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    Monday, June 1, 2020

    LoL Guide Extensive database of optimized clears for every jungle champion

    LoL Guide Extensive database of optimized clears for every jungle champion

    Extensive database of optimized clears for every jungle champion

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    Link - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gjk5UrtAbcqdYnRlx9KMDuHGxhKsEv50vhn02cN0y-c/edit#gid=206466966

    Hey! Some of you may remember me from the post I made several years ago, compiling optimized clears for junglers in seasons 7 and 8. I was on hiatus from League last season, but decided to update the database for season 10. This is a pretty straightforward package - it contains the most optimized clearing demonstrations available for pretty much every jungle champion. At the bottom tab there's an option to sort the clears by time as well, for a rough comparison between champions.

    Early jungle clearing is an area that many junglers struggle with without realizing - they lose a large amount of health and time, and end up handicapped each game before even getting out onto the map. It can be difficult to pinpoint and improve upon mistakes without a point of comparison, so that's what I'm hoping to provide. Please note these aren't endorsements of the contained paths as the best paths for each champion. A good jungler must be flexible and have multiple starting routes - these are demonstrations using common and viable routes, but by no means are they the only routes you should use. I'm constantly filling out more paths for each champion.

    These clears were performed by myself or various Master+ level one-tricks, and are min-maxed heavily for both health and speed. Each clear uses standard runes for each champion (clear-specific runes like Absolute Focus, etc. were not taken) and is performed leashless. While these clears are generally the best available demonstrations available for each champion, none are perfect - if you happen to have superior runs for any of these champions, feel free to PM me a clip, and I will review it and upload it to the document. For the sake of consistency, please make sure that standard runes are used, and that the clear is leashless. If you have any champions you'd like to request, feel free to ask.

    Hopefully this helps some of you out!

    submitted by /u/phylaris
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    Complete beginner here . . . I've been playing Ahri for a bit and want to know how to bypass what seems to be her really bad health.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    I've only really just started to play league of legends, but as of now I'm playing Ahri. I like her play style, yet, compared to other champions, she seems to have no health. I understand this is in a way just a part of her play style but at the same time whats a good way around this? I understand you can use her abilities to teleport into a battle and do damage, but once I've entered the fight I'm for sure going to die in only a few seconds because of what seems to be because of her awful health. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Herenus
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    A gathering of tips after thousands of games in Silver

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    1. If you know the enemy jungler will attack you soon, pushing the wave and recalling is also an option. This is especially useful during the first few minutes of the game. As a player that foregoes flash, I am always the first to be ganked. The ganks typically come between 2:30 & 3:45-ish. Using a cheater recall around 3:00~ish can keep you safer and result in the enemy jungler achieving nothing beyond farming or sitting in bush as you walk to lane.

    2. If you know you're in a matchup where you're weaker, don't try to push unless your waveclear is overwhelming. Smarter opponents won't allow you to push completely and use it as an opportunity to freeze.

    3. Your teammates have their health and mana bars displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. If they have low mana, they can't provide much assistance when you gank their lane. Furthermore, they may even recall before you're able to gank their lane to begin with. Look at their mana and health bars before deciding to roam.

    4. 7 minions to level 2. Level 2 is potentially a power spike stronger than even level 6. I notice most people respect when their enemy is about to hit 2, but players that abuse level 2 are a bit rarer. Zone your enemy from exp if you hit 2 first. This often puts them near their tur while giving you stronger control of the wave and river. Kills even if they don't back off.

    5. You don't have to use TP to gank! If you know your opponent backed/died and you just backed after hard pushing, you can simply walk to the lane you want to gank and TP back top.

    6. Best time to perform these ganks is when objectives are coming up. I like to gank bot 1 min(1:30 is too soon though 1:20~ish is fine) before drag is up because it usually guarantees us a dragon. I gank mid 2 mins before dragon is up, because, unlike bot, the impact of this gank will be felt 2 minutes later. The enemy mid will often be forced to back. That then gives our team full control over the bottom river and opens an opportunity for our mid to roam.

