LoL Guide Season 11 Ezreal Guide for Beginners |
- Season 11 Ezreal Guide for Beginners
- 5 Tips for Immobile Artillery/Control Mages
- Everytime I play against a full AD team, I lose
- Before you get tilted for jungler's lack of ganking, consider what a gank can give the team
- How do I deal with 'But' factors in Macro Play?
- How do I learn a new role or play vs people my own skill level. 8% win rate, pics included.
- Sorry if this is a stupid question but it's been bugging me for a while
- Should I get/play Azir?
- How do you deal more damage per game?
- Main a champ already or just play meta champs?
- How can i find out what items i should buy without looking at guides?
- I feel that karma isn't as bad as people say
- Question on how ranked mmr works
- theoretically speaking, is it possible to reach high elo being a mediocre player? (with as minimun effort possible?)
- Question About LP
- Explaning why Mango Fish has been building Liandry's on Fizz
- Double Scuttling; Is It Worth It?
- Urgot: I’m newish. I’ve been getting into matches and carrying with more gold than I know what to do with.
- I'm hardstuck gold over 4 seasons and have finally started carrying, how can i snowball this into a climb?
- [NA] LF>Jungle and Support Lane role Bronze-Silver
- My 2 cents on ADC
- Is the enemy missing ping that important?
- How do you deal with Sett and Pantheon support?
Season 11 Ezreal Guide for Beginners Posted: 08 Dec 2020 06:06 AM PST Hey /r/summonerschool! I'm Vapora Dark, a high Diamond ADC main and long-time guide writer on MOBAFire. I've just published a video guide for how to build and play Ezreal in the new season. It's not too in-depth and mainly focuses on itemization/runes, but I hope many of you can find it helpful. Feedback is welcome! [link] [comments] |
5 Tips for Immobile Artillery/Control Mages Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:00 AM PST I have only played s5 and s10 and my focus has mostly been mid and adc, those squishy guys who can dole out HUGE damage but are immobile and highly dependent on good positioning. After a few hundred games with Ziggs and Xerath mid I have finally learned a few key success factors. Happy to have others contribute more too!
Don't try to duel Akali in lane. Sure it's great to outplay an assassin and get FB and a quick lead, but that's not your strength. They rely on early kills to snowball whereas you rely on getting out of lane without dying much and strong cs. Your power comes in team fights by dishing out a high amount of damage from a distance. Keep a healthy distance and poke those pesky assassins from afar so they think twice about all inning you . Stay safe by following #2
Easy safe control ward is the blue buff bush on your side of the river. Gives defensive vision of river on your side. Use other words to get vision of enemy jungle or further into river. Track enemy jungle as best as possible too. DO NOT ward deep in their jungle if you don't know where their jungler is. Too many times a Kayn pops out on me and the mid rotates and squat little Ziggs has no hope to escape, even with W and flash
Use your advantage in the first two minute to secure lane priority, poke enemy mid, and get vision on scuttles. Helping your jungler is key early to helping your entire team
Only fight around objectives. As a control mage, use abilities to zone the enemy, like Ziggs E for example. Team fights is where your shine
If you are able to safely push lane by the time you have lost chapter, or if you poke enemy mid and force them to recall, you can rotate mid or bot IF (a) you have vision, and (b) the lane is gankable (allies have hp and mana, lane is pushed, and enemy jungle is across map for example). For countering enemy mid going bot or top to gank, especially with Ziggs, punish them by taking plates. Only do this with good vision whereby your team can escape the incoming gank by pinging. Without vision you open yourself up to a feigned gank if enemy mid and JG converge on your at their turret. You are a sitting duck here. Vision is extremely important Did I miss something? Let me know, but I think these five things are huge keys to dictating the game as a champ that cannot 1v9 [link] [comments] |
Everytime I play against a full AD team, I lose Posted: 08 Dec 2020 12:37 PM PST It should be easy right ? "Just build armor" well actually I build armor, and I still get deleted in 5 seconds! I usually alter my built path no matter what i am playing to include more armor early, but I feel like they one shot me anyway ALL THE TIME. Last game I played against : fiora, graves, lee sin, jhin and pyke. Easy win right ? We had a jax top ! I was xin jungle, I had armor boots, thornmail, death dance and eclipse at 25 minutes and the ennemy lee sin who was just a bit fed could just OS with one spell rotation. Actually, anyone in their team could just kill me in 5 seconds, the only person I could kill 1v1 was the 2/7 jhin. They were a bit ahead, sure, but still. WHAT AM I MISSING ? It's so tilting, I feel like I never even won against a full AD team, but when MY team is full AD it feels like we're hitting the ennemy with wet noodles and pillows ??? [link] [comments] |
Before you get tilted for jungler's lack of ganking, consider what a gank can give the team Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:34 PM PST During a coaching session earlier today, a Nasus was so tilted for me (volibear) not ganking his lane that my coach invited him to chat to explain why not ganking was the correct choice: Situation: Nasus was 0/3 level 7, Tahm Kench was 3/0 level 9. Volibear 2/0 level 7. Mid was Kassadin vs Fizz. Instead of ganking top, I got Herald and used to to get the last 2 plates mid and first blood turret. Meanwhile Tahm was perma shoving.
