LoL Guide If you’re picking a lane bully toplane, expect to be camped |
- If you’re picking a lane bully toplane, expect to be camped
- Restarting League
- My sanity has left
- I have a couple of questions about top lane, please answer?
- Toplane
- /URF has helped my ranked play
- S5 diamond getting back into League, what do I need to know about S10 solo queue?
- When to build what on Varus?
- Learning to play Quinn/Vayne top, wondering how you determine whether you pick up Cull over Doran's
- I'm new to League, and I don't really know the meanings of different terms.
- What does pulling the minions level 1 do again?.. I'm pretty confused as to why people do this
- How to play shaco?
- I feel like i got so bad in just one day
- yuumi combo's
- Why does early champ do not scale well?
- Do you need to one-trick to climb consistently?
- Guide.
- How does one Shaco Support?
- Question on objective control and lane priority when playing aoe champs
- How on earth do I beat teemo jungle when I’m already locked in Nasus?
- Renekton vs Garen
- How to get my team to listen to pings?
- Simple question regarding warding trinket
- A tip that helped me communicate with pings: Instead of ?, use both !'s to warn people.
If you’re picking a lane bully toplane, expect to be camped Posted: 06 Jun 2020 07:14 AM PDT I played Darius today, first time toplane after a long time maining jungle and enemy picked Machinegun Lulu into me. All I really had to do was to tell my Rengar to camp top for free kills as she had literally no escape option except for Flash. I fucked up my summoner spells, because I was expecting Sett (which went jungle instead) and I picked TP instead of Ghost. So all I had to do was play really safe and farm under turret as she was aggressively pushing me in. Then, my Kennen mid and Rengar jungle just came regularly and helped me out until I pushed her tower in and was able to roam. Overall, pretty easy win as their Lulu had nearly no impact on game as most of her gold came from farming which I nearly managed to keep up with, meanwhile I was getting them kills, finishing with 10/4/6. So if you see enemy picking lane bully like Teemo, Vayne, Lulu etc. just abuse it as jungler, or tell your jungle to use this to your advantage. Lane bullies are generally papers and the lane is long, so they aren't really hard to kill. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Jun 2020 05:38 AM PDT So I've hit a wall in my ranked games to the point where I don't know what to do anymore and I also doing want to keep playing as I feel like I'm insane expecting different results by trying to keep grinding. As a result I've decided in order to improve and climb I will be "restarting" League in a way by learning the game from the ground up. I know the basics, CSing, Proper Wave management, and some Laning. I would like to get tips from you guys on what I should include in my learning to get a much better understanding of the game. My plan that I have in mind right now is as follows: I'm going to pick a role ( im a top main so I might stick with it but I might change to mid/adc if I get better results) limit my champion pool to 3-5 champions, practice in flex while also going through every champion that plays in the lane I'm selecting and learning the basics of what they do. I've been playing this game for about 6 years and I just learned that the more attacks Jax dodges with his E the more damage it does, this made me feel really dumb because I've been playing for so long and didn't know this so now I want to go read up on every champion I could possibly face in lane and make sure I know what they do so I'm not surprised anymore. If you guys can give me any advice on what I need to learn in order to improve my level of play I would greatly appreciate it! Edit: my current elo that I've been hovering is Gold 3-2 Edit 2: when I say I know the basics I mean I know what they are and that I need to apply them but I need to refine them and practice them a bit more and that was going to be one of the things I work at Edit 3: thank you all who replied with your advice, i feel a little better knowing what I need to prioritize in learning and what I can do to help improve [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:59 PM PDT Excuse my grammar for this but I'm slowly going insane and everyone is telling me to take a break from league because of how it's affecting me mentally I play 8+ hours a day with no progress and don't climb I'm stuck on silver 4 with 0lp and gain 17lp and then lose it the next and that goes on everyday I'm stuck and can't do shit and I'm crying thru games I'm literally going insane to the point where I'm shaking with anger and just tears streaming down my face I want to die that's how bad it is I tried changing server but it's even worse when I restarted it feels like no matter what I do I can't do shit and Nothing changes I don't want to take a break I want to improve but nothing happens and yeah that's about it idk what else to say except for that league is destroying me mentally but I don't want to quit [link] [comments] |
