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    Sunday, December 29, 2019

    LoL Guide When an enemy Nocturne uses his ultimate, you can almost always find out where he ulted quickly, using your F-keys

    LoL Guide When an enemy Nocturne uses his ultimate, you can almost always find out where he ulted quickly, using your F-keys

    When an enemy Nocturne uses his ultimate, you can almost always find out where he ulted quickly, using your F-keys

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:40 PM PST

    Part of Nocturne's ultimate, Paranoia, is applying nearsight to the entire enemy team.

    This loss of information is often quite debilitating. Frequently, it's not even clear where the enemy Nocturne is.

    Three important facts can be used in conjunction to quickly gain information about where an enemy Nocturne is, during his ultimate:

    1. Most Nocturne players will use their Q at about the same time when they use their ultimate, usually after ulting. Nocturne's Q leaves a "dusk trail" on the ground, and this dusk trail is actually visible to enemies even if they are nearsighted.

    2. In game, there are four keys which center your camera on your four teammates. In 2015, the streamer and coach LS made a video explaining some ways in which these keys are useful.

      By default, these keys are F2, F3, F4, and F5. You can reassign these keys to whatever you prefer. For example, I use Z, X, C, and V, because I can press ZXCV[Spacebar] to very quickly cycle the camera through my four teammates, then center it back on myself.

    3. Your pings and allied pings still show up on the minimap while an enemy Nocturne is ulting.

    What to do when the enemy Nocturne uses R:

    The three facts above mean that when an enemy Nocturne uses his ult, you can do the following:

    • Use camera hotkeys to cycle through your four teammates' locations.

    • As you do this, you will see the trail of Nocturne's Q in one of these places. When you do, ping that location.

    • Now, you know where Nocturne ulted, and you have done your best to tell your teammates as well.

    TL;DR Here is a video of this trick being used in-game.

    The only situations in which this doesn't work are those in which the enemy Nocturne, for whatever reason, doesn't use his Q.

    submitted by /u/TwitchTV-Zubin
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    Sometimes I'm scared of playing League

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:10 AM PST

    [I don't speak english and i don't use reddit so I'll be trying my best]

    So how the title says, sometimes I'm scared of play;I don't know if I have some kind of anxiety but when I play I can't avoid to think whenever I play it's going to go so wrong and I'llbe flamed.I need someone to give me emotional support?Idk, just someone who'll told me that even if I am 0/3 i can turn around the lane.I can't even play rankeds or roles that I don'tuse [jg,sup] without feel my heart racing 10 times faster than usual.

    I don't know if I'm just worrying much and I shouldn't, but I need help.I really enjoy this game and I'm willing to keep playing.

    submitted by /u/Maeuxie
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    Playing with all the chat blocked really makes the game more enjoyable.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 01:42 PM PST

    So I just came back to the game and I am getting ready for S10 to actually play an entire season since I never did it, only played at S3 and S4 a bunch of normals, never cared about ranked, ended up meeting some people in game, 5 people more or less and we would just play together all the time but nothing serious. Then I gave up the game and came back in 2018 played 3 weeks while on vacation and climbed from Bronze IV to Silver V at the end of the season and gave up the game right after.

    So this was a little introduction of my experience, in 2018 the main reason was because the game was getting stressful, I played after work and wanted to learn and climb while everyone was spending more time typing in the chat than playing, saying that x person died 5 times, ff at 20, complaining while in a bush doing nothing, just typing, if you sum the time it's several minutes on a 30 minutes game, it's a lot. And even though I never said a thing, I basically never used a chat besides to type "gj" when I felt like someone did something good, now I just emote a thumbs up, I was getting distracted by all that talking and getting annoyed even though I didn't say a word, I am human so I get frustrated in silence.

