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    Monday, December 30, 2019

    LoL Guide I hit Challenger maining Bard. AMA!

    LoL Guide I hit Challenger maining Bard. AMA!

    I hit Challenger maining Bard. AMA!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:02 AM PST

    Hey guys, I am Sliapmots, after ending up in Diamond 4 years in a row, I reached Challenger for the first time. In this AMA I want to address 3 points in particular:


    Bard is becoming more and more popular, his play rate is rising and there are so many different build paths / rune choices and play styles, that I wanted to give a rough overview on Bard and why he is so fun to play!

    Importance of Vision

    I want to highlight how important warding is and how it literally can win you games. In my opinion, wards are the most important parts of your build.

    Mindset (Mental Barriers)

    For 4 years I was basically hardstuck in Diamond and couldn't maintain staying in Masters for a longer period. This year my mentality changed and when I returned home after summer break, I climbed to challenger basically in 3 months.

    While you can really ask me anything, I wanted to give you an idea about why I wanted to do an AMA in the first place!

    submitted by /u/Trear
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    I (Challenger level mid) Coach a Gold Akali - I Go Over Common Mistakes and Teach Him How to Climb.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:10 PM PST

    Hi, Fas Scriptor here, and I'm here to bring you another youtube video of one of my students that I think can be useful to teach you lots of the common mistakes for lower elo players. We cover stuff about flanking, roaming, runes, and mechanics.

    I show him mistakes and tell him what he should be doing as he plays, and I help him improve along the way. I go really in depth with decision making and macro, and I'm fairly sure I teach him a lot about how to play Akali and mid in general.

    Table of Contents

    https://youtu.be/ZUQbQRuidEQ - Start of Video

    5:32 - Bad roaming time and why

    6:09 - Bounty system and punishments for roam vs farm

    17:18 - Akali r flash explained

    17:33 - How to play after lane - play side lanes explained

    21:26 - What you should do after baron explained - and a huge throw

    25:16 - Exact positioning that should have been taken

    27:43 - Its not about mechanics, its about decision making

    29:06 - How to Akali basics (in practice tool) - mechanics overview

    If anyone has questions about anything, just let me know.

    submitted by /u/Faslol
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    Why does jungle feel completely hopeless when playing from behind compared to laning? What can I do to stop it?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:00 AM PST

    Is jungling the most punishing role? I am a platinum jungler. If I make 1-2 mistakes I am now 2-3 levels behind (sometimes turns into 4-5 levels behind) for the rest of the game. I can't just simply farm up when I'm being bled out the rest of the game not only from the enemy team but from my teammates as well. How the heck do I get back in the game? Do I just hope for a good team fight? I try to play off my winning lanes but if it doesn't work I am now even more behind. If I'm playing adc or mid and I'm a level or 2 behind I find it really simple to just keep farming for late game. If I'm jungle I feel absolutely hopeless. However, there are games where the other jungler is in the same position and I'm bleeding him dry of all his camps. It just seems like such a punishing role.

    submitted by /u/Smashcity
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    Question about toplane

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:59 PM PST

    So I just started to play toplane recently and it seems to be a really bad to try to leash as a toplaner. Trying to help a jungler who if you are behind won't gank your lane just seems counterproductive. Seeing as how you automatically just put yourself behind by leashing

    submitted by /u/the-pirate-clown
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    How to teach someone make solo kills on midlane?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:19 AM PST

    EDIT: Thank you for all of your helpful comments. I've seen a couple of points everyone seems to agree on, so I'll address them. First of all, yes, I'm playing with her on my smurf with silver-ish MMR (her own MMR seems to be around silver too, and she hasn't played ranked yet). Second, we realize kills aren't the most important thing on midlane. The issue lies in her confidence, as she just allows the game to flow and can't find it in herself to make a play or find an opportunity.

    I've been teaching my friend to play League, she's lvl 32 now and she likes a couple of midlane champions like Zed, Talon, Ekko and Yasuo. I've been trying to explain to her that they might be too difficult for her to play as until she gets used to the flow of the game (she's mostly been playing Yuumi until now), but still taught her what the champs do and how to play midlane on a very basic level.

    Now, normally if she wants to play certain champions I'll help her in any way that I can. But she can't for the love of god get a kill on her own, she just gets stomped by the enemy 300k mastery Yasuo main every time she plays midlane, that is until her hopefully overfed jungler decides to come and help. Dozens of games ended this way for her and now she's afraid to even play the role, let alone attempt to kill the enemy laner (even if they're going equally).

