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    Monday, February 3, 2020

    LoL Guide does certain lifesteal items affect BoRK Passive?

    LoL Guide does certain lifesteal items affect BoRK Passive?

    does certain lifesteal items affect BoRK Passive?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:41 AM PST

    Blade of the Ruined King (BoRK) applies lifesteal on hit as well as the 8% current health. Does this also increase with items like deaths dance and hextech gunblade?

    I am pretty sure kalista is is the only champ that has to use a lifesteal build as a main one so this is very important to know.

    submitted by /u/Al_the_Renegade
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    How are high elo adc players so fluid/smooth?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 11:35 PM PST

    I'm sure this can apply to any elo but I'm an adc main. I've just started grinding ranked but I believe my MMR would be around G4.

    I really love imaqtpie and have been watching his stuff a lot recently. One thing I always notice is how smooth his playing is, especially in trades and team fights.

    I don't know how to really explain it. But for example, I'll go into a team fight, think I did fine and watch it later. But all my movements are choppy, maybe I auto attack cancel or flail around for a bit or pick up a kill even if I'm uncomfortably close to the person I'm hitting, sometimes I'll kite, sometimes I won't, I'll panic and throw something I didn't want to, etc...

    I'll watch high elo adc players and every fight is so fluid. They go in, do what they need to do, and gtfo. It's neat and clean and if I pause at any moment they're at a comfortable distance (if hey have to be) and it just looks... so smooth?

    What exactly is the difference? What can I do to be more like that? I'm sure it's a combination of a lot of things and well.. just being a better player but what kind of things can I keep in mind to inch closer to what they're doing?

    I've been getting better of keeping track of things in team fights, but I don't know how to think of what I'm going to do and execute it smoothly without unnecessary shit.

    One thing I've also noticed is that high elo adc players make a lot of plays I go "there's no way he'll live that" But they 90% of the time walk out of said trades alive and even pick up a kill or two. they play aggressively but they do it so well. I don't understand how I can learn this sort of thing and be more of an active adc. granted, I play more late game adcs (jinx, aphelios, kog) but I feel like I don't understand when I can go ham or when I can get away with stuff.

    It's not like I'm a new player either. I've been playing for a really long time now and I think I don't get how to learn and get better at LOL. I'll watch videos, VODS, and even write shit down I think is helpful but when it comes down to it I feel like I don't know how to apply what I learn, or even if I'm doing it right. I've heard "it's experience" a lot. I've had a good amount of experience. but wtf do I do with it? ya know?

    Sorry for the wall of text!

    submitted by /u/mayhemune
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    Coaching- Platinum Viktor Mid

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:30 AM PST

    I've had some people ask for me to upload full coaching sessions. I'll probably start uploading quite a few, but this is the first so I thought I'd post it.

    This is someone I've worked with a few times now. We've already discussed things he needs to work on so a lot of the session is trying to hone these skills. If there is anything you don't understand from the session feel free to ask here or on Youtube, I hope it's helpful :)

    Part 1- live game- https://youtu.be/YjUOSPQV3RI

    Part 2- review- https://youtu.be/IHpztxyCEAo

    submitted by /u/TopTierTopLane
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    Jungler’s what have you learned or implemented that gave you the biggest improvement?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:38 PM PST

    Jungle mains what is the one thing that just all of a sudden clicked and you instantly improved?

    I'm gold 1 hardstuck and can't give over the hump into plat. I need suggestions on you did to improve.

    Examples: Ganked more ? Farmed more? Helped losing lanes? Helped winning lanes? Invaded constantly? Powerfarmed?

    Obviously there isn't 1 set thing to help you improve just curious to what has helped you folks the most all of a sudden.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Conhill11
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    Is there a reason to pick a tank other than ornn top?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:58 PM PST

    I mainly play tanks and lately I feel that there are very few scenarios where there picking a tank who is not ornn makes sense.

    He has more damage and more tankiness than the rest of the roster, and he is always relevant due to the free gold that his passive gives.