    Now that I came back to try again to play consistently all season I noticed I had these two new options, disable [All] chat and disable allied chat, so I decided to just enable them since /mute all now disables pings and pings are important and I am very pleased with the outcome, have been playing for more that a week now and never got frustrated, I go into each game thinking "I will farm the best I can and will try to apply the trading stance" I am focusing on these two things now, in between games I go to the practice tool for the farm part to get the feeling of how I am, getting consistently 35-38 cs by 5 minutes on the mid lane now, much better than I ever did actually. Eventually I will get 40-44 which is my aim. And I had games where I totally noticed that people were flaming each other, like spam pinging each other "?" and stopping intermittently for no apparent reason when someone died, clearly typing. And I never get annoyed, it's a different game, I just see a little bit of their rage at the end of match screen and that's it, which is fine. At this point last season I tried I was already thinking about giving up and not now, I just play my games, try to improve in what I feel like it and other people are like bots, like I am playing a offline game.

    If you struggle like me to not get frustrated when you see people flaming each other you should really try this, set both options on your settings and I am sure you will be able to never tilt and just keep on playing game after game with the same mindset.

    submitted by /u/notowisu
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    Wards are not meant to warn you that you're getting ganked

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 01:52 PM PST

    I see a lot of people using their wards incorrectly to be "safe from ganks" but this is absolutely wrong. Placing your ward in the bush provides little to no vision and it only gives you roughly a 5 second headstart to start backing off if the enemy jungler or a laner is ganking your lane and it's not going to stop anyone with a gap close get on top of you and kill you. Also this ward has, needless to say, little to no benefit for the rest of your team most of the time. A ward's actual use is to TRACK THE ENEMY JUNGLER.

    Now before saying this is nonesense and it will do absolutely nothing to stop your team's jungler getting 1v1'd in the river or your top laner dying 1v2 over and over, hear me out. Every high elo guide on warding always highlights the importance of placing deep wards in the enemy jungle, "why?" you might ask, because this actually helps you track the enemy jungler which in turn will help you stay safe from ganks. When you see the gank coming from a mile away because you see the enemy jungler taking blue and pathing towards your lane, it almost guarantees you are not going to die to the gank. As side effect it also frees up your jungler to either invade the enemy jungle on the opposite side of the map without worrying about bumping into the enemy team's jungler or take dragon/rift herald for free and it also means your other lanes can play more aggressive potentially getting a few kills in the process. This also works vice versa; you place a deep ward and you see no camps up and the jungler is nowhere to be found, you can safely assume that he is on the opposite side of the map so you can play as aggressive as you want. Clearly deep vision is much more beneficial for you and your whole team than just warding the bushes near the river entrance.

    Now to be clear sometimes your only option will be to ward the nearest bush because it's not safe to place deep vision or you might be getting shoved under turret and don't have a time window to go for a deep ward. Maybe you have deep visio and you've spotted the jungler but one of your side lanes still overextends and dies. This is absolutely fine and will happen pretty commonly in games but it doesn't take away from the fact that you should use your wards to track where the enemy jungler is to maximize their effectiveness. I feel like this change in mindset when warding will help you feel more in control of your games and help you win more.

    Hopefully you find this tip helpful and start implementing it to win some more games

    TL;DR: Use your wards as tools to track the enemy jungler to help yourself and your team die less from ganks

    submitted by /u/AndreasStr
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    Warwick TOP guide by KR challenger

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:00 AM PST

    Long time no see! Happy New Year everyone!

    Video can be found HERE!

    I could've chosen a guide on any champion in League of Legends, but for some reason this time I translated a guide on toplane Warwick. Guide was made by korean youtuber Hyeontube and it has a form of interview with a player called Secheppo. Originally, he is a korean challenger Poppy one trick, but lately he got bored of her, so he decided to try Warwick - a champion that he always wanted to play at toplane, but never succeeded in doing so. Surprisingly after all the season 9 changes to rune system and items WW worked well at top, so he stuck with him. This got noticed and led to the creation of this guide. After the guide was released WW got buffed in 9.21, plus we had Conqueror change in preseason and judging by the results it seems like this rune works well for him. Secheppo argues that WW is insane in 1v1 and is super easy to learn. Maybe WW top is a sleeper op for soloq, so I suggest you to take a look at my video and maybe learn him.

    Have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    Jungling for an absolute newbie and lane-only player?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 02:15 PM PST


    Sorta new to league itself (lv 24), and all the games I've played so far have been lane games, mostly top and support.

