• Breaking News

    Friday, May 1, 2020

    League of Legends I made a Animated Wallpaper with Ivern

    League of Legends I made a Animated Wallpaper with Ivern

    I made a Animated Wallpaper with Ivern

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Client Cleanup : Progress, Setbacks & Discoveries

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Nun Sivir

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Nun Sivir


    So playing with the idea of Sivir being a vampire/werewolf hunter (I blame Dracula's nun for this idea) also I really want boss ass bitch nun in league so yeah here's my take, hope y'all enjoy and be safe.

    submitted by /u/_leu
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    Astrounaut Bard, Gnar and Poppy found in the PBE files

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:02 PM PDT


    According to this tweet: https://twitter.com/Julex_Gameplays/status/1256309807755165696 , it's possible to see that the Astronaut skins that will come with Bard is for Gnar and Poppy. The skins will come in the next cycle and it'll be included in the Pulsefire pass, since Riot Xenogenic confirmed that the Astronaut Bard emote will be available in the milestone missions when you buy the pass. So next patch we'll get Volibear + Astronaut skins.

    submitted by /u/RayFrost
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    Doublelift's contract has been extended through 2021 with TSM

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    I'm a bit surprised it's only a one-year extension, though I bet current financial uncertainties because of COVID are contributing to making a longer deal less likely.

    If you want to browse GCD changes, you can look at the this page or just browse the history of the "Current" page

    submitted by /u/RheingoldRiver
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    Quick Gameplay Thoughts 5/1 - League of Legends

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Ranked Distribution 2018 vs 2019 vs 2020

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Season 8/9/10 Comparison

    Full ladder: https://i.imgur.com/yUumB7R.png

    Season 8 vs 10 Direct Comparison

    Full ladder: https://i.imgur.com/GrMywAD.png

    Graphs made using NA server op.gg data from April 26, 2018, April 30, 2019, and April 30, 2020.


    A few observations:

    1. Right off the bat you can see that Riot changed the MMR brackets to be more in line with what they were in season 8. Everyone below diamond 3 had their rank deflated.

    2. Iron tier has been expanded to be twice as large as it was last year while diamond 4 was shrunk in half.

    3. The average player is back down to silver 3 even though silver itself is becoming increasingly harder to get into.

    4. There are approximately 350k more ranked players this year than there were last year! Most likely this is due to the pandemic, but it is still really cool to see.

    submitted by /u/pyrofiend4
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    Analysis to determine what point of the game each support is the strongest.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    I have taken data from lolalytics to see at what point in the game each support is the strongest

    Here are the criteria that I used to categorize each support:

    1. Plat+ Games only
    2. To be considered for the list, the support must have at least 1000 games played as support as of 10.9.
    3. Data was double checked using Plat+ Games using the 30 days version, if data was inconsistent between the 10.9 and 30 days version, the 30 days version was used instead.
    4. Champions must be C- or higher on Lolalytics tier list as of 10.9.
    5. The 0-15mins and 40+ min criteria are excluded.

    The reason I excluded 0-15 and 40+ are due to how rare they occurred (they were often around 2-3% of games), and how variable their results were, sometimes you would have 0-15 winrates being 66%+ even if the rest of the data suggested the champion does poorly in the early game. I believe these two points occur too infrequently to be valued for this analysis.

    In addition to categorizing champions based on their impact throughout the game, I also took an extremeness factor score, which is simply taking the point where a champion has the highest winrate and subtracting it by the point where that champion has the lowest winrate (Excludes 0-15 and 40+). This number can be positive or negative, if it is negative it means the champion falls off and if positive, they scale. The further away from 0 this number is, the more reliant on doing well in their strongest point or scaling into the late game, in other words, the further from 0 this score is, the less consistent the champion across games. This is not saying that a champion with a low extremeness score is better.

    The average absolute value of extremeness scores across all supports is 5.299.

    Lets get into the categorizations. Most of the graphs are up now. Note for the graphs, the Y axis scaling will be 45-55% unless a champion has a winrate lower/higher than those values, be sure to double check the Y axis value, especially for more off meta champions.

    Early Game Champions

    These champions are strongest at the 15-20 minute time period, and then fall off by a winrate of at least 1% after without rising again.*

    Sett (-2.81), Blitzcrank* (-3.87), Swain (-4.16) Thresh* (-5.42), Pyke (-9.64), Pantheon (-12.28).

    Note that both Blitzcrank and Thresh winrates fall over time throughout most of the game, but rise during the 35-40 minute mark.

