• Breaking News

    Sunday, July 12, 2020

    LoL Guide I am a high elo support streamer who is very passionate about teaching others how to become better players. I hope to become someone people can come to and learn from, you'll often find me going through my thought process in great detail, playing the champs you ask for and in any elo you want!

    LoL Guide I am a high elo support streamer who is very passionate about teaching others how to become better players. I hope to become someone people can come to and learn from, you'll often find me going through my thought process in great detail, playing the champs you ask for and in any elo you want!

    I am a high elo support streamer who is very passionate about teaching others how to become better players. I hope to become someone people can come to and learn from, you'll often find me going through my thought process in great detail, playing the champs you ask for and in any elo you want!

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Am live now: Twitch Link - https://www.twitch.tv/enverownz

    I know this post may be slightly lengthy, so if you don't wanna read I made a short video about who I am and what it is that I do. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tyJoJ8SQRE

    If you do feel like reading, Hello there! My name is Enver or enverOwnz. I am a former GM (now hardstuck d1) Support main. I typically try to explain my thought process both in-depth and as things occur even during team fights. I not only explain what I am doing but also point out mistakes made by the enemy players as well and how to properly punish those mistakes.

    My goal is to be able to help as many people get better at the game as possible. I used to post and comment here on r/summonerschool semi-frequently but recently didn't feel as credible since I was not playing at peak performance so I kinda stopped streaming and posting content. Previously, I dedicated myself to helping people get better at league of legends in primarily the Support and ADC role and want to get back into helping the community. I guess I thought people wouldn't want to learn from just a "diamond" player but I know that's all in my head and a mentality that I needed to break because as of now, nearly every single one of of my students has increased in ranks from my coaching.

    One thing that I like to do is take champion requests and will play in ANY ELO that you want in order to make the gameplay as realistic as possible to your own soloq games. This means if you're a gold Thresh main, I am more than happy to not only play thresh for you but also play him in a gold elo setting. This way you can see exactly how to optimize your gameplay as well as take advantage of the many mistakes that are made in these elo's.

    I know there has been a very aggressive movement against smurfs recently however I am not here to make clickbait titles showing how "AP Yuumi TOP in bronze is OP" I feel as though instead of doing an unranked to challenger series this type of smurfing where I educate people on how to optimally play in their own elo will, in turn, be very beneficial to the viewer so they too can see how to play like a "smurf." When I play in lower elo even if I get frustrated with my teammates I NEVER type in chat because I know I'm playing in a rank that is not up to par with my abilities. Instead, I use this as an opportunity to explain to my viewers what they SHOULD be doing instead and why. Win or loss there is always something to learn and my goal is to make sure that the people watching me are able to learn something from the game itself.

    You also might be wondering why I'm doing this instead of just try harding on one account. Well, this season has been kinda rough for me and I genuinely have a passion for helping people get better at league. Don't get me wrong I'll still play on my main but I've already peaked and at this point does not look like I'm getting back. At least the knowledge I have to share is still in my head and can hopefully be beneficial to others as well. There also aren't too many educational live streams that are truly educational and that a lot of the high elo "educational" streams I see on twitch are all 1. playing in higher elo so it doesn't relate to a majority of the community and 2. they don't properly explain what they're actually doing and why. My goal is to also flip the mentality that support mains are just boosted bonobos who can in fact carry games and in doing so create a truly educational environment where I can teach others how to climb and carry games in any rank.

    My end goal is for anyone who watches my stream to take the information learned and hopefully incorporate it into your own games so that you can reach your own ranked goal.

    To help everyone to the best of my ability, I try to explain things out in a simple, easy to understand manner and always double-check with my chat if anyone is still confused so that I can reiterate or restate an answer to a question or action that I do.

    I did begin making a few youtube guides earlier and at the moment I have a few up but again moving forward I want to continue making more content that will help people in the league of legends community get better at the game.

    Lastly, my dms are ALWAYS open so please feel free to shoot me a message on discord be it a question about me, a certain build, runes or just wanna chat! There are no stupid questions and I am more than happy to answer you!

