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    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    LoL Guide My friend either does not buy or does not finish his boots in a majority of games he plays. How can I convince him this is dumb?

    LoL Guide My friend either does not buy or does not finish his boots in a majority of games he plays. How can I convince him this is dumb?

    My friend either does not buy or does not finish his boots in a majority of games he plays. How can I convince him this is dumb?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    He usually plays Sylas or Camille. Most games we've played recently he either sits on tier one boots or sometimes doesn't even buy those and goes barefoot.

    To be clear, this is not selling his boots to buy a sixth full item late game, which I understand in some circumstances may be appropriate.

    submitted by /u/oseman
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    Playing Safe: A Silver Player’s Perspective

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    So I post on here a fair amount because I love learning about and discussing certain aspects of the game. Although I'm just a lowly Silver 4 player, I feel like my perspective on the game could potentially help others who are in the same situation.

    I die in games. A LOT. My main role is mid and I tend to lean toward the more hard carry champs (Akali, Fizz, Zed, etc). Typically I don't die as much if I am playing well in my lane matchup (obviously) but if I am in any way losing lane, I will force trades and frantically try to turn the lane in my favor.

    I recently got Shen, a top laner I had been meaning to try for a long time. Keep in mind, top isn't my strong suit. When I go up against someone my rank or higher that knows what they're doing it's usually just an int fest.

    I queued up for a normals game and got top, picked Shen. I saw the Mordekaiser pick on the other team and my heart kinda sank. Not only is Morde good against Shen, I've had a lot of trouble in the past with the matchup no matter who I was playing. What made it worse is when I checked my Porofessor and saw that this guy was a Plat 4 Morde one trick.

    I get into lane and immediately start autopiloting and greeding for CS. I die (obviously), but then I remember something my friend said to me when I first joined.

    "You're not always gonna be the win-con. The most important thing to do in a losing situation is to stop dying and let the rest of your team carry."

    That is exactly what I did. I only died one other time in laning phase when I poorly misjudged Morde's ult cooldown. I gave up CS, tower, everything, just to not die. And it worked.

    I had abysmal CS so I went and defended top. I see my Morde go in 1v2 against our mid/jungle. Morde misplays and ults our mid under our tower. I take the opportunity to ult to our jungler and taunt him as soon as he gets out of his ult. I get a nice shut down for it and they FF at 15.

    That was it. 1/2/0 with 65 CS @ 15. No 0/10, no flame from my team, and we won. This was probably the most excited I've been when playing league, even though I hard lost lane.

    This all might seem like a very simple concept to grasp, but I really did have a hard time understanding playing safe in its entirety. I would value farm over the 300 gold my laner gets every time he kills me, and I see it happen to a lot of other people in my rank too. Anyway, hope this helps!

    submitted by /u/canigetitonspoofy
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    Your Duo Is Not Always Right.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Just as the title states. You need to let your duo know your line of thinking in situations and plays and actively communicate why a certain play is a bad idea. This is mostly focused towards players who are playing in comms in a call speaking to each other, but the concept can be applied through regular text-chat and pings as well.

    Playing in a solo lane and your duo wants to try Scuttlecrab with no prio because you're shoved in hard? Let them know. You don't have to say that they won't get the Crab, but you need to let them know that you won't be able to respond/will respond later than the opposing laner.

    "I'm going for this crab here."

    These are the words that you don't want to hear if you're shoved under tower and your duo expects you to help them. How do you say it's a bad idea? By saying it's a bad idea of course!

    "I'm shoved under turret. I won't be able to help/opposing laner will get there first."

    And if worse comes to worse, you need to call out if they're actively making a bad play. If your duo is playing Zac trying to fight Xin Zhao for Scuttlecrab, you need to let them know that is a bad idea.

    "Dude you're Zac, you won't win against Xin."

    If they still do it and blame you for being shoved in and not helping, it might be time to get a new duo because you're not going to climb with someone who can't realize their own mistakes like that.

    This goes for ANY lane you play in. Is your duo your support and you're ADC? Ask them to let you know when they go in, let them know your cooldowns, ask them to communicate their cooldowns to you. Are you playing Leona support? Make sure your Duo is on the same page as you before going in. Let them know your cooldowns! I can't stress this enough!

    "I have E in 4 seconds, can we go in?"

    That question is magical. Confirm with your Duo your actions, you need to actively communicate this. Are you a jungler ganking for your Duo partner? Ask them if the opposing laner used any big cooldowns, and if you can go for it, if your Duo has their CC ability available etc.