    However, I'm plagued by one recurring problem. I have no idea how jungling works, causing several problems:

    • I have no idea why the ally/enemy jungler does what they do. In fact, I often forget that both teams have a jungler unless someone ganks. The only direct interaction I get is leashing a buff in the beginning, or ganks.

    • If I get auto filled jg, I have to dodge or I become Plastic VI tier for that game, relying on my laners to carry me.

    • If I'm not jg, I have no idea how to help or have my jg help me, beyond "try to land cc when they show up for a gank".

    To solve these issues, I'd like to pick up jungling. Learn how so I can integrate that knowledge into my laner games. Maybe even start maining jg if I enjoy it.

    If anyone can help or direct me to some resources for complete newbies, I'd be grateful.

    Here's some questions based on what I already know:

    • It seems junglers have a "central item" like supports, that they keep throughout the entire game, upgrading it. How does this work? Are there different choices like supports have?

    • What does "full clearing" mean? From my guess, it's like ace-ing champs, but for all camps on your side. That right?

    • is it okay to temporarily group up with a laner to help them, beyond ganking? (EG exist there to force a tower without retaliation, 2v1)

    • What does "jungle tax" mean specifically? Is it normal, or a dick move?

    • Apparently smite works on champs once you have an upgraded jungle item, but does it have the same effect, x hundreds of true damage? That seems strong, ADCs and champs that don't tend to build health would just get absolutely chunked, no?

    • I know how to make life difficult for an enemy laner, but how do you deal with the enemy jungler? Seems you could just avoid each other the entire game, purposefully or not.

    • Extra potentially boneheaded question - Why even have a jungler? Why don't teams just run 1 top, 2 mid (one support), and 2 bot (one support), and just have laners collect camps when it's convenient? Why have someone play entirely in the jungle? Shouldn't midlaners taking camps make up for the lost xp soaked by the mid support?

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    Attack speed rune in mid laners

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:24 AM PST

    Hello everyone!

    I haven't seen a lot of people using this, specially in mage mid laners.

    Trading 9 adaptive force for 10% attack speed can help you last hit easier and even trade better in the mid lane, specially early where autos mean a lot in mage's 1v1.

    It really makes you feel very smooth and it's even hard to play without it now.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Iam_Blink
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    How to Change your Habits

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 10:13 AM PST

    Hello everyone! Today I wanted to share with you a way of changing your habits in League of Legends.

    I made a video covering the neuroscience behind how habits work in the brain, how you can create good habits and eliminate bad ones.

    Link to the video: https://youtu.be/rPYbVtTiRqw

    Hope you found the information useful! Would love to discuss what is your experience with habits in League.

    submitted by /u/Iam_Blink
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    Why are defensive shards in the second row so unpopular?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:54 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    I very rarely see people taking double defensive shards, even in bad matchups, and i dont understand why.

    The armor/mr is more powerful than the adaptive force in both bad matchups and both in even matchups, where the laners actively trade with each other.

    I would understand why the dominant/bully champ would go for offense, but in any other case (unless the ad/ap tips over a breakthrough point for waveclear) the defensive approach is likely superior.

    But why is that?


    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:08 AM PST

    So i have been playing this game for a little more than a year and i still can't comprehend very well this attribute, never played a lot champs that use this attribute like Pyke or Talon, only Pantheon and i mix him with damage.

    So what makes this different to attack damage or armor penetration or critic chance? In what match ups or team comp i could use it?

    submitted by /u/88Question88
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    I don't know how to improve

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 03:52 PM PST

    Greetings summoners. I'm playing on eune server and i have problem as ADC main in diamond 4 elo. I've been stucked in here for about 4 months and i don't know how to improve and get above. I've been watching replays to see what do i do wrong... Watched some videos, everything i could in order to get better. Yet still nothing so i'm asking for your help. How could i improve and get above diamond 4 - diamond 3 ?

    my op.gg - https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=ArtistWhoLoves4

    submitted by /u/popvadan5
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    Is reaching Gold IV still "above average" in league of legends, or has the addition of Iron rank changed player distribution enough low Gold is the new mid silver in terms of average player skill?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:57 PM PST

    If this is true, does this mean future seasons Victorious skins will be set for a higher rank like Platinum? Does this mean reaching higher ranks will be"easier" for players, or will the over all skill curve be completely unchanged?