    My stream schedule will probably be 3-4 hours a day in the afternoons 3-5times per week (still figuring that out)

    Other socials:

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/enverownz

    Youtube (guides and stuff posted here) - https://www.youtube.com/user/enver0wns/

    submitted by /u/enver0wnz
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    Switch your role, switch your mindset

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    I recently switched my primary role from jungle to mid and have seen a huge improvement in my impact on games and win rate. If you are stuck in a rut with your climb it might help break you out.

    The state of the jungle right now is tricky, its a place where you can have huge impact on the game, but equally it means its easy to lose the game through mistakes. I was finding when I played jungle i would perform well but couldn't carry, and all to often my lanes would feed when I wasn't there to help them. This really hurts your mental game, when you are stressed about getting to lvl 3 to get to a gank before first blood happens.

    I started playing mid after dominating in some normals when I played with friends. I was shocked to find out how bad midlaners at high silver/low gold elo are at csing. 90% of games simply focusing on farming over trading nets me significant early gold advantage. To add to this further, because I have jungled for many years I find i can predict enemy junglers ganks and positioning far more effectively; I still check the map like i would when jungling, and this allows me to be safer in lane, to set up the lane for ganks at the right times, and to position to help with or help stop drake or herald plays.

    Junglers are important, but at the end of the day the game is about destorying the nexus to win, and a jungler doesn't have a tower to protect, and doesn't have an opponent who they have constant contact with, therefore reducing the chance of feeding. When I play mid, I feel like am able to make sure my lane doesn't lose at the very least, and I can generally keep my tower till 20 mins, providing my team with much needed map control and presence. I have pulled games back from losses in the other lanes simply through patience and positioning and not dying.

    Yet it isn't just my mid lane win rate that has helped me climb; jungle is still my secondary role, and I probably still play it 30% of my games, but my win rate there has skyrocketed. I have actually gone 100% win rate in the jungle since making it my secondary role. I think this is because I am less tiltable and feel less pressure, I know that if I lose a jungle game its OK because my mid lane game is strong and I will get it back there. Its also taught me to pay more attention to my mid laner in particular, and understand when they will want to roam, or back, and when they have lane priority.

    I was about ready to quit the game, but changing my role has totally changed my mindset and I am having more fun playing.

    submitted by /u/CapableLegs
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    Do you take tower platings at the expense of a worse recall ?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    I see this a lot where a pro player would be able to take a plating but instead they just take the push and recall. If they say for example to maybe take a plating or two and the enemy comes back . They maybe lose one wave possibly ? It seems like a fine trade to me honestly so I don't see why they don't take the platings unless they were afraid of getting ganked

    also tyler1 discount code alpha Tyler 1 discount code alpha tyler1 discount code alpha also tyler1 discount code alpha Tyler 1 discount code alpha tyler1 discount code alpha

    submitted by /u/shdjfksngnskd
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    Kindred viability in botlane?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    I really love Kindred's kit and playstyle but I hate jungling. Ive played her in bot a few times and generally have done well, but I only play with my duo who knows whats going on and what I want (grabbing first scuttle if marked, focusing my marked target, grabbing the nearby camps when available, etc).

    I want to be able to play kindred adc without a duo but I cant rely on it in soloq. Is there anything I can do to ease the experience if my support doesnt want to help me? Any specific rune or item sets I should be going for? What do I do if I fall behind?

    submitted by /u/Kumquatts
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    Is it normal to be this bad when starting?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Hello! I started playing league about 2 months ago and I feel like I have only gotten worse from when I started. It's really starting to get to the point where I've avoided playing normal's because I feel like I'm just a detriment to my team.

    I have played top lane since I started but I'm starting to feel like maybe it's not for me, no matter what champion I play (whether they're good in early or not) I can't win a trade because I feel scared to take damage, so it results in me losing lane and losing CS.

