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    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    LoL Guide Don't ban nothing...

    LoL Guide Don't ban nothing...

    Don't ban nothing...

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    If you are in champ select and are thinking, "ha, I don't care what they play, I will stomp them. No need for me to ban anything!" STOP. Just wait one second and ask if anyone else on your team has a ban they don't want to face, or just ban a counter to one of your teammates hovered champions. We are ll here to climb and win in ranked. (Well other than the afk griefers, but that is beside the point.)

    Let's just help each other out since we are on the same team. Good luck out there on your grind.

    Edit: this post is made for ranked where the goal is winning. In norms sometimes i dont ban to test in unfavorable matchups.

    submitted by /u/RuseGuy
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    After the initial spawn, only one scuttle crab is allowed to be on the rift.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:04 AM PDT


    So I've been playing League for quite a while now and I've played countless number of jungle games up to this point. There always was one thing that bothered me but never enough to actually check it.

    Why do rift scuttlers respawn timers are so far out of sync, even when you yourself kill them in a short timespan?

    So I checked wiki and was struck by the fact that after the initial 3:15 spawn, only one scuttler is allowed to be on the map. The respawn timer starts ticking once the second one gets killed and her spawn location is determined randomly. So to know the exact spawn timer you have to be the one who kills second scuttler, but you cant know which side is she going to spawn on.

    Hope this helps you, and good luck on the rift!

    submitted by /u/fojek17
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    Taking jungle camps while missing out on minions is generally incorrect.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Many people don't realize how bad the jungle experience is in season 10, especially without jungle item.

    I often see top laners spending 20 seconds to take gromp and losing 30% of their hp and mana while there are minions dying in their lane.

    Junglers could kill these camps faster, get more experience and lose less health.

    This is the gold and experience chart for each camp and their value in minions after 12 minutes when the camps reach their full value.


    Camp Experience Melees (60exp) Casters (30exp) Cannons (93exp)
    Raptors 128 2 4 1.4
    Wolves 128 2 4 1.4
    Gromp 182 3 6 2
    Krugs 236 4 8 2.5


    Camp Gold Melee (21g) Caster (14g) Cannon (81g)
    Raptors 85 4 6 1
    Wolves 85 4 6 1
    Gromp 105 5 7.5 1.3
    Krugs 135 6.4 9.6 1.7

    As you can see the experience and gold you get from these camps is rarely worth the time mana and health if you could kill minions instead.

    You are also taking these camps from your jungler, making their pathing less efficient, reducing overall experience, putting them behind enemy jungler and disrupting their camp sequencing.

    submitted by /u/dpdr999
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    In Response to Hovering your Champ: Synergy does not make up for Skill (More focused in Ranked)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    After seeing this post

    I would like to speak on behalf of Xayah and Rakan mains. Please, in Ranked, do NOT switch your pick to Xayah or Rakan just because your ally is playing one of the two.

    As a Xayah main I see this happen way too often. Yes the champions have been made to work well with eachother and synergize amazingly well but that synergy does not make up for the skill you may lack when playing a champion that you have not played at all, or enough.

    There are plenty of bot lane pairs that work just as well together, Xayah Leona, Kai'Sa Rakan, Xayah Lulu the list goes on. Xayah and Rakan are not the only pair that will work.

    So why is switching to X or R a huge deal, I know what I'm supposed to do with the champion!

    The champions design may be straightforward but there are certain tricks and tactics that are only available when you have both of the champions in game (this is what makes them so powerful). If one of the laners does not know what to look for or how to properly execute these things it can end in accidental feeding, tilting and flaming at the worst.

    What should I play then?

    Play anything you're comfortable on and think you can win with in Ranked. If you and your lane partner both know how to play your champs and know what to do in game then you will maximize your chances of winning your lane and the game.

    What should I do if I know how to play Xayah/Rakan but didn't have them hovered?

    Just let your team know that you know what you're doing and to trust you. Most people won't say: no you don't know how to play your champ, but letting them know will probably reduce the anxiety of your lane ally seeing you switch to X or R.

    But, I want to play Xayah/Rakan in Norms

    Go ahead, this post is aimed at Ranked play not Blind or Draft. In normals feel free to do all the experimenting you want, there's only one way to get better.