    For context, I'm asking because I finished Gold IV for the first time in my time playing league the previous season (playing since Season 4, started ranked Season 6), and I only considered this recently when looking at Rank distribution on League of Graphs https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution. So, I'm really asking how much of my recent achievement was earned through improving play and better micro/macro, and how much was simply because the overall climb became "easier" due to player skill filtering being improved, and the Gold label simply being a "new coat of paint" over an unchanged interior/game play level. I apologize in advance if this question has been asked before, I'd love links to the related discussions.

    submitted by /u/Raszhivyk
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    Climbing with Jax Jungle

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:27 AM PST

    Hey guys, Silver 2 jg main here. I started off Iron 2 just last Christmas and I was able to climb playing volibear and a little bit of jax. As everyone knows the jungle meta has changed a lot, and although I do fairly decently as a jungler in most games, I feel lost when I path because of the camp timer changes, more pressure to do drag, etc. I'd appreciate some tips or advice on how to play jax/volibear jungle in the new meta(do I powerfarm even on a ganking jg like volibear, should I get a pink and cheese a lvl 4 drag, good early paths etc). Also, which champ do you think is better for soloq atm? My IGN is Darls Pearling. A late merry Christmas, and thanks in advance for the replies!

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    How do I lane against Fizz?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:51 AM PST

    Okay, so. I play mostly Zoe, Irelia and Lux mid. I PERMA ban Fizz, but I feel like if I learn to play against him correctly. Yasuo would be a better ban. I've peeked Plat. I'm currently Gold II though. I just always get shredded by him. I'll push my lane and poke him out if I'm playing Zoe/Lux. But I can't all in to kill him. He'll just back, come back with some items. And I can't really play aggressively against him anymore. A lot of the times I'll get dived under my own tower by him and a jungler. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/MyCatIsMyCareTaker
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    Wave management

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:42 AM PST

    Im a bit confused about wave management when I play ig or top. 1. If top lane is shoved in and both laner is dead,me as a jgler, do I push in the wave or just leave it like that, usually when I push the wave and my top lane get back to lane, my lane is always shoved to them so he cant really do much. 2. When do you tax minion waves? 3. Me as a top laner, when do you freeze or when do you fast push so you can recall and buy items.

    Off-topic but what do you usually do when you're behind as a jgler and can't do much but your team keep asking you for ganks but knowing that it'll not work out.

    submitted by /u/roll28122005
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    Can't get out of the bruiser/assassin mentality

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:48 AM PST


    I started to play the game as main jungler,pretty much everything that is not ranged and can dive the backline,

    Now i played adc for a lot of time and still cant get out of that mentality,i mostly play draven and i belive im good at him but im just bad as adc in general,if we get ganked and we can actually try and win the 2v3,i dont flash away,i flash in and try to finish the enemy adc,sometimes it work,but ideally u back and start to kite the jungler which most likely dies and it can end in a triple rather than just 1 for 1,but it feels like my brain just wont get it.

    Any tip to work around that?

    submitted by /u/Grangoop
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    Struggles I'm having as a Support main in low ELO

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:49 AM PST

    So, I recently got out of bronze for the first time as a Support Nautilus main. I'm definitely not great at League, but I feel like I have potential. If that makes sense? Sometimes I make dumbass choices and die a lot, and sometimes I set my team up for the win. Sometimes I'm trash, sometimes I feel like I'm playing WELL above my ELO.

    There's also been times I've played with people in higher ELO than me and they're confused about why I'm only Silver IV, but then there's times where people in my ELO ask me "how tf you get to silver when you play like iron".

    The biggest issues I would say I have that are making me hardstuck low ELO are:

    • if my ADC doesn't go in when I set them up for easy kills I get frustrated and tend to fall off.

    • if I have a bad early game I lose confidence in myself and in my game.

    • I feel like I generally have a STRONG early and mid game and laning phase, however I find myself often getting lost in late game not really knowing what to do.