    The main goal of this post is to let you all know to ACTIVELY COMMUNICATE with your Duo! Let them know how you're going to play out a situation should it happen and if you think it's a good idea or not to continue. Your Duo is not always right and will make mistakes, but that's okay! The big thing here is that with both of you communicating to each other, you can prevent more mistakes from happening if you both look out for each other and let them know your reasoning. Be seeing you summoners!

    submitted by /u/onekayakin
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    You don't need an actual skill level to play ranked. But unlike that post said, don't just jump in. Check if you have the right mentality for ranked before you dive into it.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    This does not just hold true for your first ever ranked game. You need to check yourself before you click that queue button. each. single. time.

    Why I am saying this? Because you might not be in a state where you are ready. And if you queue up when you shouldn't, you will not only waste five people's time, but also ruin your teammates, and more importantly, your own fun playing.

    Before anything. What is ranked? Ranked is a game mode where you go up against other people in order to test your skills. Your goal should be to play in a way that makes you come out on top of your opponents, win the game and, in the end, climb the ladder.

    The key takeaway here is Playing to win.

    You don't play to have fun primarily. The fun in ranked comes from putting your knowledge on the table and play, feel and be better. You just won a game. You gained some points. Feels nice, right?

    Well, it doesn't feel nice if you lose. It feels even worse if you played well yourself, but your teammates basically lost it because you were the only lane winning. Of course, that can happen. But it happens every game. So you are really being held back by your teammates.


    Truth be told, there ARE some literally unwinnable games. It happens. And that's fine. Because you will be at the receiving end in terms of LP as well sometimes. Some games are unlosable. And now you are in such a game. Every arrow points towards free LP. Your teammates can feel the elo gods blessing them with a few steps on the ladder. Everyone is smiling, having gotten their detox boost for the day.

    Except you queued up without checking yourself.

    You play top lane. You killed the enemy laner at level 2. Small lead. But you get ganked right as you get back to lane and die, while the enemy top and jungle live with 150HP each. Lane has reset. The wave pushes away from you. You get ganked again. The lane turns into a nightmare and you finish 1/8, as your nexus explodes. "Fucking jungler" you think. "Didn't gank me". You completely ignore your vision score of 4 after 20 minutes without any vision ward, while there were tons of enemy pinks in the river and brushes. "His fault we lost thay free game".

    You now play bot lane. Great! Finally in your main lane. You can feed off of two champions at the same time now, neat! The game plays out evenly. You ping your support to engage and jump in. But your support backs away after a small, but very favourable trade. "I can kill them anyways now", you think. The enemy Kha'Zix suddenly jumps from out of nowhere, you die. "If only my support stayed, we would have killed them easily", you say to yourself, with no regards that you would have both died anyways and served them a free dragon to take. This happens two more times and your support lost the lane. It doesn't matter to you that he never died in lane. You run into them a few times just to show your support that he doesn't deserve winning the game. You even manage to pull down your entire team, which was actually ahead in total. But you wouldn't have done that if you had a good support.

    After that, your rank has been sealed. You are In [League] Division [1-4] and have no chance to get higher anymore. The season ends tonight. There is only time left for one game. You decide to play one more to cool off. Playing that new midlane champ seems neat. You get stomped hard and try to surrender within 20 Minutes. Your Jhin is mad. He was 2-2 in his [League] Promos before that game. You don't get why he is so mad, it's only a game right? Better leave early so you don't have to endure his messages.

    Now, the last one seems ridiculous. But I'm sure that one has happened to someone in a past season. And in the others you will clearly find some issues.

    These examples are not far fetched in any way, even if potential other factors are being left aside. But, whatever happens: Don't look for mistakes in your teammates. They make mistakes, just as you do. And small mistakes can lose games, even if you played a lot better than everone else for the majority of the game. The one 1k shutdown you gave. The fight you lost because you were a few seconds too late. Not making them might just turn things around. And at the same time, that mistake you made does not equal a loss. Your opponents make them too. Find them. Don't give up.

    Also, blaming them for mistakes, no matter if its their or your fault, does not help you in any way. Just try to get the most out of it.

    So, before going into ranked, check yourself if you are ready for the key points of ranked: (tl;dr) - Play to win - Stay calm - Look where you can improve yourself - Play with and for your team, not against them

    And most importantly. Be ready to lose. Embrace those losses and come back stronger.

    You aren't perfect.

    But nobody is.

