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    Friday, June 5, 2020

    LoL Guide Don't show up at the dragon when he spawns. Show up :20 or :30 in advance.

    LoL Guide Don't show up at the dragon when he spawns. Show up :20 or :30 in advance.

    Don't show up at the dragon when he spawns. Show up :20 or :30 in advance.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I just lost a game because two of my allies were recalling in dragon pit with :15 seconds to dragon spawn. They both made an item buy, but when they came back, the fight was already under way and we lost dragon pit ground possession so we lost dragon.

    The proper time to be at dragon is 30 seconds before spawn if it is an important dragon like 3rd or 4th or fernal or mountain. Your own personal item powerspike for recalling, or getting a red, or blue is irrelevant to this fight. This is going to be a 5v5 fight with you and a 4v5 fight without you.

    The most important thing in a dragon fight is having position to fight from, but secondary is vision. Both of these you gain by coming early. I have lost so so so many dragons because my allies do not realize this by leaving for a buy or not coming and I can't even set up vision. When you're setting up vision one guy comes to harass you, but he's an iceberg because 4 other guys are coming behind him.

    If you think the best way to get a dragon is to show up when his timer is 0, you are wrong. The best way to get a dragon is to show when his timer is :40, then putz around clearing creeps/minions if it is tame. The second best way is to show up at :20-:30.

    submitted by /u/goodnewsjimdotcomNew
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    Problems freezing

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm picking back up toplane and I'm having troubles managing the wave. I got the basics of slow push and shove but when it comes to freezing I seem to not get it right, it always transition into a slowpush within 2 waves max. How do I manage to keep the wave there properly?

    submitted by /u/lollyx96
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    Why does bot lane, especially in lower elos, mindlessly push lane and auto it?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    As a sliver/gold top laner, I've decided to give play some ADC lately. The first thing I've realized is that wave mechanics are just ignored in bot lane. I'm not even going to sit here and say that as a top laner I have GREAT wave mechanics but at least I try to freeze, slow push, etc. In bot lane everyone just autos the wave constantly. If I try and set a freeze my supp decides to start lowering minion HP and breaks it, or the enemy ADC will constantly auto the minions and just turn the game into camping under tower for like 5 minutes straight, autoing the minions before they ever have a chance to bounce back. Is it just that much harder to control the wave with 4 champs in lane instead of 2? It seems like last hitting is a top/mid thing whereas in bot, they just kill the minions themselves as fast as they can

    submitted by /u/SemiterrestrialSmoke
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    Why doesn't yasuo build bork?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    It seems like it fits perfectly into his kit. You build your two crit items and then you'd think the next step would be bork, but the vast majority of builds don't have it. Bork has max hp damage, lifesteal, a built-in slow, and attack speed, all useful on the weeb man. It seems like bork is just an op item now, but why not on katana boi?

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    How to punish bad roams

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    So I find myself in this situation quite oftwn. I am ahead and set up a freeze so I can all in or just deny gold and maybe xp the enemy laner decides to roam, I ping but my lanes dont react. He lost almost 2 waves but still got a kill and an assist so he is doing better. How should I punish this? Should I join him even thought I will miss a lot of minions should I shove and reset or shove and go for platings or enemy jngl camps or try to shove and roam to the other side of the map?

    Any help is appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/TimTheos_
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    i want to improve but i dont feel like im improving.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    so my friends the other day said hey, if you wanna improve, play ranked. i've been playing ranked a bit and most games i find myself feeding. but i find myself at a dilemma. i dont feel like i can improve by playing draft (most games i either carry or hold my own) but in ranked i feed. i like this game and i really want to get better to ranked queue with friends. but i feel like either way im not improving at all.

    what should i do?

    submitted by /u/Chaosprince829
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    Everytime i jungle i feel like im always behind the opposing jungler.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    I make sure to kill my jungle and occasionally gank when I can but still working on that.

    Sometimes i even steal one or two blue/red monsters from the enemy jungle and yet i still feel that im lvling a lot slower than the enemy jungler.

    What am i doing wrong?

    I jungle with fiddlesticks

    submitted by /u/nick256
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    Did anyone else see that video where the guy said that the best way to play top lane was to rush tiamat and then farm behind the enemy turret?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    I don't remember who it was, but he was playing renekton, and basically what he claimed was that you could abuse the automatic jungle camp timers. So basically you would go in between tower 1 and 2, speedclear the wave with tiamat, and then steal the enemy jungle, using the position of your own wave to time when the next wave would arrive... theoretically never missing a minion wave, or losing CS to miniom agro.

    I thought it sounded good in theory... but you would need to have already won your lane AND be stronger than their jungler...

