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    Friday, February 28, 2020

    LoL Guide Challenger Player Pekin Woof's commentary on a Bronze Elo game | He goes in depth on what a throw looks like and how to prevent them.

    LoL Guide Challenger Player Pekin Woof's commentary on a Bronze Elo game | He goes in depth on what a throw looks like and how to prevent them.

    Challenger Player Pekin Woof's commentary on a Bronze Elo game | He goes in depth on what a throw looks like and how to prevent them.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:11 AM PST

    I bop around high gold and despite finding these elos easy myself, I found this video incredibly informative.

    In the video, you can see a few things:

    1. His team is working against him and making bad decisions that give the enemy team a chance to come back. He talks late in the video about how important it is to always be doing something on the map, especially when you're fed and full build on a squishy champ. You throw because the enemy can catch up to you. You aren't getting stronger, but they can get stronger.

    2. Showcased in the Kled top tilting early, try not to tilt just because you're losing lane. The game was heavily in favor of Pekin Woof's team, but the Kled was losing his mind spam pinging because he got killed. Learn to get carried.

    3. There are some easy mistakes to avoid. The enemy team often just walks up and takes fights for no reason other than to fight. Pekin Woof often discouraged his team from fighting by pinging them back and also just not being there. He also gave up on a few fights that simply weren't going to happen. Don't feed the enemy an extra kill if your whole team dies.

    4. Dying is not good at all. He talked a lot throughout the game about not wanting to die. He was worried early about ganks and he was worried late about being one shot. To prevent these, he warded and played safe and bought a defensive item (zhonyas), respectively.

    Hopefully some of you guys find this as useful as I did.

    submitted by /u/Eruptflail
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    I'm sick of embarrassing myself in game while being autofilled to Jungle, how do you Junglers deal with this?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:30 PM PST

    Seriously this role is the most stressful role in the game for me, I often find myself feeling pressured to find the correct path without losing too much health, getting skuttle, securing dragons, getting heralds, and keeping in check with all 3 of my lanes along with the enemy jungler's location. It feels like a information overload and I often just tilt myself to the point that I lose control of the game to the point that the enemy team is just farming my jungle while taking every dragon and baron.

    I just find myself freezing up from stress whenever I play jungle, its downright miserable and my team giving me grief and going "gg jungle diff" is not making things any better.

    As for my jungle champion pool I normally go for aggressive ad junglers such as Vi and J4 but I have been getting mediocre results with them. Sometimes I pick Amumu if a tank is needed but that often results in me getting counter jungled to oblivion, Warwick used to be something that I picked pre-rework but ever since the rework I could never get him to work.

    submitted by /u/GIJose65
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    How does everyone have feeding bot lanes?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:13 AM PST

    Every post about transferring lane dominance to victory brings up how their bot lane always feeds. Never mid lane and never a bad jungle. How is this possible? The consistency of the claim is way too high for coincidence, but it would seem if one bot lane feeds then the other bot lane must be doing amazing.

    submitted by /u/KassadinStormblessed
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    How do I prove my mid-game CSing?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:05 AM PST

    I've been playing League regularly for a bit over half a year now (finished S1 last season)

    I noticed that once the laning phase ends (usually around 12-15 mins) is where my farming kinda take a step back and it stays pretty much the same for the rest of the game as more often than not both teams just group up mid cause low elo.

    Therefore, games that last 27 mins for example, I finish up with around 150 CS which is pretty bad...

    How can I improve that?
    (Edit: I play Mid)

    submitted by /u/OneWingedFallenAngel
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    Faker's guide on how to roam.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:56 PM PST

    Hi! Video can be found HERE.

    In todays video you will be able learn how to roam properly from the Faker himself! In his guide Faker went over two timings that allow you to roam, he explained how to fake roams, how to roam through lane rather than river or jungle and briefly went over which lanes it is better to gank. Overall Faker's guides aren't always deep and detailed, but this time he explained all the needed basics pretty well. Obviously, this guide is using mid lane as an example, but I would've suggested to watch this video for everyone, since it explains roaming as a whole. Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    I have recently started to get INSANELY bad input delay on my laptop in only League of Legends

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Does anybody know what the hell happened? The input lag is atrocious. For instance, when I type in chat, it can take up to 20 seconds for my letters to slower add in. When I place a gangplank E and attempt to move my mouse after pressing E, the skillshot goes where I'm aiming after I press E. Its making me miserable, I've already tried a full reinstallation and the hextech repair. Please help!

    submitted by /u/Demaciaishomo
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    I feel disconnected from the game.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:00 AM PST

    Hey there, summoners.