    And you only have control over yourself.

    submitted by /u/TheRetenor
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    Resources targeting higher elo players?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    I'm a diamond 1 top laner trying to hit Masters and decided to really push for it recently. I've been looking up some videos, but most aren't really relevant to me as they target lower elo. What are some of the best resources? I'm a Riven main if that helps narrow it down.

    submitted by /u/Dynanamite
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    6 Lesser Known Tips To Climb Soloqueue [Educational]

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:03 AM PDT


    Hey I decided to make another video since my Senna video had a nice response. Here is a few tips, that hopefully not all people know, to help you win some more solo/duo queue games. Feed back is always appreciated.

    Also if anyone else has some not well know tips to help you win some games, please leave them below I'm sure people would appreciate it

    submitted by /u/-CoachMarv
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    I want to get better but i’m too shy ?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    this is going to be long so sorry!!!! okay so i've been playing for 2 months with one of my friends who is lvl 400 and basically knows everything about the game, he is a main mid but knows how to play basically every champ and he's been teaching me a few champs, the one i play the most is diana and so far i really really like her, she is easy to understand and i play fairly well with her (i also "know" how to play neeko, orianna, nami, kennen and fiddlesticks, but i've been sticking with diana cause she's the one i played the most and im used to her). now, the problem is that we've been playing against bots this whole time and we started playing normals a few weeks ago and so far i played like 7-8 normals, but i get EXTREMELY nervous when i play against people and it's a mix of a lot of things, i have anxiety and im scared of people judging me when im not playing perfectly (i know /mute all is a thing, but if someone says something i prefer reading it instead of thinking that someone is judging me without knowing the whole game), another thing is that im scared of the other champs, since im new i don't know what every champ does and im like level 25 so i've been playing against yone, talon, ryze, akali and some other basic champs, and i dont know if i should play more safe or aggressive and i dont want to die cause if i lose i'll think is all my fault, is like i take the games too seriously and think i should do everything perfect and it's just a normal but my brain doesn't get it and makes me extremely nervous and scared. another of my problems is that i get very lost when doing any other thing that is not fighting in my line, i know after a certain point the team fights start and you rotate lines and stuff but i dont understand when to do that and i feel like im very annoying asking my friend what to do all the time (even tho i do and we are really close, so im not scared of asking him but u know, he is also playing the game and needs to do stuff) or when to farm certain jungle camps or when should i go help on other lines and just basic stuff like that.

    so i want to know if anyone has been trough the same and how did they get over that fear and learn how to do basic stuff that no one really tells you about the game in general and just give me some tips on the game cause i know how to play my champ and what items to buy but it gets hard when everything is messy lol thanks for reading!!! (also sorry for any mistakes)

    submitted by /u/saddelfi
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    To train yourself out of forfeiting, learn how to read gold differences.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    Do me a favor. Go to your OP.GG and look at the gold differences of all of your losses. Now compare them to your team's kills and deaths that game. What you'll notice is that really often, even drastic differences in kills (say, 12-27) are not necessarily translating to massive differences in gold. Every time you play a game, win or lose, go check the total gold on each team. After a while, you'll start to be able to intuit what the gold difference in a game is.

    This has helped my mental in games because I might be able to estimate the enemy is 3500 gold ahead, but they have three 700 gold bounties and two weak towers, which means they're one bad teamfight and baron away from a total gold swing. Knowing this has helped me deny FFs, formulate a gameplan and orchestrate comebacks in games I ordinarily would have surrendered. Sometimes, you can see the opposite. Some games you will win at a gold deficit, usually by surrender. The enemy team can be ahead on gold but surrender because of tilt. Recognizing this can help you climb. Even if it's 5 games out of every hundred, that's an additional 5% winrate over your climb.

    submitted by /u/brinedevil
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    Why doesn't Twisted Fate always buy Boots of Swiftness?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Back in the old rune system, MS quints were ESSENTIAL on Twisted Fate. It made sense, because on certain point and click mages like TF, Annie, Veigar, small MS differentials are super important to their playstyles. Above all, TF loved, loved, LOVED MS. I don't know of any other champ that used MS quints 100% of the time.

    So, considering the importance of mobility on the current top post, why doesn't the champ who loves mobility the most, always take Boots of Swiftness? Yes, you're sacrificing stats from other boots, just how TF would sacrifice stats from other runes.

    If it's devastating to be at a -20 MS disadvantage all game (brown boots vs opponent's tier 2 boots), wouldn't a +15 MS advantage (swiftness vs regular tier 2) be just as amazing, especially on Twisted Fate?

    submitted by /u/Dense-Acanthocephala
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    Shoving lane as Aurelion without losing half my HP?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Basically title.