    Is there any advice that I can give her? Or anything I can do for her to help her practice? She really loves the champions for their character and lore. They are partly the reason she got interested in League, so I don't want to see her scared to play them.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_FLUFFY_WOLVES
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    When does it make sense to run back to fountain instead of recalling?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:13 PM PST

    After playing around in practise tool, I discovered that it only makes sense to run back to fountain if you are already within the radius of your inhibitor turrets. Of course this depends on the champ and your boots, but a good rule of thumb is to only run back if you are within inhibitor turrets.

    If you are outside of inhib turrets and have to run under turret to safety, you are right on the threshold and have a harder decision to make. Whether you run back or recall will depend on your champ's mobility and the likelyhood of being tower dived. I'd suggest to always run back in late game when it's easier for enemies to tower dive and you have boots, but it still makes sense to recall if it's still early game.

    PS: It practically always makes sense to recall if you have Baron buff.

    Hope this helps :)

    submitted by /u/Blueberry314E-2
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    How to know when to group with team or continue laning in mid game?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:07 AM PST

    I'm still relatively new to league and in the low elo games it puts me in my team always wants to group up, generally in mid, during mid game and just teamfight over and over. Sometimes I get flamed for not grouping and trying to push, and when I group I feel like I'm not getting any CS and it's a waste. I usually play either mid or top Akali and it's easier to stay out of it when I'm top lane and just push but I never know what the right thing to do is.

    submitted by /u/Ztrains
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    What is the best champ for duels throught the entire game?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:35 PM PST

    Is there even anything like that? A champ that basically wins every time he meets another champ if both are evenly levelled/geared.

    I was thinking Xin early, Noc mid and Yi late - all AA-based dueling junglers that you don't want to meet alone in the river.

    If you don't think there is such a champ though, what would be your recommendations if the task was to run into the enemy jungle and successfully duel the enemy jungler everytime you can and why?

    submitted by /u/Cerebral_Absence
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    I keep getting reported for being bad

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:35 AM PST

    I'm still new and i have no idea fully what i'm doing. Some games i do good and some games i do really bad. In those bad games i have people flaming me and saying i inted which i guess means intentionally fed. I don't intentionally feed, i just do bad.

    This is becoming a constant thing with people reporting me and asking others to report me. Its hard for me to get fully into League when people are so toxic. I'm guessing this is just something i have to get used to.

    Does getting false reported do anything?

    submitted by /u/KillBash20
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    Having major issues playing against Swain (Mid & Support)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:16 PM PST

    I don't know what to do in this matchup. I generally try to abuse him early so he can't scale, but his AoE root and pull is so frustrating. Even when I dominate lane, a 2/10 Swain can press R and win a 5v5. It feels like once he gets RoA he's so hard to stop.

    Am I just bad?

    submitted by /u/breehops
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    What do I prioritize as jungle and how do I do it?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:24 PM PST

    Despite the jungle changes and that I hate the new jungle, it's still the best role for me. However, I don't know what to prioritize. I remember people said dragon souls were win conditions lots of the time, and IDK if that really is the case.

    Do I prioritize, ganking, objectives, or farming?

    submitted by /u/BlackSparkz
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    What makes Yasuo NOT op? (This is not a rant or Yasuo hate!)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:47 PM PST

    Let me preface this by saying that I am a Yasuo main and I certainly don't think he's op.

    BUT I can't understand how he is not op (/E: on paper): - He has a Passive that is one of, if not the best in the game, doubling his crit chance and additionally granting him a shield, - a windwall that eats any projectile and should - in theory - decide any trade against ranged champs in Yas' favor - a dash that can be used very often, yet not freely - short cooldowns on abilities - CC on Q3 and R - synergy with Conqueror

    The first thing that comes to mind would be „he's not op because noone can properly play him to his fullest extent", but then he would be dominating the pro scene and someone like Faker would not be beatable, right?

    Is it the feast or famine playstyle? If yes, does that mean he is not that useful if not played in that certain f&f way? Is it that his mobility relies on enemies and his abilities are short ranged?