    7. I always thought on streamlining what I should be doing and when, but, once the mid and late game hit, I could never map out the entire game. Just the first 15/20 mins and it showed. I'd generally have 1k+ gold lead at 15 min, then it'd dwindle to nothing and be overtaken by my enemy laner. So I started taking note of when action happens late game. Late game is a different beast.

    8. There's anchors in this game. Things that tie players to certain spots. During the earlier stages of the game, you try to further the game by smashing your opponent. 20/30 mins later, towers, the anchors you previously used to kill your opponent,are down, no one allows you to fight them unless they're sure they'll win, and diving is generally more difficult because everyone's bundled together. How do you find a lead at this point? How do you maintain your own? Later stages are kinda empty.

    9. The jungle. The jungle is the best anchor to attack during the later stages of the game. It's often sparsely populated, thus giving you easy pickoffs, and it's full of gold to snowball you further.

    10. Farm the enemy jungle as you split. If you know someone will answer your splitting and you're unlikely to kill that person, don't waste time trading into that enemy. That's a senseless risk. Kill the minions, ward the jungle, and farm it unless it's too dangerous.

    11. Keep a ward on the enemies' buffs. Easiest pickings you'll ever find late game. You can also use the buff timers to sit in bushes near the buff and wait for your prey to arrive.

    12. Stop sticking around with 100 hp. Tons of enemies with TP do this for some reason. Just miss the 4 minions that are going to crash into the tower. Backing is worth it, especially so if your opponent is running ignite. If you die, you lose far more than those 4 minions.

    13. Junglers are often on their second buff at min 3, scuttle around 3:15, and their third buff around 6:40~ish. Use these timings to attack them if your opponent is pushed in and/or you don't have kill pressure on them.

    14. Look at waves before ganking. You need to know whether your ally will soon be pushing too hard for you to gank. Oftentimes you'll think an enemy is overextended only to see the wave bounced back by the time you get there.

    15. Play away from the river UNLESS your jungler is in it. Especially relevant for top lane. Play closer to the bushes and just watch how much easier it is to avoid ganks.

    16. Go incognito. Your opponent is under the turret and you're just watching him farm. Why? Walk into the river, roam, chill in a bush to cheese, ward the enemy jungler, anything really. Just get off the map because you being on it feeds information to the enemy. You're much stronger off of it.

    17. Hold your abilities if the lack of it always gets you punished hard.

    18. Gap closers are abusable by both the user and the opponent. For example, if I'm Irelia I want to save my last gap closer for when my opponent tries to run further. If I'm Jax and I want a long trade, I'll engage by walking into melee and extend it by jumping on them when they run.

    19. The flip side to that is that someone who has used their gap closer can be slapped around until it's up. E.g. Gnar vs Tryndamere. If you can't beat the enemy in melee range, don't bother auto attacking in melee range or even kiting back. You'll just take multiple crits to the face. Jump out of his range FIRST, then unleash a hail of auto attacks as he walks away with no form of retaliating. Same applies to Darius' hook, because he (generally) can't touch you without it.

    submitted by /u/Aa4488Bb
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    Aatrox Itemization: Black Cleaver or Triforce?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    The Case

    The most popular analyst of League of Legends LS, aka Learning Stats*, has numerous times made the statement that Triforce is better than Black Cleaver on Aatrox and a bunch of other champs. I was tired of people taking LS' word for everything without actually experimenting in the game (something which is essential to do) and telling me that Triforce is better than Black Cleaver on Rek'Sai, Kayn and others, so I went to investigate myself. Aatrox is one of the champs where I actually think Triforce can potentially be better (It's actual dogshit on Rek'Sai and just worse on Red Kayn. Lethality is better on Blue Kayn). To study this I went into practice tool messed around strategically. The only rune that has any damage impact in the combos is conqueror and double-adaptive damage, which are generally the standard runes for Aatrox.