I have a couple of questions about top lane, please answer? Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:27 AM PDT 1.) what do I do when the wave is froze near their tower and they have kill pressure on me?/ how do I break a frozen wave on their side 2.) if I solo kill them but I don't have any minions, do I set up a freeze ? 3.)what are the best times to recall during the landing phase? 4.)where are the best places to ward? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:39 PM PDT Im relatively new to the game (about 1 month) and have gotten really into the competitive nature of ranked. Im in bronze 2 rn hopping in between jungle and top. I enjoy the laning and champions in top lane a lot more, but i feel my wr and success is a lot higher in jungle. Im struggling to impact the map as much from top lane as jungle. For example, at the 15 minute mark of a game i could have frozen my wave, gotten two solo kills and have triple my laners cs, but in the jungle by that time i could have secured 2 major objectives, gotten all my lanes ahead through ganks, and taken the enemy jungle out of the game with a early game powerhouse such as ww or olaf. Should i be roaming more? And if so, when is it smart to, after shoving a lane, getting a kill etc. Im also curious where I should roam. Rn when I do roam its usually ganking mid or helping my jungler invade/secure scuttle. Either way my assumption is a top laner cant have the same early game impact as jungle, how should i make up for it in the late game? I've noticed junglers dont scale as well, and if they do they dont have as much of an early game impact. (unless theyre graves) At what point in the game should i permenantly leave my lane/sacrafice a tower to help with a dragon or a bot tower. Would you generally recommend split pushing or teamfighting as a strategy. I mainly play darius or wukong rn, so i try to focus on teamfighting, but im playing a bit of trynd and fiora so id be open to attempting split pushing. I understand that a bunch of these questions will seem vague and tough to answer but even vague answers will go a long way in helping. Note: this isnt intended to be a rant or a rage post, im not trying to say top is a worthless role, just that I dont understand how to maximize its strengths [link] [comments] |
/URF has helped my ranked play Posted: 06 Jun 2020 03:32 PM PDT So I finished gold 4 last season and did the 10 promos for this season and ended up in silver 3 which was a bit of a downer. Started playing URF heaps and I've never had any spells insta-cast. URF pretty much made me change my play style to keep up with spamming spells and I've since translated this into norms and ranked. I find it's made me a reasonably better player and I've since gone from silver 3- silver 1 in 2 days. Try it out lads! [link] [comments] |
S5 diamond getting back into League, what do I need to know about S10 solo queue? Posted: 06 Jun 2020 03:32 PM PDT Hey everyone, I used to frequent this sub when I played league in season 3/4/5/6. I'm returning to the game after 3/4 seasons off and I've been playing the game the last few weeks. Excited to be back and contribute again. A few things questions: 1.) I mained ADC in S5 when I was diamond, I've read some stuff that ADC sucks right now, is that true? Should I play jungle or something else? 2.) The games I've played so far seem super volatile, everyone is insanely aggressive. Is this due to some sort of change? Is there a reason why every support I play with wants to go ham 24/7 regardless of matchup? I know catch-up XP is gone, any other changes like that that would result in this kind of play pattern? 3.) I placed into Silver IV, these games are total chaos. Any tips to carry in this elo as ADC? I've been playing Cait, Jihn, Jinx, KaiSa, etc. Lane is usually a coin flip depending on whether or not my support knows what they're doing (Wave management, playing the matchup, lvl 2 powerspikes, etc.). Maybe half of games we stomp bot and the other half my support just ints bad fights while I stand by and watch them die. Thanks in advance, super excited to be back and playing League again! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:43 AM PDT I've been watching some high elo streamers lately and I see Varus as a pretty popular pick. Usually, I see two main varieties of builds: Full lethality or like BOTRK and like Guinsoo and stuff. My question is, what does the potentially best Varus build in a game depend on? How many main varieties are there that could be used? Is there an overall best? I feel like the lethality one is pretty bad in late and most of my plat games go into ~5 items. [link] [comments] |
Learning to play Quinn/Vayne top, wondering how you determine whether you pick up Cull over Doran's Posted: 06 Jun 2020 12:34 PM PDT I am super trash ELO so forgive me if my question is stupid, but I struggle to understand when I look at builds (I try to understand builds rather than just copy them without knowing why you choose x over y), but I really struggle with how to know which items to start with in general...why some people start corrupting pots while others start with doran's and healing pots. When you pick ignite top over tp. Stuff like that. I'm coming from supp main to top (my duo doesn't play as much any more and I hate supporting randos) so I'm learnign a lot. I would really appreciate some help on itemizing correctly from the start [link] [comments] |