    I'm an Aurelion OTP, I am comfortable with my mechanics and feel confident in most matchups.

    I know my win-cons and know my role, where to gank and when to do it.

    The problem I face is that every time I want to shove and roam, I get chunked for a large part of my HP, doesn't matter if it's an assassin or mage.

    I usually try to hit both the melee and caster minions at the same time with my W, but I feel it can put me in an awkward spot to be ganked or too close to the enemy laner and results in me being chunked like I've mentioned before.

    Is it better to just hit the melee and caster minions separately and use two W's for it or am I doing something wrong here?

    submitted by /u/Excalidorito
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    Can someone explain to me how drafting early/mid/late comps works?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Before I get 3 comments saying "this doesn't matter in low elo focus on the basics and play your comfort picks and you'll climb," I know that, this post isn't about climbing, I just want to understand because I really enjoy learning the game in a theoretical way.

    Anyway, I see people reference different comps like "early" or "scaling" a lot, but I have difficulty understanding how it works. Assuming you are in an elo where people are drafting a team that works together: let's say the ADC hovers Vayne, who has a terrible early game but an insane late game, does that mean the rest of the team should be playing scaling champions as well? If the midlaner plays Akali, is that throwing the game because by the time Vayne is strong, Akali will have fallen off?

    When I hear "scaling comp" I imagine a team made up of Kayle, Kassadin, Master Yi, Sona, and Jinx (or similar champs). But this seems like a bad idea because every lane would get bullied and Master Yi wouldn't be able to help because he has to powerfarm.

    From the enemy perspective: when you see that a team is drafting a scaling comp, for example if you are the ADC and you see Twitch get locked in, are you supposed to play Lucian and hope to bully him so hard you can end the game before becoming irrelevant, or play Aphelios and hope to outplay him in the endgame when you've both scaled? (Obviously these champ names can be switched out with other people in their class).

    Anyway, thank you in advance! I hope this post made sense

    submitted by /u/ardibaneyr
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    I think Taliyah is underrated?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    I'm bronze 2 so don't take what I say for facts but in Low-elo nobody knows how to play vs Taliyah since she's barely used and that's why since I started using her my KDA and WR got very high. Her W mixed with her E are super useful in lane since nobody expect it and it's an overall very good champ. But this is I suppose only on low-elo, so I wanted some opinions from High-elo players

    submitted by /u/tomthefunk
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    How do you execute bouncing a wave as melee vs ranged? (Mid)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Shoving the wave is simple enough for me, but the issue occurs in letting it push back to me. In order for me to farm, I cannot walk up and auto last hit the minion since I will get chunked for free, but if I use the ranged spells that my champs have then it shoves the wave back into them since they are aoe or multiple target (ekko and kat q). It seems that the only way I can possibly get the wave to bounce back to me is to sacrifice 2 minion waves worth of gold. Any tips? Should you never bounce the wave into ranged?

    submitted by /u/Lunar221
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    Question: How to Jungle probably ?!

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    Just as the title said.

    I am a Silver player (down to iron this season due to not playing ranking) so not so good overall but according to my friends and all who sees me i am a gold level support and a silver level carry.

    Anyway lately i got so bored from bot lane and decided to go to jungle or top but found that i love jungle heroes much more and i am not so keen on top so i started watching videos on basics and how to jungle and how to play X or Y and staff like that.

    Then i went to the summoners rift (with some friends so that i dont get flamed when i suck) and started playing and safe to say i sucked but its ok its normal i just started but over the time i keep jungling and keep watching videos and i still suck. from time to time i go as a supp to check if i still got it and i still can play but man jungling is hard.

    So now i can clear camps really thats not my problem i started learning how to kite since i already was doing that on my adc so it came easy. but for example i dont ever beat the enemy jungle in ganks or always if i gank i get focused and die sometimes we kill them and a lot of times we win games but always thanks to friends not me i dont ever shut down enemy jungles.