    The Perfect Combo: If you're trading, this is probably the combo you wanna get off, if we're being ideal. I don't think shorter trades favor triforce as you can't get the sheen proc unless you walk in their face, and if you do that you want to do this combo anyway. If there is a combo where you utilize the sheen proc really well I'd like to see it, so feel free to make suggestions. We're assuming that Aatrox gets Triforce at level 11. I don't know if you can get it much earlier (maybe level 10? Level 9?) but you're going to get level 11 in most games. The base armor is not entirely correct, but I think it's really charitable for Triforce, as the lowest base armor + armor growth at 11 is 47. The PAA indicates Passive+Auto Attack.

    Level 11 Aatrox - Perfect Combo:


    Trinity Force VS Black Cleaver, 2xLongsword

    50 amor (squishy base armor~/no armor items level 11)

    Trinity Force: 1673 DMG

    Black Cleaver, 2xLongsword: 1673 DMG

    0 DMG diff

    70 armor (Toplaner base armor~/no armor items level at level 11)

    Trinity Force: 1475 DMG

    Black Cleaver, 2xLongsword: 1493 DMG

    +19 DMG Cleaver

    Now, this combo includes only two sheen procs. If we truly want to know if sheen is superior, we need explore a bit further and see what 3 sheen procs gets us.

    Level 11 Aatrox - Sheen Perfect Combo


    50 amor (squishy base armor~/no armor items level 11)

    Trinity Force: 1923 DMG

    Black Cleaver, 2xLongsword: 1818 DMG

    +105 DMG Tri

    70 armor (Toplaner base armor~/no armor items level at level 11)

    Trinity Force: 1697 DMG

    Black Cleaver, 2xLongsword: 1625 DMG

    +72 DMG Tri

    Obviously this isn't a realistic scenario, as you wouldn't do this combo on cleaver but it shows the difference, kind of. I think an auto can be pulled off between the W and Q, but it's hard to do on a dummy since it doesn't run away from you. It would also be easier to do that auto with Triforce but I think it's doable on Black Cleaver, maybe less consistently. There is a noticeable DPS difference but unless your enemy is directly in your face this won't realistically make a difference. ** Poke Combo:** If you're in lane (or hovering an objective) where you can't all in you might poke a lot. This is a demonstration of that.

    Level 11 Aatrox - Beta Poke Combo


    50 amor (squishy base armor~/no armor items level 11)

    Trinity Force: 473 DMG

    Black Cleaver, 2xLongsword: 540 DMG

    +67 DMG Cleaver

    70 armor (Toplaner base armor~/no armor items level at level 11)

    Trinity Force: 417 DMG

    Black Cleaver, 2xLongsword: 477 DMG

    +60 DMG Cleaver

    Level 11 Aatrox - Alpha Poke Combo


    50 amor (squishy base armor~/no armor items level 11)

    Trinity Force: 777 DMG

    Black Cleaver, 2xLongsword: 734 DMG

    +43 DMG Tri

    70 armor (Toplaner base armor~/no armor items level at level 11)

    Trinity Force: 685 DMG

    Black Cleaver, 2xLongsword: 649 DMG

    +36 DMG Tri

    So cleaver probably has better poke, since you'd probably just all in if you are alpha enough to get the PAA off. Cleaver is obviously better without autos and better in a lane where you can't fight.


    These were the little experiments I made, now to bring a list of pros and cons for Trinity Force.