    This category is composed entirely of aggressive melee supports. If you play against these champions, you should try to outscale them as in most instances, your champion will do better later in the game compared to theirs. This rank has some of the highest extremeness scores outside of the hyperscaling category. Many of these champions are especially reliant on getting a lead early.

    Earlyish Champions

    These champions are strongest in both the early game (15-20 minutes) and also in the early mid game (20-25 minutes), but then fall off after by at least 1% without rising again.

    Senna (-2.46), Brand (-2.57), Karma (-3.55), Bard (-3.93), Zyra (-9.68), Xerath (-9.77) Vel'Koz (-9.79).

    Most of the mages/carry support champions are in this category. Brand is surprisingly one of the more consistent supports, even in the late game when compared to Zyra and Vel'Koz, and I am not really sure why this is. Senna and Karma both have utility that help keep them relevant even when they fall off late game.

    Mid Game

    Champions in this category see at least a 1% increase from early game (15-20 mins) to mid game (20-25 mins) and peak during the midgame (20-30 minutes), but then see at least a 1% decrease at some point into the late game (30-35 mins) or (35-40 mins).

    Ziliean (-3.32), Janna (-3.66)

    Mid/Late Game

    Champions in this category see at least a 1% increase during some point in the mid game (20-25 mins) or (25-30 mins) with a peak in one of these two points, but do not see any decrease or increase in winrate throughout the late game greater than 1%.

    Alistar (2.78), Maokai (3.9), Galio (4.21), Soraka (4.62), Shaco (4.75), Nami (8.48)

    Late Game

    Champions in this category see at least a 1% increase between the mid game (25-30 mins) and the late game (30-35 mins) and peak at some point during the late game (30-40 mins).

    Lulu (2.29), Zac (2.46), Taric (2.8), Tahm (3.23), Braum (6.56), Fiddlesticks (7.28) Rakan (8.6)

    Hyper Carries

    Champions that see at least a 3% increase in winrate during at least two instances throughout the game and peaks during the late game (30-40 mins).

    Sona (12.35), Yuumi (14.81).

    Consistent Champions

    These are champions that have an extremeness score of less than 2. Meaning that throughout the entire game, their winrate does not increase or decrease by more than 2% from their lowest to highest/highest to lowest point.

    Leona (-1.44), Nautilus (1.65), Morgana, (-1.65), Lux (-1.76).

    Variable Data

    This is data where no conclusions could be drawn, because there was no consistent trend that met the criteria for any other category.

    Shen (2.95).

    General Observations

    The data from this analysis seems very orderly as to what types of support are strong when. Almost every hook support is strong early. Every mage and enchanter mage is strong earlyish. Tanky supports and Enchanters are strong in the mid to late game, and catchers with a projectile snare and typical engage supports are consistent throughout the entire game.

    Extremeness rating may be useful in determining how frustrating a champion is to play since more extreme champions are more reliant on their teammates. The reason for this is that a champion with a very weak early game (such as yuumi) is forced to rely on their teammates to carry them through the early game until they reach the late game. Likewise, with a champion like Pantheon, you may have a very strong early game, but after that passes, you are reliant on your teammates to carry you through the late game, and this can be frustrating if your teammates skills are less consistent. I recommend playing champions with low extremeness scores.

    With the exception of Hypercarries and Consistent, categories designed around extremeness score, there does not seem to be a a pattern between categories and extremeness score. There are mages with both low and high extremeness, engage with low and high, etc. This makes it even easier to pick a champion with a lower extremeness score if you are interested in being self sufficient in game.

    submitted by /u/AdNausNewMeta
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    If you are going to smurf, do not flame your team

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    There are many, many problems with smurfing. However, if it is going to be allowed, I do not understand why they flame their teammates. You are purposely playing in a lower elo, and you know this and understand this. Maybe it is to stomp some people who suck, maybe it is just to play with some friends. But you have to understand that if the people you are playing against suck, so does your team.


    You are the one screwing up the matchmaking and stopping low elo players from playing against other low elo players. They didn't ask for you to join their team, and they didn't claim to be good at this game. Please, please do not flame your team if you are going to smurf, you know they suck, and they know they suck, that is why everyone is down here in the first place.

    submitted by /u/cardinals1392
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    Void Fiddlesticks (FANART)

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    The Void is my favorite faction, and I've really been enjoying the new Fiddle rework. Thusly, I painted a Void Fiddlesticks skin.


    submitted by /u/Vocitare
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    Caps playing close to the edge

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    UZI is currently a free agent. His contract with RNG expired on April 30.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    He did not immediately resign with RNG so I was wondering if there is a possibility that he leaves the team. Personally I would love to see him join JDG. IG is another team I would like to see him on. As a matter of fact there are rumors that IG is in talks with him.

    submitted by /u/fesodes
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    ADC is weak because hyper-roaming midlaners have no good answer.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    ADC is a good role, but it's nearly impossible for your team to punish a hyper roaming midlaner. This means you are forced to super safe out of fear for the 4 man bot - which means you forfeit resources and can't push an advantage.