Laning is stressful, I get it, but the game has two other lanes. EDIT: Talm -> Tahm EDIT 2: mid lane was actually Kassadin vs Fizz, I was confusing my two games. [link] [comments] |
How do I deal with 'But' factors in Macro Play? Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:22 AM PST So, yesterday's post about macro hit on but didn't answer something that seems to be where I get stuck when it comes to macro. When I look to make a play, there are so many 'but' factors to deal with. For example: I want to challenge for a respawning scuttle ~8 minutes in. I'm playing Kindred, and I can skirmish early very well. BUT the enemy is playing Ekko, who can also skirmish well. BUT I got a couple of early kills and have a slightly better build. BUT their mid laner has the lane shoved and can roam. BUT my mid is Galio and can rotate to the fight. and so on and so forth. How do I find the end of this chain? If there is none, how do I ever make the right decision? [link] [comments] |
How do I learn a new role or play vs people my own skill level. 8% win rate, pics included. Posted: 08 Dec 2020 03:21 PM PST I'll try to keep this simple - I am new to the game, and I only played one role and one champ for hundreds of games and I got decent at it, and peaked in gold this season. Now I want to learn a new role and other characters. I tried to do this on my current account, and made a new account. Any way I try to do this, I get completely demolished. Every game is a beat down. I haven't won lane once (or even come remotely close), every single game I get repeatedly dove and camped on towers. My win rate is 8%, and every single game the other 4 people on my team suffer because of how bad I am. I think it may get to the point where I get banned because my team reports me every game. For reference, every game I play is filled with diamond and plat players, and I have even faced challengers in these games. I don't know how this is possible. I don't know what to do or how to do it. I'm sick and tired of getting destroyed every game, I just want to learn a new role against players my own skill level. How can I do this? [link] [comments] |
Sorry if this is a stupid question but it's been bugging me for a while Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:15 AM PST This is from the perspective of someone who mostly plays midlane. How is it fair that some champs are balanced around the fact that you're basically forced to delay your powerspike by buying an item to counter them/survive in lane (Seeker's, Stopwatch or Oblivion Orb for example) while they're allowed to just build whatever they want and run around the map picking up kills while you're stuck trying to farm for your mythic? As soon as I see one of those champs picked by the enemy team, I feel like I'm basically going to be playing from behind from the get go, which really doesn't feel fair or fun at all. I'm sure you guys know what champs I'm talking about. I know some of you are probably gonna think I just suck and should master the matchup instead of complaining, which I don't completely disagree with. I still have a lot of room to improve. But idk, a lot of the time it feels like I have to do triple the amount of effort that my enemy laner does to be about as useful, and it feels like a big pain in the ass. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:18 AM PST So I'm Level 31 in League, and obviously I'm not a very good player. But I think my macro mechanics and my knowledge aren't that bad, since I play with my Friends all the time, who are all Gold and around level 150. When i started playing the game I immediately looked for a main, as I do in every game. A character that I know I can pick up everytime and when I scrolled through the shop Azir caught my eye. I asked my friends if I should get him, but they said I'm too bad right now, In which they were probably right. Then I mained Ekko until now, and I have 25k mastery points on him. So here is my question: Do you guys think I should play Azir? I really love his mechanics and his outplay potential, as well his kit overall. Thanks for answering in advance! [link] [comments] |
How do you deal more damage per game? Posted: 08 Dec 2020 03:32 PM PST i'm a gold 3 player, I do decent in my games, but my damage is literally pathetic compared to some other players I see playing the same champs. for example, I have a friend who is around masters, and when he hard carries games on ori/swain he ends up with 60k+ damage in 30-40 minute games. i've completely hard carried games in low elo with champs like swain, vayne, jhin - and end up with way less damage numbers despite feeling like I'm doing good damage and being useful. i probably should watch some demos to see what they do differently, but i want to know where to look mostly. my guess is that it comes from early/laning, because I almost never fight or trade in lane unless I spot a mistake or opportunity. thanks for the responses [link] [comments] |