    My op.gg https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Lowkey1mloki

    Seriously any tips are welcome, I want to learn!

    submitted by /u/Lowkeyimloki-
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    I found the AP nunu counter

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    It's quite simple really, you play neeko with full ap build and start w. Then you run the clone into nunu when he snowballs the wave, as it stops the snowball in place. You can shove with your q and stop his roams. Just get good at stopping the snowball.

    submitted by /u/DragonKitty17
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    Question about trading stance

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    I just watched the leaguecraft 101 video about trading stance, but since I can not comment on the TL;DW leaguecraft 101 reddit post since its been archived I decided to make a post. In my situation I mainly play twitch ADC, should I still do the trading stance even though most enemy adcs are stronger than me ? And if I shouldnt use the trading stance then what should I do instead ?

    submitted by /u/Luminatedd
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    At what point can I stop playing Annie?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    I'm a bronze mid main for ages now. I started the game at bronze 2 and the highest I've gotten since then is b1. So I've decided to give In and start playing Annie to hopefully learn the game. But I don't want to play Annie forever obviously. So I was wondering at what elo do you think I can stop playing Annie. Or at what point I should stop.

    submitted by /u/Exonicskull
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    For complete beginners, what are some of the hardest things to learn about league?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    I've played league for a while, so It's easy to forget what the experience is like for newcomers. I'm curious what new players have issues with. What is the hardest thing you had to learn when picking up league, or what are you currently finding hard to learn?

    submitted by /u/Crippledupdown
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    How to deal with adcs tanky enough to whitstand my burst as an assassin?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    Heya I played a game against a fed kalista today, I was Evelynn, fed aswell.After a while Kalista got so tanky that I couldnt even burst her at all.

    Heres the amount of self mitigated damages on her

    And this ones the total amount of dmgs she inflicted.

    Builds as well

    So she still managed to deal quite a bit of damages but I couldnt stop her at all.

    How can I deal with this in the future?

    EDIT: Builds

    submitted by /u/Jinunichy
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    How do I play against Nunu mid?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I main Zoe/Vel'koz/Orianna and it seems like the whole point of this champion is that he sustains mid, W wave clears, then capitalizes on the fact that your teammates don't pay attention to pings.

    Every time I face one I can easily chunk Nunu down to 10-20% HP, then he heals back up. I'm always up in CS by at least 3 cs/min, and once he leaves lane I ping whichever side he went. I ping missing in my lane, then danger in my teammates lane, yet it never works. I just hard shove wave and I end up a level or two ahead, but it doesn't matter because by that point Nunu just gave his team 6 kills and I'm against a 3/0 Nunu who kills me once he lands a snowball.

    Like last game, Nunu cleared the first wave in 1 second then roamed top. I pinged top, yet Nunu got a kill. He then got botlane double kills after I ping them heavily once he left lane. Then when my jungler was contesting scuttle I pinged him to back off because Nunu can just follow up faster than me. He continued to contest and he died.

    The worst part is that every game it's a "mid diff." What am I supposed to do? I ping, I shove, I get blamed. I can't even take many platings because he just W's down a lane, then W's back to lane. I lost 6/7 of my games against Nunu and it's getting incredibly infuriating that I can't do anything except hope that my teammates have a brain to listen to my pings, or hope that they ward effectively instead of botlane just warding tribrush or river brush thinking it'll give them enough time to run.

    I can't ban him either because I use my permaban on Fizz who can not only kill me on every champion I pick, but also roam.

    I really don't know what to do. I can counter pick him (and not Fizz) but I can't do anything when I pick before him.

    submitted by /u/lifesucks4
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    Garen vs Ornn

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Quick post, after a horrendous match.

    I imagine I'll be told instantly about an item I should have built to change this, but anyway...

    I was 3 kills up on Ornn, due to some nice ganks, and at this point he is 10 cs ahead, so I have a clear gold/item advantage. Against other champions in top as Garen, 3 kills up and I will batter them in lane with an E/Q combo. But against Ornn, it was like he was ahead. Winning the trade every time he fought me.