    HOW DO I JUNGLE? how do i get better or have better mentality ? how do i use the basics i know in-game or get better? a lot of people in videos suggested that i play nunu for example as a started but at same time they said that there is a huge diff between him and other junglers that i wont be able to play them at all so whats the point? What system should i follow to get better overtime? i dont want to be better overnight but at least i want to feel different next month to carry a game or two next month to help my friends ?! is there some video or some champs to use? and please i dont need only 1 hero to use because i want at least to master 3 heroes minimum cause of bans and all. so no only nunu.

    sorry for the long post but just found this sup and couldnt help myself XD

    Edit: spelling

    submitted by /u/GhostSilver16
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    Plat 4 ADC looking for advice/help

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    I'm hard stuck Plat 4, over 1000 games played on ADC this season. I want to push to higher ranks but I can't seem to move out of plat 4. I've demoted to gold several times this season but I always win ~85% of the games to get back to Platinum. Once I get back however every game feels completely out of my control.

    I try to focus on getting leads with less than ideal support play via wave manipulation, but sometimes the enemy won't allow me to abuse that game mechanic, and if I try to wave bounce or freeze, it's extremely unsafe. I try to stack gold as fast as possible when there aren't any objectives up or a side lane is too pushed, but it doesn't seem to be enough.

    Is there any advice for someone like me and have any one else hit a wall as ADC in plat 4? I do watch my own replays and I do see some unavoidable deaths, but those are generally when my team is down a lot of gold due to solo laners losing and we're trying to win a fight to turn the game. I know these fights aren't winnable but I have to try or else someone gets mad and flames and quits trying.

    submitted by /u/JR3037
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    What jungler wrecks Hecarim's day, and what's the best way to put him in the dirt?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Hey, folks. I'm mega tilted at the moment, and I have one goal in life: Wreck Hecarim's day.

    If I see the enemy jungler lock in Hec, what jungler will 100% punish him? And what's the best way to go about doing that? I figure some sort of invading jungler who can catch him when he's low between early camps? Not sure, any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/shaidyn
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    Made a guide for most concepts/fundamentals of early game, looking for feedback!

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    Hey guys, long standing hardstuck D1 adc.

    In attempts to try to remind myself of things I needed to improve on, I ended up writing a guide on how I see the game and the core concepts of the early and (soon)mid-late game.

    Looking for feedback, thanks.


    submitted by /u/bolubo19
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    How do you counter the Bottom base / Blue Spawn camera advantage in bot lane?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    I don't know which is side is allegedly blue and which is allegedly purple / red, I'm colorblind so both are the same to me but I think blue is bottom and red / purple is top? I see it called both red and purple which makes it even more annoying. But the top base team is basically screwed over compared to the bottom base team for bot lane and I don't know how I'm supposed to adapt

    Almost every support I play is high on skill shots and requires a lot of line of sight like Lux, Zyra, Senna, Morg etc. The HUD at the bottom of the screen is right in the way, so it's really hard to land skill shots and dodge enemy skill shots when I can't see where the enemy is 80% of the time while still keeping an eye on where I am

    No I never play with locked camera, but even when you move it around so you can actually see, it's just a nonstop handicap compared to the bottom side base which basically gets free harass on you while you are fudging with the camera or can't even see them hiding in the bush charging a skill shot

    Even biological stuff like because of the way our tendons work, it's even harder to move your hand down to move your camera around than it is to move your hand up to move it up, when trying to land skill shots.

    This was an issue when I first started playing pre-season 1 and it's still my biggest issue with bot lane even now. The HUD is a bit smaller and less obtrusive than it used to be, but I still absolutely LOATHE getting top side spawn when playing bot lane.

    What do you guys recommend? I'm not sure how to really practice it or get better at it, I just statistically have a lower win rate bot lane when I spawn on the top side rather than the bottom side even after thousands of games, and I can't help but blame the stupid camera difference because I don't have nearly as many problems with top spawn if I go top or mid lane.

    Top side spawn is fine for top or mid lane, but it seriously sucks so much for skill shot supports and adc imo

    submitted by /u/YobaiYamete
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    How the heck do I play Evelynn

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    I have no idea how to pull this off. Like I know mechanically how to play eve. I know how to kite camps and Q etc. I just... always feel useless. I can never manuever my way out of bad fights with the enemy jungler, so I am always losing in farm hard early.