I'm new to League, and I don't really know the meanings of different terms. Posted: 05 Jun 2020 08:58 PM PDT I am brand new to League and I didn't realize how much of a different vocabulary there was to describing the different elements of League. Could someone please help me learn the meanings of terms that people use Ex: kiting, freezing, camps etc. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you. [link] [comments] |
What does pulling the minions level 1 do again?.. I'm pretty confused as to why people do this Posted: 06 Jun 2020 09:21 AM PDT You know what im talking about. Is when you go to the enemy minion wave level 1. And then they stand in front of it to freeze it or something and it pushes into you? I'm just wondering why you would want it to push into you since people say you need to push first to get level 2 first and get lane prio [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:56 AM PDT I have never played shaco and despised him for a very long time until i saw my favoutire streamer playing him. He played him so well it actually convinced me to at least try him but i fear this champion requires too many braincells for me ( i don't usually play jungle and when i do i play Vi or Kayn, basically hardcore gank champs) but on the other hand his playstyle looks so fun. [link] [comments] |
I feel like i got so bad in just one day Posted: 06 Jun 2020 05:28 AM PDT I have recently started to get back to league after many years. I Made a new Account and just played. It was all fun. Now i have been playing for about 3 weeks now and now i am lvl 27. In these 3 weeks i found support as my Main role, because i feelt really confortable in this role and also did a great job even if we were losing my score wasn't bad. And i got a lot of props from other Players. You can check out my match history "BaoBoy" EUW. Two days ago i had such a great day, the games just worked out so well and i had a lot of fun. But as you can see in my match history, the Last two days including today i got really bad. I try to Dodge skillshots but they keep hitting me it feels like i am playing again atleast gold players. my adc Start to Flame me and it often hurts. I always stay positiv in the game even defending other Players which are getting flamed to keep positiv vibes. The last days i got tilted fast because people keep bashing me and tell me i am Bad. It is just so weird, the one day everything work oh so fine the next day i am really bad. Am i just getting matched with stronger players or am i just getting bad myself? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Jun 2020 04:22 PM PDT hi guys! Recently i was browsing instagram explore page and noticed a page that posted a picture of some yuumi combos! COMBOS: Peeling and crowd control Hope i helped at least one person improve their Yuumi game! Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Why does early champ do not scale well? Posted: 06 Jun 2020 04:10 PM PDT What are the reason behind it ? why does champ like pantheon who are super strong early can't scale well in lane even with a full build? I get that the fact that it is harder to lower a tank's Hp to under 25% in late game, and becoming tanky is a thing. But what makes Panth not scale as welli as ... darius for example? Is it because his damage almost relies entirely on his Q spell? stilll, with conqueror and some items, why can't panthéon be an effective bruiser late game ? Why do pantheon struggle so much even if he build (after his 1st lethality item): DD , black cleaver, a GA, and even a maw. Why does panth have such a hard time with so much resist and 2.5 hp while having an E that block all damage every 9 seconds? Is it really just because his damage really come from his Q spell? (and eventually his W if ou build "on hit" ?) If that's the case: why can't he just do just as well as non crit adc with his auto? I said panth, but the same could be said for other like lee or shaco. (i just don't play them so i don't know) [link] [comments] |
Do you need to one-trick to climb consistently? Posted: 06 Jun 2020 04:09 PM PDT Do you guys think this is the best way to climb? If you one-trick something with high carry potential it definitely feels like the best way to have a high winrate in ranked. What do you think is an optimal size for a champ pool? Tbh I don't enjoy one-tricking but at the same time I have a tendency to make my pools too big and I end up playing too many champs in ranked. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:27 AM PDT Started Playing league of legends for 2months and i started playing akali one week ago in mid and pretty much mastered her mechanics etc. But now i want to try qiyana since i really dont have a second mid laner champ if akali gets taken, but a lot of players keep saying that she is hard to master for begginers, if anyone is qiyana main drop in some tips in the comments that might be helpful. Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Jun 2020 03:12 PM PDT Greetings Summoners, After a ranked game as Thresh versing Shaco support, I have been inspired to learn a bit more about this. It was difficult since I couldn't walk up to flay or hook because of the boxes. I am not a great player but it would be fun to add some sort of unique pick into my support pool. How/Why do you guys play Shaco support and what are some things to keep in mind when you first start learning? [link] [comments] |
