LoL Guide Why do some champs have extremely high priority on competitive but have incredibly low win rates? |
- Why do some champs have extremely high priority on competitive but have incredibly low win rates?
- I had no idea that all 3 inhibs down, spawns double superminions per wave!?
- How much damage can Zed's ult really do?
- Can someone explain if the following problems i have with the game are actual problems?
- my friend is absolutely brand new to league, and this will be her first ever online multiplayer experience, and largely her biggest introduction to any video game. how do i help her learn the game, pick a role/champs to focus on... how do i teach someone brand new?
- How do you play late game properly?
- How should ADCs play against a team with a Kassadin?
- Why is a high elo malphite main in high elo? (used to be a D4 rammus main)
- Explain everything I need to know about wards
- As an AP mage meant to build Rabadan’s, is it better to build last, or earlier?
- I feel my key bindings are really bad and I'm not getting the most out of them
- Why is there no attackspeed based tank/bruiser items in the game?
- What to do after laning (midlane)?
- New player, /Mute all still recommended?
- how to deal with Lucian mid
- S11 Moonstone jungle Lillia Guide
- Movement in this game
- i cant get out of silver , i dont understand what am i doing wrong at all
- Currently trying to get out of my Yone phase
- What to spend gold on after 8 items?
- What's the deal with the Rageblade Changes?
- What are Zilean support’s weaknesses?
- Proxy Farming
Why do some champs have extremely high priority on competitive but have incredibly low win rates? Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:19 AM PST I've been watching LCK/LPL and noticed that certain champs are given extremely high priority, and some have like sub 46% win rates in ranked. I understand certain champs (i.e Aphelios countering Kaisa, Renekton Nidalee for good ganks, Akali/Jayce/Sett for flex), but champs like Orianna (47% w/r), Syndra (46% w/r), Graves and Lillia(46% w/r) are often high priority and I'm really curious why. If anyone could explain, I'd really appreciate it! [link] [comments] |
I had no idea that all 3 inhibs down, spawns double superminions per wave!? Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:13 PM PST Was watching a game replay of mine and realised that we destroyed a couple of inhibs on two occasions and it spawned super minions per wave each lane, obviously. But then i noticed as soon as the third inhib was down. All waves were spawning 2 super minions per wave, aka 6 super minions in total each wave out. I had no idea about this, I thought when I saw two supers that it was just a delayed wave crashing in with another wave. Certainly puts on a lot more conviction to executing the finish , trying to finish with one lane versus one lane and at least both the other inhibs. I know it doesn't matter how fed the enemy team are, 6 super minions per wave will lock them at base, making the other team should have free barons and elders. Situationally, generally speaking of course. EDIT: I just had a little read into it to actually double check my info was good, which it is, but I've also just learned now that super minions will stop spawning, TWO waves before the enemy inhib is up again to prevent super minions literally just taking the enemy Inhib again. Eg. To put it simply (partly for myself, making sense of it) if super minions spawn at 30:30 and then your next wave at 31:00 is no super minions, you know the enemy inhib will be up at 32 minutes. [link] [comments] |
How much damage can Zed's ult really do? Posted: 26 Jan 2021 01:23 PM PST I dunno I was just thinking what if you put a max damage build Zed and minions against someone like a full lifesteal Yasuo and the Zed attacks Yasuo with everything he got with Yasuo just healing the damage that he takes with the minions. Just wondering is it possible for Zed's ult to actually do enough damage to 1 shot the Yasuo or whatever champ he's against. Edit: (You could assume it's URF or something idk whatever pops the damage from Zed) [link] [comments] |
Can someone explain if the following problems i have with the game are actual problems? Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:56 AM PST 1 Ap malphite one-shots any adc and most midlaners. A lot of dashes arent quick enough to dodge, and using flash only works until he has his ult again in 60 seconds2 nasus3 illaoi does half your health if she hits you with an E, and if you manage to run off (while losing your farm) you get stuck in a pointless minigame that stops you from farming[link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:41 PM PST I'm a silver-gold top lane main with a lot of mid and adc experience and ive never jungled for shit. do i force her to get accustomed to unlocked camera despite her being completely new to the game and that whole feature being world shaking after 30 minutes of tutorial? do i just force her into support so i can babysit her? we havent started anything yet, she did all 3 turorials and had to sleep so I wanna be prepared for tomorrow :] [link] [comments] |