    Take towers/objectives much faster

    1v1 whenever you want

    Higher single target DPS

    5% movement speed

    Running down and auto-attacking is almost as viable as combo'ing


    Lower AOE damage/Lower teamfight damage

    Horrible buildpath, can't rush caulfield's

    Spikes later

    Delays other spikes

    Lower HP, isn't nearly as good with Death's Dance

    No cleave passive for teammates

    Less heal from abilities = Less healing

    Trash against tanks (unless you build BOTRK)

    To conclude, I think that there are very specific conditions for (possibly) building Triforce. You can build Triforce if: Your team is all AP except you Your team lacks single target objective damage You're far ahead early game (2 kills~) and your enemy doesn't get their cleaver before you get Tri You have a teamcomp that needs you to splitpush and you don't wanna teamfight

    I would still say these are mostly can's not should's. After examining the math and seeing how little extra damage you get from Tri, not having the 150 HP from cleaver and greater ability damage in teamfights, while also spiking later and having a shitty buildpath and general worse interactions with the other items that you build, I don't think Triforce is better than Cleaver on Aatrox in the vast majority of games and I'd like to hear any arguments for why it is better. In most cases where you build Triforce on Aatrox you should probably ask yourself "Why did I pick Aatrox?".


    *This part is just a meme and I don't mean any disrespect as a big fan of LS since 2017, but I think that LS is wrong in his conclusion that Trinity Force is better than Black Cleaver on Aatrox. I am very open to criticism and suggestions though, so feel free to suggest combo's/scenarios wher Trinity Force might be better. It would also be cool if LS stops saying that Trinity is generally better than Cleaver without testing their combos and such in practice tool or researching it further.

    In general, I think people should start testing items and builds more themselves instead of just assuming what an analyst says to be true.

    TL;DR: Black Cleaver is generally better than Trinity Force on Aatrox.

    submitted by /u/SleeperCellar
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    Reminder || Don't keep things personal, focus on winning.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    First of all, I know it's hard to not be triggered by someone who is constantly talking sh** on chat or one who is taking ur farm or jgl creeps deliberately. But if you really wanna win, try to find a way around that. It depends on the current match state, but try and work it out. You can't control others, but you can control what you do.

    Most times I get flamed by someone that person is surprised I helped them lately or played around them (if they are the win condition). I despise people just bursting out of nowhere or just one little mistake, its very dificult to play everything perfectly and especially in these elo's, but letting that affect your gameplay it's just adding even more handicap to the game. The only way around this is just improving your mental, trying not to get tilted by someone spam pinging or flaming, you can't either ignore them full, since then you are just creating a kind of 4.5vs5 scenario. Don't get me wrong here, if they are being complete d*cks/a**holes, just mute them. Remember this is a team game, and yes it's hard to ignore that message wishing your whole family tree nasty things, but having a good mental is an important factor to prevent tilting. If you are really mad and feel like punching your monitor, just stop playing or go smash some arams (or your meat) in order to have a less/non tilting experience.

    Here are two posts improving mental.

    Post 1

    Post 2

    submitted by /u/Arcolel
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    Has wards/UI been nerfed this patch?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    (Sorry, I couldn't find a way to 'properly' explain it shorter)

    Since this patch, if you've already placed three vision wards or a control ward, and you try to replace it, you do not get a prompt on the minimap any longer.

    Has this become a toggleable option in the menu or did something break at Riot's side? I couldn't find any info about it and it's honestly cost me (MY LIFE) in my games.

    I've been so used to weighing if the replacable ward is in an acceptable spot or not, that I now have to manually find it before I get into position to ward properly and it's been putting me off more than I'd like to admit.

    Anyway sorry for the rant, but none of my friends in my group has noticed and it's driving me crazy-

    submitted by /u/ConfirmingBanana
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    When do you full clear and when do you rush lvl 3?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    I know this has a large amount of variables, but I'm looking for some guidance. I currently main J4 and according to the spread sheet made for jungle clearing it recommends I do red, blue, gromp, finishing around 2:30. Then look for early gank into scuttle.

    But what if no gank is possible? What if I just wanted to full clear/power farm? I understand On a champ like Olaf that can be self harming as he needs to be aggressively proactive early, but J4 is different. The CC and R provide valuable utility for the entire length of the game so I'm not as pressured to make early plays like Olaf right?

    Currently after I clear and head to river I spend a lot of time walking/waiting around mid/top for a possible gank before getting scuttle. It feels so inefficient as most of the time at my lvl an early gank like that is fruitless. Sure getting a SS out of an enemy is good but at Bronze Elo they don't know how to capitalize on that advantage.