    That's all, just a little nitpick most Xayah and Rakan mains have, is the monkaW that happens when our support or adc switches picks based off our own. Good luck on the rift.

    submitted by /u/min_xiao
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    Gold 2 trying to climb to Plat but stuggling

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Hello, Im a hardstuck Gold 2 Midlaner trying to climb to Plat

    Champs that i play

    Ap: Viktor, Azir, Syndra Ad: Zed and Talon

    I've been trying to learn Ori but idk if shes worth learning.

    I usually like to play passively and farm up to late game, because i tent to see that most of my games go up past 30 mins and when i get ahead i dont really know how to snowball and get even more ahead so I like farming up.

    I would like to believe that i have pretty okay machanics and micro, i can usually can perform on the heavy mechanic champions.

    I think somethings that im bad at is warding, map awareness and my macros. I know i need to ward more and buy more control wards, but i usaully just forget or dont use them. No idea how to improve map awareness. And no idea how to macro or control waves or anything like that. I've watched some wave management videos, but in game its confusing putting the concepts into a real game, like when I try to freeze the wave, i always keep 4 minons alive but somehow the wave keeps crashing into the tower. And im also confused on when do i push the wave or not.

    I'm also bad at positioning if im playing Azir or Vik, and i usually die without putting out damage and we usually lose the fight.

    I just want some tips and pointers to help me improve, anything would be greatly appreciated!

    My op.gg if you need it: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=SS%20Copycat

    submitted by /u/Tri-uwu
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    It’s me, low elo Ezreal. Help.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    SO I am a mid main who decided that I love Ezreal and want to pick him up because. He's fun as hell.

    I see a LOT of complaining about low elo Ezreal players on this board, so I figured that the odds that I'm making the same mistakes y'all see are pretty high.

    So... rant. What do low elo Ezreal players tend to do wrong? How would you fix it? Any miscellaneous tips?

    submitted by /u/Cuntillious
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    Jungler Item Changes Super Low?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Am I reading this wrong? It looks like jungling is now impossible with the new items.

    2% bonus health: that's 3 dmg if I have a ruby crystal. 10% ability power, so 2 if I have an amp tome, and 5% bonus attack dmg, so 0.5 if I have a long sword.

    So if I happen to buy all 3 items plus various runes let's say I get 7burn dmg.

    Compared to 80 burn dmg, 40 bonus physical, and increased healing on a 950 jungler item?

    submitted by /u/silvius13
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    Denying the first melee minion through wave manipulation. How do you do it?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Saw some people do it to my wave after having leashed for my jng. Gives a slight exp lead that could make the difference between a won or a lost lane depending on how strong a level 2 the enemy laner has. Assuming the enemy laner is leashing for their jng and I get 10 seconds with the wave before they arrive in lane, how exactly do I do it?

    Edit: Noted. Thanks, all!

    submitted by /u/IamSoEdGyYyYyYyYy
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    Mid and Top Lane All Item List

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    I've been trying to find a item set that includes all the items typically used in mid lane and another for top lane. I'm perfectly ok with researching and making one myself, but I'm not completely confident in my ability to not mess something up.

    Anyone have an active Item Sets for Mid and Top Lane?

    submitted by /u/AnimeGodIsOp
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    Rushing drake mistakes after made by pro players

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Today I will show two differents situations of mistake made by pro teams when they decide to rush a drake. I will not only tell what mistake they made but also what happened before they did and what make them resulting to their repective mistake.

    Case 1 : MAD Lions vs Supermassive (MAD vs SUP), during Play Ins of Worlds 2020

    [The Draft and Summary](https://gol.gg/game/stats/27019/page-game/)

    We are at [25:47](https://youtu.be/V_VdzB8amXw?t=1875) in-game time. MAD Lions' player Carrzy (playing Senna) engage the fight by using "Last Embrace" (W) on the Malphite, played by Supermassive's toplaner Armut. The tank counters by using his ultimate "Unstopable Force", knocking up three players of MAD Lions.

    Due To Supermassive's team composition, having an advantage in term of CCing and in being majorly composed of champions that can engage, the teamfight should be in favor of Supermassive. However, Sett, played by SUP Bolulu, missplaced himself by using his ultimate "The Show Stopper" on the Senna player, allowing MAD Humanoid to get two kills on his Corki, with the help of MAD Orome's Renekton.

    With two players less in the side of Supermassive, MAD Lions decide to rush on the Ocean Drake at [26:12](https://youtu.be/V_VdzB8amXw?t=1900) in-game time. Even, if Supermassive was not on Soul Point, the european team did not want to give the drake to their opponents.

