear.

    submitted by /u/Tubblas
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    "As We Fall" was released exactly two years ago and I still have goosebumps watching it

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 10:40 AM PST

    Apollo, former Echo Fox ADC, holds the record of having more games played than any other active LCS or LEC player that has not made it to Worlds or domestic finals.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:15 PM PST

    His longtime support, Hakuho is right behind him. I see this as a bit sad because they're honestly pretty decent players for their region imo.

    Edit: https://lol.gamepedia.com/Apollo_(Apollo_Price) Trivia section

    submitted by /u/Lunar_Kirby
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    Being a Taliyah Main is Suffering

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:02 AM PST

    Fat Full Team Combo

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:10 PM PST

    "Wait, where's Mundo?" "Mundo goes where he pleases!"

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 06:39 AM PST

    I kind of liked when smiting different camps in the jungle gave you different effects.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:04 PM PST

    Like the little wolf I think it was that kept watch over a section of the jungle for you. With how much dragons change the actual map now, would some more effects from the camps really be out of place?

    submitted by /u/Degeneratedeadhead
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    I'm G2 GrabbZ - AMA

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:04 AM PST

    Europe’s Thriving Regional League System – Why European League of Legends Is In The Golden Age

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:41 AM PST

    Inhibitor 1 - 0 Twisted Fate

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:29 AM PST

    [OC] Aphelios Infographic Guide #2 - Severum | Scythe Pistol

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:24 AM PST

    Listen Loco Ep. 94 - G2 at Worlds, 2020 LEC Offseason FT. G2Grabbz

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:31 PM PST

    List of all pro players who didnt have a team for spring split

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:56 PM PST

    So the list will be :

    • Sneaky
    • Aphromoo
    • Froggen
    • Wadid
    • Promisq
    • Pobelter
    • Damonte
    • Jizuke
    • Kold
    • Lira
    • Memento
    • Pirean
    • Maxlore
    • Sencux
    • Rush
    • Kirei

    Did I miss someone ?

    submitted by /u/KoreanApe
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    Misplaced portal... ...but then!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:20 PM PST

    Just a funny play by me. Is this how you alcove?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:45 AM PST

    Jankos AMA part 2

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:34 AM PST

    Jankos made another video answering some questions from his youtube fans (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4uY1cpOmXY), rough translation below:

    Why Perkz didn't attend the press conference after finals?
    Perkz cried a lot and felt the worst out of all of us. Rest of us could somehow hold the tears but Perkz couldn't so he decided to not attend the press conference.

    Maybe it's a good idea to make one stream a week in Polish?
    For now I want to improve my stream in English for my international fans. I think I will stick with it for a while, I will stream in English and perhaps once my stream is big enough I will go back to streaming in Polish on some days.

    Who took the finals loss the worst in your team?
    I think all of us took it really bad, we were all really sad but we all understood we were just worse than our opponents, as a team and individually. I said I played worse, other teammates admitted they were worse than their counterparts so I think as professionals we took it pretty well, but as people who just lost we were obviously really sad.

    Do you think potential relationships for pro players are hard to maintain, for example some long distance relationships etc. Can someone visit you in your gaming house?
    Yes, people can visit us in our gaming house, and by people I mean if someone has a girlfriend or parents over etc. Obviously not too often, but if it's once a month or once in a while it's okay. We can also leave gaming house sometimes, for example we have Sundays off so we can leave and nothing happens. My sister lives in Berlin now so I will probably meet with her to grab a dinner every Sunday for example. I think relationships like these are really hard to maintain because both sides have to be really mature, they have to accept and understand the long distance part. Most pro players are really young, so if you're 18-19 and your girlfriend is similar age it's very hard for them to wait that long to meet, you want to have someone next to you etc. But of course it all depends on the person, not whether it's long distance relationship or not, it's all in your head.

    Do you have team psychologist?

    Do you think your form this year has been the best you've ever played and it's gonna be hard to replicate this kind of achievments next season?
    Yes, I agree that this years achievments were really wonderful but I believe next year we can fight for even greater things, like losing MSI and winning Worlds. When it comes to LEC I think it's gonna be hard but we should be fine.

    What if you have planned practice and someone feels really bad on a day?
    If someone feels really bad and is sick we just don't play that day. That person gets to rest because health is the most important, it's not like we're forced to play no matter what. If someone can't play he just doesn't play, but if someone is sick and says he still wants to play then we will play normally, but if someone says "I don't feel good today, I don't want to scrim" then we don't. So it's all down to the person in question, if he feels like it then we play, if he doesn't then we don't. Obviously if coach sees that someone looks really bad he can also just tell him he's not playing today and he should rest.

    How do you feel about the God leaving your team (Promisq)?
    Obviously I'm sad because he was very meme'y, very funny and we had very cool branding because of Promisq. He helped us a lot, especially before MSI when Miky couldn't play, but then Miky got fine, played the entire summer and worlds without pain etc. So I think losing Promisq is bad, because he became a really big part of the team even though he was just a sub, but I also think he wants to be playing on a team and maybe it's gonna be good change for him.

    Is Perkz gay? If they kicked you out of G2, where would you go?
    No, Perkz is not gay. Where would I go if they kicked me out of G2? I don't know, probably to some other team, which one I have no idea, that's a stupid question...