    • This one is probably the worst one, but it's also why I think I have potential to be a great player... Sometimes I see my team getting stuck and about to be massacred by the enemy team, and I know I'm the difference between them getting killed or not - so I do what I think the right thing to do is, and I go in and either do a lot of peel, or a lot of CC or both so my team can either get away or turn around and fight and kill - but then I don't have time (or maybe my reaction speed isn't good enough) to also get away and I'm getting killed in two seconds, causing my team to flame me hard for dying while they got away. But I recognise that if I hadn't gone in, they all would have died.

    I'd probably benefit from coaching tbh but I'm incredibly poor.

    I tend to be quite aggressive in my play style, and get the in game equivalent of restless leg syndrome where you really wanna keep bouncing your leg but you don't and it feels like a mild cramp if I can't play aggressive.

    The things I feel I do really well at in game are:

    • warding: I am smart with where and when I'm warding. As soon as my support item quest in done I swap straight to sweeper. I try not to waste my wards if I know where jungler is.

    • crowd control: I would rather tank a bit of damage to slow down or stun an enemy so my teammate can get away than hang back and do nothing. And I always feel satisfaction when I know I'm the reason my lane partner or jungler is able to get so many kills in a game.

    • trying to maintain pressure on dragon if my jungler isn't ready to go for it: nothing breaks my heart more than a jungler not going for dragons and seeing the enemy team get all four straight away, so I try and keep pressure up on bot and dragon to stall until we can get dragon.

    • staying positive: I feel this is my best quality in League. It takes a while for me to get tilted. I can be on a five game losing streak, and if I feel I played well, I don't get tilted. It's only when I know I've screwed up do I get tilted and decide to have a break.

    I'm confident in playing Nautilus. I feel I play a very strong Nautilus. Sure, there's champs I would much rather play but I have higher success with Nautilus in comparison.

    I'm really struggling to recognise what I can do as a player to continue to climb and better myself. I understand this post may still be breaking Rule 2 and being Too General, but I'm really not sure how I can elaborate any further on how I'm struggling and how to be less general...

    submitted by /u/GrimmMonsoon
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    Reminder that its just a game and everyone behind the computer has emotions

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:08 PM PST

    So yesterday I was spamming ranked trying to hit Diamond playing support. Went 5-6 with Zilean and out of 11 games, I win lane and have 3-6 kills in lane for 9 games but all my losses I had a top going 10+ death and less than 3 kills and starts getting tilted and flaming the team especially jungle for it. I got really tilted and went to queue jungle when I was feeling tired and I should just take a break and stop ranking.

    Got into a mix high plat-diamond game. Top mid support were diamonds while me and ADC were high plats. Early game my bot lane was getting pressured hard and my ADC was tilted and said "this is why I hate laning with champion X" and my support got tilted because hes a one trick of that champipn and they started arguing with each other. And they died a lot to the enemy bot lane and started flaming each other for it. The first 15 mins of the game were just full of toxicity.

    My mid wasn't doing well either, played Mage and kept getting solo killed by enemy Asssassin mid. Only my top was even but mid and bot gave over 10+ kills already. My anxiety spiked and I felt so shitty of not being able to do anything and I did not want to play anymore. Top was like "Sorry JG, I can't do much about this game. Sometimes these games happen". I then replied "My past 10 games, I win lane almost every game and I always get an inting top laner who ints and starts getting toxic, felt like I cannot carry as a support so I played jungle and this happens again. Please ff, I don't want to play League anymore. I am not good enough to carry." And then suddenly bot lane stopped quarreling and they didn't vote ff and we just tried. We won some fights which we started having chance of winning the game. I fucked up in one fight and I was like sorry man. And bot lane who was toxic at start of the game was like "sorry for what?". In the end, we still lost the game because our inhibs were already down so the moment they won one fight they won the game. But I felt less shitty about the game since everyone stopped quarreling and tried to win the game. I felt that bot lane probably stopped quarreling because of what I said when I tried to ff.