    Against ad teams he is better than malphite because he has more cc and more damage, he is also tankier during the early, mid and mid-late game because of his passive that gives him 10% more armor and Mr and his upgraded items that give him basically a full item lead against an even malphite (and slot efficiency too), Malphite begins to outperform him in terms of tanking only when we're getting to the third or fourth item.

    He is better than maokai (who can go first item visage) and mundo (who has lots of free Mr in his W) against ap because his Mr item doesn't suck unlike the rest of them and his long range Ult makes it easier to catch mages.

    He also has a long-ish slow and safe farming tool (q), disengage/gap closer (E) and a nullyfing ability (w) which can counter ability reliant champions such as mordekaiser and darius

    So he's better than the competition without even accounting for his upgraded items for his team which makes him relevant even if behind (as if his 2 free upgrades weren't good enough).

    I basically only pick maokai against a poke heavy lane for sustain or if they have lots of really hard to catch champions like ezreal, kaisa or ekko. I also pick Mundo if the enemy team is basically full Ap but even then i feel like Ornn would be a better pick.

    I love ornn and he's the champion I have more mastery points on but I wish I could pick other thanks more often without feeling like I'm crippling myself, so are there any reason to pick other champs?

    submitted by /u/JustJohnItalia
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    How to improve as a league player

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:59 AM PST

    I've browsed this sub quite a bit in the past and ever so often players in silver or gold have difficulty to climb and they say that no matter how much they try to learn their progress is slow. This game is incredibly complex, but very subtly so. These players say that they are improving their mechanics and learning skill cooldowns, but the problem is, that those things aren't really helpful. They only start applying when the level of the play is so high, that everyone is on the same page and you can use that to gain an advantage.

    To improve you have to understand the gameplay concepts. There are plenty of them such as wave management, positioning, objective control, win-conditions, team comps etc.

    The problem of complexity is that when people get to learning these concepts, they're really only scratching the surface of the concept.

    So let me tell you how you actually learn those concepts and let me use wave management as an example.

    To understand wave management you have to understand what it is:

    • Freezing
    • Slowpushing
    • Pushing
    • Reset
    • Bounce

    These things are often said and elaborated on as to what wave management is. But here is the problem. If you learn WHAT these things are, you understand the concept of wave management, maybe at 10%.

    This covers the WHAT wave management is.

    The next step which a lot of players never even consider that exists is HOW to wave manage.

    This question helps you understand how you can setup a freeze for example and how you can use the enemys actions to force freezes when ever you want. This obviously doesn't work against someone who'se gone even beyond of HOW to manage wave. Once you learn HOW to wave manage you are perhaps 25% into learning wave management.

    The next step is understood yet again fewer players. WHY to wave manage.

    This question helps you figure out WHY you choose an form of wave management for instance in a particular matchup. Or WHY you either need to push a wave before you back or not touch it. At this point you are about 50% into wave management as a concept.

    The next step is the last step, but by far the most difficult to learn and master. WHEN to wave manage with WHAT, HOW and WHY.

    This question helps you choose the correct form of wave management at any given time in the game. It is also absolutely crucial to know all the other steps to be able to apply this correctly. And people even as high as diamond 1 do not nescessarily apply all of it to their advantage. Infact, I'd go as far to say that depending on a region, not even all the challenger players have mastered the 4 steps of wavemanagement. Once you master the WHEN part of a concept you have mastered and fully understood the concept. And there are very few players relatively to the number of players in the game who get this far on something as mundane as wave management.

    And this same process is applied to each gameplay concept to master it. And there are very very few sources that actually get into explaining the whole process. I can't even imagine how long this post would be if I explained everything I understand about wave management and I am in all honesty maybe at 60%-70% because of how difficult it is to make the correct choice at certain times, because of how complex these games get, because of how different each game can go.