Question on objective control and lane priority when playing aoe champs Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:54 PM PDT One issue in my gameplay is objective control. I've started to pick up hecarim after the buffs but struggle with soloing dragons. I usually play champs like nunu and ww so this isn't usually a problem however when i try to solo them as hecarim i get too low and then the enemy jg kills me. How do i ensure priority for my team so i can claim drakes with my team and win fights at dragon because i always seem to lose team fights in the river even with ignite. [link] [comments] |
How on earth do I beat teemo jungle when I’m already locked in Nasus? Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:26 PM PDT Just had an awful game as Nasus jungle against a teemo where he camped my blue buff and murdered me when I was going to get it after red because he can go invisible for some reason. He spent the entire game terrorising me and stopping me from doing anything at all. Jungle Nasus is completely useless if you can't get stacks and so there was literally nothing I could do. He's faster than me, does insane amounts of damage and can somehow make me miss my Q. How can such a hard counter exist in this game? If I was a laner it would be alright because I could hide under tower all game but a jungler doesn't have a tower and I can't just afk all game. Please tell me if there is actually anything that can be done in this situation or is it just a guaranteed loss? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:20 PM PDT Man, I played a match with my mastery 7 Garen after like two years and found a Renekton. That reminded me why I stopped playing him. He just killed me in like three shots while his HP got completely refilled, and at level 6 he could easily dive and kill me while at full HP. My R didn't activate while he was in ult. The animation just started, canceled and the cd went to 0 again, as if i haven't used it. I hate top so much right now because of champs like Renekton, Urgot or Sett. They seem just too strong compared to other melee champs. Instant heals, a lot of damage and hp... That's why i always play ranged now, i don't wanna play brawl between literal apes. They look just too stupid for me. Am i the only one who feels like top is messed up? I mean, i see only those 4-5 melee champs that are broken and then only ranged. [link] [comments] |
How to get my team to listen to pings? Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:41 PM PDT I set up vision in the river and when I see my laner heading to another lane to gank I spam ping and also type in chat stuff like "talon going bot". I ping my lane and their lane. Time and time again though they ignore the pings, die, and then flame me for not following a mobis talon. How do I get teams to listen to my pings? I'm trying my best to give them a heads up but I can't actually play the game for them. Is there a better way to communicate to them other than chat/pings? [link] [comments] |
Simple question regarding warding trinket Posted: 06 Jun 2020 09:41 AM PDT I've been playing for a little while and am now just starting to try to learn the mechanics of the game and I keep noticing this in some of my games. Whenever an enemy sets a ward down, I'll get near it, and then they "pull it back." I've wondered how they are doing that, even set up my own custom game and tried doing it myself but to no avail. What is this called and how is it done. I feel like it's a pretty noob-ish question but this is something I have overlooked in the past and now want to figure out. [link] [comments] |
A tip that helped me communicate with pings: Instead of ?, use both !'s to warn people. Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:21 PM PDT Note: Sorry, I didn't know how many characters you can use in the title before Reddit deems it too much. Okay, so I've been playing for three months and mostly mute all during ranked (Iron 1) as they flame more than anything. The thing I've also noticed is people using the enemy is missing or "?" when making a mistake, either their teammates or themselves. Especially when Olaf dies and spam pings mid Ahri for not helping him kill the enemy jungler or bot not helping him take dragon when both lanes have to deal with the both laners and the support at 50%+ health. This becomes a problem, especially when you have someone actually trying to communicate with "?". People associate it now with "WTF are you doing?" that if you even use it once it can tilt the player. It tilts me when someone does it now. It's just better to use yellow and red exclamation marks to communicate with your team instead of enemies are missing when your laner roams or when the enemy jungler comes to gank a lane. It helps the laners know that something is up or to back off in case something weird happens. I took the "?" ping off my hotkeys as it does have it's uses, but people abused it to the point that others associate it with someone criticizing mistakes. This is just my two cents. Feel free to add anything to this! [link] [comments] |
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