    But at [26:19](https://youtu.be/V_VdzB8amXw?t=1907) in-game time, Lillia, played by SUP Kakao, enters the drake's pit. And due to the Ocean Element affecting the state of the rift, she was hidden in the pit's bush. MAD Lions does not have this information, due to lack of vison control.

    And at [26:25](https://youtu.be/V_VdzB8amXw?t=1913), Kakao steals the Ocean Drake. And he and the rest of the remaining teammates killed a MAD Lions that was already weakened by the last teamfight.

    In the end, MAD Lions lose the game after 29:39 of in-game time, and get eliminated from Worlds.

    Case 2 : LDLC OL vs Samsung Morning Star (LDLC vs SMS), during the group stages of EU Masters Summer 2020

    [The Draft and Summary](https://gol.gg/game/stats/26594/page-game/)

    We are at [38:45](https://youtu.be/T-CR0CzrJiM?t=2888) in-game time. The team of Samsung Morning Star is trying to finish the Eternal Drake. LDLC OL tries to stop them, but Lillia, played by SMS Eckas, hits her E, "Swirlseed", on both LDLC Exakick and LDLC Yellowstar, respectivly playing Caitlyn and Lux. With that, SMS engage their enemies, easily killing Lux, Caitlyn and LDLC Tynx' Lee Sin, and made LDLC Vetheo force to go back on base on his LeBlanc.

    However they lose two member in the process : SMS StenBosse, who was playing Sett and the Lillia player, who was killed by Leblanc. Only the Gankplank of LDLC Bando survived the fight.

    After helping the minions wave on midlane, the remaining member of Morning Star directed themselves to the Eternal Drake at [39:29](https://youtu.be/T-CR0CzrJiM?t=2932) in-game time. But they spotted the Gankplank player with one of their ward, placed in the red side's blue buff side. They chased him, but LDLC Bando was able to escape them. It also permitted to LDLC Vetheo to teleport on the bot side to clear the minions wave but it also gave enough time for LDLC Yellowstar's Lux to reappear in the fontain, and join his teammates.

    Being cautious, the three remaining members of Samsung Morning Stars, in the exception of SMS Guubi's Jhin decide to go back to base at [39:59](https://youtu.be/T-CR0CzrJiM?t=2963) in-game time. It is important to note that Sett will reappear in the fontain after seven seconds and have his Teleportation avalaible.

    But at [40:06](https://youtu.be/T-CR0CzrJiM?t=2969), LDLC OL arrives with three members (LeBlanc, Lux and Gankpnlank) on the Eternal Drake to rush it, while the two other members, Lee Sin and Caitlyn are still trying to go out of their base. They may have expected SMS returning to base, but they misstimed it**.** And in addition of that, due to lack of vision, they have no information that Sion and the Soraka of SMS Click are still near them.

    Jhin and Soraka stayed near the the drake and LDLC, while Sion went back to base. Both Sion and Sett have Teleport and both use it at [40:11](https://youtu.be/T-CR0CzrJiM?t=2974), on a ward that was placed next to the mid lane. Only the Lillia of SMS Eckas is unavailable for 11 seconds.

    LDLC OL realises that both Sett ans Sion are rushing on them, while Jhin and Soraka are appearing on the other side. They go away from the drake at [40:18](https://youtu.be/T-CR0CzrJiM?t=2981)n ready to fight and reunite with the late players. But it also permited SMS to go themselves on the drake, since LDLC is too weak to win a teamfight.

    LDLC is able to push SMS away from the drake at [40:41](https://youtu.be/T-CR0CzrJiM?t=3004) and keep hiting the objective, while SMS Gubbi uses Jhin's ultimate "Curtain Call" on them. But they have no information that Lillia is present and ready to jump into the drake's pit.

    SMS Eckas [secures a double kill](https://youtu.be/T-CR0CzrJiM?t=3004) on his Lillia and Samsung Morning Star secures the drake, before rushing to the mid and finishing the game at 41:33 of game time.


    - The team that tried to rush the drake was in a disadvantage/dominated by the enemy team

    - The enemy team played Lillia in the jungle. Despite being a fragile champion, she stays dangerous especialy when she is well [well surrounded](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/j1bkhn/the_best_champions_to_play_with_hecarimlillia/)

    - They lacked vision around the drake

    In addition of these points, I think there also is a negative mindset from the players in difficulties, trying to find any opportunity to turn around the game. However, it made them making such mistake, disrespecting the presence of the enemies and forgeting to make an obective safe for them.