    I think even though League is a toxic game, people do have a heart. Everyone has real emotions behind the screen after all and we should all just remember its just a game in the end. Thank you for reading my ranked experience.

    submitted by /u/MoaMetalDesu
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    Dr. Mundo Lethal Tempo Season 10 Jungle Guide by Zeraphicus

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 03:42 PM PST

    Hey ya'll here is a quick guide for playing Dr. Mundo with lethal tempo in the jungle season 10.

    Runes: Precision tree/lethal tempo, legend tenacity if they have more than 1 hard CC that isn't a knockup, alacrity otherwise. Inspiration free boots/aproach velocity. Offense, Attack speed, flex, double armor (to survive first clear easier).

    Start blue or red based on bot lane, with machete/refillable. Clear single camps, blue gromp and red, look to gank and contest scuttle. If you can land cleavers you can duel pretty well with lethal tempo. After you have contested scuttles/ganked a lane return to buy and buy skirmishers saber/talisman depending on how much gold you have. Final build will be situational but, always build cinderhulk primary, then spirit visage/randuins/warmogs/thornmail depending on what they have (do not build both thornmail and randuins build gargoyle stoneplate in addition to whichever you build, thornmail against ad/lifesteal, randiuns against crit). I like to build ninja tabi unless they are 4 or more AP champs, because it is better over all since you get tenacity from your w and legend tenacity diminishing returns hurts the value for merc treads.

    Please watch my guide on youtube and hit me up with any questions!


    submitted by /u/Zeraphicus
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    Top lane

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 03:38 PM PST

    Im stuck in a weird spot in mid gold where im getting bored of playing top because i play brain dead champs and it's abuse or lose with morde garen and dar (i ban dar and if they dont ban morde ill get someone to lock him and if they ban him i go garen) i have decent wr (low/mid 60%) on morde and gar but its boring any good and more fun champs to play that wont get steamrolled (was thinking of camille)

    submitted by /u/Pika_DJ
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    New Aurelion Sol: How do you play him?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:39 PM PST

    A few patches ago, Riot made a MAJOR change to ASol and passed it off as a minor change with almost no discussion in the patch notes. They changed his W to be a spell cast instead of a toggle on/off. This seems to dramatically change his play style from sustained damage and positioning to... I'm not sure what. Now he has so much downtime while W is on cooldown, that makes it so he can't contribute as much in a teamfight, and it doesn't seem like he got additional damage to make up for it.

    Obviously he is still good, as he has the highest win rate in the mid lane but I would like to understand why.

    submitted by /u/whileimatit
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    I have a question

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 02:20 PM PST

    I have evelynn but i dont play good with her, i dont hace too much money and i want to replace her with shaco

    I dont know if it would be good learning how to play evelynn good beacause i like that she heals like in a shooter game when youre not receiving damage or attacking or buying shaco

    submitted by /u/Uchiha_Yago
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    Small Jungle Tip: Remember it's sometimes correct to NOT Smite.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 03:02 AM PST

    Yes we all know that you "should" smite to secure an objective like Dragon or Baron, but if there is no possible way the enemy team can contest the objective then Smite is a waste.

    Smite is also a heal, it's also an enhancement for future ganks (assuming you've upgraded your jungle item), it's also a counterjungling tool, and in niche situations it can be used on summons and certain traps.

    Blowing a charge of it to get an objective when the entire enemy team is dead, or if you have perfect vision around the objective and know that nobody can steal is a HUGE waste of a versatile summoner spell. You wouldn't use Ghost to run back to the fountain from a T1 tower, so don't use Smite to kill something that you'll always secure anyway.

    (Important caveat: Do not forget about enemies with global or long range abilities. Always smite against a Lux. ALWAYS. Even if she's dead.)

    submitted by /u/Randomd0g
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    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 12:35 PM PST

    are boots of swiftness ever worth getting or are they a never pick kind of item? (other than champs like Hecarim ofc)

    I main WW jungle and i'm sometimes tempted when I see Ashe, Nunu, etc. or teams with alot of slows, but always go with Tabi's / Mercs. Also, just to be clear I am asking mostly about the slow resist, the extra move speed is whatever imo.

    submitted by /u/jububees
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