How do you play late game properly? Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:47 AM PST Hello, I'm bronze/silver top main (Darius/Garen/Morde) [link] [comments] |
How should ADCs play against a team with a Kassadin? Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:44 AM PST Hi! So as you know, ADCs scale hard with items so they are most effective during late game. But then Kassadin is also a hard late game champion that can instantly jump to your team's backline and delete the ADC. His cooldowns are also pretty short so there aren't any big cooldowns you can just wait out. So what's the general strategy against Kassadin as an ADC? Do you just hope someone kills him before coming near the team fights? [link] [comments] |
Why is a high elo malphite main in high elo? (used to be a D4 rammus main) Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:22 AM PST I have been playing League for 8 years; but nowadays I have very little time to play League. (used to main support then mained jungle) I know people like to meme that malphite is so easy braindead. But then why isnt every silver player getting diamond by playing malphite? As a rammus main, I can point out many things that a silver rammus main is doing wrong. What does a high elo malphite main do well? What should I learn since im switching from jungle to top. [link] [comments] |
Explain everything I need to know about wards Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:55 AM PST Can someone please explain how wards work? I don't understand what the little symbols on top mean or what each different ward does. I was in a game and I hit a ward to lose enemy vision, but I got flamed at by my team saying that I just gave them vision again. How does that work? edit: I mainly play jungle and mid [link] [comments] |
As an AP mage meant to build Rabadan’s, is it better to build last, or earlier? Posted: 26 Jan 2021 01:17 PM PST One time, my buddy who got me interested(he's platinum elo) told me that Rabadan's is incredible last because of its passive boosting your AP by 35% so you'll skyrocket if you do it last. But not only do I figure HE doesn't do it like that every game, I know I shouldn't be locked into that strategy of building it last every game either. So when is it suitable to build Rabadan's before last item and when is it to suitable to just build it last? Other than it's 35% AP boost, I figure it's just an AP stick so something else may be better before it anyway? [link] [comments] |
I feel my key bindings are really bad and I'm not getting the most out of them Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:06 AM PST So, I played back in 2011, I didn't really care much about competitive play so I changed my keybindings from (Q,W,E,R) to (A,S,D,F) since my fingers felt more comfortable. I switched my summoner spells to 1 and 2. My items are in G and H so basicly, I can't have more than 2 usable item's in my inventory. I have my "Stop moving/atacking" in V and that's about it, yes, if I didn't mention something like level up ability, I don't use it. Bad habit. I main ADC and I feel like there's probably a more optimal set up or maybe some things I'm not taking advantage of? I'd love to hear feedback on this. Thanks [link] [comments] |
Why is there no attackspeed based tank/bruiser items in the game? Posted: 26 Jan 2021 12:40 AM PST I was looking at the items today, and noticed how there were very few attackspeed items, only "tank/bruiser" items with AS was Stridebreaker,Triforce,and Wit's end. When it comes to tanky AD items there is a far wider Selection to choose from. Deathsdance, Divinesunderer,Goredrinker,Steraks,Blackcleaver,Silvermere dawn, and titanic hydra. Just wondering why it seems like they like to add AD over AS most of the time. [link] [comments] |
What to do after laning (midlane)? Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:38 AM PST Some information about me first: - Main- to OTP-Champion: Zoe - playing mostly control mages like Anivia, Viktor, Syndra, Orianna, Vel´Koz, when i dont play Zoe. - Elo: last season I was Silver 3 to Silver 2, this season is looking very good, now my rank is already Silver 4 (games feel like higher elo than last season, with everyone knowing more what to do). - my My Question: I feel like i am loosing too much games because I don´t really know what to do after laning. In a lot of my games i win lane, but can´t snowball the game.