    I'm only iron though, so I thought I would ask some higher elo players if this was a good plan, or if it was just the usual "OMG NEW BROKEN TOP LANE STRATEGY" YouTube drivel.

    PS: as a side note, do any other Iron players have a massive disparity between norm winrate vs ranked? I haven't played many ranked games, but I have a winrate below 30%... while my normals wr is like 52%. Is ranked just harder and I'm bad? Or am I just unlucky...

    submitted by /u/my5thacountbyatch
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    Smite player joining League!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    So I've played Smite for 4 years and have always been interested in League. I love Smite and will continue to play it, but I wanted a new game to grind alongside it..I'm very familiar with MOBAs and the generic concept of laning, builds, roles , understanding power spikes, matchups etc. etc. I know that League does have a lot more micro managing than Smite, but if any of you are familiar with Smite can you give me any pointers as to what would be the biggest things I would need to know jumping into League? How often does the meta change and what's the patch cycle for this game?

    Also I'm curious what champs I should look to play, I like playing bursty ranged characters that are usually squishy but have good poke and area control. (If any one is familiar with Smite characters like Scylla, Discordia, Thoth, Hera)

    Thanks for any help! I have pretty thick skin playing MOBAs so toxicity/getting flamed is nothing new to me, but I hope I get some pointers as I know League is a whole other beast!

    submitted by /u/Caesarthepeach
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    Help with ekko jungle.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    So I've started playing a little over a month ago and I have played a decent amount of champions in different lanes to test out wich I like more and so far I really like the midlane/jungle playstyle. So I wanted to play ekko jungle but I just cant clear properly. I see guides where guys are full hp by the third camp but by the time I get there I have already lost a decent bit of hp. So can I get tips on clearing and jungle tips in general?

    submitted by /u/username_545
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    Does grievous wounds from bramble vest apply to the auto attack that proc'd it also or does it only apply after the aa finishes?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    For example, if Warwick Q's someone with bramble vest, will his his Q get reduced healing or does he get grievous wounds after the Q completed? Because it seems like the heal and the grievous wounds are applied at the "same time", so I wonder which happens first.

    Also, if a hard CC interrupts Master Yi's W, will the damage reduction apply to the hard CC?

    submitted by /u/gallardoelise
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    As a jungle how do you win Smite battles more often?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    A lot of the time when My whole team is near a dragon and then the enemy jungler jumps over the wall and smites it. How do I time it right to avoide this? It seems like they just perfectly know the timing, when the dragon health bar is moving down so fast it's hard to time exact smite

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    How to deal with a TP agnst ignite in Top

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Heres the problem, anytime I play a champ with ignite, i usually get a real early kill, however the second they respawn, like 5 seconds, they instantly tp into me, and the wave is usually by my tower or something, everytime this happens, they push into me because im low, and i cant do anything, eventually they get me low enough to where i have to back and usually get an xp disadvantage, I really need help. Is their a way to do anything, it seems like it has no counterplay. The only thing I could think of is shove before I kill them? but then they are just in their tower range and wont run into me. Any help is appreciated

    submitted by /u/Emancool1324
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    How to deal with Mordekaiser?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    I'm sure this is a common noob question, but after playing with and against Mordes and after reading up on his kit, I cannot fathom how to deal with him. I mainly play Zac, and every time I so much as think about CCing anyone in a teamfight, Morde presses R and deletes me and we autolose, no matter how built I am or how behind he is.

    I haven't played League much since around 2010-2012, so it's hard for me to wrap my head around why they changed almost everything in the game to skillshots and then gave a bruiser a point-and-click 7 second CC. It really feels like there's no counterplay. I've seen him win 1v3s against champs with 2-3 full items each when the morde has only a Rylai's and brown boots.

    I'm sure there's got to be some kind of counterplay, but I'm losing my mind getting forced into a 1v1 against a champ made for 1v1 while playing a character like Zac who couldn't ever solo a morde even while fullbuilt.

    It really feels like once teamfights roll around, he autowins them every time because he can just delete the champ he knows he can 1v1, then automatically make the teamfight a 5v4 in his favor every single time. What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/memeslut_420
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    How to farm as ADC when under pressure?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Hi guys. I started LoL a few months ago and I really like playing Caitlyn in the bot lane. I often play aggressive early, take good trades and farm up. However when I take champions that aren't so strong early on, like Jinx or Vayne etc, I always play from behind and lose a lot of cs. I've watched Phroxzon's leaguecraft lectures and I understand I shouldn't try to take CS or soak up xp in a bad matchup but I always feel like I'm too far behind mid game and the match usually ends before I can get like 3 items and actually become an "attack damage carry". Any help is highly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Summoner475
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    Didn't play since 2013 and I feel lost

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I don't really know what I should expect from this write down but anyway I'm doing it.