    TL;DR: Choose a gameplay concept and break it down to WHAT it is, HOW to use it, WHY to use it and WHEN to use all that you have learned about the concept so far, to master a concept.

    submitted by /u/Saras_Bitchkraft
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    How to combo enemies from 100 to 0 as Evelynn?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:25 AM PST

    Hi! The title is pretty much my question. I get the basic principle: You W them, then you Q, E and Ult. But I don't know when to use the three Q charges, or if I have to weave in autoattacks. Also: Do I have to wait for my charm to charge up or is the slow enough? When I watch YouTubers do this, they kill the enemy pretty reliable from full health, but when I do it, they survive with around half health...what am I doing wrong? Or do I have to have a specific set of items first? I have not found any educational content that goes through the combo step by step, unfortunately. Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/KaizokuKairi
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    New Player Laning Help

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:50 AM PST

    Hey team! I'm coming to League of Legends after a year long hiatus from Heroes of the Storm, a game a played regularly since release. I understand roles, have a reasonable understanding of macro, and a strong grasp on objectives. But laning is so different, between the two games, and integral to be relevant for the rest of the game. What can I do to get better at farming and trading?

    submitted by /u/hunnari
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    why isn't the mid lane where the ADC and support go?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:46 PM PST

    Been playing this game for a few years now and I just realized how weird this is to me. I get that the ADC and supp are needed bot rather than top because of better dragon control, but then why wouldn't we just put them in the mid lane? They would have access to both side lanes, herald, and would still have good dragon control (as the past mid laners would now be bot).

    Part of me thinks that it's because of mid laners wanting blue buff but that's all I can think of. Maybe I'm not getting something obvious here but it seems kinda weird idk

    submitted by /u/7thStep
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    When to play Zac vs. when to play RekSai (Climbing ranked as Jung question)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:18 AM PST

    The past few weeks I have grinded these to champs learned the mechanics and farm rotations through and through. Got down their power spikes and how I should play when I do hit my power spikes. Only issue that I am having is in Champ Select.

    I know Zac is my late game hero, I spike levels 4 and mostly 6 is when I really start to help out the team in insane ganks with massive CC. Helps a ton in team fights if my team is bad, I just cc 3 or 4 people and most often team has enough dmg to ACE, clean up and win the game or objective. This some time doesn't work out because Zac can't solo drag and if my bot is bad I cant pressure it.

    This is where RekSai comes in, my early to mid game dawg. I can have high pressure in early game and can pressure drags as soon as they come up but if i cant finish the game early, I dont do much late game, poor cc and not tanky.

    I'm not the best at adapting and changing my build as i am a new player, so I always wanna make sure I am picking the best Champ for my team. As for counters basically if warwick is picked i'll never play reksai that never works, if there's a reksai counter I'll always go Zac or if I feel like my team needs a tank ill always go Zac. However, sometimes I feel like even without a tank if my team spikes early i should play rek'sai, but also that doesn't always go to play and I feel like i would have won with Zac.

    My struggle is understanding team chemistry and when I should play one of the two champs as i try to climb out of uhmmm bronze :) Brand new player but i've grinded to be good and rarely make mistakes, plus i never jump into ranked until i know t he my champ through hand through. please help.

    submitted by /u/lolRoz1
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    How do i transition into the mid game with Katarina?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:30 AM PST

    So I'm a new Kat player, and while my mechanics aren't good yet, sometimes i just get lucky and get ultra fed. I've started just roaming whenever i can and assisting my jungler at scuttle/drag/Shelly, and maybe try to help my team snag early towers through kill conversion, but I'm struggling once "laning phase" ends. Kat is really squishy and i feel like I'm unable to get close enough to any ranged champion to go in on them before they melt me, and most bruisers (and other assassins) can withstand my Burst long enough to destroy me, because by the 15 minute mark, everyone has a completed item or 2.