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New player, /Mute all still recommended? Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:30 PM PST I am new and I don't have good reaction speed. I have practiced the very basic mechanics in bot/practice games. Went into a draft pick game and was having a pretty mediocre time in top lane (the other top lane wasn't a smurf either, he was almost as bad as I am). Anyways, our jungle showed up to gank but I missed the kill because i didn't "stay on him". From that moment on he felt it was worth his time to constantly type how bad I am. I ended up just using /mute all. Is this still recommended or will it hinder overall development? I still have no feel at all for "macro" except what I see on YouTube. I'm still trying to get experience so I can at least be just slightly below average in the lane. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:27 PM PST i can't stand this champion i only play mages i can't do anything agaisnt him. he's extremely easy to play and impossible to out trade. i just accept i lost lane and possibly the game. i can't ban him cause yone and fizz exist. i play safe but he pokes me under tower until I'm half hp then he ults me and i die. i build seekers and its still the same. like??? [link] [comments] |
S11 Moonstone jungle Lillia Guide Posted: 26 Jan 2021 12:17 PM PST Video Guide: Text Guide: Lillia is this jungler with an insanely fast and healthy clear and at worst she scales into a pick bot with her bowling ball + Sleep combo, at best you're zooming around the enemy team providing sustain and movement speed to your team, or spamming a plague of damage over time effects. She has a lot of different styles and gameplay choices that you can switch up on the fly. While being a strong power farming jungler, she has a lot of ways to influence lanes early, and while having a strong scaling kit, she also has a lot of early power and damage. So let's get into personally what I think is gonna be the best build for her. One reason I prefer building utility over damage, is just due to how she functions in game. When you're snowballing your speed clearing, stealing enemy raptors, you're gonna have an inevitable level lead. She has two really nice abilities to put levels into Q+W and has nice base damages provided they don't build a lot of MR. But, as the game progresses 20+ minutes you'll feel an overall decline in your ability to output consistent DPS, while having a lot of survivability through movement speed and a Zhonyas, you're still a melee mage basically. So instead of focusing on ourselves, let's focus on ways to bolster out teammates and provide them more utility. For the carry side of things, Liandry's is a pretty obvious choice for mythic, shreds MR, lots of Ability haste, and gives an additional burn source. Demonic, gives you some nice resists and HP and an additional source of burn. But, this isn't necessarily the build order, because Zhonyas is such a strong defensive item, you'll see a lot of people first or second item depending on the enemy team. Liandries/Demonic will be your best 2 item damage spike though. Early CDR boots can be really powerful, but Sorc boots will outperform them as the game goes on. Your super ideal first base would be Dark seal + boots. CDR boots are also really good on her early, but get outperformed by Sorcs later into the game. Then, some drafts where I'd probably prefer full AP over Moonstone. In general, your looking for teamcomps where the enemy doesn't really have a reason to buy Mercs or MR, so you'll be punishing them if they itemize against you. Both Dark Harvest and Phase Rush are good rune choices. I would suggest Dark Harvest into matchups where you focus is surviving the early game and when you'll want to be more aggressive. Phase Rush is your scaling choice, it'll give you the most survivability while also giving you more chances to wave in True damage Q's. Her matchups are in general pretty good right now, anyone who beats you early, you'll outscale later into the game. Watch out for champs like Elise/Reksai/Lee Sin/Nidalee who might look to cheese you at an early camp, they'll win if they land their abilities. Pathing is pretty selfish, looking to just powerfarm and eat the enemies camps, and then look to gank when your camps are dead. You should never really have all 4 camps up, unless you're countering the enemy and then going to your camps. Imo, Moonstone is really insane right now, especially when paired with Flowing water, you're just able to dish out so much utility to your teammates while sacrificing very little. 11.3 nerf should be pretty minor, so I'd look to continue to abuse that build. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:23 AM PST Hey guys do you have any Tipps on how to improve the movement in this game? I always see these smurfs who will just dodge every ability I throw but in the same time while they move they hit everything so I did a little bit of research on this topic but it didn't seem so helpful. I get that I always have to be on the move but. How am I efficient and do u have any Tipps or Videos on this topic cause I think I am very bad at this part of the game and it makes me furious [link] [comments] |