    And that is it ! Thank you for reading ! Hope you enjoyed this kind of analysis, despite being my first time trying it !

    submitted by /u/SoujiKuroIronCoach
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    How can I improve my Samira gameplay?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    I am really passive before level 3 and less before level 6. Should I be more aggressive? Any combos? I am just wondering how I can improve my gameplay in early to mid game mostly. At those times I am some what confused on what to do like if I should push the lane or freeze it. Or when to strike and all of that. It would be really helpful if I can get some headers on samira like combos, ruins, items, whatever. Thanks <3

    submitted by /u/IslandReaperG
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    Tank items on hypercarry AD Carries as 4th/5th item?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Let's say i pick Twitch very early in the game and my support is not able to play some peel supports or stuff like that but everything is up to you if you win the teamfight. You are decently good in game and the enemy picked AD mid and jgl but you positioned quite well in skirmishes and didn't get caught. Now that you are in late game and every fight can decide the game and the assassines are just waiting for you.

    Is it worth to build an Randunins Omen over for example GA because you are tanking so much more and still doing damage if you have I.E. Twitch with Botrk, hurricane and IE?

    submitted by /u/Divine_Platypus
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    How to lane with Samira - [250 Lp VOD review]

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    My name is Eyez1l and I'm a Twitch one trick hovering around D1-D2 on the NA server. With Samira coming out, I decided to try her out, and let me tell you, this is the most fun champion I've ever played, so I decided to add her to my champion pool. Since the best way to learn a champ is to watch high elo players play it, I decided to do a VOD review of a high elo Korean playing the champion.

    In this VOD review, I first go over the runes, then the laning phase win condition for the Samira and then finally I analyse how the Samira actually executes the win condition in lane. I'd recommend this video to not only aspiring Samira players, but anyone trying to learn ADC, since it goes over the most fundamental laning phase skill which is identifying win condition and then finding out how to execute it.

    Enough rambling, here is the link to the video: https://youtu.be/EsVVelYfwW8

    If you have any questions about Samira, Twitch, or ADC in general, I'd love to answer them. Thank you for your time and have a great day.

    submitted by /u/eyezil
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    How do I stop myself from INTING?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a Silver Mid laner and I have a problem where I die much more than I think I should. My problem isn't dying to my enemy Mid over and over again, I know to play safe when behind. It's more like making retarded plays that I know I shouldn't be doing. I only play 2 champions, (Assassins), Zed and Sylas.

    Like I'll have deep warded the enemy jungle and I see him on his way to krugs on the topside of the map and decide to cheese him. In the past it's worked when he was half HP and 2 lvls behind. But this time he's somewhat fed, close to my lvl, and almost full HP. Plus the enemy Jax Top should be walking back to lane and fairly close by. I'm even thinking in my my head I know it's a bad call for me to force a play. But I go in like a clown anyway and get collapsed on! It's like a trigger reflex, or a dog chasing a squirrel lmao.

    I think maybe it's part of the outplay potential of the 2 champs. With Zed I think I can one-shot and shadow my way out since it's worked before, so I keep diving in like it's the same scenario every time, only to get caught by CC or something. With Sylas it's the same, I might think I can 1v2 and heal back up since it's worked before, but I'm not as fed/get CC'd down/etc.

    TLDR: I used to be a KDA player and not play so risky. I don't want to go back to that, but I can't stop myself from taking bad fights time after time. Is there any conscious exercise I can do to stop?

    submitted by /u/MyNinjjaz
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    I don't know what to main.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:35 PM PDT


    I started playing league of legends in season 5 and played for 2 seasons. I played for the fun I remember I ended up in silver 3. in March of this year I started to pickking up league again. And fell in love with the game right away.

    But here is the problem: I can't find what champ or role I want to main. my curret rank is gold 4 I got here by playing a lot of roles and champions. I litterly played every role and I tried a lot of different champions. I'm hard stuck in gold 4 because of it. I know that if I want to climb I need to focus on one role and not more then 3 champions in that specific role. But i got litterly no clue of champion what i want to main.

    How did you find your main role/champ?

    Do you guys got any tips on how to find your main champion?