    What do you think about Selfmade joining FNATIC?
    I think Nemesis really wanted to play with Selfmade and vice versa. I think Broxah became kind of scapegoat for their losses or bad games. FNATIC should be better at the beginning because they will gel together better as a team because Nemesis and Selfmade are really close with each other. But I don't know if they'll be that much better. Selfmade obviously has very different playstyle, compared to Broxah but Nemesis still likes to play a bit slower, so I don't know if adding Selfmade will change that much. But I think that's an interesting move, how Selfmade will play in FNATIC and how Broxah will play in TL.

    What are your plans and goals for next season?
    I think that's also kind of a stupid question... Plan is to win Worlds, like every year, win LEC also. How are we gonna do it, I think we will play a bit less, don't overwork ourselves because our last 2 weeks at Worlds were really, really hard and you could feel the pressure, we were more nervous than before and the mood wasn't as good as it usually is. So I think it's very important for us to take things a little bit slower, play a bit less scrims, a bit less soloq. We still want to win LEC and give our best, but the most important thing is Worlds and I think it's really hard for any team to win 2 domestic titles, MSI and Worlds because when you're in that position your season is so long, no team yet has been able to do it. The season gets so long you have no time to rest, you play nonstop and at the end you're drained out and nerves gets to you, so I think we have to take it a bit slower next season if we want to win Worlds.

    Was jungle your main role from the day you started playing league?
    No, I started as ADC/mid main, but that was for like a month or two, then I started playing jungle.

    What would you do if LoL didn't exist, Jankos lawyer, farmer?
    I wanted to be a chef, I went to the cooking school, I didn't graduate because I dropped out of it at 17 to become proplayer. I don't know what kind of University I'd choose, because I didn't like cooking school as much as I thought I would, so I don't know if I'd become dietitian or go into some completely different field.

    If you were to roleswap, what role would you play?
    I don't want to roleswap, I'm too old for this. I like playing jungle, I think I communicate really well, and I play well, have a lot of knowledge. I like leading in the early game and it's the easiest to do from the jungle.

    Why Perkz often enter the scene with Croatian flag? Couldn't you also bring Polish flag with you?
    Yes, I could walk out with Polish flag, when we played the IEM in Katowice and LEC finals were in Kraków I was there with Polish flag. Perkz walks out with Croatian flag "often", so twice this year, because big tournaments will probably never be played in Croatia, so he's looking for opportunities to walk out with this flag.

    What do you think about Forgiven coming back to LEC? What were your relations with him in H2K?
    I don't think Forgiven will be as good as he used to be, I think other players are definitely much better than back then. But I'm obviously excited to see what form he's in. My relations with Forgiven in H2K were... not the best.

    Did you or anyone from your team had to go to the toilet during the important game?
    Yes, obviously it happened. So if it's something big like diarrhea you just tell the referee before the game that it may happen, so they know about it and you can pause the game - it's not that big of a thing, everyone knows things like this can happen to anyone. If you just want to pause because you have to pee, you should do it before the game and they won't let you go. But if it's real emergency then they will obviously let you run to the toilet. Did it ever happen? Aaaa, I don't know? Maybe Upset? He often paused games to vomit because he was stressed out, but I don't know if it happened during my games. At least it didn't happen to me that I had to pause to go to the toilet. But we had some really long pauses for different reasons, during which I went to the toilet.

    Is there a chance to meet you outside when you're in Poznań, or are you just sitting at home and play league?
    If you were to meet me outside it would be during evening hours, when I go eat dinner with my family, or at night when I'm "outside", but most of the time I'm with my friends or just playing league.

    What do you think about new changes and how drake RNG will impact the competetive?
    That's a really in depth question, I think I'd like to do seperate video to talk about it. I will probably do it after all-stars. Drake RNG... I think people won't play picks for random drakes, like some people would think Rengar is OP because there will be more bushes. That won't happen, people won't care about these dragons that much. But obviously new dragons are quite strong, and if you can get Elder drake the game is basically over, so I think teams will play even more towards the early game because now you have 2 heralds and drakes are easier to take. I think Riot still wants to steer the meta for the games to be quicker. This year it was already pretty fast, you still have very few wards. I've heard you have less xp in the jungle, I didn't play that much myself yet so I don't know whether that's true or not, but I hope they didn't took too much of my xp. I know that you have level 3 after Gromp, if you take 3 camps, but I also heard that you either farm and you're relatively close to the level of solo laners, or you gank and are behind in xp. We will see, I think Riot will make some balance changes before the LEC starts. I'm going to all-stars really unprepared, I didn't play league almost at all since Worlds and I most likely won't play till all-stars, so I will probably make a clown out of myself there. BUT THANKS FOR THE VOTES, I'M REALLY GRATEFUL.

    Why Wunder isn't as visible on any vlog/team videos? Is he not living in your gaming house or just doesn't like you?
    He lives with us in the gaming house. He likes us, BUT Wunder is not a person that likes to be in front of the camera. He's really funny, I really like spending time with him. You can see on the few videos he's in that he's really funny guy. But for some reason he just doesn't like to be in front of the camera, be it interviews or some fun videos etc. He's just that kind of person.

    submitted by /u/Jetzu
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    I made one of those insane outplays

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 02:36 PM PST

    Poor Crocodile :c

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 11:29 AM PST

    Intense 1v1 between Knight and Twila in LPL All-Stars

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:58 AM PST

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