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    Sunday, December 1, 2019

    LoL Guide Small Tip: When playing Janna against Sivir, autoattack her to bait out her spellshield

    LoL Guide Small Tip: When playing Janna against Sivir, autoattack her to bait out her spellshield

    Small Tip: When playing Janna against Sivir, autoattack her to bait out her spellshield

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:52 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I'm playing a lot of Janna and I noticed that Janna's W looks very similar to her autoattacks. So if you have the feeling Sivir is spellshielding all your W's, try to autoattack her. She will think this is your W and waste her spellshield. Works every time :D

    I think you can easily do it on every other ranged champ that has a projectile being thrown at her.

    submitted by /u/LilSluggerZ
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    Tips for clash

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:17 PM PST

    We are a team of 5 high diamond players looking to do well in clash tomorrow. We are all solo queue heroes and have zero experience in competitive team play, what do you guys think will be the key to taking games by not just soloqing. In this season we all feel like the mid jgl 2v2 skirmish will be super important for the early drag and herald control, but we are not quite sure how we should play out the games. Im aware that the question is super vague, so any answer is really appreciated

    submitted by /u/Frozaken
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    A few things i learned this season

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:16 AM PST

    Ign: Nivelo (euw) For the first season ever i got diamond, it felt pretty good to hit that milestone. There was alot of ups and downs during the season and my view on how midlane should be played shifted alot. For a long time i was a veigar main who wanted to have 90 farm at 10 minutes with 0 deaths and demanded that my teammates adapted to that. During that time i worked alot on minimizing my mistakes, i learned how to lane safely, how to survive hard match ups (zed,syndra etc) and how to position in teamfights. During this period i got to diamond promos a few times and lost them, i wasnt quite ready yet. After one diamond promo loss i tilted very hard and got demoted all the way down to plat 4. I was frustrated but it was a good thing, i let go off my ego and started thinking about if the way i approach the game might be the problem. I started playing more aggressively, playing things like missfortune and zed. I didnt have alot of success during that time but i picked up a few tricks and learned how to punish enemy mistakes. I eventuelly went back to playing scaling mages like Veigar,Malzahar and orianna but when i started doing that i understood the game from another angle. The things i learned during the first part of the season, how to play safely combined with how to punish enemy mistakes was what got me diamond at the end of the season. Now during the preseason im practicing how to lane aggressively and i think that is what will bring me to high diamond or master the next season.

    What i think you should take away from this: If you are in platinum now there is probably just a few things you need to implement in your playstyle to get diamond, it might be keeping track of enemy flash to punish them or something else. Try to experiment with different styles (in normal games, dont be as stupid as me) and you will pick up different tricks you can incorporate in your main style.

    I will link to a game i played today where i felt like everything i learned during this season came together to give you an idea of what i mean. Feel free add me on euw if you want to discuss the meta or something else !

    Cheers from Sweden :) https://youtu.be/nXkYfd8Xmdw

    submitted by /u/Nivelyx
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    A problem with consistency.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:06 AM PST


    I'm a gold 2 EUW ADC main and have been playing league on and off since season 5. Since then, I certainly became better at understanding what makes a good AD, the rules of the game in general, and its mechanics. However, there has always been a reoccurring problem with my gameplay: consistency. Some days I'll carry my team through anything, and others I'll end up 0/8/0. The thing is, for every other flaw in my gameplay I've previously encountered (how to apprehend teamfights as an ADC, how to farm better, how not to tilt, how to manage a duo lane, etc...), there has been a concrete way to fix it. For this one, I've struggled to find just what I should do to improve. Does anyone else have this problem? Do you have any tips ? Please let me know.

    Thanks for reading, see you on the rift. :)

    submitted by /u/Motorolahh
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    Interesting Matchmaking sub level 30

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:55 PM PST

    So I was playing with my brother and a few of our friends, my brother and I being under level 30 and my friends being ranked silver, and we played a normal match as a 4 man and got clapped super hard. I thought, "hmm they were pretty good. Let me check and see what op.gg says". This is what I found:


    Is it normal for players to just be slapped together like this? Is there matchmaking in normal games?

    submitted by /u/SaxyNeek
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    Tip: Buy early grevious wounds to limit Warwick's map pressure

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:12 AM PST

    I've been dominating games on Warwick in pre-season with early jungle pressure and I think players underestimate his insane healing due to his passive and Q. However if I see the enemy top/jg buy a bramble or early executioner, my gank threat and 1v1 power is really crippled.

    submitted by /u/iLaxbro
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    Only farming problem

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:40 AM PST

    So i'm gold 2 and i'm focusing right now on my farming i'm trying to improve it so i can rank up and to be able easier to play when i reach plat (if i reach plat) . I get something like 150CS - 20 min , but there is a little problem ... i don't help my teammates and i don't know when i need to help my teammates and when i need to farm . I know farming is really important , but at the same time helping my team in teamfight or pushing or taking objectives is important too , even my team started to flame me /: . I need help

    submitted by /u/teddo23
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    A Question regarding yasuo.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:05 AM PST

    hey im a gold player i main ekko. Looking for some advice against an ekko vs yasuo matchup.