i cant get out of silver , i dont understand what am i doing wrong at all Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:47 PM PST alright listen , i can call myself a pretty decent player , im no god , but not a bad player either yet i just cant get out of silver AT ALL , last season i was 1 placement away from going to gold and that is my goal , not plat not diamond , just gold now , heres my experience , in game where i would do good something in my team "wrong happens" where someone is fed in the enemy thanks to someone in my team and we lose the game when im playing jg for example , i tend to help my lanes effectively , going for objectives as best as i can , 70% of my games it works , usually its either me doing bad shit because well .. im not perfect , usually the other team are just too good sometimes its game mechanices that i do not understand , when im playing ADC , if im stunned , rooted or even CC'ed ONCE im gone , deleted , i do play behind my team , safely they "try" to peel me but i cant deal with champs like ammumu , or maokai , people who go for me and i cant do much about it , or when im against a kha zix that can 1 shot you with a Q (even if you are isolated because why the fuck not) And sometimes i get a streak of wins , like literally today i jumped from low S3 to S2 then i lost several games landing on mid S3 again , with my duo who is helping me alot last season i spend over 1k games STUCK in silver , 1 fucking k games not going up or down i get alot of "comments" about "improving" "trying to fix your issues" i did already i can macro correctly , understand the situation of the whole game and where the team is lacking / good at and reinforce from there , but its always that 1 little thing in each game that flips it over , not to mention the "trolls or 1 got killed once imma DC" that tanked several of my games i really dont understand how some people are in high ELO i dont get it , either cuz im silver my team cant fight like normal human beings or theres so unknown fucking issue in my that i havent seen which is highly unlikely considering that i played this game ALOT i reinforced or tried to sharpen every little weakness (especially kiting which was hard for me back then or using my flash or abilites correctly) i dont get it i legit dont get , in other games i can climb easily , it starts bumpy but i get better and it shows except this one specific game , someone help me figure it out maybe theres someone wrong im doing because im just too frustrated and tilted from going up and down without progress in the end (if theres any additional information required ill provide it) thanks [link] [comments] |
Currently trying to get out of my Yone phase Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:03 AM PST So I picked up Yone as soon as I started playing the game, I was new to the game and his kit just felt strong and simple so I started playing him. Now I have about 150k mastery with him and I want to play a new champ to climb. Anyone knows some good relatively midlane champs that are rewarding to main and are good for climbing out of low elo? Only other champ I play is Xerath but I know he's gonna become useless once I reach higher elo [link] [comments] |
What to spend gold on after 8 items? Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:35 PM PST I'm pretty new to the game and have recently been in a few very long games. I did fairly well on cs-ing/kills and so, after I build 6 complete items, I just started accumulating gold with no idea what to spend it on. This might not be relevant for the majority of games, but was still wondering. (edit: I can't edit the title, I obviously mean 6 items :D) [link] [comments] |
What's the deal with the Rageblade Changes? Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:34 PM PST So the lol wiki notes two radical changes to Rageblade in this patch.
So firstly, the "you can no longer critically strike" thing seems to have disappeared. Does that mean you can now buy rageblade and navorri together properly? Can Tryndamere now buy rageblade and still reduce his e cooldown with critical strikes? Secondly, there's no longer an explicit cap on the onhit damage. Now I would have expected that to be capped at 200 anyway, because as far as I understood, you can't get higher than 100% crit chance under any circumstances ever. BUT i saw a post on r/sennamains that was quite a detailed spreadsheet comparing infinity edge build damage to rageblaid build damage, and from what i could tell there, they were acting as if senna's overcapping crit actually counted as higher than 100 crit chance. Does Guinsoos now "see" crit chance levels of higher than 100%? [link] [comments] |
What are Zilean support’s weaknesses? Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:23 AM PST I played a game against a Jhin/Zilean lane as Senna and it seemed outrageous. If I even approached to auto attack, I'd get double nuke stunned, Jhin stunned, and I was dead. 100-0, stunlocked the whole time, beyond my auto attack range. So I took Zilean for a spin and it was indeed outrageous. I just lobbed bombs into their backline until one hit, then it was a guaranteed kill from there. Past level 6, if my ADC ever got in trouble, I pointed and clicked and bam - he's back up and walking away. What on earth are this champ's weaknesses? Why don't more people abuse this? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:18 PM PST How do you proxy farm in the top lane? What level is the best to proxy farm other than Singed and what other champs are good at proxy farming? Unusual but I am drawn to the idea of proxy farming, the concept seems very interesting, to farm the wave between enemy turrets for your minions to better crash into their turret. [link] [comments] |
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