    What makes him not op, and bonus; why does noone ever pick him in pro play?

    submitted by /u/Cerebral_Absence
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    How to teamfight as Twitch

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:44 PM PST

    Hi everyone, I'm a twitch one trick and I have been getting absolutely demolished on this champ in the lategame. I'm currently in silver/gold elo playing jungle. When I play twitch, he feels like the strongest early game jungler because I am almost always quite fed early into the game due to cheese ganks and really good map pressure. As the lategame rolls around though, I lose the ability to get nice 2v1 or 3v2 picks with my team and if my team decides to aram mid I feel pretty subpar especially with how good twitch is supposed to be at that point in the game.

    How am I supposed to kill people when my team never engages or doesn't have a tank? Specifically at my elo it seems like people don't play tanks for supports or toplaners that often, and if no one on the team is tanky it's impossible for me to deal any damage without getting one shot. Any assassin will one pop me (even when I'm buying guardian angel, usually 2nd or 3rd item if I really need it) and I feel very irrelevant regardless of how much farm I have unless we engage and the enemies waste all the cooldowns on my team, leaving me to mop up. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/needs_more_rice
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    How can I help my team in getting Drake as a top laner without tp?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:47 AM PST

    I play Ignite/Ghost - Flash Tryndamere and Ghost - Flash Nasus, I almost always win lane while my team might lose but I feel I am very bad in the mid game and team fighting so I prefer split pushing, sometimes when I get obnoxiously ahead in lane I get mobi's to roam the map better, I just want to know how I can help my team out while in top lane

    submitted by /u/TheDemonWarlock
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    Help me understand starter items / why do people not immediately start building their first full item with initial 500 gold

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:48 PM PST

    A more specific case study:

    Why is Dorans blade the correct starting item on MF?

    Since my first build on Miss Fortune is essence reaver, wouldn't I be better off in the long term buying a long sword and a refillable potion? 1. Long sword provides more AD, plus it contributes towards my first full item 2. the refillable potion will provide a lot more healing early on vs 1 potion and 3% lifesteal

    submitted by /u/BuffAnasUlt123
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    How do I fix LP gains?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:05 PM PST

    This year I finally got to Gold, after many years of playing this game. Felt pretty good since I've never really given ranked my full effort. That's not to say I don't try when playing the games. So over winter, I got full week off of work, I had no where to travel and nothing to really do so I played league most of the time. I was climbing pretty steadily but on one of those days I went on a really bad losing streak. I think about 12 lost games in a row. I wasn't feeling frustrated or anything of the sort, I just kept losing. Oh well in my mind. I even managed to get demoted. The next day I was able to climb back up without an issue so I'm back at gold now. The only thing is that, my mmr seems to be messed up. Every time I win I'm only gaining about 10-14 LP. When I lose, it's about 20-24. So if I Win 4 games and lose 2, I'm back at 0 lp. Am I gaining the same amount in my mmr? Should I wait until the rank reset. The situation feels a little hopeless because if I win 2 and lose one then it's as if I didn't climb at all. What's the best way to fix this issue?

    I'm currently sitting at 50% win ratio.

    submitted by /u/GlassyNumbers
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    Ekko rune build suggestions?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:43 AM PST

    I have recently been playing Ekko a lot. So, I decided to assemble a few rune builds for him. I'm not sure how they are, so can I get some feedback? I put them in a folder:



    BTW: Any tips on improving the runes? Also how can I get better at playing Ekko?

    submitted by /u/ronacse359
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    How do jungle smurfs hard carry games and maintain high win rate in low plat MMR?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:33 AM PST

    I've been trying to climb on my one-tricking rengar account in the preseason. However, I am finding it more difficult to climb consistently after reaching the low plat MMR. When I am having a winning streak, games are working out. But when I am not, I would get 3~4 games of all lanes are losing. I can 1v9 if I get ahead very early but won't be able to do much if I don't. I always focus on the winning lane and just kept on camping. And eventually, we will be able to 2v9 the game. But when all lanes are losing and me focusing on camping bot side still don't work. The game is pretty much done at this point. I know I am hella rusty at this game, maybe my macro approach is just not good enough. Therefore, I would really like to hear from high ranked smurf how you guys are able to deal with games like this and hard carry in this MMR.