    I understand that ekko losses lane pretty hard here due to the fact that

    1. windwall

    2. e q harass poke

    so what i try to do is just farm q in lane until level 3 or 4 go for light trade

    usually i would just try to play another champ just to counter yasuo but i really enjoy playing ekko and would like some advice. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/oldredditOMeGALUL
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    Help with Wave management

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:26 AM PST

    (midlane) I suck at it and I wish I was better at it I recently tried freezing, slow pushing and I just don't get it which one I have to do? At the right time I watched dopa plays and he always change wave control depending on the matchup and I wish I knew which one to do because so far I know so little like for example always push against an anivia because she can barely farm under tower can someone direct me to a video that is actually helpful or explain it to me because I feel like its all situational.

    submitted by /u/EveryRoseThornApart
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    Are kills that important?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:17 AM PST

    I was just in a game and got 20+ assists with 12 deaths. I was amumu and my team was saying i fed. The end game kill count was 30 for us meaning I was there for 2/3 of all the kills. Is the kill number that important? I was under the impression assist were equally critical?

    submitted by /u/Shcatman
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    Are Nautilus and Leona still top tier supports? Enchanters OP?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:49 PM PST

    Hello friends, I played a lot of Nautilus and Leona in Season 9, but with the preseason changes I feel like they are not anymore that powerfull like they used to be. I will list you now why I think that is the case, feel free to comment on my opinion and my points:

    1. Aftershock nerfed in early, resistence pretty much halfed in the early game, so if you engage you really need to think if its really worth the risk and only go for clean and good trades in the lane so you dont get poked out.
    2. Presence Of Mind cooldown is removed, both champs used it, especialy Leona with old presence of mind had a great cooldown on her R which was impactfull for teamfights. Sometimes she could use it twice in a fight, thats how low the cooldown got back in then as I remember it.
    3. Relic Shield healing effect removed so tank support doesnt have anymore that sustain and can get pretty easy outpoked by things like Soraka and Nami and Janna which is crucial because they wont be ready to engage anymore if they are on low health.
    4. Soraka for example had allready a high winrate despite Leona and Naut beeing natural counters and beeing S Tier in pretty much all tier lists I saw back then and see even now. I have the feeling that enchanter supports will dominate the future now that hard engage tank supports cant properly destroy them anymore in the lane.
    5. Any tank support gets outscaled really hard in 20+ minutes in the game. Just look at the gold eficiency of supp items, especialy ardent censer or redemption having about 200-300% gold eficiency, thats nothing to compare to knights vow for example, in the late game it will get hard for a tank support to counter all this hard scaling enchanters.

    Maybe Im wrong on some points, but thats how I feel right now about the preseason. Greetings!

    submitted by /u/Kubaguette
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    I need to learn jungle in a 7 days to sub in for my uni at a finals. What are the best, most up to date resources to learn jungle fundamentals fast?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:46 PM PST

    I'll be replacing a master tier jungler at a plat solo laner (lmao) obviously I won't be able to get to that level but I need to learn as much as I can, especially fundamentals like pathing, and if possible and abusable pre season freelo stuff.


    submitted by /u/Cresspacito
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    What's the ideal cs rate?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:42 PM PST

    I'm coming back from a break and I'm trying to work on the thing I struggled the most with which is focusing on cs instead of going for trades and it killed me a lot as well as making me fall behind. So the question is what cs rate shout I be aiming for per minute or whatever. I feel like its holding me back because late game I'll be under leveled I have no problems making trades but if I'm under leved that doesnt mean a whole lot.

    submitted by /u/greatvaluesadboy
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    Good mid/top duo synergies?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST

    My friend and I have been duoing the past few weeks, and for some reason, whenever we play Vlad top+Yasuo mid, we always end up winning or coming really close to winning. We sometimes feed a few kills early but we just end up splitting and winning fights late.