    I am not any mechanical god, but i feel like my game knowledge is pretty good for my rank (S3). The thing is, that while I think my knowledge about map movement and stuff is good, from watching all the streams and proffesional leagues, I feel like I cannot apply it ingame. I feel like the smart part of my brain is disconnected and I just make dumb things. Is it because me playing the game is more dynamic experience than watching LEC? Is there a way I can fix this? Do I just think more ingame?

    Thanks for answering.

    submitted by /u/FlameCZ
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    When you're ahead, pressure turrets!

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:37 PM PST

    Ever have those games where you get ahead early and lose after 30 minutes? Try winning sooner. People in gold or whatever are seriously afraid to pressure turrets. I just played a game where we were fairly ahead and the enemy bot and top laners were sitting in their side lanes farming. 4 of us were grouped mid. We took the outer turret and my teammates started to scatter to the fucking wind to go buy a long sword or some shit idk. Anyway I pinged the fuck out of the inner turret and they turned their ass right around and helped me take it. After that I look at the side lanes. The laners haven't fucking budged. My teammates are again being magnetically pulled towards the shop like it has the gravity of the sun. I ping the inhibitor turret and they perform a u-turn yet again. What do you know we get a free inhib turret at 15 minutes and we're only like 11-8.

    TL:DR: Hit the damn turrets, especially if you have someone really fed. But DON'T overstay.

    submitted by /u/BizarreCake
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    Will Using a Funnel Strategy Hurt My General Learning of How to Play?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:23 AM PST

    To explain, I am a rather new player who plays maybe 10 games a week. I started with Master Yi and know how to play him decently enough, but I switched to Warwick so I can have some more early game impact. A friend of mine has recently picked up Taric, and I've seen a lot of complaints about Taric mid/Yi jungle funnel strategy and was wondering if playing this style to get wins would impair me from learning the fundamentals at a normal rate- I want to try it because it looks fun to get 200 cs and then hit Quadra kills from nowhere, but I also want to improve my general game sense and awareness first and foremost. Hopefully this question makes sense, as previously stated I am newer and as such I may not be using the correct terminology for some of the stuff I've written about.

    submitted by /u/xBrayJay
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    Kled Guide - Passive, Courage, Skaarl, EQ and QE Combos, Ulting and Teamfighting | League of Legends

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 11:02 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great day today. I have made a Kled guide for you guys because I figured now is a great time to pick up Kled due to the fact that Riot is currently focusing on buffing top lane items.

    Click here to watch the Kled Guide

    In this guide, I will be showing you some tips and tricks for playing Kled including how the passive works, basic combos (EQ & QE combos), ulting and teamfighting.

    Thanks for reading and good luck winning~

    submitted by /u/youtubemenaki
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    Mid Laners: As a top laner, how the F do you freeze this lane purposefully?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:43 AM PST

    It feels like when I play mid, the freezes I put out are not as useful as in top lane. Even when they are like massive freezes perfectly thinned out with 2+ ally waves dying. Makes since given the lane length, but I just cant figure out how to freeze for a lead in mid. It feels like fast pushing is always teh right call. Not worth cutting out the enemy from 4-5 cs /wave if it means having no prio.

    Just played a game as Ryze vs. Kat. I know as Ryze I suck ass early, but will scale. I focus on CS, stacking my manaflow on her in the early levels. Im doing well, I back for Tear around 5-6 mins and TP back to lane. I set up a huge freeze on her because she did some stupid trades, etc. She sees the freeze and roams, which I get. I ping literally a million times, and not at the last second. Like as soon as shes MIA im pinging. She gets a double kill bot. Early game proceeds to turn to shit. Eventually, i do scale and am a big threat. I buy a little MR and I can duel her again. But still, it just felt awful how quickly it went from "Im freezing big time and winning" to flat out being behind off one play. Maybe its just hte nature of assassins and Kat.