Main a champ already or just play meta champs? Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:49 PM PST So I've been playing league ranked for around 2 months now and I don't really know what to play and what the smart move is. I'm currently silver 2 and I play top. So I can just learn the meta top champs and play a lot and I'll definitely rank up quite fast or I can pick a champ I like and just main that and learn some champs on the side. Currently, I really like Quinn and she never gets picked or banned so I guess that makes her a good champ to one trick but Idk if it's too early for me to main a champ. Also, I only play top so it might be smart to learn a role on the side but I have no idea what role that should be. Thanks for reading and helping me out :D. If you need some more information to help me, ask away. [link] [comments] |
How can i find out what items i should buy without looking at guides? Posted: 08 Dec 2020 01:29 PM PST I mainly play tank characters like ornn,volibear with runes for survival and steady health increase. I always get stuff like thornmail,the fire lesf mythic item etc for maximum health. I wanted to try ADC for a change and i couldnt figure out what i needed because there is attack speed, attack power, spell power and a few more niche items. Do my stats around my hero portrait tell me a general idea? Iam summoner lv 16 and iam doing fairly well with builds from the internet but can't do it alone. Any tips would help me ,thanks for your time [link] [comments] |
I feel that karma isn't as bad as people say Posted: 08 Dec 2020 12:46 PM PST Karma is really weak earlygame but once you hit mid game your shield and q can hit for 500 damage and your shield can give at least 500-600hp to tanky champs not even including the speed. Most champs with speed and health buff can run down and melt other champs late game. On another point karma can be decent when alone against immobile champs and can get away from most champs that don't have cc with speed and shield. Plus you can root people with w and deal serious aoe damage mid-early late game once you get 2-3 items. Anyway I might be wrong yell at me in comments. [link] [comments] |
Question on how ranked mmr works Posted: 08 Dec 2020 04:05 PM PST So I was recently demoted into gold 4 again. When I ranked up into gold 3 I didn't even have a promotional series and just went straight into gold 3. The problem with that is my lp stagnated because I think Riot feels my rank should be gold 3. I was getting roughly 14 lp a win. And losing slightly less at around 12 lp. Made it into gold 2 ( again no promotion ) but my gains became even less. Winning around 12 and losing around the same amount. I had a few bad streaks and found myself again in gold 4. That wasn't before a few promotions in and out of gold 2 and gold 3. I would drop then have a win streak and be back in the rank I was grinding. My question is whether my mmr is tanked or capped out and I have to seriously win to rank up, or if Riot has already implemented a no promotional series for preseason. I've never had a promo since I've been in gold. My current win/loss is 104/105. Any advice appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Dec 2020 04:00 PM PST It is possible to reach high elo (minimum diamond 1) being a mediocre player? Using the right champions, the right strategies, knowing the meta, knowing the draft, dodging when it's almost a guaranteed loss. Can it somehow be possible for a player with the skill of a silver to reach minimum diamond, without improving his skill? Will the balance of the game have a weak point? What do you think from your experience? I think it may be interesting to try, It would be like hacking the way things should work. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Dec 2020 03:58 PM PST So I started playing the game about a month ago, and recently I started playing ranked. I'm in Silver 2 at the moment, but I've noticed something weird as I've been climbing. In all my losses I never lose more than 6LP, yet most of my wins net me 30+ LP. I play support every game and I rarely feel as if I'm outclassing the enemy bot lane or hard carrying games. Can anyone tell me why I gain so much LP for wins and lose so little for losses? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Explaning why Mango Fish has been building Liandry's on Fizz Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:49 PM PST Video: Text Explaning: If you don't know who Mangofish is, he's a high Challenger player who plays on both the KR server and the CN server and the best Fizz in the world. Over the last couple of days he's even climbed around 300lp. He also builds almost without adaptation, he starts by going corrupting->dseal->dring->CDRboots, into Zhonyas/Mejais and then Liandries as his core. Getting Dark Seal, Dorans Ring, and Corrupting pot was a classic pre first item power spike that a lot of KR and CN players were using last season to get the edge on someone rushing just item components. This is basically a pseudo item at this point with 110hp/30AP and corrupting pot, level 6 with these items + ignite is lethal to basically all characters. You can use this spike to push into more CDR boots +Fiendish and retake mid control, using the threat of all in to be able to clear waves. If he doesn't have the ability to do that, he would look to fast push and leave the lane to either find the jungler or catch the enemy mid trying to match his roam. Zhonya's is your first real item alongside Mejais. This is a combo Mango Fish was using last season as well to push his snowball potential, Zhonyas + E gives you so much immunity that it allows you to survive from situations you normally shouldn't be able to. This makes it so you can stack your Mejai's while being able to hop out of situations after grabbing a kill. After that you build into Liandry's, which seems weird to be building on an assassin like Fizz. But, Liandry's actually makes a lot of sense of Fizz, you're losing 250hp from its contemporaries, but in return you're gaining 600mana and 5 more ability haste and when you finish Liandrys it's a 30% cdr item, since you're already sitting on Mejais and Zhonyas. 600 mana on Fizz is a lot more important than 250hp that's 1-2 full combos. With in the incoming mana revert coming on 10.25, you can think of this as the lost sheen mana that was necessary last season. The 10.25 nerf is only a revert of the buff he was getting from losing sheen mana, so you still have +350 mana from items this season when compared to last season. That's without counting the %mpen and burn that gets a lot of value in a meta where a lot of champions are tanky. But, this is mostly luxury for dealing with bruisers, at this point you should be able to already overkill squishies. We'll see if he changes anything if tanks/sunfire meta starts to die away, but since you have no other real mana options it makes it hard to do anything in the midgame without blue. I could see Everfrost being a decent option, if they make it a better item. [link] [comments] |
Double Scuttling; Is It Worth It? Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:25 AM PST Hey all, I wanted to start a discussion about the first two Scuttle crabs. I see a lot of players (and YouTube coaches) highly prioritizing taking both initial Scuttles if the opportunity presents itself, even if some of their level 1 camps are still up. I think that it is not optimal to go out of your way to "Double Scuttle" (crossing through mid lane just to deny the Scuttle from your opponent) and instead look to clear your level one camps so that you can catch the next spawn of them even faster. On spawn, Scuttles are only worth about the same as other camps (@ L1, Scuttle is 77g/126xp, Gromp is 105g/135xp, Wolves are 85g/95xp). It's not until later levels that they are more gold and xp than a basic camp. Now, this does not apply if clearing the second Scuttle is already in your path (mid gank after first Scuttle, for instance, or you need to path to the opposite side for open camps already). I am only referring to suboptimal pathing; Red side clear -> Blue buff -> Blue side scuttle -> Red side scuttle). That is obviously exaggerated as Gromp is relatively must take at this point, but even if you did 5 camps and only had Wolves up, I would still think it's better to clear that camp than cross over to the second scuttle. In Season 9, I could see the advantage of getting the health/mana back from each Scuttle, but now that buff has been moved to Gromp. You still heal a bit from your jungle item burn of course, but I think it is not as worth. You also give away your position, making it easier to track you for the other team. Please let me know if I am thinking about this wrong or if you agree, and any situations you can think of where this does not apply! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:16 PM PST I know his recommended items such as cleaver etc but with so much gold and I'm already carrying I've been buying thorn mail, that one armor that gives shit ton of hp, and guardian angel. Literally the most expensive stuff i can find. Is that hurting me as an urgot? I just don't know what to buy if I have too much money [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:04 PM PST So, story is i've been hardstuck gold since 2016 (of which i hit gold in the preseason in december) and have recently swapped my champ pool, i used to play a lot of illaoi, darius, udyr, yi, xerath and zoe, but recently i've dropped that down and changed to adc/mid not top/jg/mid, now im playing kaisa ashe jhin fizz and ahri. Now i can get a lead most games, of which i can just snowball and pick off the jg as drake spawns but i have a few games where this doesnt work, so i'm looking for general Adc/mid laner advice for early-mid gold generation and positioning. I'm the kind of person that takes things better with reason so please provide reasons instead of straight answers >_> also sorry mods if this is illegal, first reddit post ever ;-; [link] [comments] |
[NA] LF>Jungle and Support Lane role Bronze-Silver Posted: 08 Dec 2020 01:49 PM PST Hello, We are team StrategicEra ™ . We are looking to recruit a Jungle main; as well as a Support main, for support we are looking to have more of a tanky healing support such as; Leona, Alistar , soraka, and thresh, as for jungle we hope to see good pathing with high cs jungler. Website link: [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Dec 2020 01:27 PM PST As far as i know the rune(Legend Bloodline) was only taken by adcs and by nerfing it down to 9 percent it was a hard nerf combined with the crit changes. In my opinion a good ADC buff would be to revert this rune back to its former state. Also i think a good change would be to make Infinity edge do 225% Crit dmg and not this new weird thing where u still do less crit dmg if your fullbuild. last season with Ie your crits did 225% dmg. on this patch crit does 215%(if fullbuild) percent dmg and after next patch it only does 210% dmg(if fullbuild). Correct me if im wrong but IMO adc wasnt broken last season so they should put back the lifesteal to 12% AND give IE back 225% dmg. I would also give the items 25% crit chance but remove Crit on LDR and BT etc. this would force the adc to either get more dmg(crit build) or to go defensive(Lifesteal, Ga,Qss) Edit: I also like playing Twitch last Season with manamune but that isnt really possible wit Manamune and PoM changes. Edit 2: IMO Adcs spike later and they spike weaker than last season [link] [comments] |
Is the enemy missing ping that important? Posted: 08 Dec 2020 12:19 PM PST I mean if i had eyes and saw that the enemy mid laner is missing, i would obviously try to back off. And in the very rare case that it IS actually used how it was inteded, i still tunnelvision, not paying attention and dying, so the ping made absolutely no difference. But of course its very frequently used to flame your teammates without any effort or risk of getting chat restricted. And the worst thing is i cannot really disable pings all together because theres still the other 3 pings that do have some sort of use instead of just trashtalking your teammates. So my question is : If riot removed the enemy missing ping, would there really be a huge difference? Also sorry for a rant post but iam extremely fucking tilted and i want to atleast vent about it while sparking a discussion. Sometimes i wonder why do i even play a game with such a community... [link] [comments] |
How do you deal with Sett and Pantheon support? Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:03 PM PST I'm a S9 Diamond 4 Vayne OTP. Since reaching Diamond in S9 I haven't played that much so I'm Gold 1 in preseason. For the most part I've been playing Aphileos recently. Don't ask my why. And finding major success. My problem is that whenever I play against Pantheon and Sett I lose lane which usually translates to losing all prio bot side and often losing the game. That leads me to my question. How do I play against Pantheon and Sett support as an ADC? Do I just pray they don't freeze the wave? Both of them can also dive or make flash plays which can get you killed even if you aren't out of position. [link] [comments] |
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