    Think of it this way - There are only 3 decent responses to a roaming midlaner:

    1) Take rift and drop it mid, trading botlane for the mid turret. This is by far the best response, but still lackluster. If the roaming mid and jg end up picking a doublekill bot and drake, along with the entire botside jungle, then it ends up being a net loss. Not to mention you need toplane priority for this to work, and a jungler who knows what they are doing. Plus, rift herald takes way too long to kill, so you end up giving too much to the enemy team.

    2) Match the roam - this is super risky against midlane assassins (rule #1 of midlane is pretty much never follow assassin roams, since they could just sit in river and cheese you). Plus, most of the time, botlane will die long before you arrive, so there is very little chance of it working out for you.

    3) Take plates midlane. This is also risky, since a fed assassin midlane opponent can just run back into lane and kill you. Plus, the reward is kind of lackluster - the midlaner getting 2 kills bot equates to ~400 gold, plus botlane plates, plus drake, on top of denying botlane a ton of cs. In exchange, taking plates would likely only give you around 300 gold (assuming two plates at best), and deny about 2 waves of cs, while giving up a valuable objective.

    On top of this, midlaners are hardly punished for leaving lane. They lose atmost one wave of cs, but in the process force sidelanes to forfeit their pushes, since it's actually just death if you stay pushed. Even the threat of a roam results in lost resources in botlane - and given how snowbally all the midlane picks are right now, giving up any kills to midlane means the game is actually over.

    TL;DR Hyper roaming midlaners are grossly overtuned, and ADC will benefit greatly as a role if they are nerfed.

    Edit: This is getting a ton of traction! Just to clarify, this is what I think makes adcs weak in solo queue - I don't know anything about how this would impact adc in pro play.

    submitted by /u/sayhisam1
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    BARD x TOTORO (Fanart)

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    BARD x TOTORO (Fanart)

    During the quarantine I decided to get back to league and after 2 weeks I finally hit platinum with my real OG bard. So what better way to celebrate my comeback with an illustration of this amazing character.

    I hope you all like it (:


    submitted by /u/bad-humbi
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    Rekkles coaches noob how to play APHELIOS ADC

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    It's annoyingly difficult to see what's available in the Blue Essence emporium.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    And it's been that way for far too long. Additionally, it's ridiculously unclear when blue essence emporiums are even live. The only announcement as far as I'm aware was a tiny section within the patch notes.

    It shouldn't be difficult to simply have an announcement on the home page of the client that takes you to a Blue Essence emporium tab, right?

    It'd also be extremely nice to get some heads up. I recently spent 10,000+ blue essence on champions which I would've saved if I knew this was coming.

    Does anyone else share my frustrations?

    submitted by /u/Swagsparian
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    Almost Kings | G2 Esports

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:07 AM PDT


    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Lore Power Level Analysis: Fiddlesticks, the Ancient Fear

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Well I guess that power levels guy dropped off the face of the…. NO! I AM ALIVE! What's up ladies and gentlemen, my name is Hyper10sion, AKA the lore power levels guy, FINALLY here with the Fiddlesticks lore power level analysis and update cycle for the most recent sets of lore. There's a lot to cover so I won't linger.
    Everyone knows how this is going to go at this point. I am going to analyze Fiddlesticks in five categories: Makeup, Physical Abilities, Magical Abilities, Weaknesses, and Feats. I will then place it into one of my five tiers (which can be found at the bottom of this post), explaining the placement as well, while covering any other updates to the tier list that didn't merit an entire assessment.
    Also before we get started I will put all of my sources here. Bio Voices Terror in Demacia


    Fiddlesticks, the Ancient Fear

    Makeup/Background: Fiddlesticks is a demon, older than any recorded history in Runeterra. Summoned by a young mage long ago, it was unleashed upon the world, a physical manifestation of the primal concept of fear. It is one of ten demons representing primal emotions or concepts that all life feels. The lore community has taken to calling these beings "The Primordials." According to Fiddlestick's writer, Fiddlesticks isn't even "conscious" all the time. He simply just exists without knowing it exists, similar to a rabid animal. Other than that, we know next to nothing about Fiddlesticks. Be sure to become familiar with that phrase, it is going to become an infuriating old friend by the end of this list.