    It feels like the best idea is to just keep mid neutral or pushed. I cannot seem to make any use of my freezes in mid, and they come back to bite me in the ass more times than not. THis does not happen in top lane, where the right freeze can push an opponent into oblivion. So I feel like I do not understand how to lane properly mid vs. top with regard to wave control. I feel like mid is just always get prio and leave, freezing is too risky.

    submitted by /u/PeyronieFTW
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    A bad Fizz player requesting advice

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:10 PM PST

    Hello. I am a new player who started a few weeks ago and I really like Fizz. When I lane with him, I usually just get poked down by the enemy laner, which hurts. This forces me to back early since I'm low from their pokes. How can I avoid pokes? How can I trade damage with the enemy? What do I do laning as Fizz to keep up with the enemy to not fall behind? Thanks for reading this.

    submitted by /u/ParadoxThief
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    ADC Target Priority

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Would like you guys to drop some knowledge on me regarding targeting during team fights. I've been playing LOL for a little under a year now and primarily play ADC. I hear a lot of different opinions when it comes to targeting enemy champions and I'm hoping I could get a little clarification.

    When I first started playing I would constantly get flamed for targeting the front line of enemy champions. As an over correction i would find myself getting in to close, attempting to get damage on to the back line and catch some CC and die.

    Realizing my mistake I reverted back to playing safer and letting the fights break out and just targeting the nearest champs that I could engage at a safe distance.

    Basically, I guess I'm really just look for affirmation that my theory is correct. As a ADC I should be focusing on getting my damage off from a safe distance and not dying. Prioritizing squishy champs when they step into my range but not overextending to engage them.

    Any other tips or opinions are welcome. I climbed to S1 last season but lost my G4 promos twice. I've got my sites set to Gold this season, but am finding it difficult to climb. I've lost my promos into S4 3 times so far lol.

    submitted by /u/SourD22
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    Silver mid lander looking for honest help improving

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:20 AM PST

    So I know that a big weak spot of mine is farming while trading with the enemy laner. If I focus farming then I get poked down and/or ganked. If I focus winning the lane and avoiding ganks then I get less farm. Good games I'll have around 60-70 cs at 10 min and bad games I'll have 40 or so. For this elo I think 60-70 is fine at that time period, but the real farming problem comes into play after then. Every team in every game tries to fight CONSTANTLY and this really disrupts my farming and my overall game plan. It feels like ARAM every game and I want nothing to do with pointless fighting. How can I overcome this, farm more, snowball hard, and carry more games? I'm open to any good advice. Sorry for the long post have a great day y'all!

    submitted by /u/Nescles
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    Kayn / Rek'Sai / Ekko / Zac

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:57 AM PST

    I'm a jungle main, my main champions are the ones written on the title and I want help getting a better understand of them so I can rank up. Playstyle, pathing etc.

    I play these champions because they have good clear times, they don't suffer much after farming camps, they have many different gank paths (maybe not Ekko) and they scale very well (unlike Shaco or Lee, unless they have a huge lead).

    I also have a 89 % win rate on Sett with 11 games played (I know not that many) but I feel like his ganks (before lvl 6) aren't that good so I chose not to main him.

    If you have any tips or anything that might help me please tell me and if you think I should take out one champion from my pool and add a different one explain why remove said champion and why add the other one.

    Ask anything that might help you give me better tips :)

    submitted by /u/No_Creativity_2893
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    Zoe Or Qiy?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:23 PM PST

    Currently d4.

    Trying to hit masters this season with 3 champ pool.

    Cass, TF, and an assassin.

    Previously a zed one trick but zed in high elo is KEKW.

    So zoe or qiyana?

    Im also a comp player for my uni so I wanted to play good comp champions and soloq champs.

    Qiy and Zoe are both super strong in soloq and comp so I was wondering if I could get some help deciding.

    Please ask more questions if need be.

    I took out fizz and talon because he's not great in comp.