    However, i'm pretty sure i've just been lucky by getting Yasuo so many times because usually he gets banned a lot. So what are some good champs to pick up during preseason for duoing? I enjoy this hard push+heavy roam play style that Yasuo has and I was wondering if there are any champs similar to this.

    submitted by /u/Emperor_of_Turtles
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    How do i keep my cool during team fights?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:44 AM PST

    Im a beginner in Moba games league being my first "real" moba game, i started playing 2 months ago and i still have room for improvements

    I love top lane i main Darius and Mordekaiser because theyre badass but i keep encountering the same problems whenever i play Darius

    I do well in laning phase. I push or freeze when i need to, my map awareness is decent and i am consistent in bullying in lane

    But whenever the laning phase ends the confidence and performance i had during laning phase vanishes

    I miss my dunks, i fail to reach 5 stacks, i miss my abilities, i feed. All of which i dont do in the laning phase so i think it has something to do with my composure

    Everytime i see 3 or more humanoid polygons in my screen my hands start trembling as if im getting mugged

    With Mordekaiser i do very well in team fights because of his ultimate which subconciously pleases my nerves

    But with Darius i lose my sh*t and dunk a 0 stack full health lux

    How do i get rid of this habit?

    submitted by /u/FalloutdustLMR
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    Should we give up first two drakes?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:36 PM PST

    I'm not sure if someone posted about this or if it's just me but I've noticed a pattern in the drake spawning where 2 random drakes spawn first then the rest is just the same drake. So if the pattern is like this, then we would be able to prioritize some drakes. Like if first one is cloud and water and the rest is mountain, you would prioritize mountain to be tanky. I know that you don't get to know which drake is the last one till you kill the first two but if you deem the first 2 as unnecessary, you could focus on the last one you get me? So would this be a viable strat or no?

    submitted by /u/lucky1120
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    Why do you leave 3 casters before you recall??

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:26 AM PST

    The topic basically one of the things I struggle with the most is recalling, overstaying, and tping at the right times. I think I noticed dopa doing this before he recalls. He leaves 3 of the enemy casters and recalls. Is this a good idea I can't seem to understand what it does?

    submitted by /u/catlovermo
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    Falling off in levels late as a jungler

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:40 AM PST

    So, lately I seem to be having the opposite problem I normally do. It used to be I would throw the early game and be able to be of some use to the late game. Now, as a jungler, I beat my opponent early on in kills and levels, but I fall off super hard late and wind up 2-3 levels behind. Somewhere around levels 8-10 I start noticing this. Then the enemy gets stronger and I'm relatively worthless. I also cant seem to balance between farming and objectives, but that's a story for another time.

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    How to fight against riven

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:54 AM PST

    I just started playing a two weeks ago but I did have some prior knowledge on the game beforehand. And after i started playing I immediately was drawn to toplaners like garen probably because he was easier to play then most but anyways riven. As most of you know riven is played in toplane....alot. like every other game for me and I can never do anything against her. She demolishes me Everytime. I never get tilted in games I don't really play them much but man I got sooo tilted going against her. What are some tips, tricks or champions that counter her well? Even maybe a jungler (I'm very interested in then as well) any help is appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/sheen_escaves
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    How do I gank as quickly as possible?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:04 AM PST

    I enjoy playing tank junglers like Zac and Skarner, but the problem is, is that I can never be ahead of my jungler. He ganks more often than me and does objectives faster than me too. Whenever I try to catch up to him and lookout for any possible opportunities to gank, I can never find them. Either the enemy is too close to his turret or my ally is not in the lane where I need him to make a successful gank. I try to rush to the drake as fast as possible but either my bot is gone or dead. Is it somehow possible for me to fix this issue? Is it because I don't react fast enough? Farm too often? I do understand if it's that. I'm trying to quit farming whenever I'm needed and drop everything to rush to my team as fast as possible, but they're usually far away. Is it somekind of luck thing? I don't know, but I do know that I'm a slow jungler when it comes to ganking.

    submitted by /u/esteebangus2008
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    Help with irelia

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:08 AM PST

    I recently started playing top a month ago and play rumble fairly often but sometimes I get matched up against irelia do I have any solid counterplay options or anything I can do to minimize the damage I take from her I get beaten in top by her pretty often because I expect a tank like garen or Darius but get a losing lane against irelia or just any top lane tips in general would also be helpful especially since I'm still new to the game

    submitted by /u/Blazecat_FoJ
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    How the hell do I Olaf?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:51 PM PST

    I don't get this champion. He's supposedly OP right now with the current state of the jungle. Good clear speed, can solo neutrals, can 1v1 anybody in the jungle, decent ganks -- he's got the whole package.

    Most reputable stat sites list him as #1 jungler right now.

    I can PVE with him just fine, which isn't saying much, but I have literally no idea what to do with this dude when teamfights start breaking out. I've tried front-to-back fighting with him, and I just get bursted down instantly. I've tried waiting in the wings and trying to get a flank, and just get kited and can never reach a priority target before I get nuked.

    What do you do on this guy? I mean I can run around and power farm and grab drakes and shit, and sometimes that's enough to win a game. But if I'm expected to fight with my team or assassinate some back line squishy -- I just don't know wtf this guy's supposed to do, cuz I just get deleted no matter what I try.

    Anyone got any advice for the viking bro?

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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