    Here is my op.gg if you guys wanna take a look:


    More In-depth info on how these games go:

    For example, there are games where I track the enemy jungle and I'm at bot side. Ping and types said their jg is top side and warned my top laner to back off but still end up dying to a gank. I ganked bot, got two kills off that great got drag , backed got my items proceed to clear my top side buff, then my bot side dies to enemy bot side even with the lead from the assists. Their top lane just backed, so I can't gank. After the clearing, I came bot again, went in got a kill but the enemy mid laner rotated bot side and killed all of us since our mid lane Lebalnc is 0/3 and their talon is 3/0. The Leblanc goes bot side trying to get a kill from low hp bot lane but ended up dying to mid again. Their jungle took herald at this point and took down top turret. Top blames me "bruh, jg difference no gank top GG".

    submitted by /u/Venisky
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    dota player thinking about starting lol

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:03 AM PST

    hi im a current dota player(5k divine 2 last season) thinking about switching lol for a bit because im sick of valve's shitty choices for the game and dont want to rip my hair anymore after a casual pub game

    can you give me any tips or beginner leads? also is there any mechanically complex characters such as chen or invoker in dota 2, only heard of ezreal being hard because of his skill shot based skill set


    you can add me from steam too if you have got time to discuss about lol

    submitted by /u/themelonful2
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    How do I split push effectively in Low Elo?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:50 AM PST

    I'm a low elo support/top main, peaked at Gold 3 in S7 took a break and now I started playing again. My go-to toplaner is Yorick I easily stomp lane most of the time because Nobody knows how yorick works in low elo. Most opponents would just catch the E and stand inside the W not knowing it can be attacked.

    My problem is I find it hard to split effectively in ranked, my teammates never listen and consistently force arams even if we are behind. they often end up getting destroyed leaving me to defend. I often get flamed but I don't mind being a support main I am used to getting flamed by everyone on my team.

    Can I get some advice on how to effectively pressure and push without my team getting mauled and flaming me

    submitted by /u/2lesslonelypeople
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    Hidden Op Caitlyn Aa Cancel?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:10 PM PST

    The Hope Fam is proud to present to you our newest and latest video!!

    Our content is geared towards people who want to improve in league of legends. Most of the content will be geared towards climbing thus learning mechanics, micro, macro, etc...

    We have lots of how to's coming out for league of legends

    Content will be tailored to each individual viewer, so if you have any questions on anything league related geared towards learning to climb this is the Youtube Channel for you.

    We will be releasing 1 video per week, every friday!!

    Subscribe and like if it's your first time on the youtube channel or if you havent already.

    Comment in the youtube section if you've subbed, or anything really so I can properly thank you.

    We also live stream every week 2 times a week, check out the stream schedule on the twitch @ twitch.tv/littleboyofhope

    Thanks and we wish you all a Happy New Years!! Hope you accomplished all your 2019 goals, and have more for 2020!!!


    submitted by /u/Littleboyofhope
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    Ranged Tops of LoL, How Good is it? Which ADCs are the best for that?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:07 AM PST

    A bit about me: I started playing league about a year ago and during that time I tried lots of champs until I landed on Jhin, I just liked the aesthetic of him so naturally I became an ADC. With time I found Jhin to be really hard to use without a friendly supp so I moved on to other ADCs like Xayah, Jinx and Ashe, with the last one becoming my main. But (and IDK if it is only me) I'm getting tired of Bot because of the sheer amount of Yasuo Supps and Renekton bots (or any other top) that just make the game unplayable as well as the Lux and Yummi mains that are constantly feeding the other team or going AFK making ranked a nightmare.

    Then I started playing Draft and learned Jungle, more specifically Nunu and Yi, but with the jungle rework IDK WTF I'm doing and most of the time I end up really under-leveled.

    Then Senna appeared and everything was good and nice because I thought I could become a supporter ADC and be the thing my supps were not. But lo and behold ADC's on low elo always have a death wish and no matter what I do, most of the time the other team gets the upper hand because they are fed and we end up losing miserably.

    I don't flame, I mute ALL chat, use emotes to encourage my team when they kill a champ/dragon/herald etc, try to ward as much as posible and all in all while I'm not a pro, I'm not toxic and try to be as supporting of my team as possible in whatever role I'm in.

    So this gets me to the point: I always read that top is like a completely different game, with the only risk being ganked. But I find top champs like Morde and Darius too slow for my liking, so, knowing that ranged tops are a thing I just want to know: How good is it really to be a ranged top? Is it frowned upon to become one? Which of my three ADC champs has the best chance of becoming a ranged top? If none, which champ would you recommend for this?

    Thanks for your advice and see you on top!

    submitted by /u/SirAerion
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