    Last time I played league was 2013 and now because of some old friends picking it up again I thought yea aight, let's join them. But wow, even moving, clicking things, moving the camera left and right feels so weird, clunky and unnatural. I still got the micro and macros in my head at least, so knowing exactly what and which move to which objective is now important - but honestly, my fingers can't do what my brain wants to do if that makes sense. I feel ultra unsure and pressured when playing what leads to frustration instead of beeing able to enjoy it. Anyone that came back and had the same issues? I would love to enjoy this game like before. I'm really unsure if this is a mental thing or more of an muscle memory thing and I'm not certain if I can manage to enjoy this game again due to the frustrations I'm experiencing. Just had 2 games and I was disgusted by myself lol

    submitted by /u/_Zem_
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    Is there a good top laner to learn for a newcomer who is having trouble farming?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Hello! I started playing League a month or so ago and I've begun really liking top lane. I've always liked playing the tank role or CC'er in games so I guess that's why I like top so much.

    My biggest trouble is that I kinda struggle a lot in lane. I have trouble farming and getting harassed by my lane opponent. If my opponent plays super aggressive I almost always get really behind in XP and gold which is obviously not very great.

    Are there any top laners that are good at farming and countering aggressive opponents in lane?

    submitted by /u/Lord-Jojo
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    If you want to play ranked - learn to play every role

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    I rarely choose to dodge because at the ELO I'm at, it's rarely worth doing it like it is at higher ELO. However, I just dodged a game where I was given support - usually great, it's my preferred role.

    I dodged because the ADC said he preferred mid, the mid laner 'couldn't' ADC but could support, so they offered a 3 way trade with me where I went ADC as I can play every role. By this time in the conversation, I had already picked my support champion Bard. The ADC (changing to midlane) then picked Syndra. The midlaner (changing to Support) picked Jinx for me - but had never played Bard outside of ARAM. It was at this point that I chose to dodge, because I wanted a better chance of winning than this.

    Please, please, PLEASE learn to play every role before you play ranked. Not only does it ruin the experience for you AND your team if you autofill into a role you're gonna play badly - but learning to play every role also gives you a better breadth of knowledge at the game.

    With a better breadth of knowledge of the game, you have a greater chance of climbing. Without having to worrying about autofilling into your dreaded role, you have a greater chance of climbing.

    submitted by /u/MrMosstin
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    Horrible Run of Games

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    A week ago I was 25-22 and one win away from being promoted to Silver 3, since then I have gone 2-13 and I'm Silver 4 0 lp. I don't feel like I'm playing worse than how I was when I was winning.

    Since with Xerath there were games where I wasn't winning lane (mainly going even) I decided to switch to support to make sure I would win lane, but even though I get my adc kills early we end up losing anyway.

    With Xerath, my playstyle was to play really safe, not overextending etc, which I think I did successfully. It was working in the games prior to this streak, but maybe not being aggressive enough is the problem?

    As support I tend to die more as I mainly play Leona and I either get focused in teamfights or in peeling for a carry I die instead. However, I think I warded enough? I might have a low number of control wards but it usually takes a while for the enemy team to destroy my control wards later in the game.

    Is this just bad luck?

    submitted by /u/No_Advertising_3187
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    Im feeling under pressure when I play with my duo.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Hello. I am a gold 3 player with my duo, plat 4. we mostly play together, but the problem is, I feel like I am in under pressure. I feel much better with some other friends or alone but when I play with him, it feels like Im worse than normal. why does this happen to me? and any idea how I can talk about this with my friend? (its not about the high elo, he is on another account with gold 3 rank.)

    submitted by /u/denonon
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    Support Main desperately trying to get better at the game

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! I'm currently a support main that's trying to get better at the game! Support mains usually aren't as mechanically gifted as their mid-lane 2 million mastery Yasuo/Zed Korean-kid-on-a-near-lethal-dose-of-Adderall counterparts, so we have to think macro and play around the team. As someone once said (I have no idea who), the role of the support is to carry the carry until they can carry.

    So far, I've compiled a list of things that I've been doing as a support player. Feel free to help me improve!