    How do I do this? I managed fine on champs like Ekko and Kha'zix but something just isn't clicking with Eve. Anyone have pointers? I've been playing jungle for years so I am fairly well versed in that department.

    submitted by /u/Spacemn5piff
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    midlane roaming

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Often i find myself in games where my midlaner is a roaming champ. this tends to be my kryptonite. Im s1 and play yas/yone when approprite, leblanc, fizz, ekko, xerath, lux. pretty large pool of champs i can work with, plus 410 mastery on champs i have a very good understanding of macro and the game for my rank, obviously more to learn which is why im here. I find that i have a hard time with xp. roaming champs are going and i ping missing but dont know where they went and when i do ping careful, i follow whenever possible but for the most part try to push lane to force jungler to show but when i ping missing it seems people dont care. then i get blamed for not following my laner. what can I do to follow better and hep my teammates more than just letting them know my lner is missing and probably rotating to them. id also like to add i roam myself and usually focus my roams on objectives.

    submitted by /u/Lossah
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    Is there a “Coach Curtis” for the Bot lane?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    I watch a lot of Coach Curtis videos because I love the damn guy, think he's great and his videos are really insightful. I main ADC and his content is mainly focused on the mid lane, but I still find his videos useful in understanding the kits of mid lane champs and other game fundamentals and techniques like increasing map awareness and making decisions on when/how to push side lanes. However, I mainly play in the Bot lane. I picked the game up a few months ago and have been playing it consistently ever since, so I've developed a solid understanding of some of the bot laners and their kits. But sometimes, I struggle with identifying our lane's win condition, which supports would pair well with my ADC, where is best to position myself with respect to my champ, etc. I think it would be really helpful for me to learn the bot lane if there was a content creator like coach Curtis who made content tailored towards the bot lane, and was wondering if any of you guys knew of anyone? I mean, I watch pro guides, but I feel like their content is very generic and repetitive, but someone like coach Curtis gets into the finer details of each champion, where they're strong/weak, who their good/bad matchups are, and everything else. So yeah, if there was someone helpful like Curtis for the bot lane that would be awesome!

    submitted by /u/KalebJ7
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    How to survive Sett as a low range/melee champ?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    I'm a Support main who recently started to play Mid, and I'm really liking the role. However, there is one champ I absolutely hate playing against because it looks like whatever I do he can always beat the shit out of me unless I specifically pick a counter pick, and that's Sett. He's not that common in mid lane, but whenever he's picked I just don't know how to deal with him.

    I have no problem counter-picking him, I just pick Koz or Xerath to harass him from far away and farm when he's too low health to trade. The problem comes when he picks last, and I'm stuck as Galio or Ryze vs this guy. I know how to play around lane bullies, but I don't understand how to survive this lane. If I'm against a Lucian, I just stay away, let him run out of steam and roam to get ahead instead of directly fighting him.

    But with Sett it's different. If I'm close to him, he just uses all of his abilities to chain CC me and kill me, and if I'm far away he just runs towards me, grabs me and chain CCs me and kills me. If I try to farm, he kills me. If I roam, he wins lane. If I trade, when he's high health, he destroys me. If I trade when he's low health, he gets a ridiculously large shield and destroys me. Even if I get ganks and kill him, he doesn't seem to fall behind. I literally do not know how to deal with this champ, and I'm probably looking at it the wrong way or doing something wrong, so that's why I'm asking for your help.

    submitted by /u/FistsTornAsunder
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    Ranked Dilemma

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    Hey, I wrote a post yesterday and I was and still am really confused.

    Around 2 weeks ago I decided to change roles from adc to mid and climbed from g4 to g1 96lp, 1 game away from plat the game was thrown by another player(sounds cliche I know). Up to this moment I even felt like my mentality had been changed and I enjoyed league even when I lost games(because I did lose games from g4-g1) because I could understand why and I could simply move on without investing myself so much in the matches. From there everything has been going down hill, I fell down to g3 50lp and I feel like all of the games go to shit without actually knowing what I do wrong or what should've been done that game. Not to mention me not feeling confident about playing mid lane(feels like I lost the touch) but I don't want to pick up a role like adc as I do not like to be support-dependent. After losing so many games and losing the touch it takes a mental toll, because I cannot locate the problem nor can I focus anymore like I could during the climbing period.

    Has anyone experienced this and how do you combat this? Also, can someone recommend me a good youtube guide for the mid lane?

    submitted by /u/DVidojkovic
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    Which is your preferred league add-on?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I'm a fairly new player (been playing for about a month) and I've been using porofessor so far, but I didn't put much thought into it. I'm curious as to what add-ons you guys prefer. Normally I'd look at previous threads, but it looks like many are out of date.

    The add-ons I'm looking at/know of are: Porofessor, Mobalytics, LoLwiz, Blitz, and Facecheck. How do they all compare?

    Edit: I also use https://www.metasrc.com/5v5/na/counterpicker to help me pick my champ and learn matchups/team comps.

    submitted by /u/zforest1001
    [link] [comments]

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