    Physical Abilities: So this is a bit sketchy for Fiddlesticks. The bulk of its power comes from his magical abilities, but it exhibits odd activity, even for a demon. In Terror in Demacia Fiddlesticks covers at least six meters, or about 20 feet, in less than a second from a dead stop. This is actually much faster than one would think, comparable to the acceleration exhibited by Usain Bolt during his legendary 9.58 second 100 meter dash. Its claws are also large enough to easily tear a man in half. Other than that, there isn't anything to go off of with Fiddlesticks.

    Magical Abilities: Magic is where Fiddlesticks gets most of his power. It can control a horde of phantasmal crows that can cause small amounts of damage, but large psychological effects. Upon killing someone, Fiddlesticks absorbs their voice, doing even more psychological damage and instilling magical fear in the poor suckers unlucky enough to encounter him. He can leave behind a fragile clone that will crumble upon interaction, but will still be convincing enough for an enemy. Fiddlesticks can also drain the life force of all conscious life around him. Conscious life differs from organic in the fact that it can think and feel, unlike plant or fungal life. It can also teleport short distances, creating a vortex of its phantasmal crows. The full effects of these abilities are currently unknown.

    Weaknesses: Not enough information about Fiddlesticks exists to really determine a weakness.

    Feats: Fiddlesticks is older than recorded history in Runeterra. It has killed countless people over its long existence. It has moved at speeds comparable to the fastest runner in human history. Other than that, no information about Fiddlesticks exists.


    When doing these, I like to be objective and keep a level head. This list has infuriated me. I have marginally more to go off now on this champion than I did when his lore was almost entirely non-canon. I have tried to get ANY answers as to the level of Fiddlesticks's power, but have been able to get nothing from the writer, even with questions with no potential for spoilers or violation of any lore rules. We THINK Fiddle is one of the most powerful beings on Runeterra, but where is that shown? I had next to nothing to go off of. Fiddlesticks is the first rework or new champion in the three years of making these lists that I have to place in Limbo.
    Tier: Limbo (Transcended? to Harbinger?)


    This will probably be a dead comment section. Between waiting for more Fiddlesticks information and the pandemic, this was put off for about three weeks. At least a lot more lore has come out regarding other champions in the meantime, as well as a few reconsiderations.

    Lore Updates


    I'm going to keep this section short and sweet. Two champions merit reconsideration in this list.
    In light of Fiddlesticks's incredibly unclear situation, Nocturne is moving back up to the Transcended tier. His power can still merit the tier, and has tangible feats.
    Lissandra also moves back up to the Transcended tier due to the lore's recent way of playing up her own power and abilities as the foremost cryomancer on Runeterra outside of a literal demigod. She is likely the least powerful being in this tier, but the gap between her and those of the Harbinger tier.

    Tales of Runeterra

    Oh Riot you beautiful wonders. These videos have been a bright spot in a world filled with fear and bullheadedness. We have two champions getting a reassessment in this list.

    Darius, The Hand of Noxus

    Darius received an amazing cinematic, Victory, as part of the Tales of Runeterra. We already knew Darius was comparable to a world class strongman given his agility and mobility while wearing 200 pounds (90 kilos) of gear including his Axe. Real life recreations of his axe weigh in from 80 to 120 pounds, so I am going to leave it at a round 100 pounds for the sake of averages. What is impressive is that Darius chucks that big bastard at least 30 feet at the king in the video. Given he throws it overhand with no spinning windup it would be most comparable to a throwing axe or throwing knife technique. But unfortunately there is no real life equivalent, as axe throwing records are difficult to determine at least. The farthest accurate throw I can find video on clocks in at 90 feet using a standard throwing tomahawk. That's only 3 times the length of Darius's throw with about 30 times less mass to throw. The strongest man in the world would not be able to replicate that feat, especially not with the ease at which Darius did it.
    This results in Darius breaking ground! He is the first human without apparent magical ability to be moved into the Magus tier!