    1. ALWAYS play in parallel with ADC positioning wise during laning phase. This way, there's gonna be follow up if any of us choose to go in.
    2. FOR BLUE SIDE, during laning phase, I like to place one ward at the top of the river bush (to increase gank reaction time) and another around the dragon pit/blue entrance to see if the enemy jg is walking bot or taking the blast cone. If enemy jg is playing someone that can ignore the walls like Zac, Kayn, Rek'sai, or Jarvan I drop a ward at blast cone. On red team, no need to ward blast cone, ward tri-bush instead. I drop the river ward when I can, then do the others after my lane is shoved in. I tell ADC to not to develop a Rambo complex when I'm warding river/jg
    3. If wave is slow-pushing, it's ok to place wards river/enemy jg if enemy jg hasn't been spotted topside.
    4. When pushed up to enemy tower and we don't have vision for god-knows-why, NEVER hug the wall toward the enemy jungle especially if enemy jg is playing wall-ignoring champs. It's important more than ever given that they usually have insane clear times, especially Kayn.
    5. If for some reason you don't plan on playing Nautilus, ban him :)
    6. If you want to play Thresh, PLEASE remind ADC to click on lantern. When playing against smarter players, the enemy team will drop wards on lantern to make sure your AD can't escape during a fight so place it a TINY bit further back. Lantern is a very powerful tool, especially if your ADC lacks mobility like Jhin or Ashe. It gives your ADC an escape.
    7. If you're playing Senna, a lot of supports are stack-vending machines. Take full advantage of that, but don't walk up too far. It's okay to take some minion aggro as your Q can heal it right up in most cases, and you'll win the majority of your trades. Don't forget to press Q on your ADC.
    8. I like to roam when I'm ahead and hit mid lane, especially if I'm playing a hook champion.
    9. When playing hook champs, DON'T CONSTANTLY THROW HOOKS unless it's safe for AD to follow up.
    10. Outside of the laning phase, I try to avoid clearing the wards around dragon/baron when we have it pinked. That way, we don't give away information. I ward heavy traffic areas around enemy JG especially if we're playing around mid.
    11. If we're losing, ward river and entrances to friendly jungle.
    12. If we're REALLY losing (open inhibs), ward much closer to home. Vision can provide us with a pick if someone like enemy ADC or mid laner gets REALLY cocky.
    13. If ADC is doing well later in game, sacrifice life and limb to ensure their survival in order for team to not lose DPS ESPECIALLY if it's a late-game carry like Vayne or Kaisa. This should be Support 101.
    14. If building Knight's Vow/Zeke's, bind to the win condition. It's more worth it to give the win condition the damage reduction/healing.
    15. When building for the enemy team, build things to help yours. A Mikhael's Crucible never hurt, and Redemption is a really cheap buy. Zeke's is really good if you're winning team fights. I like taking Zeke's on Alistair on top of a Gargoyle's.
    16. Twin Shadows is REALLY good if you're feeling lonely. It might not be Tinder/Grindr, but use it when you're warding, chasing or trying to escape.

    Anything I can improve on? I'm genuinely trying to get better at the game and anything would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ChaustinAo
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    I badly need help guys, please!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:28 AM PDT


    So, this is my replay guys. You can watch it for review and feedbacks. This is on the PH Server and I'm quiet new to this game. Been only playing for 5 months.

    Also, this is Ranked SOLO QUEUE.

    So, I'm trying to spam Irelia because I fell in-love with her playstyle. Basically, my Waifu along with Leona. :D I'm still trying to learn her mechanics and getting to master her. But on this game, I managed to outplay the Garen in the beginning. We were so ahead in kills that it's not even funny. Also, I managed to take advantage of that Garen's mistake at the beginning and get a lead so I tried to splitpush because I'm running DEMOLISH.

    By the late game though, we were completely useless against the new Volibear. Even when there's 3 of us hammering him, he could still kill us. He's just too tanky and we were like Marshmallows to him. Their Garen is also a Hybrid Tank and DPS, and their Malphite is also a Tank.

    This is depressing because we should have won this game but lost it. Please, tell me what Ic ould have done to win this game. I really appreciate your feedbacks.

    If you could also give me tips on Irelia, that would be great.

    submitted by /u/NeoCriMs0n
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    Why don't supportive junglers build support items like Shurelya's/Redemption?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Non-healing/shielding supports love building the support items that increase shield power.



    Even though they don't heal or shield, these items are just so amazing that they build them anyway. They're cheap and have amazing actives. Makes sense.

    So why don't supportive junglers like Jarvan or Trundle build these items? Sure you lose some combat power, but the items are cheap and amazing for supporting the team.

    In fact, this HAS been a thing in past. When sightstone was strong in previous seasons, supportive junglers would rush sightstone. Sacrifice some combat power for utility. So why is it frowned upon for a supportive jungler to build supportive items today?

    submitted by /u/Dense-Acanthocephala
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