• Breaking News

    Friday, November 29, 2019

    League of Legends Wolf, Former SKT Player and 2 Time World Champion Has Officially Retired from Professional Play

    League of Legends Wolf, Former SKT Player and 2 Time World Champion Has Officially Retired from Professional Play

    Wolf, Former SKT Player and 2 Time World Champion Has Officially Retired from Professional Play

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 07:09 AM PST

    Two time world champion support player wolf has retired from professional play. His most iconic champions were Alistar and Nami, he also had a short stint in the jungle during the dark times of 2018.

    Edit: https://twitter.com/LoL_Wooolf/status/1200450259626758145?s=20

    He tweeted about it: "Everyone has seen the article, but I want to tell you once more. That Wolf Lee Jae-wan is about to finish his eight-year professional career. Thank you so much for all the fans who supported me in the meantime. 🤟 I'll greet you tomorrow at Twitch."

    submitted by /u/EvidentlyTrue
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    Blaber has been confirmed as the Cloud9 Starting Jungler

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 11:10 AM PST


    As of this, the C9 team has been finalized.

    Top - Licorice (returning)

    Jng - Blaber (Moved up from Cloud9 Academy)

    Mid - Nisqy (returning)

    ADC - Zven (from TSM)

    Sup - Vulcan (from CG/DIG)

    Thoughts and predictions on this roster?

    Edit: Link broke, had to fix.

    submitted by /u/memesarenotbad
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    (official) Splyce rebrands to MAD Lions

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:28 AM PST

    Friendly reminder that the Demolish rune is more effective against towers than the new rift herald.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:18 AM PST

    As a top laner, I find it hilarious how much more isolated I've become since the new pre season started, which granted, I did not think was possible. But hey, at least top is a 1v1 now just like I've always wanted. Then when their jungler comes to gank me, they lose drake. That's what I call a win win.

    submitted by /u/usmctuba
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    Misfits Gaming will add former Furious Gaming AD carry Ju "Bvoy" Yeong-hoon and Fnatic Rising support Ronaldo "Ronaldooo" Betea, who will roleswap to mid lane including the additions of former Vodafone Giants jungler Iván "Razork" Martín and Petr "denyk" Haramach

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 11:07 AM PST

    Why doesn't Riot allow us to use whatever language we can?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 02:42 AM PST

    Why are we forced to use couple of languages assigned to our server when there are so many languages in the game? Why are we limited on something that doesn't affect the gameplay? Even the 'unofficial' ways to change it got fixed. Is there any particular reason for this? Have they ever released a statement regarding this?

    Edit: whatever language we WANT

    submitted by /u/pabloouu
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    Why is Camille such a spinless hypocrite?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:29 AM PST

    Seriously. I expected my anarcho capitalist henchman to have at least some principles. Instead she banters on about how self made women need to be more prevalent. She's no self made woman in any sense! She was scared out of the most important decision of her life by her brother who wanted to protect the family's status. Her body was redesigned and rebuilt by the man they hired from Shurima to do the hextech mods. She allowed her life and her body to be orchestrated for somebody else's interests. She is no self made woman. Everything she has was given to her by her family, and it isn't even there to do with what she wishes.

    Additionally she keeps going on about how there are only two sides to every issue, her side and the wrong side. What's up with that? She says that with such conviction, but not one minute later proclaims that the world is such a delicious shade of grey.

    I can't play a champion that flip flops this hard. She has hextech eyes that can see through walls but she can't even look within herself to figure out what she wants.


    Edit: thanks to/u/querccias for explaining it perfectly: "She literally ditched her lover to become a pair of fucking scissors."

    submitted by /u/CaDoran
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    Mickey returns to Excel!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:01 PM PST

    From challenger to bronze in 1 clip...

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:53 AM PST

    Origen and Kold part ways

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:19 AM PST

    MAD Lions are charging into LEC

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:45 AM PST

    According to Official announcements and Leaks there will be 10 rookies in the LEC next split!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:38 PM PST

    With only Schalke's jungle and SK's support missing there are 10 "confirmed" (J.Wolf) rookies playing next split.

    MSF Razork MSF Ronaldo MSF Denyk

    VIT Skeanz VIT Milica VIT Comp

    MAD Orome MAD Shadow MAD Carzzy MAD Glistick

    Should be a hype RotS race! My money's on Carzzy!

    submitted by /u/sononoson
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    Yo, One for All Yuumi

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 03:43 AM PST

    So, in 10 years when rito finally decides to implement some good ass game modes back into league, there will inevitably be some shit who picks yuumi on one for all and makes all of yall play the cat.