    Sorry for formatting I'm on mobile, thanks for any advice you can give!!

    submitted by /u/Klove128
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    Pro Players - Killing Wards

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:57 PM PST

    Why don't pro players always kill wards? When watching high level streams, LCS, or LEC, I'll see lanes and jungler drop pinks or scan with trinket and just leave the opposing teams ward up. I understand when it's dangerous to stay and kill the ward that they would ignore it, but there are times where there is literally no chance of them even being attacked and they just ignore the ward. Just not worth their time even though it's just a few seconds?

    submitted by /u/Jruss7289
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    Cant practice - Diamonds ruin normals

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:28 PM PST

    Are people now advised to practice in ranked? I have been away from league for about a year. I am trying to pick up some meta champions so doing what I thought was the right thing and playing normals to get the basics down first. However every game I have played so far has had a last season Diamond player or 2-3 Plats vs our team composed of all ex bronze - golds. I wasn't just having an unlucky night or facing the same people as this has happened over the past week.

    Is the only way to get balanced normals to queue with people on fresh accounts? Or do normals think one bronze and one diamond averages to two gold players so its fine? Any advice would be appreciated as the frustration is already pushing me away from playing this game.

    submitted by /u/kraiklyn_was_taken
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    Priorities in draft pick

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:53 AM PST

    Is it more important to get a counter pick in your lane or to fill a gap in your current team comp?

    For example, if the enemy top laner picks Camille should I pick Cassiopeia as it is a heavy counterpick or should I play Aatrox as it would be helpfull for my team to have a stronger frontline but a worse lane matchup?

    Thanks for the advice.

    submitted by /u/JosephSmithTaylor
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    Keybindings Trick

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:28 PM PST

    I was searching though the archives and found that you can assign a camera view to the same key as an ability cast. Apparently, a lot of Challenger supports have been doing this since even S5. There are some disadvantages in flexibility and the screen snapping from the view change can be annoying but it allows for better reaction times. Are these kinds of things allowed?

    Here's the highly upvoted reference thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/76tsna/how_to_cast_an_ability_on_a_specific_ally_with/

    Normally, editing keybindings in that file is completely fine since all you're doing is playing with settings Riot already exposes to you. It would just be nice to get confirmation and know that I'm not risking my account if I were to do this.

    BTW: How is it that in 2020 I still can't disable the mouse wheel zoom without doing it in the configuration file? It seems like such a basic option and editing the configuration file isn't ideal because it also disables scrolling up and down in the shop or chat.

    submitted by /u/winterwolf64
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    Best Objective-Oriented Junglers

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:03 PM PST

    Support main looking to dabble into the jungle. I'm curious as to what ya'll think are the most objective-focused junglers (i.e., can secure scuttles, drakes, and rifts early/reliably). Shyvanna automatically comes to mind, but I'm no expert.

    This is also my first time posting here so I'm sorry in advance if I didn't do something properly! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Rolrobbi
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    Why are there so many Leona players ATM?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:59 PM PST

    I'm a plat 2 eu adc main and I'm feeling a lot more Leona supports than I'm used to. As an example of how I've felt about the amount of Leona's, I can tell I played 6 games today and had 3 Leona's on my team. Why are there so many? They also all play like it's their first time touching a keyboard (no idea if the two things are connected).

    submitted by /u/Indithelock
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    Feel like I'm stuck and don't belong in my rank

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:51 PM PST

    Hi, so recently I've gone on a pretty big win streak with my duo and managed to climb up to gold 2 from gold 4. But it doesn't really feel like I belong here due to the recent games that I've been having. I find myself having very low kill participation, dying to ganks a lot, ending the game with little farm and just feeling really useless. I also find that in most games I only play autopilot with really no plan on how to win the game/lane phase I do know the basics to wave management, but I don't know how and when to execute them in-game, so I end up shoving the wave under the enemies turret and dying to enemy ganks. My mechanics are on par with the players in my elo, but I feel like I lack in other areas. Does anyone have any tips on what to do?