    Which brings me back to my question. From your experiences, what signals or factors do you look for to alter your jg route/clear deviating from your norm? As J4 would there ever be a reason for me to just full clear instead of rush lvl 3 gank?? I'm assuming it's heavily matchup dependent mixed with my own team comp?? I guess I'm asking who decided that x clear was the best and should usually be followed??

    Sorry if this is too much or didn't make sense. I just really want to learn and get better.

    submitted by /u/Liteboyy
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    New Leblanc Player Confused on How to Play Late Game

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Hey guys!

    Overall new player here (started playing when quarantine started) but have played quite a bit (bronze 2 atm). i've been playing a lot of lucian mid but have recently taken up Leblanc. she's really fun to play but I often run into a problem of what to do late game.

    laning phase is usually fine for me as i farm, try to roam, and get stronger. but when laning phase ends and teamfights are more likely, i'm never sure what to do.

    do i split push? keep farming mid? where should i be positioning myself during late game.

    and for team fights do i always flank? try to pick off their squishies before/after the fight starts?

    any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/cpaaark
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    Armour items on Annie

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get the hang of itemisation on the fly. I played Annie mid against Diana, Garen, Kayn, Lux and Jinx. I'md built luden's, sorcerer's, hourglass, voidstaff and began building towards frozen heart because of the AD the enemy were putting out. Was that the right choice? I don't know if that's an item Annie should have but like I said on the fly

    submitted by /u/JGazeley
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    Getting Reported For "Inting" When Learning New Champs

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Hey all, this is gonna sound a bit venty so sorry about that, but I do have a legitimate question.

    I've played League for a few months now, and I've gotten really good with Warwick in jungle, but I obviously want to learn new champions. I've started using Kayn, but I'm not very good with them. I understand when to gank, but when it's frustrating when I run into situations where not a single laner gives me opportunities to gank, meaning Kayn doesn't powerspike for longer, and as a result I'm weaker than champs like Graves and Olaf. This leads to games where I go 0/6, which in turn leads to teammates flaming me, saying "jungle diff" and all that stuff, which I get. I try not to let that stuff affect my mental because there's not much I can do about it. What annoys me is when the mid-lane Neeko who recalled at full health when I was about to gank her half-health opponent, or the 2/9 Gnar starts saying that they're going to report me for inting. Again, I try to not to let it affect me, but it worries me that I'm actually going to be punished in some way for trying to learn new champions, even if it is something small like losing Honor or chat-restriction. Also, this is in Normal not Ranked, so is there any way I can try and circumvent this because I can see why a Riot support team would think that a player with 0 kills, many deaths, and one or two assists at best would be intentionally trying to feed the other team.

    submitted by /u/_Shwath_
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    I dont know what to do in early gmae when all lanes are pushed in.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    -So im g4 kayn jg main. And it happnes to me that all of my laner are pushed in and i dont know what to do i farmed my jg and i feel lost. No objectives to take because is still early. It would be ok they have lead on their side but when they get ganked and killed even when i ping them back off becasue we saw a enemy jg on bot side they die. And then blame me for not ganking them. Idk what to do in those situatioons. Should i try tower diving enemy or what? Because i kind of dont feel comfortable diving under turret. Because i kind of dont trust my teamates will they hit their abbilites.

    -So any tips on what to do in situations if all lanes are kid of pushed. I dont know what to do.

    submitted by /u/DNgamesDev
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    Are there cases where taking an inhib is actually a bad decision?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    From my understanding getting super minions is good because you have constant pressure in that lane. But what if the enemy team has a vayne who gets to free farm that lane safely, meanwhile they also have good wave clear so sieging other lanes is pretty hard, your team can get man advantage for neutral objectives, but even then I'm wondering if there are cases when leaving an inhib up can actually be beneficial.

    submitted by /u/KneroTH
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    How do keep even CS as a melee top laner vs a ranged one?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    I have had some issues whenever I play top lane when being in a melee vs ranged matchup. I find it almost impossible to not fall behind in CS because every time I go for a they just punish me from outside of my range and I am not sure how to prevent them from basically getting free damage on me. Any help is appreciated here.

    submitted by /u/Illyasvielian
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    Videos and guides for new players

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, with more people stuck inside, I have had more and more friends bored and turn to league. I have been playing since beta so I can help teach them but sometimes it's hard to touch everything since things become so second nature.