    Sorry if i made some grammer mistakes English is'nt my first language.


    submitted by /u/ronjans24
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    Could someone elaborate more on this video that talks about whether you should counter jungle, counter gank, powerfarm, etc. There's still a lot of scenarios that don't make sense to me.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6wAW54t6rY&ab_channel=SkillCappedChallengerLoLGuides

    It basically tells you to pick from the following criteria based on matchups and form a game plan:

    1. Gank lanes
    2. Counter gank
    3. Objectives
    4. Counter jungle
    5. Power farm
    6. Camp a lane

    Some of them are obvious, like when you should power farm and when you shouldn't, but I'm still confused on things like how do I know if I'm supposed to counter jungle or counter gank? How do I know if I can camp a lane or not? I'm basically hoping someone can elaborate on each item and when it is best to do.


    submitted by /u/Shuasan
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    How do you play against heimer generaly.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    As an low elo player i find it very hard to play against heimer on litteraly any champion,only time i beat him in lane is when the player is more braindead than the champion.I cant farm under turret, he gets the level gold and exp advantage while i have to back because of how much he can poke.When i try to go for kills or atleast farm from anywhere other than my turret i just get demolished,Heimer is a pain in mid bot and toplane.How do i play against him?

    submitted by /u/dack191
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    How Can I Keep Up With Farming When Other Team Keeps Attacking?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    I am a very new player (like this is my 3rd day playing), so bear w/ me.

    Whenever I go bot, I usually go alone (no one comes w/ idk why), but the other team has 2 people so it is a 1v2. I usually stay back and just watch because I don't want to feed. However, my cs is so low, which makes me fall behind. Is there anything I can do about this? (sometimes my the jger helps, but then again, they aren't w/ me all the time).

    submitted by /u/thanos-knickers
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    playing with bots?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    so in terms of time spent playing i haven't been playing long, so i've only been playing with bots except for a couple times playing with real people, (only once on my own since they were really toxic) and with my friend who's really good at league. when should i stop playing against bots and move to games against real people?

    submitted by /u/yee-har
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    How important are mechanics, really?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    I know mechanics definitely aren't the be-all and end-all of climbing, macro is. But exactly how important are they? I've heard countless times from high elo players that their mechanics alone got them to at least Diamond. I've also heard stuff like "once people reach Platinum they start to get cocky because they know their mechanics are good".

    I play a couple mechanically intensive champions in Mid lane (Zed and now Sylas, used to just be Zed). I'm Silver 4. The advice I've heard on repeat to get out of Silver is "keep the champion pool small and just focus on winning laning phase, you don't need advanced Mid-Late game macro to escape Silver".

    Since I play the definition of "mechanical champions" I feel like micro is pretty important, at least for me. I feel like my mechanics must be to blame if the key advice is to focus winning laning phase and I don't. It's nothing to do with dying to ganks or inting to the enemy mid laner. It's more to do with "I'm playing an assassin and I finished laning phase even with barely any kills or pressure. If I was better mechanically I would've stomped".

    submitted by /u/MyNinjjaz
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    When to pick whom in the mid lane.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Hey guys, so lets day my champion pool consists nñmainly of Zoe and Syndra. Both ap mages with heavy burst. Syndra is more a control mage with burts late game whereas Zoe is made to make picks and her teamfight is way worse than Syndras. How would you choose which one to pick for your ranked games?

    submitted by /u/edgardiez777
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    How does percentage additional stats stack?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Title explains itself, but if you don't understand, here's an example.

    My team has an Ornn toplane. Ornn obviously gains an additional 10% AR and MR from his passive.
    But let's say Ornn also gets a mountain drake. How is this additional AR and MR counted. Does this mean he gains an extra 16% AR and MR, meaning every buff is bundled together, or does it mean he gains and extra 10% from his passive and THEN an extra 6% from the drake, meaning it's counted seperately. Same goes for 2, 3 or even 4 mountain drakes.

    Math's example:
    Ornn has 100 bonus AR, does he have 116 (100*1.16) AR with the drake, or does he have 116,6 (100*1.1*1.06) AR?
    Let's say he has 4 mountain drakes.
    Does he have 134 (100*1.34) AR, or does he have 138,87 (100*1.1*1.06*1.06*1.06*1.06) AR?
    I know it's not much of a difference, but I'm kind of a statjunkie, and I kinda need to know.

    submitted by /u/Olaxce
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