    (heres my op.gg if anyone wants to see it https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=147 )

    submitted by /u/helpmepls211
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    Does life steal increase the amount of healing you get off Ravenous Hydra's AOE proc?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:32 PM PST

    Just been wondering this for years and finally remembered to ask. If I have just Hydra, and that heals me with 12% life steal, does the AOE proc healing go up if I also have Bloodthirster? I figured DD and Gunblade increase it cause they heal off all damage, but wasn't sure about about other damage.

    submitted by /u/Oreo_Scoreo
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    Carrying my team in Iron?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:29 AM PST

    So I'm a Mid Laner, I usually play Akali and sometimes Annie, and I'm not that bad at playing them. Normally I will go with an even/positive KDA during laning, but sometimes I get stomped. Now, the problem isn't getting stomped (it is but I'm working on it), but rather that after I am 6/2/2 I am not able of carrying games. I don't know if it is just that my teammates are bad or if I am the problem, buy I've never been able of carrying a game while being fed. Normally, I lose those games with an even KDA even though I started very well, because the enemy team gets at my level and my team doesn't. I know that if I didn't die that much to them, they would have maybe one guy 2 levels behind, but I know that if I don't risk myself, they will get fed with my teammates. Also, going with an even KDA may work with a coordinated team, but in low elo SoloQ that's not realistic. How could I start carrying games without dying that much? Is it worth risking a death for 2 kills? Or is it better to let them kill a teammate? Thanks

    submitted by /u/FalierTheCat
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    What is a good Jungle Priority list?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 11:52 PM PST

    Yeah so title explains it all, I just have one specific question on this topic:

    I know the top priority is to counter-gank, but what are methods of figuring out where the jungler is so you can actually do this? I find myself never being in the right place to stop enemy ganks.

    Edit: I'm making this post because I cannot find any updated information on this topic. unswololsoc did a video on it, but that was ages ago.

    submitted by /u/gandafromtrove
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    Master Yi tips

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:42 AM PST

    I've decided to main jungle this season and been playing around with a lot of ekko, Elise, and shyvana going AP and been enjoying it but I realize I should probably have some type of AD pocket pick and wanted to try out master Yi. I have no idea why but I feel so useless playing that champ. I understand he is supposed to just outscale people and start popping off mid-late game but what do I do as far as macro game before then? I get teammates that for sure need a gank to help them out but anytime I go for a gank during laning phase it mostly fails because I feel I don't do enough damage which puts me really behind in farming and delaying the time it takes for me to actually be able to do something. As far as micro I know to dodge CC and big CDs with Q but never know proper time to use W to heal and tank damage or to just keep going for autos. Any tips are appreciated, I'd like to learn to be good with Yi just to be a little more versatile in the attempt to climb.

    submitted by /u/BaysideCheese13
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    How long should I practice a particular concept for?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:33 PM PST

    I know this question is abit on the simple side but here me out. I've spent all of last week attempting to deliberatley practice and improve my gamplay. I've mainly been focusing on the League craft 101 guides. What I've been doing is trying to apply each concept I learn a day at a time. For example, on Moday I would try focus on applying the trading stance, on Tuesday Lane control ect. The problem is I still feel like I'm either not practicing hard or long enough and I can never seem to get a straight answer when I ask on how long I should practice these concepts for. The main reason I ask this question is because I feel like I'm not improving at the rate I want and it's really starting to frustate me. I'm fully aware that the improvement process takes time and I won't become Faker overnight but I also don't want to be spending an entire week on one simple concept thats not even super hard to apply to begin with, which is why I ask how long you should be practicing a single concept for. Also, I'm super disappointed in myself since I tried to apply what I had learned this past week into my ranked games but I went from Bronze II to IV. Admittedly, after around the third game, I was playing on tilt and continued to play anyways, so I have no one to blame. Even still, I expected to see some improvement in my gameplay but I didn't see much. This tells me that I'm either not practicing the concepts I learn hard or long enough. op.gg if you're curious.

    submitted by /u/You-cant-stop-me07
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