    I was wondering if there are some guides or videos that I can send them so they can get a little bit better knowledge of how the game works and some of the intricacies behind it. They get frustrated because they don't perform very well but they are comparing themselves to myself and some other friends who have been playing for years and years so I'd like to give them some resources to help. Anything is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/FlyingDutchman82
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    What am I doing wrong and why arent I climbing, I feel like im doing everything better than my opposing laner

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Im a mid laner whos well lets face it going to be hardstuck gold 4, I win my lane consistently, wave manage well, out cs my opponents and usually pick up a kill or 2 by the 10 min mark, I play garen mid, this is assuming im not against a hard counter (Darius or teemo, thats it), after backing from my first kill and shoving the wave out I usually look for roams, or scuttle/drake secures, most of the time my roams pick up a kill, or get the drake etc, but then laning phase is overt and my team just refuse to not fight, they just die on repeat or something like that, despite me roaming and pressureing bot river and bot lane with my leads, they still jsut somehow die, and dealing with adc's with stormrazors etc is pretty hard as garen unless I have flash, im not at a stage where I can "1v9" every game, but I feel I am certainly better than most in my game, im usually the most in cs, regardless of how the game is going, and statistically doing better, I know stats dont matter and all that, but to a degree, they kinda do, I will almost never die more than 6 times a game, and almost always have a postive/even K/D/A.

    I play mid so that I have more impact on the early and snowball potential of my team, having watched NEACE quite a bit and his trynd mid stuff, to add to this another reason I play garen is because most midlaners in my "elo" dont really know how or I feel like they dont really know how to deal with sustain champs, and almost always burn their mana without usually making a dent (second wind for more pokey matchups, bone plating for melee, and standard conq build), I build triforce, boots depending on the game state and then into statikk, and then depending on the state of the game spirit/dmp, I just feel like im not doing anything wrong, but I dont really have a say in the enemy jg picking up 17 kills, and just snowballing a lane, could really use some helpful tips.

    TL:DR - I win mid lane, out cs, out k/d/a out pressure my opponent, always play for obj/macro, zone for drakes, contest scuttle etc etc, in gold, yet no matter what I do im just losing, ive watched videos on how to impreove or whatever, and the decision making stuff I do exactly what their saying, I swear smurfs just get paid actors to not totally hard int or some shit xD (A joke of course), idk, I just feel like im missing something, my mmr is also pretty bad, gaining 17-20 lp and losing 17-20 - stagnant, not going anywhere for the time im putting in tips on how to actually improve this would also be appreciated) further more, general tips also appreciated! :D

    submitted by /u/blasterpew
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    Is there any easy tips to improve my map vision?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Im a support main and it's not that i get ganked off guard (doe at times my team does saves me with pings) but since just winning your lane isn't allways enough i would like to contribute more to the mid and jg. My goal is to be better at joining in on fights in the bottom half of the map but there are times where i just dont see it happening. How do i tell myself to pay more attention to the map?

    submitted by /u/xUkuSt3p
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    What’s the best way to learn what each champion does?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    I'm a new player and I've been told that if I want to improve, I should learn from my replays. So after going through some, I've realized that I die in really stupid ways because I don't know what the enemy champion does. For example in early game, I don't know how an opponent is going to engage, so I usually get caught off guard. And in team fights, I don't know what types of CC they have, which makes me go in for stupid plays. So how do you guys recommend learning what each champion does?

    submitted by /u/Swiftshadow117
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    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Could you just help me out, i know how to build like normal items but i keep hearing over and over like, "build executionar, they have healing" and all other stuff so if someone could just explain to me which items counter what it would really help me

    submitted by /u/jevremchina
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    How do some champions hang onto their last little bit of health for so long during a battle?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    This has happened twice whilst I was playing - one occasion was with my friend (can't remember the champion) and another was when I was playing against Swain.