    I'd finished my berserker greaves and was 2/3 through trinity force. Should I have gone early armour penetration, or does Garen just not win against Ornn?

    submitted by /u/ItsGokuTime
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    How to Jungle

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Hi so i just recently started playing League and i play with a group of friends that take all the other roles thus leaving me to be the jungler. Now i have taken a liking to Ekko but im not sure he fits the role as I keep getting absolutely rekt by the monsters and taking like 5 minutes just to get to lvl 2. Do you have any tips and is Ekko work as jungler?

    submitted by /u/ThCrazyAsian
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    It's intriguing how many supposedly competent players understand the gimmick behind most duelists and juggernauts 1v3 potential, but not with Master Yi

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    So these are the sub-classes that aren't traditional teamfighters (they can teamfight well, but just not in a direct old-fashioned approach), but tend to have the upper hand when split-pushing and forcing things their way, Fiora, for instance, needs to proc her vitals and get her ult procs. Riven needs to be able to combo well and fast enough while using mobility to outplay enemies'abilities. Yasuo needs a minion wave and the mechanical competency to utilise his kit. Juggernauts like Illaoi or Darius are rather obvious ones;

    Master Yi on the other hand needs to get his guinsoo's rageblade, and get it stacked. That's basically his gimmick. Seems overwhelmingly simple, but ironically many can't quite grasp it yet. You can be 1 level 16 Mordekaiser against a level 12 Yi with great gold advantage but if you run into said Yi with his stacked rageblade stacked, you probably die, unless you have stopwatch. You can be a 10-0 Fiora who pulled a sick 1v3 vs his teammates, yet meet the same fate as Mordekaiser when you're the one running into him. At this point divers and assassins (and to some extent mages) are more effective at killing Yi as they could CC and combo him to death while he's stuck in said CC, up until the point he starts building defensively.

    The thing with Yi is that in a 1v1 environment he isn't quite an assassin, and thus doesn't need to utilize his Alpha strike to doge deadly abilities to survive, as opposed to teamfights where he HAS to. The core point of timing alpha strike properly is gap close to enemies as/after they use their mobility so you could stick unto them and attack them, OR dodge cc so could stick unto enemies and attack them, but if they're already into your melee range, regardless of their champion, class, armor value/HP, them have already outplayed themselves, unless of course they have stopwatch or some sort of invulnerability.

    However, if you wanna argue that the phantom hit mechanic is innately unfair to the game balance, thats a valid argument, but if it were to be removed or changed, the champion would have to be greatly compensated and/or reworked, as well as the items that ultimately counter him being less accessible, and that's a whole lot of work to do.

    submitted by /u/Unreformed_Ky5
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    Runes and Items

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    The thing is that I've been playing the game for so long but, still don't know wich rune I need use and what items buy to the champion I'm playing, I know that is very situational but, I just copy some builds and runes. I just want to learn how and when to use an specefic rune, and the same for the items. Any sugestions?

    submitted by /u/HFTrey5
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    Question about Oracle Lens

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    I'm never sure about when to take Oracle Lens or who to take it on. Is there a predominant role that Oracle should be taken on? At what time does Oracle provide more benefit than awarding Totem? I've often stuck to keeping Warding totem for more map vision, but some of my friends say it's incorrect (jg main).

    Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/jw9010382
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    I made a video discussing about the aspects of champion design that can lead to champs receiving backlash or negative sentiment!

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:38 PM PDT


    This isn't exactly related to learning how to get better at League but to rather present a form of discussion in regards to champion kits and playstyles that affect players on a more psychological level. I feel like it could raise better awareness on the dynamic between team compositions and individual design.

    submitted by /u/VarsVerum
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    Challenger analysis - Veigar Mid Gameplay

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:22 PM PDT


    Here's a video I made talking over and analyzing an edited down game played by a challenger player using Veigar mid. This is a new series I've started where I'll do this once a week for every champion in the game. I'm working hard to make these videos as professional, entertaining, and helpful as possible for this community.