    Lb because her skill cap is higher than all these champs combined imo.

    submitted by /u/Zandela
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    Who to play, I am very confused

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:23 AM PST

    So earlier today I was watching some videos and I saw that MF was a better adc than ezreal, who I was saving up for initially. I am currently in a crysis of not knowing who to play and a very slow income of BE. I have a lot of fun with ezreals kit but I really seem to be reliant on my support, who often ints. I am level 25 and I hated MF, until I saw that she was actually a good pick for adc. I really dont fucking want to waste my BE so for a beginner adc with good knowledge of how to play the game who would you recommend?

    submitted by /u/Brut4lC0ffee
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    Jungle : Ganking or farming?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:34 PM PST

    I'm learning Zac and I really like him. I manage to gank quite well with him and I really see his potential.

    However, every game it looks like I'm always low on cs. That's because I try to gank right at level 3, and then I try to get dragon, and then I try to get level 6 asap, and then gank some more. All the while always on the lookout if my laners need some help.

    This mindset makes me roam a lot, but not cs all that much. I don't see how I could conceivably help my lanes as much as I do now AND farm more. So, what should I prioritize?

    Also, sometimes I will gank a lane just to put pressure on the enemy team, not necessarily going for a kill. They'll use a flash and leave my laner a bit more alone, but this costs me precious farming time. Is this good, or should I only gank when I see a "guaranteed" kill?

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Courteous_Crook
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    What is the right decision here?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:07 AM PST

    I've seen a lot of videos that say if there's no objective spawning and the enemy team is not looking to fight, then go to a side lane and slow push a wave or power farm or just do something productive. But what happens often is when I do this, the rest of my team would go mid and a fight will break out for no reason at all. And in most cases my team would lose the team fight because I wouldn't be able to reach in time (and in most cases I'm the one doing most damage so my presence is vital to win a team fight).

    So my question is should I stay with my team (especially if I'm fed), just in case a team fight breaks out, even if nothing is happening currently or should I stick to going to side lanes and pushing waves. (This question is from the perspective of a mid laner in low silver).

    submitted by /u/rathin22
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    Important Fundamentals for an ADC

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:01 PM PST

    I see a lot of misinformation on ADC on what is truly important for improvement. I want to help clarify what's truly important and what is bait and a waste of time learning for how much it truly will improve your gameplay.

    1. CS'ing I know I'll sound like a broken record, but if you aren't meeting the 10 CS/min, you need to get to that mark if you truly want to improve. I constantly will get questions about "what do I do if my team wants to fight?" In that case, your goal is to get as close to 10 CS/min. If you can take the fight and get farm after, take the fight. If not, don't take the fight and spam ping them off. 10 CS/min is a goal, so getting as close as possible is super important, as ADC is a gold sensitive role, unlike most other roles. If you don't have items, you won't do damage, and if you can't do damage, you aren't worth much to your team.

    2. Positioning How do you position in a team-fight? The real answer is, close enough to do damage, but now so close that you don't threaten yourself. The best positioning can carry a team-fight. We don't need you to die trying to do damage, however, you still need to do damage. Find the balance, count cool downs, and play the optimal range and find that balance, and you become a team-fighting god.

    3. Wave control This actually ties into point 1; if you can't control waves, it becomes increasingly hard to get the 10 CS/min mark. The goal should be to keep the wave in a spot where it is safe to farm and you won't be threatened by Zed or Yasuo(I would say talon, but lol, you're never safe against talon). When you get these waves in a good spot for yourself, you'll find yourself getting more and more farm in each game.

    If you can do these three things, you'll be getting to a higher rating in no time. After, and only after, you've mastered these, then you'll truly be able to carry games as an ADC, even with the most unwinnable games.

    Good luck summoners; ask away if you have any questions!

    submitted by /u/StenzoCoaching
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    Questions about how lethality works

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:29 AM PST

    So, I do know that lethality works best against squishy targets that build little/no armor and that it's best in the early/mid game but falls off hard late game.


    However in this clip, OP uses a lethality build for Miss Fortune, showing them one-shotting a level 11 Vayne with a shot that does 890hp. This late into the game a shot that deals 890hp shouldn't oneshot a lv11 Vayne. So does lethality deal extra damage that's hidden even though it displays 890? Does the shot deal 890 but when factored in the lethality stats it does more but only shows it dealt 890?

    submitted by /u/dropthewub
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