    Basically we'd all be fighting him, but he has this tiny bit of health left that just doesn't disappear even when we're all hitting him. Is it a feature of the champion, an item they have, or something else? How do you even manage to kill someone who somehow has the ability to do that?

    I don't know if I'm explaining it well. I hope you understand what I mean anyway.

    submitted by /u/cosmicgirl97
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    A gank / fight can be successfull without getting a single kill.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    I'm becoming really tired of seeing the same thing happen over and over again with early ganks/ trades or lategame fights. As an example Zac ganks mid with E but the midlaner flashes the E and it misses should now there are two options for Zac:

    A) He flashes and Q's and IF his midlaner also flashes to gap close, they get the kill.

    B) He runs off noting that the enemy mid doesn't have flash and reganks a little bit later.

    Same thing happens in teamfights where you force janna ult and exhaust and adc flash. Now do you force the engage or wait 1min for Leonas E and R?

    The single biggest and most consistent misstake I see is feeling like they have to force something right now or it's doomed which ends up in a bad play and a thrown lead.

    submitted by /u/Cyxana
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    I'm having an extremely hard time jungling compared to last season

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    I've been playing League on/off since season 1 but I'm by no means an exceptional player. I didn't even play my placements in most seasons and just played norms instead. However, last season I was able to easily climb to gold maining jungle (old Voli in particular) with a 72% win rate. This season, I'm struggling to have any sort of consistency in jungle and many games I don't feel like I'm able to help my team get ahead and get priority so that we can set up smart fights for objectives.

    I know the jungle meta is different, and I've tried to adjust, but I still feel like I very easily fall behind in experience if I don't get kills and then I'm living in fear. What can I do to feel more impactful? How do I avoid falling behind in experience?

    submitted by /u/handshakesatsunrise
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    What do I do when I have my lane pushed?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    I often run into this problem. When I have lane priority, either by superior wave clearing or by out trading my opponent, the wave just stops at the turret, but I can't do anything. Basically, I intimidate the enemy laner enough to keep them under their turret, but since I can't dive them, they are able to clear my minions before they get to damage the turret too much, or if I completely clear their wave, they can still just attack me while I try to hit the turret, forcing me to retreat. This often leads to situations where I am overextended and vulnerable to ganks for way too long, but i'm not able to damage the turret to get plates and get nothing done other than maybe deny them some farm. What should I do in these situations?

    submitted by /u/thivid
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    Is it normal to have much worse farm on mid than on top?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I am a gold player. When I am on top with TP or even without I hit 190-200 minions in 20 minutes when I don't die or recall that much but when I am on mid which is my main position my farm becomes ridiculously bad after 10-13 minutes in the game. I have to constantly help my teammates with fights in the river and I sometimes roam. I know that I should kill the wave quickly and then roam but a lot of the time I am just rushing to help. I usually end up about 120 cs in 20 minutes which is pretty bad.

    submitted by /u/TeaTeeKaNee
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    How to deal with Urgot who buys death's dance?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I main Mordekaiser and Urgot has been pretty piece of cake matchup for me until recently everyone started building death's dance on him and i ain't gonna lie, it's garbage. He outrades me, wins all in because he only needs you to put down to 25% hp and then he auto wins the fight necause of his r. I can poke him with q but he is a ranged champion so he can also deal quite a lot of damage to me without coming close. The real problem is when he shows up in teamfight, tanking all the damage, dealing absurd amounts of damage, crowd controlling high priority targets and finishing low health champions who try to escape. What is your advice?

    submitted by /u/Fakecabriolet342
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