    I've read the rules and believe I'm in compliance with the 50%/10% rule on promotional posts. I'm going to apply to the mods today to officially promote my content on summonerschool. I'm making these videos to help people improve at their favorite champions and this seems like the place to share them. I'd like to think they're helpful to the community

    submitted by /u/averageredditcuck
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    why was my MMR high for my rank?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    i was doing placements for Clash (i don't normally play ranked), and my provisional rank was Iron, but i was playing with Silver players. i think the highest i played with was Silver 1. meaning that if i was playing with Silver players i was also playing against Silver players, right?

    so why, if my provisional rank was Iron 3 (i ended placements Bronze 4), was i playing with people who were Silver?

    submitted by /u/eedffs
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    About Locket of the Iron Solari

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    I watch one LS stream some weeks ago where he said that in that game the Ornn should go Locket instead of... Stoneplate I think? Maybe. But it made a lot of sense for Ornn to go Locket of the Iron Solari. It gives a lot of deffensive stats and the active is a shield that scales with your bonus health. So deffensive stats and utility for 2200 gold. Seems pretty good to me. So I had this game with Sejuani and I needed magic resist, but none of the passives of the other magic resists items were good in my game, so I said "Why not? Let's build Locket". So my question is:

    Is Locket of the Iron Solari a good item on Sejuani in particular and on tanks in general (Shen, Poppy, Amumu, Maokai,...) when you look to teamfight?

    When should I buy it instead of other Magic Resist items?

    submitted by /u/eurongreyjoy4
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    Why isn't the adc and support midlane and the midlaner bot?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Hear me out.

    Adcs are fragile that need to farm for late and watch out for ganks. Mid is the shortest lane and the safest one too. Also mid is closest to both drake and herald/baron so they are able to help better out. ALSOOO when the jngler is in trouble. The adc can stay farming while the support helps. or maybe the adc comes too. 3v1. ALSO ALSO. there are more good places to ward around midlane. The support has allot of wards. The support in the midlane will be the most useful then in bot.

    Also not even is mid the shortest lane (from getting to safety from a gank). You also get there the fastest. And getting to lane faster = more cs. More cs = faster late items for the adc.

    maybe im missing something and im stupid idk. This makes more sense to me.

    submitted by /u/MaybeAFish_
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    Worth playing support in lower ELO?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    I've recently gotten back into the game and have transitioned to a support Nami main (used to play mid). I usually do pretty well, keeping deaths low, having a high kill participation, aiming down objectives, but I've found that regardless of how well I do it seems I have little impact on the game.

    When I first completed my provisionals I was placed in B4 but was still playing against high silver/low gold players, and my win rate was high. I had an impact on the game by virtue of my team playing together. Now I'm in B2 (after a sad attempt at silver promos and a following loss streak) and don't seem to be having any luck.

    Is it worth me sticking with support? Or should I switch to a role which can sway the game more strongly until I'm at a slightly higher ELO?


    submitted by /u/Coprosmo
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    Mage vs assasins late game.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Okay so first of all I'm a midlane main. I prefer to play ap burst mages like syndra etc but I sometime play champs like Talon. I have found that their early game is somehow simular, but their late is so much different. As a mage (Lets say Syndra), your late game goal is to win objectives and try to find picks to easily get a kill with someone else on your team. But doesnt this depend a lot on what your teams solo goal is. Like if your team consists of splitpushers wouldnt it be difficult, because their priority is to push the lanes and keep their farm up. I have never ever giving this a thought till now and to be honest Im not sure if this is even relevant for the game. Is this even something you should consider in champ select and when you are in game. Im mostly just looking for any tips around this that could help me climb.

    submitted by /u/Gwillrule
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    What happens when u go over the threshold for Magic/Armour Pen?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    What happens to the extra pen, when you go over what your target has?

    I play adc, say I am playing ashe who has base 30 Armour. If the enemy Lee sin Builds full lethality+Cleaver, his pen would go well through my 30 armour and he would be dealing true damage. Is there something past that though? Does his damage go to true damage + x% or true damage + y(extra pen).

    submitted by /u/Mi1int
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