    At face value, 5 cats on the rift doesnt mean much. However, just think about it.

    Can a yuumi attach herself to a yuumi, who attaches herself to a yuumi, who then attaches herself to a yuumi, who then hops on top of the last yuumi? Like. Is that possible, how much spaghetti code would yuumi break through in that scenario? How tiny would the original yuumi model be? What happens when the base yuumi dies?

    Or can 4 yuumis attach to yuumi, effectively making mega yuumi? Will mordekaiser break again?

    Like, that would be coolest thing tbh. Just floating down mid on your book with 4 kitties all swirling around you.

    Can 2 yuumis attach to eachother, like, if you target the yuumi as she flies onto you, could you attach to her while she attaches to you effectively making an invincible cat?

    Not that any of this matters. That comp would get blasted by legitimately any other champ in the game. And we will most likely never see one for all again anyway :(

    submitted by /u/kakistoss
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    Presence of Mind stacks Infinitely while being dead

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:32 AM PST

    Presence of Mind stacks Infinitely while being dead

    me and my friend were testing and we could replicate this 100%

    Presence of mind gives +1 stack if u kill the champion while being dead no matter if u full stacked it already.

    it works with both mana and energy


    submitted by /u/WhosHaxz
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    PSA: Bot Lane - When you can, please keep drag warded to help out your jungler. More important now than ever.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:45 AM PST

    Help a brother out and drop a ward at drag if you can. Especially when your jungler has a sweeper.

    Please and Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/OzzyBuckshankNA
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    When this post is 3h old, EU plays NA for the Shanghai Master Cup. Wickd/Cyanide/xPeke/Puszu/Unlimited versus Westrice/TheOddOne/Voyboy/Cop/Bunnyfufu

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:09 PM PST

    Hello guys,

    We are currently in Shanghai to attend a tournament with retired players :

    Team Dragon

    Top: Gogoing
    Jg: Melon
    Mid: U
    ADC: San
    Sup: Cloud
    Sub: Fireloli

    Team Tiger

    Top : Looper
    Jg: Insec
    Mid: Watch
    ADC: Space
    Sup: Ella
    Sub: GBM

    Team Lion

    Top : Wickd
    Jg: Cyanide
    Mid: xPeke
    ADC: Puszu
    Sup: Unlimited

    Coach: Deficio
    Manager: Romain

    Team Eagle

    Top : Westrice
    Jg: TheOddOne
    Mid: Voyboy
    ADC: Cop
    Sup: BunnyFuFuu
    Sub: LemonNation

    Manager: Thor

    Link to stream


    Pictures from happy EU people doing random stuff in Shanghai: https://www.instagram.com/p/B5cM-OVoFjb/?igshid=1cm7auah545l0

    edit: format

    submitted by /u/Khagneur
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    If TFT is going to be a "permanent" or official game mode, why can't we gain XP for it?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:15 PM PST

    I think TFt players should be rewarded for investing time into this mode. Aram gives it...

    If you want to not incentivize botting, then at least give xp to players getting top 3 finishes

    edit: a few comments were concerned about leveling to 30 thru tft and jumping straight into ranked. So I propose; level to 30 via normal games and THEN xp is attainable through TFT after that

    submitted by /u/rydendm
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    League helps me at work

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:48 PM PST

    This may sound weird but i work in a restaurant and normally when i play in a group of 3+ I'm usually the shot caller cause I'm good around objectives from the jungle and lately I've been asked to run the line and as someone who struggles from social anxiety all the practice helped me and 3 other guys cook for almost 400 people with an average 9 minute prep time and will soon get me a raise. Thanks league

    submitted by /u/AmDoman
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    Ravillaoi (Skin)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 01:24 AM PST

    Ok people of Reddit, I want you to imagine this skin idea and not a day goes by where I am sad that RIOT has never thought of it themselves.

    Imagine Illaoi, strong woman in a full-on chef's outfit holding a big ol' honkin meatball.

    Her tentacles? Big fat pasta noodles with glorious red sauce splash effects when they slam down.