    Braum, the Heart of the Freljord

    There is a reason I gave Braum a subheading. The major factor keeping Braum within Limbo is the following question: How much of Braum's power was his own and how much was the shield?
    Well in The Raid Braum holds back an avalanche. "Actually Hyper, it is just the magic shield!" I can hear you say, but in that video we clearly see the force of the avalanche is transferred from the shield to Braum, and just provides an unbreakable wall for him to prop up.
    But exactly how impressive is this? Well we know that Braum is 7'5 or 226 cm based on his release information. We can then calculate the height of his shield using model ratios, bringing it to 185.38 cm, or just under 6'1. Next, the shot from The Raid is used to calculate the height and width of Unbreakable, which comes out to 3.41 and 2.97 meters. That's over ten square METERS of surface area. But it is just snow right? WRONG. According to the European Avalanche School, a subgroup of the British Mountain Guides, avalanche debris weighs in at about 500 kilograms per cubic meter. Braum holds back that avalanche under his own physical strength for at least twenty seconds. Avalanches can also travel at speeds of over 320 kilometers per hour, or 88.89 meters per second. That's 291.63 feet per second, 198 miles per hour. That means that in a single second, Braum is being hit by 900 cubic meters of debris every second.
    I am going to let the magnitude of that sink in for a second. Braum holds back 450 FUCKING METRIC TONS PER SECOND IN THAT VIDEO! THAT'S 500 US TONS PER SECOND. HE HOLDS IT BACK FOR 20 SECONDS. This means he holds back 9000 tons of debris in the 20 seconds of video we see. That weight is comparable to an Arleigh Burke class destroyer of the US Navy. This is a feat that far eclipses even Pantheon's shows of strength with the Grand Starfall. Braum has CLEARLY moved into the Harbinger Tier.

    Here is the updated Tiermaker
    And here are the rest of the tiers for this cycle of lore: Cosmic, Transcended, Harbinger, Magus, and Mortal
    And here are is my previous assessment for this cycle.
    Nunu & Willump
    3/20 Update

    submitted by /u/KatarHero72
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    Firefang Warwick Fanart

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:30 AM PDT


    Made on a 200x200 pixel grid, I finally got to finishing the animation after a year's worth of break. Heavily referenced off of his splash art, I created this to practice animation when I began pixel art. Feedback is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/mich-spich
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    Akali Bodypaint

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:43 PM PDT


    Painting the cloud with my left hand is hard!

    Edit: Insta: http://instagram.com/millielitre

    submitted by /u/millielitre
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    We're probably never going to get another champion like Lee Sin/Riven

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    We're not going to get another champion who functions optimally when played with unintended combos. The animations and interactions on new champions are so much tighter now that they'd patch such things out pretty quickly.

    They tend to make similar things impossible with new designs. For instance Aatrox's Q's can't be cancelled, so despite being called Riven 2.0 he can't do something similar to her fundamental combo. Or when Sett Q's, it resets it to the first punch instead of making the second come out faster, and Titanic actually slows down the next punch.

    I think it's a good thing that they're designing what they intend to, instead of having to balance newer champions around highly mechanical exploits, but I really just wanted to point it out.

    [Edit] I feel the need to clarify this. I don't mean we won't be getting any more mechanically intensive champions. I mean we won't be getting any more that are that way due to unforeseen bugs. Akali and Irelia's reworks prove it's quite possible to make champions who are intricate and flashy by design instead of by accident like Lee and Riven.

    submitted by /u/MooseMaster3000
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    Why can Ornn who builds no damage, waveclear easily with 2 spells, while Aatrox who builds only damage, takes 3 years to clear one wave

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    I am not saying that Aatrox should be buffed. But rather tune Ornn's waveclear down.

    Q > W and the wave is gone. Now he roams or wards for free, and get lane prio uncontested.

    Garens waveclear got tuned down. It was very overwhelming. Lux is blocked from doing full waveclears up until she got lots of AP, so she cant sit from 3 miles away and get prio.

    CaptainFlowers said it best on a LCS Broadcast a couple of weeks back. Commenting on Ornns role in the game. This champ does everything better than specialized champions.

    The worst part when playing against this motherfker, is that even if you put your cock 12 inches down his throat in lane, hes just gonna give away like 7k worth of items for free. Meaning all work you done in order to win lane and be more effective or have agency, POOF gone.

    I dont understand the thinking behind this. There is 0 downsides to playing Ornn it seems like.

    submitted by /u/GoodGuyElias
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    Did Riot just remove Champie icon gifting with blue essence with the emporium rework?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    So, because I have everything I care about unlocked, I have this little tradition where every time a blue essence emporium is up, I spend most of my leftover blue essence to buy Champie icons of their mains to my friends.

    Now with the so-called BE emporium rework where the icons became hextech loot, I can't (or at least can't find the button for it) gift these icons anymore. The "buy mystery icon for blue essence" buys a random icon so not necessarily a champie icon and not of the region you chose, and it's not under the hextech loot tab.

    Why would this be removed? There's no way gifting with blue essence loses riot money right? I'm hoping this is just an oversight and will be fixed soon.

    submitted by /u/fesenvy
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    Today Twitch, Evelynn and Tryndamere are celebrating their 11th birthday!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    Hard to believe that we already have champions that are 11 years old, Happy birthday to the toxic L9 triplets.

    submitted by /u/akif222
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