    Bonus points if she has any lines about the Flying Spaghetti Monster being her god. Riot pls.

    submitted by /u/AirmanT_
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    List of Chromas available for BE

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 02:35 AM PST

    Since everyone is annoyed at the listing of chromas and i didnt even realize essence emporium is up until 5 minutes ago, i thought i'd create a quick list of the chromas available for BE. Ctr+F for the champ you want might help, didnt know two skins (guessing Basemodel) so theres ??? behind them to keep the soloq spirit alive. In general most if not all april 1st skins are available as well as battle academia. Enjoy!

    Edit: Its the base models.

    Edit2: Upgraded the rest, base chromas are officially my nemesis now. Base Champ means its for the base model btw, thanks everyone for pointing out!

    Arcade Kaisa

    Battle Boss Qiyana

    Battle Boss Yasuo

    Dark Star Karma

    Dark Star Shaco

    Little Demon Tristana

    Battle Academia Jayce

    Battle Academia Katarina

    Battle Professor Graves

    Battle Principle Yuumi

    Dunkmaster Ivern

    Corgi Corki


    Pretty Kitty Rengar

    Arclight Brand

    Blackthorn Morgana


    Viridian Kayle

    Papercraft Anivia

    Papercraft Nunu

    Lunar Wraith Sylas

    Blood Moon Pyke

    Blood Moon Sivir

    Dark Waters Diana

    Dark Waters Vladimir

    Sand Wrath Pyke

    Dragon Master Swain

    Mecha Zero Sion


    Badlands Baron Rumble


    Pizza Delivery Sivir



    Battlecast Cho'Gath Prime

    Resistance Illaoi

    Bullet Angel Kaisa

    Base Blitzcrank

    Base Caitlyn


    Dino Gnar

    Dragon Fist Lee Sin

    Dragonslayer Pantheon

    Dragonslayer Xin Zhao

    Firecracker Jinx

    Base Fizz

    Base Garen

    Headhunter Yi

    Headhunter Rengar

    Base Lucian


    Moo Cow Alistar

    Nemesis Jax

    Officer Vi

    Popstar Ahri

    Prestigious Leblanc

    Rocket Girl Tristana

    Sandstorm Ekko

    Surprise Party Amumu

    Warlord Shen

    Base Zac

    Base Morgana

    Pool Party Leona

    submitted by /u/DongerDodger
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    My friend recreated the Annie-versary splashart with Japanese paper cutting

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:46 PM PST

    Annie-versary papercut by karakuri_jin

    This recreation was cut from a single piece of paper using an old Japanese art form called 切り絵 (kiri-e, lit. "cut picture"). He really loves this game and has produced tons of artwork inspired by it!


    submitted by /u/ebracho
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    4 Mountain Dragons + Armor Stacking Malphite

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:56 PM PST

    A friend picked malphite and with the rng gods on our side we rolled mountain dragon soul after the enemy had taken the first couple drakes. The game happened to be a comeback and we secured 4 mountain drakes for his armor stack. These are the results:

    -2272 armor -95% physical damage reduction -One THICC gauntlet slow field


    submitted by /u/mark1415
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    CASUAL LEAGUE, but it's League of Legends [THE REUNION]

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 11:32 AM PST

    Kold on his current situation

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 03:01 PM PST

    Tweet link 1

    Tweet link 2

    Tweet link 3

    Now that the news are out about Origen and I parting ways, I wanted to put some clarity on my situation.

    I want you guys to know i'm alright, and have almost fully recovered.

    I will not look to compete in spring and it's still undecided whether or not i will return as a player.

    I believe we as professionals have a responsibility to share, to take the bad with the good in this industry, and show what's real.

    I therefore intend to share my story eventually, but now is not the right time and especially not on a twitter text.

    Also want to clarify Origen has been very understanding and supportive throughout it all. It was a mutual decision and the best for both parties.

    submitted by /u/ThatLatvian
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    The Diana rework on the PBE is amazing and should be used as a model for other reworks.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:14 PM PST

    I've played 5 games of the new Diana now and she feels so good. But what I'm most amazed by is how well Riot was able to shift her power and gameplay with such a simple change.

    This makes me think there are probably tons of little changes like this that could help bring older champs more inline with modern champs, or help make their gameplay more creative (new Diana has so much more agency in land and feels so good with early prio and a strong jungler).

    I personally would be really excited to see other mini reworks like this.

    submitted by /u/FestiveKnight
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